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      時間:2024-05-15  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      CPT206 Computer Programming for Financial Mathematics:
      Coursework 3 Task Specifcation
      Thomas Selig
      Set: Monday, 6 May, 2024
      Due date: Sunday, 2 June, 2024, 23:59
      This is the specifcation task sheet for the Coursework 3 assessment component of your CPT206
      module. The task covers all Learning Outcomes, and has a weighting of 70% towards the fnal
      grade for this module. This assignment has two parts: a coding part described in Section 1, and
      a report described in Section 2. The submission deadline for this assignment is Sunday, 2 June,
      2024, at 23:59 (China-time). Detailed submission instructions are provided in Section 3.
      1 Program description (70 marks)
      The aim of this coursework is to build a system which manages investments in companies’ shares. All
      the work should be coded into a single Java NetBeans project, with the class structure and diferent
      functionalities of the program described below. All classes should be properly encapsulated, as seen
      in the Lectures and Labs throughout the semester. Your project should also contain a Controller
      class for testing. You may leave some or all of your test code in the Controller class if you wish
      when submitting, but no marks are allocated for this class’s contents in your submission. Instead
      you will be asked to describe your testing in the report (see Section 2.3), and marked on that.
      1.1 Market class (7 marks)
      The Market class represents the current companies that are on the market, that is whose shares
      can be traded (bought or sold). It therefore stores a collection of Company objects (see Section 1.2).
      Any company can only appear on the market at most once. The class should also have methods
      add() and remove() to add or remove a given company from the market, and contains() to check
      if a given company is on the market or not. There will only be one market in the program, so all
      members of the class should be static.
      1.2 Company class (25 marks)
      A Company object should store its (legal) name, a stability coeffcient (a percentage between 0
      and 100) indicating how stable its share prices are, and the history of its share prices. When a
      Company object is created, its initial share price is specifed (as well as the name and stability
      coeffcient). The history then consists of this initial share price. The Company class should have a
      method getCurrentSharePrice() which returns the current share price of the company (this will
      be the last share price in its history) and a method getInitialSharePrice() which returns the
      initial share price of the company (this will be the frst share price in its history). There should
      be methods to add or remove the company from the market, and to check if it is currently on the
      market. There should be a method updateSharePrice() to update the valuation of a company’s
      share price, according to the following formula:
      Sharenew = Sharelast (1 + (1 − stab) ∗ U),
      • Sharenew is the new current share price of the property (after update);
      • Sharelast is its old current share price (before update);
      • stab is the company’s stability coeffcient;
      • U is a uniform random variable on the interval [−1, 1].
      The new share price should then be added to the company’s history (as its last element).
      Finally, there should be a method getTrend(int movementNumber, int significance) to
      determine the trend of a company’s share value based on a number of recent movements. Given
      two share prices in a company’s history s1 and s2, the movement is simply the diference s2 −s1. A
      movement is consecutive if it is between two consecutive share prices in the company’s history. A
      movement is considered signifcant if the ratio |s2−s1|
      s1 is greater than or equal to the significance
      threshold. Otherwise it is insignifcant. Here, the integer significance represents a percentage,
      so the signifcance threshold should be the ratio significance / 100. The trend of the company
      is then calculated by looking at the last movementNumber consecutive movements as follows.
      • If strictly more than half of these are signifcant increases, and the share price has overall
      increased signifcantly over the whole period, then the trend is increasing.
      • If strictly more than half of these are signifcant decreases, and the share price has overall
      decreased signifcantly over the whole period, then the trend is decreasing.
      • If strictly more than half of these are insignifcant, and the share price movement over the
      whole period is also insignifcant, then the trend is stable.
      • Otherwise, the trend is uncertain. This includes the case where there is insuffcient data in
      the history.
      For example, suppose movementNumber = 3, and the last four values in a company’s share history
      are [100, 105, 97, 103], so that the last three consecutive movements are +5, −8, +6. The overall
      movement over this period is 103 − 100 = 3.
