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      時間:2024-09-10  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      Studies Week 1 Outline MDSB22 ? FMS Playlist, Track 1 ? Introductions ? Introduce ourselves ? Overview of the course and the syllabus Break ? Classroom Community Statement ? Engagement Form Instructions ? Engagement Reflection Instructions 2 FMS Playlist Track 1:

      “Rebel Girl” by Bikini Kill Week 1 Tasks Readings:

       No required readings

       (but) Read through the entire syllabus on your own sometime this week ? Suggested reading: Sarah Sharma, “Introduction: A Feminist Medium Is the Message.”

      Re-Understanding Media. Due: ? Engagement Response – week 1 (submit in class) ? Engagement Reflection 1 (start and in class, submit before Friday, Sept. 6, at 11:59pm) What is this course about? ? An introduction to the major topics, debates and issues in

      contemporary Feminist Media Studies ? How do we study and understand representations of gender, race and

      sexuality in various media?

       What roles can media play in challenging racial, gendered, sexual and

      economic violence?

       How can media technologies normalize or transform relations of

      oppression and exploitation in specific social and cultural contexts? Who am I? Contact Information Name:

      Dr. Sarah Jensen


      sarah.jensen@utoronto.ca Office:

      HW 416 Weekly Office Hours: Thursdays, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

      Tuesdays, 1:15 PM – 2:15 PM

      Remote office hours available upon request

      Introduce Yourself! What’s your name? a. On one side of the paper, write what the professor and the other students should call you

      during class discussions. If you want, you can include what pronouns we should use for

      you. b. On the other side of the paper, let us know how to say your name. Please write it out

      syllable-by-syllable and in a way that would help people pronounce it (e.g., include

      rhyming words, images, IPA)


      i. s + air + uh

      2 syllables. Bold indicates which syllable is stressed. “s” = hissing sound; “air” rhymes with stair and bear; “uh” is the sound you make when you don’t know

      something ii. ?s??? iii. In my email signature I also have a link to a recording of me pronouncing my name Introduce Yourself! Introduce yourself to each other in pairs or small groups by responding to the

      following prompts: 1. What’s your name/what should we call you? 2. Why did you enrol in Feminist Media Studies? 3. Think back at the media you’ve consumed over the past couple of weeks

      (i.e., social media posts, film, television, radio, music, comics, articles,

      concerts, etc.).

      a. In pairs/groups, write out any that were particularly memorable (and that you feel

      comfortable sharing) b. Do you think any could count as feminist media? Identify one thing and say where

      and how you encountered it, and then discuss why you think it does or doesn’t count

      as feminist media.

      Break Course Syllabus LSO245 Week 1 Open Quercus

      Go through sections Download syllabus

      Go through syllabus

      Take notes 10 Classroom Community Statement Classroom Community Statement: (generated collectively in class on September 5, 2024) ? As your professor, you can expect me to: Answers questions/offer guidance for the course; answer student questions in class so that other students

      can hear the answers; provide clear instructions for the course generally; provide clear guidelines and

      expectations for assignments; respond to emails ? Students in this course are expected to: Participate and be mentally present for class; attend class and contribute to discussion; follow university and

      course policies, incl. the academic integrity policy; limit distractions, esp. when peers are talking; try to

      understand course material and ask for help when you need it; be open to different perspectives and lenses;

      bring necessary materials to class; be on time ? Collectively, we can expect one another to: Respect each other by listening and responding to each other in group and class discussions; expect to

      have different points of view and work toward respecting other people’s contributions, even if you disagree;

      expect ppl to disagree and debate ideas in a productive way; help each other understand course materials;

      use appropriate names and pronouns for each other Engagement -

      Responses to weekly in-class prompts URL FMS 12 QR Code The link to the form – and the form

      itself – is only available during

      lecture. You need to use your UofT Microsoft

      account in order to access the weekly

      engagement forms. Engagement Reflections Engagement Reflections (8% total) Engagement Reflection 1 (Introduction) – due week 1 (Friday, Sept. 6) – worth 3% ? Answer 9 questions (on the next slide) ? 350-500 words ? This is a personal reflection based on your own thoughts, ideas shared during today’s

      class, and the course syllabus. No outside sources should be consulted or used for this


      Engagement Reflection 2 (midterm check-in) – due week 6 – worth 2% ? Answer a few questions to check in with your learning process about halfway through the


       About 250 words Engagement Reflection 3 (final) – due week 12 – worth 3% ? Answer approximately 10 questions to reflect back on the entire course and your experience

      in it ? About 400 words Engagement Reflection 1 Please respond to the following questions: 1. Name a. What’s your full name as it appears on the official enrollment information?

      b. During class discussions, what should the professor and the other students call you?

      c. (Optional) What pronouns should we use to refer to you? d. How do you pronounce your name? Please write it out syllable-by-syllable 2. Why did you enroll in Feminist Media Studies? 3. Think back at the media you’ve consumed over the past couple of weeks (i.e., social media posts, film, television, radio, music, comics, articles, concerts, etc.).

      a. In pairs/groups, write out any that were particularly memorable (and that you feel comfortable sharing) b. Do you think any of these could count as feminist media? Identify one thing and say where and how you encountered it, and then discuss why you think it

      does or doesn’t count as feminist media.

      4. What digital media platforms do you use fairly often (Instagram, Discord, WeChat, YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat, Whatsapp, etc.)? Why do you use these platforms?

      Do you post much, or do you mostly look at other posts? What do you like to follow? 5. What experience do you have with the topics of this course? 6. What do you want to get out of taking this course? 7. What would an ideal class meeting look like for you?

      8. What would be your ideal way to participate in class? What would you like from other students and/or the professor to feel comfortable participating in group

      discussions? 9. Finally, is there a particular feminist media studies issue you’re interested in? Is there a weekly topic or a reading from the syllabus that you’re looking forward to more

      than the others? Or is there a weekly topic or reading that you’re dreading more than the others?

      Next Week ? There are 3 assigned readings for next week

       Make sure you read Collins and Bilge (2020) at least once before lecture. We’ll

      definitely look at Niro’s photographs in class. If we have time, we’ll listen to some of the

      podcast together during class.

       Ask 3 people (people you know outside of this class) what they think “feminism”

      means. We’ll discuss what responses you receive in class next week.

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