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      TCS3393 DATA MINING代做、代寫Python/Java編程

      時間:2024-03-24  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      GROUP ASSIGNMENT [2-3 members per group]
      This assignment is worth 25% of the overall marks available for this module. This assignment
      aims to help the student explore and analyse a set of data and reconstruct it into meaningful
      representations for decision-making.
      The online landscape is ever-evolving, with websites serving as crucial assets for businesses,
      organizations, and individuals. As the internet continues to grow, the need for accurate and
      efficient website classification becomes paramount. Understanding the nature of websites, their
      content, and the user experience they provide is vital for various purposes, including online
      security, marketing strategies, and content filtering.
      Embarking on a data science project, you collaborate with a cybersecurity firm dedicated to
      enhancing web security measures. The firm provides you with a rich dataset encompassing
      various attributes of websites, including their URLs, user comments, and assigned categories.
      Your objective is to develop a classification model capable of accurately categorizing websites
      based on these variables.
      The dataset includes information on the URLs of different websites, user comments associated
      with those websites, and pre-existing categories assigned to them. The challenge lies in creating
      a model that not only accurately classifies websites but also adapts to the dynamic nature of the
      online environment, where new types of websites constantly emerge.
      Your goal is to implement advanced data analysis techniques to train a model that enhances the
      efficiency of web classification.
      The techniques used to explore the dataset using various data exploration, manipulation,
      transformation, and visualization techniques are covered in the course. As an additional feature,
      you must explore further concepts which can improve the retrieval effects. The datasetprovided
      for this assignment is related to the website classification.
      This dataset contains information on 1407 websites URL. It includes 3 variables that describe
      various categories of websites. The dataset will be analyzed using subsets of these variables for
      descriptive and quantitative analyses, depending on the specific models used.
      Develop a classification model to categorize websitesusing advanced data science techniques.The
      model should robustly classify the website based on comments stated in the dataset.
      1. Data Exploration:
      • Conduct an initial exploration of the dataset to understand its structure, size, and
      • Examine the distribution of website categories to identify any imbalances in the
      • Explore the distribution of URLs and user comments length to gain insights into the
      Assignment Task: Websites Classification
      2. Descriptive Analysis:
      A. Basic Exploration:
      • Describe the structure of the dataset. How many observations and variables
      does it contain?
      • What are the data types of the variables in the dataset?
      B. Statistical Summary:
      • Provide a statistical summary of the 'Category' variable. What are the most
      common website categories?
      • Calculate basic descriptive statistics (mean, median, standard deviation) for
      relevant numeric variables.
      C. URL Analysis:
      • Analyze the distribution of website URLs. Are there any patterns or
      • Are there any outlier URLs that need special attention?
      3. Data Preprocessing:
      A. Cleaning Text Data:
      • Explore the 'cleaned_website_text' variable. What preprocessing steps would
      you take to clean text data for analysis?
      • Implement text cleaning techniques and explain their importance in preparing
      data for text-based analysis.
      B. Handling Missing Values:
      • Identify if there are any missing values in the dataset. Propose strategies for
      handling missing values, specifically in the 'cleaned_website_text' column.
      4. Visualization:
      A. Category Distribution Visualization:
      • Create a bar chart or pie chart to visually represent the distribution of website
      • How does the visualization help in understanding the balance or imbalance of
      the dataset?
      B. Text Data Visualization:
      • Generate word clouds or frequency plots for the 'cleaned_website_text'
      variable. What insights can be gained from these visualizations?
      5. Model Development
      A. Data Mining Analysis:
      • Split the dataset into training and testing sets for model evaluation.
      • Implement various machine learning algorithms for classification, such as logistic
      regression, decision trees, or random forests.
      B. Training and Evaluation
      • Evaluate the performance of each model using metrics like accuracy, precision, recall,
      and F**score.
      • Discuss the challenges and considerations specific to evaluating a model for website
      6. Advanced Techniques:
      i. Feature Engineering:
      • Propose additional features that could enhance the model's performance.
      How might these features capture more nuanced information about websites?
      ii.Dynamic Nature of Websites:
      • Given the dynamic nature of the online environment, how could the model
      adapt to newly emerging website types? Discuss strategies for model
      7. Create Dashboard, Report and Conclusions:
      • Summarize the findings, including insights gained from exploratory data analysis and
      the performance of the classification model.
      • How interpretable is the chosen model? Can you explain the decision-making process
      of the model in the context of website classification?
