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      代做 ELEE10023、代寫 java/Python 編程
      代做 ELEE10023、代寫 java/Python 編程

      時間:2025-02-24  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯


      School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh

      Course Description

      Aim: The course aims to produce students who are capable of developing hardware-software

      digital systems from high level functional specifications and prototyping them on to FPGA

      hardware using a standard hardware description language and software programming language.

      Pre-requisites: Digital Systems Laboratory 3 (ELEE09018) or Digital Systems Laboratory A

      (PGEE10017) or equivalent in other schools and outside institutions (see below). Engineering

      Software 3 or equivalent is advisable but not necessary.

      Co-requisites: Undergraduate students must take Digital System Design 4 (ELEE10007)

      Prohibited Combinations: None

      Visiting Students Pre-requisites: Digital design using Verilog, and embedded system


      Keywords: Embedded Digital System Design, Embedded Processor Programming, Verilog,

      Data path and Control Path design, Hardware-Software Co-design

      Default Course Mode of Study: Lab only, 10 weekly 3-hr lab sessions

      Default Delivery Period: Semester 2, starting in Week 2.

      Learning Outcomes:

      1. Knowledge and understanding of:

      I. Data paths and Control paths and number of ways of designing them;

      II. Instruction-set based control path design;

      III. Control and data path integration;

      IV. Capture the design of hardware-software digital systems in a standard hardware

      description language;

      2. Intellectual

      I. Ability to use and choose between different techniques for digital system design

      and capture;

      II. Ability to evaluate implementation results (e.g. speed, area, power) and correlate

      them with the corresponding high level design and capture;

      3. Practical

      I. Ability to use a commercial digital system development tool suite to develop

      hardware-software digital systems and prototype them on to FPGA hardware;


      Lab Content, What You Are Required To Do

      You are required to develop a microprocessor-based system on FPGA with a demo application,

      written in software running on the microprocessor, which controls toy race-cars remotely.

      Students will be split into groups of two students each to tackle this problem. The final system

      will allow a user to simulate controlling cars remotely using a mouse, a VGA screen, and the

      BASYS 3 FPGA board as illustrated in the figure below.

      Figure 1. Proposed System for FPGA-Based Remote Car Control

      A user will be able to hover a mouse pointer over a VGA screen with the position of the mouse

      pointer on screen commanding the movement of the remote car as illustrated in the following



      Figure 2. Car movement (command) depending on mouse pointer position

      The FPGA-based system will consist of a simple microprocessor, a VGA interface, and a mouse

      interface, in addition to other peripherals which will be detailed later on this document. An

      Infra-Red (IR) Transmitter interface can be added (As A Bonus) to control a toy car. Each team

      member will first develop one of the following peripherals, individually: VGA interface, or

      mouse interface. The whole group will then collaborate to develop the microprocessor at the

      heart of the proposed system with all necessary peripherals, as well as the complete demo


      Assessment: The lab will be assessed during lab sessions through a number of checkpoints. The

      overall lab mark will be split into individual (60%) and group components (40%) for both

      undergraduate and postgraduate students. All students are encouraged to keep a lab book.

      Verification: To support remote working, a verification environment will be provided for each

      interface. Details will be provided on Learn.

      Assessment: The individual component will consist of two checkpoints:

      1. First individual assessment in Week 5, when every team member will be assessed on the

      particular peripheral interface they developed i.e. mouse driver or VGA interface. Code

      should be uploaded to Learn prior to the timetabled laboratory in Week 5 for assessment.

      This will account for 25% of the overall lab mark.

      2. Second individual assessment in Week 8, when every team member will demonstrate a

      working microprocessor + peripheral demo software application. For instance, the team

      member in charge of mouse driver development will present a demo software

      application running on the microprocessor with the mouse peripheral. Similarly, the

      team member in charge of VGA interface development will present a demo software

      application running on the microprocessor with the VGA interface peripheral. The

      specification of the individual demo software application will be specified later on this


      document. This second individual assessment will account for 35% of the overall lab

      mark. Note that while this assessment is individual, it requires prior design of the same

      microprocessor architecture by all team members. Code should be uploaded to Learn

      prior to the timetabled laboratory in Week 8 for assessment.

