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      代寫ecs36c 有向圖程序

      時間:2023-11-29  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯


      Homework Spec
      In this homework, you will write one data structure Directed Graph, and then build two
      algorithms Breath First Search (BFS) and Depth First Search (DFS) on the graph.
      You will implement Graph first and then implement BFS and DFS and their related
      In reality, a adjacent list does not require order, so a better way to implement them
      is to use unordered_map and unordered_set (or just dynamic array). In this
      homework assignment, we keep the order for easier testing.
      The reason to keep a Map<NodeValue, Node> is to utilize the textbook pseudocode
      and definition that modifies the fields of the node. In reality we can just use some
      array or unordered_set to keep track of which vertices are visited instead of
      changing its color.
      You will be graded only on the same (hidden) test cases your TAs created.
      We provided some tests cases in ./tests. Feel free to modify and add more test cases,
      but the ./tests in your submission will not be graded. However, you will be able to see the
      results for your submitted test cases on Gradescope.
      DirectedGraph implementation - 30%
      BFS function - 35%
      DFS function - 35%
      NOTE: If you are running out of time to implement all methods (or just want to see
      the project can be compiled), please at least provide a syntactically valid empty
      method definition for each method in lib/*.cpp .
       2 - ecs36c/hw4: Graph, BFS, Shortest Path, DFS, and Topological Sort
      Check the definition for GraphNode in lib/GraphNode.hpp.
      Check the definition for Graph in lib/Graph.hpp.
      Create test cases in tests/TestGraph.cpp.
      NOTE When updating the edges or vertices, both _adjList and _vertices should be
      Breath First Search
      Implement std::vector<T> BFS(T start); defined in lib/Graph.hpp.
      For the queue used in BFS , please use C++ standard library by #include 
      <queue> .
      Implement int shortestPath(T start, T end) defined in lib/Graph.hpp.
      You can assume BFS is never called before calling shortestPath .
      Create test cases in tests/TestBFS.cpp.
      For formal definitions, please refer to textbook 20.2.
      We provide the example graph (Figure 20.3) in test/TestBFS.cpp for you to test your
      Depth First Search
      Implement std::vector<T> DFS(); defined in lib/Graph.hpp.
      Create test cases in tests/TestDFS.cpp.
      For formal definitions, please refer to textbook 20.3.
      We provide the example graph (Figure 20.4) in test/TestDFS.cpp for you to test your
      You can implement void DFS_visit(const T &u, int &time, std::list<T> 
      &record); to help add the Node.value to a record vector.
      Use ./generate_submission.sh and submit hw4-submission.zip on Gradescope.
      Use one of the following options to set up your environment.
      README.md2023/11/25 2 - ecs36c/hw4: Graph, BFS, Shortest Path, DFS, and Topological Sort
       If you're a student, DO NOT FORK this repository because you cannot change
      the visibility of a forked repo to private. If you plan to use Git for version control
      (which is encouraged), run rm -rf .git && git init (or change remote) after
      setting up using one of the options below and push to your private repository. Any
      public repository containing part of this homework solution will be reported to SJA.
      Option 1: VS Code with Local Dev Container
      If Docker is not running, start Docker.
      Click the following button to set up the environment. LLooccaall DDeevv CCoonnttaaiinneerr Setup
      When asked for selecting a Kit to configure CMake, choose GCC.
      Option 2: VS Code with Remote Dev
      Connect VS Code to the remote host.
      Install C/C++ Extension Pack on Remote Server (if not already).
      Run the following command inside the integrated terminal.
      git clone 
      Run code ./ecs36c-hw4 to open the folder.
      When prompted to configure CMake, confirm and choose GCC when prompted for
      kit selection

      請加QQ:99515681 或郵箱:99515681@qq.com   WX:codehelp

    1. 上一篇:CSCC43代做、R設計編程代寫
    2. 下一篇:代做EF5070、代寫c/c++編程設計
    3. 無相關信息

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