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      時間:2024-02-01  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      Web Development Technologies
      Summer Semester - 2024 Page 1 of 16
      COSC2276 / COSC2277 Assignment 2 Specification
      Deadline Monday, 29/01/2024 11:59pm AEST
      Mandatory face to face demo 30/01/2024 and 31/01/2024 (Bookings TBA)
      No face to face demo = No marks
      Total marks 40 marks
      % Allocated to this assignment 40%
      Assignment mode In a group of 2 OR individually
      To be submitted via Canvas
      2.1 IMPORTANT
      a. You MUST submit your code via Canvas. See section 2.9 Submission Procedure for
      more information.
      b. You will be marked on the use of GitHub and development process.
      • You must join the rmit-wdt-summer-2024 GitHub organisation using a
      GitHub account that has been registered with your RMIT student email
      • Using a personal GitHub repository and not being a part of the
      rmit-wdt-summer-2024 GitHub organisation will lead to ZERO for the
      whole assignment.
      • The GitHub repository for this assignment must be private and named as:
      <student-id>-a2 for example -a2
      If working in a group include all student IDs in the repository name as:
      <student-id>-<student-id>-a2 for example - -a2
      • Include the URL of your GitHub repository in the readme file. The URLs for
      the repositories shown in the examples above would be:
      https://github.com/rmit-wdt-summer-2024/  -a2
      https://github.com/rmit-wdt-summer-2024/  - -a2
      c. You MUST make a commit at the beginning of the assignment period. You must also
      commit on a regular basis and make use of branches. Branches must represent the
      implementation of specific features.
      d. All data must be saved to an Azure Microsoft SQL Server database. Using any other
      database or files to save data will lead to ZERO for the whole assignment.
      e. In an advanced elective like this we place importance on code quality and the
      development process.
      f. Do NOT MAKE ASSUMPTIONS regarding the specifications. When in doubt post
      a question on Canvas or email us.
      g. The marks will be weighted according to your contribution within the group.
      Please submit the contribution form.
      Web Development Technologies
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      2.2 PLAGIARISM
      All assignments will be checked with plagiarism-detection software; any student found to
      have plagiarised would be subject to disciplinary action. Plagiarism includes:
      • CONTRACT CHEATING: Paying someone to do your work.
      • Copying code from assessments completed by students from previous
      • Posting assignment questions (in full or partial) on external forums, reddit, etc…
      • Submitting work that is not your own or submitting text that is not your own.
      • Copying work from / of previous / current semester students.
      • Allowing others to copy your work via email, printouts, social media, etc…
      • Sending or passing your work to your friends.
      • Posting assignment questions on technical forums to get them solved.
      A disciplinary action can lead to:
      • A meeting with the disciplinary committee.
      • A score of zero for the assignment.
      • A permanent record of copying in your personal university records and / or
      • Expulsion from the university, in some severe cases.
      All plagiarism will be penalised. There are no exceptions and no excuses. You have been
      warned. For more details, please read RMIT’s page on Academic Integrity at:
      Web Development Technologies
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      2.3 Scope
      The aim of this assignment is to develop an ASP.NET Core MVC Website for Internet
      Banking with .NET 8.0 written in C# using Visual Studio 2022 with an Azure Microsoft
      SQL Server database. Database access is to be implemented with EF Core as the ORM with
      no SQL statements present.
      2.4 Overview
      MCBA (Most Common Bank of Australia) was impressed by the console application and
      wants you to design their Internet Banking website. It is a simulated banking application.
      When complete, the system will be able to:
      • Check account balance and transaction history.
      • Simulate transactions such as deposits and withdrawals.
      • Transfer money between accounts.
      • Schedule payments.
      • Modify a personal profile.
      • Perform administrative tasks.
      The following diagram depicts the logical architecture:

      II III
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      The architecture is a three-tiered distributed design.
      Layer I: User Interface (Presentation Layer): Will contain the VIEWS (web pages).
      Lorem Ipsum content is not allowed.
      Please add meaningful content and images to the pages.
      Layer II: Business Logic / Object Layer: All the functionality will be present in this layer.
      You can use CONTROLLERS or Business Objects for this purpose.
      Business Objects are separate files where pieces of usable functionality are written. Instead of
      writing all application logic in controllers, you can call methods defined in business objects.
      Layer III: Database / Data: This comprises of your Azure Microsoft SQL Server database.
      For database operations you MUST only use Entity Framework Core (EF Core). If your
      query cannot be expressed with EF Core syntax you may use embedded SQL queries within
      the ORM - however you must justify the use of any SQL in the readme file. Do not resort to
      using SQL unless necessary.
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      2.5 Database
      Below is a more detailed version of the database provided to you for Assignment 1. This design
      is only a suggestion, you can modify the database structure, for example changing or adding
      constraints, default values, tables, fields, etc… however an unnormalized database with
      duplicated data / not well-defined entities / too few tables will attract HEAVY penalty.
       1 *