      3. The final assessment will be a group assessment in Week 11, where the entire team will

      demonstrate the complete demo software application running on the complete

      microprocessor-based system on the BASYS 3 board. There will be an element of peer

      assessment in this final group based assignment where individuals will be asked to

      evaluate the individual performance of colleagues within the group. More details of this

      process will be given nearer the time of assessment. Again all design files should be

      uploaded to Learn prior to the start of the scheduled laboratory.

      Details of the university semester structure can be found on the university web pages. Note that

      the week between weeks 5 and 6 is usually an unnumbered week, Flexible Learning Week.

      The remainder of this document will present the detailed specification of each component of

      the proposed system. The details of the assessment components will also be presented where



      1. PS/2 Mouse Driver

      The USB connector on the BASYS 3 board can accommodate a USB mouse. Internally, the

      signals are converted to PS/2-like signals via a microcontroller as discussed on page 7 and 8 of

      the BASYS 3 reference manual. Hence, all we need do is implement a driver for a PS/2 mouse

      as the USB connector could be seen as just a wrapper which has already been implemented.

      The PIC24 drives several signals into the FPGA – two are used to implement a standard PS/2

      interface for communication with a mouse or keyboard (see figure 3 below).

      Figure 3: USB Host signals to PS/2 signal conversion

      PS/2 devices use a two-wire serial bus (clock and data) to communicate with a host device

      Communication is bidirectional and performed in packets of 11-bit words, with each word

      containing a start, stop and odd parity bit. The following describes the PS/2 mouse protocol in

      detail (NB. the PS/2 keyboard protocol can be found in the BASYS 3 user manual if you are

      interested in developing a keyboard interface but this is not required in this lab).

      The mouse device only outputs a clock and data signal when it is moved. Otherwise, the clock

      and data lines remain at logic high (i.e. ‘1’). Open-Collector drivers are usually used to drive

      the two-wire bus between the mouse and host.

      The device can send data to the host only when both data and clock lines are high. Because the

      host is the bus master, the device must check whether the host is sending data before driving

      the bus. The clock line is used for this purpose as a “clear to send” signal; if the host pulls the

      clock line low, the device must not send any data until the clock is released.

      Communication is performed in 11-bit words, where each word consists of a ‘0’ start bit,

      followed by 8 bits of data (LSB first), followed by an odd parity bit (i.e. a bit that is set to ‘1’ if

      the number of 1’s in the 8 bits of data is even, and ‘0’ otherwise), and terminated with a ‘1’ stop

      bit. The odd-parity bit is used for error detection.

      Data sent from a PS/2 device to a host is read on the falling edge of the clock signal, whereas

      data sent from a host to a PS/2 device is read on the rising edge of the clock signal. The

      following figure shows PS/2 signal timing for a device to host communication. Note the timing

      requirements which must be strictly adhered to. The clock frequency, for instance, must lie

      between 10 and 16.7 KHz.


      Figure 3. PS/2 Device to Host Signal Timing

      The following figure shows PS/2 signal timing for a host to device communication. The host

      brings the clock line low first, for at least 100μs. It then brings the data line low and releases

      the clock line. The host then waits for the PS/2 device to bring the clock line low. After that, it

      sets or resets the data line with the first data bit, and waits for the device to bring clock line

      high. It then waits for the device to bring the clock line low before it sets/rests the data line

      with the second data bit. This process is repeated until all eight data bits are sent as well as the

      odd-parity bit. Next, the host releases the data line, and waits for the device to bring the data

      line low, and then the clock line low. Finally, the host waits for the device to release data and

      clock lines.

      Figure 4. Host to PS/2 Device Signal Timing

      Now that we have seen the low level PS/2 protocol, let us look at the high level host-mouse

      communication. At power-up, a typical host-mouse communication consists of the following


      1) The host sends a Reset Command (consisting of byte “FF”) to the mouse,

      2) The mouse responds with an Acknowledgement byte “FA”,

      3) The mouse then goes through a self-test process and sends “AA” when this is passed. Then

      a mouse ID byte “00” is sent to the host, after which the host knows that the mouse is

      functioning well and ready to transmit data,

      4) The host sends byte “F4” to instruct the mouse to “Start Transmitting” its position


      5) The mouse acknowledges the “Start Transmitting” command by sending byte “FA” back

      to the host**,

      6) After this, the mouse starts transmitting its position information in the form of 3 bytes at a

      sample rate that can be set by the host (the default is 100Hz)


      **Note however that in the Basys3 FPGA board, probably due to the USB to PS/2

      conversion, F4 instead of FA is returned, and parity test fails. Hence in state 8 of

      MasterStateSM module, the acknowledgement code have been changed to F4, and parity

      check skipped.

