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      DDES9903 代做、代寫 java/Python 編程設計

      時間:2024-06-23  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      Assessment 1 Brief: Digital

      Walkthrough for Linear Story

      DDES9**3 | Narrative and Sensemaking in Immersive Environments

      Assessment Task 1: Digital Walkthrough for Linear Story

      WEIGHT 40%



      DUE DATE Week 5 Friday 11:55 pm AEST

      SUBMISSION What to Submit

      REQUIREMENTS An electronic PDF containing a design report of 1000 words (maximum) + a functional

      interactive storyboard (a WebGL folder of your digital walkthrough)

      Where to Submit

      Moodle Submission Portal

      The final submission will be checked for originality through Turnitin when you submit.

      Penalties may apply for late submission as indicated in the course outline.


      The techniques of storytelling have evolved over thousands of years. While they may differ slightly in different

      cultures, humanity has used them in literature and theatre since ancient times. In our field of Immersive Design, we

      benefit greatly from understanding these traditional techniques. A challenge (and opportunity) that we have is

      integrating these traditional techniques with the new tools we have at our disposal.

      Assessment Description

      You are asked to demonstrate your understanding of traditional western story structures and the successful use

      of immersive design to convey a linear story. Use immersive design elements to portray:

      1. Exposition

      2. Complication/rise/tension building

      3. Climax and resolution/denouement.

      Start with a very small foundation story (8-12 sentences) that uses the story structures discussed in class. This

      may be a re-mixed version of pre-existing content or an original creation. You can then use this as a basis for an

      “digital walkthrough” in which you use immersive design elements to convey each part of your story.

      “Digital Walkthrough” in this context is a very low fidelity prototype that conveys your story with enough detail to

      give a viewer a coherent understanding of your story design. A viewer should be able to independently interact with

      your walkthrough and clearly see your design intentions to convey each part of your story. However, the prototype

      does not necessarily need to be fully functional.

      You must also include a short design report specifying and explaining your design choices. Did you encounter any

      difficulties during the process? What was your solution? You are required to support your design choices with

      class materials and/or articles.

      DDES9**3 Narrative and Sensemaking in Immersive Environments | Assessment 1 Brief 1

      Assessment 1 Brief: Digital

      Walkthrough for Linear Story

      DDES9**3 | Narrative and Sensemaking in Immersive Environments

      Assessment 1 Criteria: Digital Walkthrough for Linear Story

      Criteria & Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction

      Weighting (<50) (50 – 64) (65 – 74) (75 – 84) (85 – 100)

      Story Structure Demonstrates poor Demonstrates basic Demonstrates highly Demonstrates Demonstrates

      understanding of functional functional considered sophisticated

      60% traditional story understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of

      structures. Story traditional story traditional story traditional story traditional story

      structure has multiple structures. Story structures. Story structures. Story structures. Story

      missing stages, or the structure has a structure has all major structure is highly structure is highly

      majority of stages missing stage, or some stages and is coherent, with coherent, with some

      require more stages require greater adequately articulated. appropriate use of all innovative use of some

      articulation. articulation. major stages. major stages.

      Execution Demonstrates Demonstrates basic Demonstrates some Demonstrates well Demonstrates

      incoherent use of use of multimodal, considered use of considered use of sophisticated use of

      40% multimodal, spatial, spatial, and enacted multimodal, spatial, multimodal, spatial, multimodal, spatial

      and enacted elements elements to convey and enacted elements and enacted elements and enacted elements

      to convey linear linear narrative. to convey linear to convey linear to convey linear

      narrative. Demonstrates basic narrative. narrative. narrative.

      Demonstrates little functional Demonstrates highly Demonstrates well Demonstrates

      understanding of understanding of functional considered sophisticated

      existing theory to existing theory to understanding of understanding of understanding of

      justify usage of said justify usage of said existing theory to existing theory to existing theory to

      elements. elements. justify usage of said justify usage of said justify usage of said

      elements. elements. elements.

      DDES9**3 Narrative and Sensemaking in Immersive Environments | Assessment 1 Brief 2

      請加QQ:99515681  郵箱:99515681@qq.com   WX:codinghelp


    1. 上一篇:COMP9727 代做、代寫 Java/Python 程序語言
    2. 下一篇:代寫Malloc Lab: Writing a Dynamic Storage Allocator
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