      IMPORTANT NOTE: All format constraints must be enforced with server-side validation.
      Brief description of these tables follows →
      PK CustomerID
      PK LoginID

      PK AccountNumber

      PK BillPayID

      PK TransactionID

      PK PayeeID
      Web Development Technologies
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      Customer Table
      Field Name Data Type Length Description Format Allow Null
      CustomerID int A unique ID for
      each customer
      Must be 4
      NOT NULL
      Name nvarchar 50 NOT NULL
      TFN nvarchar 11 Tax File Number,
      this is just for
      purposes, no tax
      Must be of
      the format:
      Address nvarchar 50
      City nvarchar 40
      State nvarchar 3 Must be a 2
      or 3
      Postcode nvarchar 4 Must be 4
      Mobile nvarchar 12 Must be of
      the format:
      04XX XXX XXX
      Login Table
      Field Name Data Type Length Description Format Allow Null
      LoginID char 8 Must be 8
      NOT NULL
      CustomerID int FK to Customer NOT NULL
      PasswordHash char 94 Must be
      stored in
      salted and
      NOT NULL
      Web Development Technologies
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      Account Table
      Field Name Data Type Length Description Format Allow Null
      AccountNumber int A unique ID for
      each account,
      also the
      account number
      Must be 4
      NOT NULL
      AccountType char The type of
      account such as
      checking or
      savings account
      ‘C’ or ‘S’ NOT NULL
      CustomerID int FK to Customer NOT NULL
      Transaction Table
      Field Name Data Type Length Description Format Allow
      TransactionID int Autogenerated
      unique ID
      for each
      TransactionType char Type of
      Refer to
      Types below
      AccountNumber int Source
      FK to
      DestinationAccountNumber int Target
      used for
      FK to
      Amount money Amount to
      credit or
      debit for
      Must be a
      Comment nvarchar 30 Comment for
      TransactionTimeUtc datetime2 Date and
      time when
      Web Development Technologies
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      BillPay Table
      Field Name Data Type Length Description Format Allow
      BillPayID int Auto-generated
      unique ID
      AccountNumber int Account number
      to withdraw
      funds from,
      FK to Account
      PayeeID int FK to Payee NOT
      Amount money Amount of funds
      to be withdrawn
      from the
      Must be a
      ScheduleTimeUtc datetime2 Next scheduled
      date and time
      for transaction
      to occur
      Period char How often
      payment will
      One-off ‘O’
      Monthly ‘M’
      Payee Table
      Field Name Data Type Length Description Format Allow Null
      PayeeID int Auto-generated
      unique ID
      NOT NULL
      Name nvarchar 50 NOT NULL
      Address nvarchar 50 Payee’s address NOT NULL
      City nvarchar 40 NOT NULL
      State nvarchar 3 Must be a 2
      or 3
      NOT NULL
      Postcode nvarchar 4 Must be 4
      NOT NULL
      Phone nvarchar 14 Must be of
      the format:
      (0X) XXXX XXXX
      NOT NULL
      Web Development Technologies
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      Transaction Types
      D = Credit Deposit
      W = Debit Withdraw
      T = Debit Transfer from source account (outgoing transfer transaction)
      T = Credit Transfer to target account (incoming transfer transaction)
      S = Debit Service Charge
      B = Debit BillPay
      Customer table is used to store all the customer information. Distinguishes between bank
      customers and payees by creating a separate Payee table. Only the bank’s own customers will
      be held in the Customer table.
      Login table is used to store customer’s username and salted + hashed password allowing
      customers to login to the website.
      Account table is used to store all the information about the different accounts that a customer
      may have.
      Transactions table is used to track all credit and debit items. Each credit adds the amount to
      the account’s balance and each debit subtracts the amount from the account’s balance.
      BillPay table is used to schedule automatic payments to a third party such as a telephone bill,
      electricity bill, or a home mortgage company. You can schedule these payments to be made at
      a specific date and time as a one-off or monthly payment.
      2.6 Business Rules
      Refer to section 1.5 Business Rules within the Assignment 1 specification for the business
      NOTE: BillPay transactions do not incur a service charge.
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      2.7 Tasks and Marking Allocation
      Part 1: Internet Banking - Customer Website [23 marks]
      a) [3 marks] Using EF Core Code First approach create suitable Models and DbContext to
      represent the database schema. The migrations needed to generate the database schema must
      also be included within the project.
      b) [2 marks] Implement the pre-loading of data by making a REST call using HTTP GET to
      the provided customers web-service using the JSON returned to insert data into the database
      as appropriate. Generics should be used for the JSON deserialisation. The REST call should
      be implemented using the System.Net.Http.HttpClient class provided by .NET.
      NOTE: Contacting the customers web-service should only occur if the system has no
      customer data. If there are any customers present in the database, then the web-service should
      not be contacted.
      Customers Web-Service
      The TransactionTimeUtc format is:
      <day>/<month>/<year> <hour>:<minute>:<second> <AM or PM>
      When inserting customers and creating their accounts all the transactions from the web-service
      should be transaction type D (Deposit). Additionally, the account’s balance should be set to
      the sum of all the account’s associated transactions.
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      Refer to the Dealing_with_Passwords.pdf file for information on how to handle passwords
      and using the PasswordHash field.