      Thus, each data transmission from the mouse to the host after initialisation consists of 33 bits,

      where bits 1 (first bit), 12, and 23 are ‘0’ start bits; bits 10, 21, and 32 are Odd-Parity bits; and

      bits 11, 22, and 33 are ‘1’ stop bits. The three-byte data fields contain status and movement data

      as shown in the figure below.

      Byte 1: Status Byte L R 0 1 XS

      YS XV YV

      Byte 2: X Direction Byte X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8

      Byte 3: Y Direction Byte Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8

      Figure 5. Mouse Data Format

      The mouse reports a relative coordinate system whereby a move to the right generates a positive

      number in the X Direction Byte field, and a move to the left generates a negative number in this

      field. Similarly, a move upwards generates a positive number in the Y Direction Byte field, and

      a move downwards generates a negative number. Note that the X and Y Direction Bytes

      represent the magnitude of the rate of mouse movement, the larger the number the faster the

      mouse is moving. Bits XS and YS in the Status Byte are the sign bits, whereby a ‘1’ indicates a

      negative number, whereas XV and YV bits are movement overflow indicators, whereby a ‘1’

      means overflow has occurred. The L and R fields in the Status Byte indicate that the left and

      right button have been pressed, respectively (‘1’ indicates the button has been pressed).

      What you are required to do

      You are required to design an FPGA PS/2 mouse interface and implement it on the BASYS 3

      board. The clock line is physically connected to pin “C17” of the Artix7 FPGA chip, and the

      data line is physically connected to pin “B17” of the chip.

      Note that in connecting these pins in the XDC file, pull up need to be set true by using the

      additional comment of the form: set_property PULLUP true [get_ports PS2_CLK] after the PS/2

      clock and PS/2 Data ports.

      The FPGA mouse interface can be built from three modules: a “Transmitter” module, a

      “Receiver” module and a “State Machine” module to control the FPGA-Mouse communication,

      as shown in Figure 6.



      Byte_Read Receiver



      PS2 Clock Line


      Machine Byte_To_Send


      PS2 Data Line



      Transm itter


      Figure 6. Mouse Interface: Simplified Block Diagram

      The following shows Verilog code fragments for the “Receiver” module:

      module MouseReceiver(

      //Standard Inputs

      input RESET,

      input CLK,

      //Mouse IO - CLK

      input CLK_MOUSE_IN,

      //Mouse IO - DATA

      input DATA_MOUSE_IN,


      input READ_ENABLE,

      output [7:0] BYTE_READ,

      output [1:0] BYTE_ERROR_CODE,

      output BYTE_READY


      /* Fill in the code */



      The following shows Verilog code fragments for the “Transmitter” module:

      module MouseTransmitter(

      //Standard Inputs

      input RESET,

      input CLK,

      //Mouse IO - CLK

      input CLK_MOUSE_IN,

      output CLK_MOUSE_OUT_EN, // Allows for the control of the Clock line

      //Mouse IO - DATA

      input DATA_MOUSE_IN, output DATA_MOUSE_OUT,

      output DATA_MOUSE_OUT_EN,


      input SEND_BYTE,

      input [7:0] BYTE_TO_SEND,

      output BYTE_SENT


      /* Fill in the code */



      The following shows Verilog code fragments for the Master State Machine module:

      module MouseMasterSM(

      input CLK,

      input RESET,

      //Transmitter Control

      output SEND_BYTE,

      output [7:0] BYTE_TO_SEND,

      input BYTE_SENT,

      //Receiver Control

      output READ_ENABLE,

      input [7:0] BYTE_READ,

      input [1:0]

