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      時間:2024-04-30  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      FIT5046 – Mobile and Distributed Computing Systems
      Assessment 3 - Android App Development and Demo (40%)
      Moodle Submission Deadline: Friday 10 May 2024, 11:55 PM (Week 10)
      The assignment is worth 40% of the total mark for this unit.
      The assignment is a group assignment:
      Each group must have 3 to 4 members.
       All group members should be the same from Assessment 1.
      The assignment is a group assignment. Each group can have 3 to 4 members. The group
      members should be the same group members from Assignment 2.
      Learning outcomes: this assessment supports unit learning outcomes 1, 2 and 3.
       LO1: identify and describe different approaches and methods for building distributed
      and mobile computing systems;
       LO2: evaluate several models and approaches and select suitable mobile computing
      solution to a particular case;
       LO3: propose and develop a mobile or distributed system that is appropriate to a
      problem domain.
      In this assignment you will develop an Android app based on your proposed components,
      functionalities, and main screens proposed in Assignment 1.
      You can must create this app in Kotlin and using Jetpack Compose.
      For the implementation and demo, you must use the emulator (not a real device).
      Assignment marking
      The assignment will be marked based on the marking guide and rubric (uploaded on Moodle).
      The marks allocated for all the tasks in this assignment will add up to 100 marks (worth 40% of
      the total mark).
      FIT5046 (Mobile and Distributed
      Computing Systems)
      The group mark is 60% that will be based on the final app, considering completion of features,
      full functionality and other criteria mentioned in the marking guide.
      The individual mark is 40% and will be determined based on the interview results, considering
      promptness, correctness and level of understanding regarding the written code, Android
      concepts implemented, the application logic, and connections/links between different parts
      of the code and application.
      Interviews are compulsory for each group member and will be held in the labs in Week 11 and
      Submission requirements
      This assignment requires submitting a zip file (details below).
      Please use this file name: FIT5046Assign3-[studentSurnname]-[studentId]-[tutorSurname].zip
      The final submission (the zip file) must contain:
      1. Android project (containing all the folders and files)
      2. A demo video file (5 minutes) to show all the screens, navigation and how the app
      works. For the demo, you must use the emulator.
      3. A short report that provides:
      o A table listing all the functionalities of the Android app compared to the ones
      proposed in Assignment 1 and their status: fully implemented, partially
      implemented, not implemented.
      o A list of new and additional features that were not proposed in Assignment 1 (if
      o Screenshots of all the main screens with a title to understand their purposes. For
      some functionalities, you need to provide multiple screens to capture each
      status/mode, e.g. a search screen and its result screen, or an empty form and
      a completed form, and after submission.
      4. A task allocation form - This will be based on Assignment 1 but you could make
      changes in this version.
      Code similarity check
      This assignment will be submitted to the similarity detection system that is trained to find
      similarities in the programming code.
      Late Submission:
      There will be 10% penalty per day.
      Academic Integrity Rules
      Please note: Generative AI tools are not restricted for this assessment task BUT a combination
      of the following should be provided to acknowledge the use of generative AI in academic
       Written acknowledgment of the use of generative artificial intelligence and its extent;
       Descriptions of how the information was generated (including the prompts used); and
       Citing and referencing using closest source types in the style being used
      When marking assessments, if unauthorised use of generative AI is suspected
      or unacknowledged work is discovered, it will be managed as an allegation of academic
      misconduct in accordance with existing disciplinary processes.
      An example from the above website:
      請加QQ:99515681  郵箱:99515681@qq.com   WX:codinghelp


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