      • Provide recommendations for further improvements or considerations in the dynamic
      landscape of web classification.
      • Reflect on the challenges encountered during the analysis. What potential
      improvements or future work would you recommend to enhance the model's
      This assignment allows students to apply knowledge of data exploration, preprocessing, data
      modelling, and model building to solve a real-world problem in the business domain. It also
      encourages them to explore additional concepts for improving model performance.
      • The complete Python program (source code (ipynb)) and report must be submitted to
      • Python Script (Program Code):
      o Name the file under your name and SUKD number.
      o Start the first two lines in your program by typing your name and SUKD
      number. For example:
      # Nor Anis Sulaiman
      o For each question, give an ID and explain what you want to discover. For example:
      a. Explore the distribution of website categories in the dataset. Are there any specific
      categories that are more prevalent than others?
      b. Visualize the distribution of URL lengths and user comments lengths. Are there patterns
      or outliers that could be informative for the classification model?
      c. What steps would you take to clean and preprocess the URLs and user comments for
      effective analysis?
      d. How might you handle any missing values in the dataset, and what impact could they
      have on the classification model?
      e. Provide descriptive statistics for key variables such as URL lengths and user comments
      lengths. What insights can be derived from these statistics?
      f. Explore potential additional features that could enhance the model's ability to classify
      websites accurately.
      g. How might the inclusion of features derived from URLs or user comments contribute
      to the overall model performance?
      h. Choose a classification algorithm suitable for website classification. Explain your
      i. Implement the chosen algorithm using Python and relevant libraries. What
      considerations should be taken into account during the model implementation phase?
      j. Split the dataset into training and testing sets. How would you assess the performance
      of the model using metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F**score?
      k. Discuss potential challenges in evaluating the model's effectiveness and generalization
      to new websites.
      l. Create visualizations to interpret the model's predictions and showcase its classification
      As part of the assessment, you must submit the project report in printed and softcopy form,
      which should have the following format:
      A) Cover Page:
      All reports must be prepared with a front cover. A protective transparent plastic sheet can be
      placed in front of the report to protect the front cover. The front cover should be presented with
      the following details:
      o Module
      o Coursework Title
      o Intake
      o Student name and ID
      o Date Assigned (the date the report was handed out).
      o Date Completed (the date the report is due to be handed in).
      B) Contents:
      • Introduction and assumptions (if any)
      • Data import / Cleaning / pre-processing / transformation
      • Each question must start in a separate page and contains:
      o Analysis Techniques - data exploration / manipulation / visualization
      o Screenshot of source code with the explanation.
      o Screenshot of output/plot with the explanation.
      o Outline the findings based on the results obtained.
      • The extra feature explanation must be on a separate page and contain:
      Documents: Coursework Report
      o Screenshot of source code with the explanation.
      o Screenshot of output/plot with the explanation.
      o Explain how adding this extra feature can improve the results.
      C) Conclusion
      • Depth and breadth of analysis
      • Quality and depth of feedback on the analysis process
      • Reflection on learning and areas for improvement
      D) References
      • The font size used in the report must be 12pt, and the font is Times New Roman. Full
      source code is not allowed to be included in the report. The report must be typed and
      clearly printed.
      • You may source algorithms and information from the Internet or books. Proper
      referencing of the resources should be evident in the document.
      • All references must be made using the APA (American Psychological Association)
      referencing style as shown below:
      o The theory was first propounded in 1970 (Larsen, A.E. 1971), but since then has
      been refuted; M.K. Larsen (1983) is among those most energetic in their
      o /**Following source code obtained from (Danang, S.N. 2002)*/
      int noshape=2;
      • A list of references at the end of your document or source code must be specified in the
      following format:
      Larsen, A.E. 1971, A Guide to the Aquatic Science Literature, McGraw-Hill, London.
      Larsen, M.K. 1983, British Medical Journal [Online], Available from
      http://libinfor.ume.maine.edu/acquatic.htm (Accessed 19 November 1995)
      Danang, S.N., 2002, Finding Similar Images [Online], The Code Project, *Available
      from http://www.codeproject.com/bitmap/cbir.asp, [Accessed 14th *September 2006]
      Further information on other types of citation is available in Petrie, A., 2003, UWE
      Library Services Study Skills: How to reference [online], England, University of
      請加QQ:99515681  郵箱:99515681@qq.com   WX:codehelp 

    1. 上一篇:ECM1410代做、代寫java編程設計
    2. 下一篇:代做CS 550、代寫c++,Java編程語言
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