      BYTE_ERROR_CODE, input


      //Data Registers

      output [7:0] MOUSE_DX,

      output [7:0] MOUSE_DY,

      output [7:0] MOUSE_STATUS,

      output SEND_INTERRUPT


      /* Fill in the code */



      Finally, the above three blocks should be connected in a “Mouse Transceiver” module as

      suggested in the code fragments below:

      Module MouseTransceiver(

      //Standard Inputs

      input RESET,

      input CLK,

      //IO - Mouse side

      inout CLK_MOUSE,

      inout DATA_MOUSE,

      // Mouse data information

      output [3:0] MouseStatus,

      output [7:0] MouseX,

      output [7:0] MouseY );

      // X, Y Limits of Mouse Position e.g. VGA Screen with 160 x 120 resolution

      parameter [7:0] MouseLimitX = 160; parameter [7:0]

      MouseLimitY = 120;

      /* Fill in the code */



      Note how we deal with bidirectional ports (inout’s) needed here as the Data line and the

      Clock line are both written to and read from. In general, to make use of an inout port

      “Port_Inout_Example”, you need to create an internal wire (“Port_Inout_Example_In”) with

      the value of the “Port_Inout_Example” port assigned to it. This can be used internally as an

      input to user logic when the port is in input mode. To write data to the port, we create an enable

      signal “Port_Inout_Example_Enable” which when set causes the output port to take the value

      of an internal signal “Port_Inout_Example_Out” from user logic. Otherwise, the inout port is

      set to high impedance. The following show Verilog code snippets to the above effect.

      wire Port_Inout_Example_In;

      assign Port_Inout_Example_In = Port_Inout_Example;

      // Use Port_Inout_Example_In as an input to your logic

      …. ….

      // Internal signal Port_Inout_Example_Out can be assigned to the inout port if an enable

      // signal (Port_Inout_Example_Enable) is set

      assign Port_Inout_Example = ( Port_Inout_Example_Enable ? Port_Inout_Example_Out : 1’bZ);


      You will need to complete the mouse interface code based on the above, synthesise and verify

      your code with test benches, generate an FPGA bitstream and test on the BASYS 3 board. The

      team member in charge of this peripheral development will be tested in Week 5. This individual

      assessment will account for 25% of your overall lab mark. During the test, you will need to

      demonstrate a functioning mouse interface on the BASYS 3 board through plugging a USB

      mouse to the board, and showing the various mouse register values (Status Byte, X Direction

      Byte, and Y Direction Byte) displayed on the LEDs and seven segment displays of the BASYS

      3 board as the mouse is moved around. You will be supplied with the Verilog description of a

      seven segment display interface (SevenSeg). A specification of the latter can also be found in

      the Digital System Laboratory 3/A material. During the assessment, you will need to be able to

      take the assessor through your code answering any possible query about your design choices,

      coding style, etc. Your code will have been uploaded to Learn prior to the start of the laboratory



      2. VGA Interface

      In order to display video onto a monitor screen, we will make use of the VGA port available on

      the BASYS 3 board. The latter uses 14 signals (carried by 14 FPGA pins, see Figure on page

      11 of the BASYS 3 Reference Manual) with 12-bit colour and two synchronisation signals (HS

      – Horizontal Sync, and VS – Vertical Sync). HS and VS allow the monitor to align the incoming

      colour signals such that individual pixels on the screen are coloured correctly. Colours are

      derived by a combination of the three primary colours: red, blue and green. Four bits are used

      for each colour (given 16 possible levels of each colour).

      However, it is possible to use only 8 of the 12-bit colours, especially for compatibility with an

      8 bit bus processor architecture. In this configuration, three bits are used for Red and Green

      (giving 8 possible levels of each colour) and two bits are used for Blue (giving four possible

      levels only, as the human eye is less sensitive to blue than it is to red and green). You could

      either chose to implement an 8-bit colour (connecting only the 3 LSBs of Red and Green, and

      2 LSBs of Blue), or implement the full 12 bits colour but you will have to send the colour

      information twice on an 8-bit bus. In this description, we target the 8-bit configuration.

      You are required to develop an FPGA-based VGA driver which generates the necessary VGA

      signals (8 bit colour information and 2 synchronisation signals) to a VGA monitor using a frame

      buffer that holds frame pixel values. Pages 11- 14 of the manual give details of the VGA

      standard, providing much of the specification for this module - read it carefully. The following

      will take you through a suggested design of the VGA driver.