      • If the signifcance threshold is equal to 3% (or less), then the trend is increasing: the
      consecutive movements +5 and +6 both meet the signifcance threshold (this is a strict
      majority of them), as does the overall movement.
      • If the signifcance threshold is equal to 7% (or more), then the trend is stable: the consecutive
      movements +5 and +6 are both within the stability threshold, as is the overall movement.
      • If the signifcance threshold is equal to 5%, then the trend is uncertain: while there are two
      signifcant increases in the consecutive movements, the overall movement is too small to be
      • If the signifcance threshold is equal to 6%, then the trend is also uncertain: the consecutive
      movement +5 is insignifcant, −8 is a signifcant decrease, and +6 is a signifcant increase, so
      there is no majority of consecutive movement type.
      1.3 (Basic)Strategy class (12 marks)
      The investor will need to devise strategies determining when they should invest in a given company,
      and how many shares they should buy when doing so. The building block for this will be a Strategy
      interface, with a method invest(company) that takes as parameter a Company object, and returns
      the number of shares to invest in based on the company’s current performance in the market. The
      number returned is a signed integer, with a negative value indicating that the investor should sell
      shares in that company.
      The strategy should then be implemented through a BasicStrategy class. This class should
      store a maxTransaction variable, indicating how much they are willing to invest or divest in shares
      in a given transaction. It should also store variables movementNumber and significance. The
      implementation of the invest(company) method should frst calculate the company’s trend based
      on these two variables, and then decide how much to invest/divest as follows.
      • If the company’s trend is stable or uncertain, there is no investment to be made (the method
      should return 0).
      • If the company’s trend is increasing, the investor should buy shares. The number they buy
      is equal to the maximal value such that they spend no more than maxTransaction on the
      • If the company’s trend is decreasing, the investor should sell shares. As above, the number
      they sell is equal to the maximal value such that they receive no more than maxTransaction
      from the transaction.
      1.4 Investor class (16 marks)
      Finally, your project should have an Investor class, responsible for managing investment in the
      market (this could be an individual investor, or a company’s own investments in the market, for
      example). Each investor should have a collection of companies (on the market) they are interested in
      investing in. The investor should then associate to each of these a Strategy dictating how they will
      invest, and the number of shares in the company they currently own. By default, Investor objects
      are created with no companies of interest. They can also be created with a specifed collection of
      such companies together with their corresponding strategies, but no shares in any of the companies.
      The various functionalities of the class are as follows.
      • Investors can select a new company they are interested in, along with a specifed strategy for
      investing in that company (as above, initially they will have no shares in the company).
      • Investors can decide they are no longer interested in a particular company. In that case, they
      sell all the shares they currently own in that company, and it is removed from their collection
      of interested companies.
      • Otherwise, investment or divestment is entirely automatic, via an updateInvestment()
      method. This updates the share prices of all companies the investor is interested in. For
      each of these, the investor then runs the invest() method from the corresponding strategy,
      and chooses to buy or sell shares according to this method’s output. This will potentially
      modify the number of shares the investor currently holds in that company. Note that if the
      output of invest() would cause the investor to sell more shares in a company than they
      currently own, they should simply sell all of the owned shares.
      1.5 Code quality (10 marks)
      The remaining marks (10) will be awarded for the quality of your code, as covered throughout the
      semester in the Lectures and Labs.
      • Keep your code neat and tidy; make sure it is properly indented throughout.
      • Choose suitable names for variables and methods, respecting standard Java naming conventions.
      • Comment your code as needed.
      • Split your code into separate methods as appropriate; methods should not be too long.
      2 Report (30 marks)
      For this part of the assignment, you will write a report detailing how you designed, implemented,
      and tested the program described in Section 1. The report should be typed into e.g. a Word
      document, and submitted as a PDF (see Section 3 for more details). Where suitable in the report,
      you should refer to specifc lecture slides (or parts of Lab worksheets), e.g. “as seen in Lecture 10,
      slides **-34”.