      c) [6 marks] Create a login page (start page), which should have some introductory
      information about the bank and a form to login. Once logged in provide a logout link. You
      may use the customised logic for login and logout discussed during Day 6.
      Once logged in the user should be shown the balance for all their accounts. Each page must
      include a navigation bar which should provide links to the following features:
      Deposit || Withdraw || Transfer || My Statements || My Profile
      The UI layout and design is up to you. For example, you could have a separate page for
      Deposit, Withdraw and Transfer or reuse the same page for all these actions, etc…
      Implement the ATM (Deposit & Withdraw) and Transfer features. The user should be able to
      transfer money between their own accounts and to accounts of other users. The user should be
      able to enter a comment when performing a Deposit, Withdraw and Transfer transaction.
      When performing a Deposit, Withdraw or Transfer transaction the user should be presented
      with a confirmation page displaying the details of the transaction with an option to confirm
      or cancel the transaction.
      d) [3 marks] My Statements page allows the user to see the current balance for a specified
      account and list its transaction history. The transactions should be ordered by transaction time
      with the most recent transaction coming first and must be displayed in a paged manner,
      showing only 4 transactions at a time and allows the user to move to the next and previous
      pages as appropriate. The transactions should be displayed in a tabulated format with the first
      row displaying the headings for each column and all columns should be in alignment.
      The transaction ID, transaction type, account number, destination account number, amount,
      transaction time and comment fields should all be displayed. The transaction time should
      display both the date and time information with the date portion in the DD/MM/YYYY
      format and the time portion in the <hour>:<minute> <AM or PM> format, for example
      03/01/2024 07:00 AM.
      e) [2 marks] My Profile page displays the user’s customer information Name, TFN, Address,
      City, State, Postcode and Mobile in a read-only (non-editing) view. The user should be able to
      proceed to modify this information. The user should also be able to change their password
      independently from the customer information. Any updates made must be written back to the
      f) [3 marks] All format constraints (outlined in the table descriptions) must be enforced with
      server-side validation. The format constraints can also be enforced with client-side validation
      if desired, however server-side validation is mandatory.
      These format constraints should be implemented using appropriate data-annotations within
      the Models when possible.
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      g) [4 marks] Effective use of version control and Trello.
      Version control has the following guidelines:
      • Effective use of a GitHub repository that demonstrates your development practises.
      • Regular commits have been made throughout the development period.
      • Commit messages should be meaningful, the messages can be short provided they are
      • Branches are used to represent each feature you are implementing; you may break a
      feature into additional sub-components if desired.
      • Branches should be given meaningful names.
      • A minimum of 6 branches should be used in addition to the main branch.
      • All branches should be merged into the main branch when completed.
      • All branch commits must be checked and verified by your group members prior to
      merging back into the main branch. If working in a group create and use GitHub Pull
      Requests to perform the merging of a branch into the main branch.
      Trello has the following guidelines:
      • Document your development and thought process over time as you build features of
      the software.
      • The board should show the journey from the start of the project through to the end.
      • Include milestones and features on the board. You may also include design, proof-ofconcept, testing and bug-fixing tasks on the board if desired.
      • You are allowed to use online templates.
      • The board should show sufficient details to the marker.
      • Embed a minimum of 8 screenshots in your GitHub repository in a directory called
      Trello. The screenshots should be taken over time, for example adding a new
      screenshot every few days reflecting the project’s progress. The file name should
      include the date in year-month-day format, for example 2024-0**20.png. If multiple
      screenshots are taken on the same day, then include a timestamp using 24-hour format,
      for example 2024-0**20-1**30.png and 2024-0**20-16-30.png.
      Web Development Technologies
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      Part 2: BillPay, Payee and Scheduled Payments [5 marks]
      h) [5 marks] Add another link to the navigation bar called BillPay. This page shows the user
      their currently scheduled bills to be paid and includes a link to create a new entry. Additionally,
      there should be an option to cancel a scheduled bill.
      Once a bill is scheduled the payment should be automatically executed at the date and time
      scheduled by the user. The processing of scheduled payments must be persistent, meaning if
      the web server is stopped or restarted then the pending payments are not forgotten and are still
      processed. Any payments due to be paid should be processed immediately upon the web server
      starting. The bill paymentshould fail if the account has an insufficient balance. If failure occurs
      the error should be conveyed to the user on the BillPay page with options to deal with the
      error, for example cancel, retry, etc… how error handling is implemented, including storage
      and presentation is up to your own discretion.
      Postgraduate Students: Additional Task
      The following is an additional task for postgraduate students only.