      What you are required to do

      VGA provides a resolution of 640 x 480 pixels (horizontal x vertical). A VGA driver could be

      built from two modules as shown in the following figure:

      - “Frame_Buffer”: A dual ported memory module which can be written to by an outside

      module e.g. a microprocessor, and read from by the “VGA_Sig_Gen” module (see

      Figure 7 below) for VGA display

      - “VGA_Sig_Gen”: VGA signal generator module, which reads consecutive pixel colours

      in raster pattern, from the “Frame_Buffer” module, and outputs the VGA signals through

      the proper FPGA pins


      Pixel_Data_I n Ad dr_X 8 7 Addr_Y

      Write_Enabl e

      Frame_Buffe r

      Pixel_Data_Ou t Addr_X 8 7 Addr_Y

      Config_Colours[15: 0]

      VGA_Sig_Ge n

      VGA_Colou 8r HS VS

      Figure 7. VGA Interface

      Unfortunately, the FPGA chip on the BASYS 3 board does not have enough memory resources

      to store a full VGA frame with 8-bit pixels (i.e. 640 x 480 x 8 bits memory). In fact, few FPGA

      chips on the market can hold complete frames on-chip. Instead, off-chip memory (e.g. SDRAM)

      is often used to implement the frame buffer. The BASYS 3 board, however, does not have such

      external memory resource, which means that FPGA logic must be used to hold frame buffer

      data. To solve this problem, we can use a reduced colour resolution as well as a reduced pixel

      resolution to minimise memory storage requirements. In our suggested design, we will reduce

      the screen resolution by 4 in each direction i.e. each 4x4 pixel region on the screen would be

      represented by one single data element on the frame buffer, hence the above wordlength of the

      X and Y addresses in Figure 7 (i.e. 8 and 7 bits respectively instead of 10 and 9 bits for the 640

      x 480 VGA resolution). We also reduce the colour resolution from 256 possible colours to just

      two colours (foreground and background) hence 1 bit data is sufficient for the colour

      information. A dual ported 256 x 128 1-bit memory should then be large enough to hold the

      whole frame buffer, which could be easily stored on the Artix-7 chip. Note that in the proposed

      code below, the foreground and background colours can be set by an external module e.g. a

      microprocessor, through input Config_Colour[15:0] (see Figure 7 above) which represents 2 x

      8 bits of data for two possible 8-bit colours.


      The following shows possible Verilog code for the Frame_Buffer module:

      module Frame_Buffer( ///

      Port A - Read/Write

      input A_CLK,

      input [14:0] A_ADDR, // 8 + 7 bits = 15 bits hence [14:0]

      input A_DATA_IN, // Pixel Data In

      output reg A_DATA_OUT,

      input A_WE, // Write Enable

      //Port B - Read Only

      input B_CLK,

      input [14:0] B_ADDR, // Pixel Data Out

      output reg B_DATA


      // A 256 x 128 1-bit memory to hold frame data

      //The LSBs of the address correspond to the X axis, and the MSBs to the Y axis

      /* Fill in the code */



      The following shows Verilog code fragments for the VGA_Sig_Gen module:

      module VGA_Sig_Gen(

      input CLK,

      //Colour Configuration Interface

      input [15:0] CONFIG_COLOURS,

      // Frame Buffer (Dual Port memory) Interface

      output DPR_CLK,

      output [14:0] VGA_ADDR,

      input VGA_DATA,

      //VGA Port Interface

      output reg VGA_HS,

      output reg VGA_VS,

      output [7:0] VGA_COLOUR


      //change the clock to 25MHz to drive the VGA display


      Define VGA signal parameters e.g. Horizontal and Vertical display time, pulse widths, front and back porch

      widths etc.