      2.1 Collection choices (5 marks)
      In the project, there are a number of classes which will use elements from the Java collection
      framework. For example, the Market stores a collection of Company objects, while a Company stores
      its history of share prices. For each use of a Java collection in your program, you should state and
      justify here your choice of collection object. This section should be under one page in length.
      2.2 OOP features (10 marks)
      Over the course of the semester, you have learned a number of OOP features (e.g. encapsulation)
      and principles (e.g. single responsibility principle). In your report, you will explain where you
      have incorporated these in your design and how you have done so; include a brief defnition of
      the features/principles in question. Be as precise as possible, illustrating with small portions of
      code if necessary. Note that not all the features and principles we saw in the lectures need to be
      incorporated into your design; your report should only discuss those that are. This section should
      be one-and-a-half to two pages in length.
      Good example: The Single Responsibility Principle states that every class in the program
      should have responsibility over a single functionality of the program; a class should do one thing.
      This principle is incorporated into our class design: all the classes have their own, separate, purpose.
      For instance, the Company class1...
      Bad example: Encapsulation and inheritance are two core features of OOP; they are used in
      many parts in my program.
      2.3 Testing description (10 marks)
      As covered throughout the Lectures and Lab sessions in this module, testing is an essential part of
      writing computer programs. In your report, you will include a description of how you tested the
      1Give a brief description of the purpose of the Company class here.
      various parts of the program described in Section 1. You will state clearly what functionalities you
      tested, and describe how you tested them, thinking carefully about possible corner cases. You may
      include some sample code if you wish. You should test in the Controller class of your project,
      using only tools and techniques that we covered in the Lectures and Labs throughout the semester.
      You must NOT use any new or more advanced tools such as JUnit that weren’t taught. This
      section should be one-and-a-half to two pages in length (screenshots excluded).
      2.4 Model discussion (5 marks)
      In this part, you should critically discuss the chosen investment strategy in BasicStrategy. Is
      this a realistic model? What are some of its limitations? What would a more realistic strategy
      look like? You may include possible implementations of alternate strategies if you wish. This part
      should be no more than one page in length.
      3 Submission instructions
      In the dedicated “Coursework 3 submission” Assignment activity on the Learning Mall Online, you
      will need to submit the following two (2) documents.
      • A single ZIP archive of your entire NetBeans project. Include all the resources your
      project needs to run. This fle will be named “CPT206_CW3_Project_studentId.zip”.
      • Your report from Section 2, typed into e.g. a Word document, and converted into a PDF
      fle. This fle will be named “CPT206_CW3_Report_studentId.pdf”.
      The submission deadline is: Sunday, 26 May, 2024, at 23:59 (China-time).
      This assignment is individual work. Plagiarism (e.g. copying materials from other sources
      without proper acknowledgement) is a serious academic ofence. Plagiarism and collusion will not
      be tolerated and will be dealt with in accordance with the University Code of Practice on Academic
      Integrity. Submitting work created by others, whether paid for or not, is a serious ofence, and
      will be prosecuted vigorously. The use of generative AI for content generation is not permitted
      on this assignment. Such a use would be considered in breach of the University Code of Practice
      on Academic Integrity, and dealt with accordingly. Individual students may be invited to explain
      parts of their code in person during a dedicated interview session, and if they fail to demonstrate
      an understanding of the code, no credit will be given for that part of the code.
      Late submissions. The standard University policy on late submissions will apply: 5% of
      the total marks available for the component shall be deducted from the assessment mark for each
      working day after the submission date, up to a maximum of fve working days, so long as this does
      not reduce the mark below the pass mark (40%); submissions more than fve working days late will
      not be accepted.
      This is intended to be a challenging task, and quite a step up from what you have been doing
      so far, so think about things carefully. We can - and will - discuss some aspects in the Lab sessions,
      and of course, as usual, you can ask me anything by email, during Offce Hours, or in the LMO
      Forums. Good luck!
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