      The scheduled payments must be implemented using a background scheduling library
      such as Hangfire (https://www.hangfire.io/).
      The scheduled payments implementation must be persistent. The background scheduling
      library used is up to your own discretion provided it is open-source and well supported.
      Web Development Technologies
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      Part 3: Internet Banking - Admin Web API and Admin Portal Website [6 marks]
      i) [3 marks] Create an ASP.NET Core Web API exposing endpoints to perform all backend
      and database operations required for the Admin Portal Website outlined below. All endpoints
      of this API should be well-documented by describing them with either method comments or
      readme file documentation. The API should be implemented using the Repository design
      For undergraduate students there is no requirement to include authentication or authorisation
      for the Web API.
      NOTE: The Admin Web API and Admin Portal Website can be contained within the same
      project if desired, although the recommendation is to use separate projects for each site.
      Postgraduate Students: Additional Task
      The following is an additional task for postgraduate students only.
      The Admin Web API must not be public and thus require an authentication token for a
      client to be authorised to consume the API. The type of authentication token used and
      how it is implemented is up to your own discretion.
      j) [3 marks] Create an Admin Portal Website implementing the features outlined below. This
      site must be independent from the Customer Website and thus must not be included within
      the Customer Website project.
      Admin username and password do not need to be stored within the database. After a successful
      login (username = admin, password = admin) the admin should be able to:
      1. Modify a customer’s profile details Name, TFN, Address, City, State, Postcode
      and Mobile.
      2. Lock and unlock a customer’s login. Once locked the customer should not be able
      to login to the Customer Website until unlocked by an admin.
      All the above features MUST use the Admin Web API to access the database. The pages
      should contain minimal logic / code beyond calling the API and processing the response.
      Web Development Technologies
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      NOTE: The following section of the assignment requires self-effort. You will need to take
      initiative and research to implement the following requirements.
      Part 4: Unit Testing [6 marks]
      k) [6 marks] Unit test all backend endpoints / classes, structs, records / methods, controllers,
      and actions. Methods and types should have various use-cases / edge-cases / error-cases
      covered if they take in parameters or have context / state involved. The BillPay background
      processing code for both one-off and monthly scheduled payments should also be unit tested.
      The unit tests must support being executed with the dotnet test command and should adhere
      to the AAA (Arrange, Act, Assert) pattern testing convention:
      • The Arrange section of a unit test method initialises objects and sets the value of the
      data that is passed to the method being tested.
      • The Act section invokes the method being tested with the arranged state and
      • The Assert section verifies that the action of the method being tested behaves as
      NOTE: Please read this online resource:
      NOTE: Multiple cycles of arrange-act-assert can be present within a single unit test if desired.
      The unit test naming convention is up to your own discretion.
      Code should not be duplicated between tests when possible. For example, if multiple tests are
      implemented as Facts that have the same code duplicated with only different test data, then
      these Facts should be refactored into a Theory with input data supplied using InlineData.
      All projects must be covered by unit testing. Significant coverage is required to achieve full
      marks in this section.
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      2.8 Coding Standards
      • Read the C# coding standard from the following website:
      • Remember that there are too many to be followed, implementing 6 to 10 of the
      standards will be a job well done.
      • Do not force yourself to implement every object-oriented feature that you have learnt,
      use the features wisely and if needed.
      2.9 Submission Procedure
      Each submission must include a readme file containing your full name, student ID, URL to
      your GitHub repository, document your application, and any other relevant information. If you
      are working in a group, then please mention the details of all the group members. The readme
      file should ideally be named Readme.md and be contained within the root of your repository.
      Upload the solution / project, readme, and contribution form (if working in a group) as a single
      zip file to Canvas.
      NOTE: You can include the contribution form within the repository if desired.
      2.10 Late Submissions and Extension-Related Information
      A penalty of 10% per day of the total marks for the assignment will apply for each day a
      submission is late, including both weekdays and the weekend. After 5 days, you will receive
      zero marks for the assignment. Email the course lecturer matthew.bolger2@rmit.edu.au for
      extension related queries.
      2.11 Use of ChatGPT
      Generative AI tools such as ChatGPT should be approached with caution. The AI is basically
      re-packaging text that somebody else has written. (We will discuss the issue in class, both in
      terms of academic standards and because the technology will be important in your careers.)
      Keep it simple and only submit work which you did yourself. Please ask if you have any
      questions or are not sure about anything.
      For more details concerning referencing anything found via ChatGPT, kindly read:

      如有需要,請加QQ:99515681 或WX:codehelp

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