      // Use the following signal parameters

      parameter HTs = 800; // Total Horizontal Sync Pulse Time

      parameter HTpw = 96; // Horizontal Pulse Width Time

      parameter HTDisp = 640; // Horizontal Display Time

      parameter Hbp = 48; // Horizontal Back Porch Time

      parameter Hfp = 16; // Horizontal Front Porch Time

      parameter VTs = 521; // Total Vertical Sync Pulse Time

      parameter VTpw = 2; // Vertical Pulse Width Time

      parameter VTDisp = 480; // Vertical Display Time

      parameter Vbp = 29; // Vertical Back Porch Time

      parameter Vfp = 10; // Vertical Front Porch Time

      /* Fill in the code */


      Note that the VGA standard was designed for CRT monitors, and hence it is important to be

      aware of the timing of the original system, even if we are using a digital display. It should also

      be noted that in addition to the HS and VS timing definitions within the reference manual, the

      8-bit colour signal needs to be set to 8'h00 (zero) whilst not during the display time.

      You will need to complete your code based on the above, synthesise and verify your code with

      test benches, generate an FPGA bitstream and test on the BASYS 3 board. Test the above driver

      block by packaging it within a top level module that generates frame buffer and colour

      configuration data, and outputs the VGA signals to the proper FPGA pins. Display the following

      chequered image on the VGA display, changing colours every one second.


      1 VGA Buffer Element,

      equivalent to a 4x4 VGA

      Pixel Area on screen

      Figure 8. Chequered image to be displayed on the VGA screen


      The team member in charge of this peripheral development will be tested on Week 5. This

      individual assessment will account for 25% of your overall lab mark. During the test, you will

      need to demonstrate a functioning VGA interface on the BASYS 3 board through plugging a

      VGA monitor to the BASYS 3 board, and showing the above chequered image, changing

      colours every one second. You will need to take the assessor through your code answering any

      possible query about your design choices, coding style, etc. Your code will have been uploaded

      to Learn prior to the start of the laboratory session.


      3. Microprocessor-based System for Remote Car Control

      The following figure gives a block diagram of the overall FPGA-based system for remote car

      control. At its heart is a microprocessor which will be the master of an 8-bit bus to which various

      peripherals (slaves) will be connected.

      Figure 9. Microprocessor-based system block architecture

      The following presents the memory mapping of the peripherals on the microprocessor’s data

      address bus.

      Peripheral Base Address High Address

      IR Transmitter 0x90 0x90

      Mouse 0xA0 0xA2

      VGA 0xB0 0xB2

      LEDs 0xC0 0xC0

      SevenSeg 0xD0 0xD1

      Timer 0xF0 0xF3

      Table 1. Peripheral Memory Address Mapping

      Note that the proposed microprocessor has a Harvard architecture which means that the

      instruction memory and data memory are distinct with separate address and data busses for each

      of them. Parallel accesses to both instructions and program data can thus be made, resulting in

      higher performance compared to Von-Neumann processors where instructions and data are

      stored on the same memory.


      In our architecture, the data memory consists of 128 bytes and is mapped to the

      microprocessor’s address space as follow:

      Base Address High Address

      Data Memory

      0x00 0x7F

      Table 2. Data Memory Address Mapping

      Note that in advanced microprocessor systems, data memory is given its own high speed local

      bus, with a separate peripheral bus for relatively slower devices. In our case, data memory

      shares the same bus as the peripherals since high performance is not a major concern for us in

      this lab.

      The following presents a suggested Verilog design of the data memory:

      module RAM(

      //standard signals

      input CLK,

      //BUS signals

      inout [7:0] BUS_DATA,

      input [7:0] BUS_ADDR,

      input BUS_WE


      parameter RAMBaseAddr = 0;

      parameter RAMAddrWidth = 7; // 128 x 8-bits memory


      wire [7:0] BufferedBusData;

      reg [7:0] Out;

      reg RAMBusWE;

      //Only place data on the bus if the processor is NOT writing, and it is addressing this memory assign

      BUS_DATA = (RAMBusWE) ? Out : 8'hZZ; assign BufferedBusData = BUS_DATA;


      reg [7:0] Mem [2**RAMAddrWidth-1:0];

      // Initialise the memory for data preloading, initialising variables, and declaring constants

      initial $readmemh("Complete_Demo_RAM.txt", Mem);

      //single port ram always@(posedge CLK)


      // Brute-force RAM address decoding. Think of a simpler way...

      if((BUS_ADDR >= RAMBaseAddr) & (BUS_ADDR < RAMBaseAddr + 128)) begin

      if(BUS_WE) begin

      Mem[BUS_ADDR[6:0]] <= BufferedBusData;

      RAMBusWE <= 1'b0; end else

      RAMBusWE <= 1'b1; end else

      RAMBusWE <= 1'b0;

      Out <= Mem[BUS_ADDR[6:0]];




      The instruction memory has its own data and address bus, hence no decoding is necessary. In

      fact, this is a point to point connection. The following presents a suggested Verilog design of

      the instruction memory, which consists of 256 bytes and is read-only (ROM).

      module ROM(

      //standard signals

      input CLK,

      //BUS signals

      output reg [7:0] DATA,

      input [7:0] ADDR


      parameter RAMAddrWidth = 8;


      reg [7:0] ROM [2**RAMAddrWidth-1:0];

      // Load program

      initial $readmemh("Complete_Demo_ROM.txt", ROM);

      //single port ram

      always@(posedge CLK)

      DATA <= ROM[ADDR];


      3.1 Interrupts

      In our system architecture presented in Figure 9 above, interrupts come from two possible

      sources: 1) the mouse, when it is moved or clicked, and 2) the timer, which outputs an interrupt

      signal every one second. In general, an interrupt is an asynchronous signal from hardware

      indicating the need for attention, or a synchronous event in software indicating the need for a

      change in execution. Multiple hardware interrupts can be ORed or serviced through an interrupt

      controller which acts as another bus peripheral whose task is to service interrupts before they

      are sent to the microprocessor. This includes dealing with priorities for instance. In this lab,

      interrupts will be served on a “first-come first-served” basis. If two interrupts arrive at exactly

      the same time, the mouse interrupt will be dealt with first.

      When an interrupt request is received by the microprocessor, the current program execution is

      suspended after the execution of the current instruction. The context information is then saved

      so that execution can return to the current program after interrupt servicing. In the case of our

      microprocessor, the context consists in the address of the next instruction to be executed by the

      interrupted process. After context saving, execution is transferred to an interrupt handler to

      service the interrupt. The start (or base) address of the interrupt handler’s service routine is

      usually predefined, for each interrupt line, in a particular memory address. In our case, the

      memory address where the base address of the mouse interrupt handler’s service routine is

      stored is “FF”, whereas that of the timer is “FE”. This means that whenever a mouse interrupt

      is received, for instance, the microprocessor fetches the base address of the mouse interrupt

      handler’s service routine to be executed from address “FF”. In other words, the content of


      address “FF” will be the address of the first instruction to be executed by the interrupt handler’s

      service routine.

      The following gives you a possible Verilog code to implement the Timer peripheral.

      Code for the seven segment display peripheral has already been given to you as part of the

      mouse interface module (you would need to wrap your existing peripheral codes with bus

      interfaces though), while the LEDs peripheral is straightforward to implement.

      The seven segment display should show the VGA Screen region that the mouse hovers

      over: F for Forward, B for Backward, R for Right, L for Left, F R for Forward Right, F L

      for Forward Left, B R for Backward Right, B L for Backward Left, and I for Idle.


      module Timer(

      //standard signals

      input CLK,

      input RESET,

      //BUS signals

      inout [7:0] BUS_DATA,

      input [7:0] BUS_ADDR,

      input BUS_WE,




      parameter [7:0] TimerBaseAddr = 8'hF0; // Timer Base Address in the Memory Map

      parameter InitialIterruptRate = 100; // Default interrupt rate leading to 1 interrupt every 100 ms

      parameter InitialIterruptEnable = 1'b1; // By default the Interrupt is Enabled


      //BaseAddr + 0 -> reports current timer value

      //BaseAddr + 1 -> Address of a timer interrupt interval register, 100 ms by default

      //BaseAddr + 2 -> Resets the timer, restart counting from zero

      //BaseAddr + 3 -> Address of an interrupt Enable register, allows the microprocessor to disable

      // the timer

      //This module will raise an interrupt flag when the designated time is up. It will

      //automatically set the time of the next interrupt to the time of the last interrupt plus

      //a configurable value (in milliseconds).

      //Interrupt Rate Configuration - The Rate is initialised to 100 by the parameter above, but can

      //also be set by the processor by writing to mem address BaseAddr + 1; reg [7:0]

      InterruptRate; always@(posedge CLK) begin


      InterruptRate <= InitialIterruptRate;

      else if((BUS_ADDR == TimerBaseAddr + 8'h01) & BUS_WE)

      InterruptRate <= BUS_DATA;


      //Interrupt Enable Configuration - If this is not set to 1, no interrupts will be


      reg InterruptEnable; always@(posedge CLK)



      InterruptEnable <= InitialIterruptEnable;

      else if((BUS_ADDR == TimerBaseAddr + 8'h03) & BUS_WE)

      InterruptEnable <= BUS_DATA[0];


      //First we must lower the clock speed from 50MHz to 1 KHz (1ms period) reg

      [31:0] DownCounter; always@(posedge CLK) begin if(RESET)

      DownCounter <= 0;

      else begin

      if(DownCounter == 32'd49999)

      DownCounter <= 0;


      DownCounter <= DownCounter + 1'b1;



      //Now we can record the last time an interrupt was sent, and add a value to it to determine if it is

      // time to raise the interrupt.

      // But first, let us generate the 1ms counter (Timer)


      reg [31:0] Timer; always@(posedge CLK) begin

      if(RESET | (BUS_ADDR == TimerBaseAddr + 8'h02))

      Timer <= 0; else begin

      if((DownCounter == 0)) Timer <=

      Timer + 1'b1; else

      Timer <= Timer; end


      //Interrupt generation reg TargetReached; reg [31:0]

      LastTime; always@(posedge CLK) begin if(RESET)


      TargetReached <= 1'b0;

      LastTime <= 0;

      end else if((LastTime + InterruptRate) == Timer) begin


      TargetReached <= 1'b1;

      LastTime <= Timer;

      end else

      TargetReached <= 1'b0;


      //Broadcast the Interrupt reg Interrupt;

      always@(posedge CLK) begin


      Interrupt <= 1'b0; else

      if(TargetReached) Interrupt <= 1'b1;

      else if(BUS_INTERRUPT_ACK) Interrupt <= 1'b0;


      assign BUS_INTERRUPT_RAISE = Interrupt;

      //Tristate output for interrupt timer output value

      reg TransmitTimerValue; always@(posedge CLK) begin

      if(BUS_ADDR == TimerBaseAddr)

      TransmitTimerValue <= 1'b1;


      TransmitTimerValue <= 1'b0; end

      assign BUS_DATA = (TransmitTimerValue) ? Timer[7:0] : 8'hZZ;



      3.2 Microprocessor architecture

      The microprocessor that you are required to design is an 8-bit processor with a load-store

      architecture whereby two internal registers (A and B) are used to hold operands and operation

      results. Central to the processor is an Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) which can perform the

      following operations:

      - Add two operands A, B

      - Subtract two operands A, B

      - Multiply two operands A, B

      - Left shift operand A (by one bit)

      - Right shift operand A (by one bit)

      - Increment operand A

      - Increment operand B

      - Decrement operand A

      - Decrement operand B

      - Check if two operands A, B are equal (output 0x01 if that’s the case, otherwise 0x00)

      - Check if A>B (output 0x01 if that’s the case, otherwise 0x00)

      - Check if A

      An operation code of four bits dictates which of these operations is performed (see Figure 10


      A B



      Figure 10. Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)


      A possible Verilog code to implement the above ALU is given to you below.

      module ALU(

      //standard signals

      input CLK,

      input RESET,


      input [7:0] IN_A, input

      [7:0] IN_B, input

      [3:0] ALU_Op_Code, output [7:0]



      reg [7:0] Out;

      //Arithmetic Computation

      always@(posedge CLK) begin


      Out <= 0;

      else begin

      case (ALU_Op_Code)

      //Maths Operations

      //Add A + B

      4'h0: Out <= IN_A + IN_B;

      //Subtract A - B

      4'h1: Out <= IN_A - IN_B;

      //Multiply A * B

      4'h2: Out <= IN_A * IN_B;

      //Shift Left A << 1

      4'h3: Out <= IN_A << 1;

      //Shift Right A >> 1

      4'h4: Out <= IN_A >> 1;

      //Increment A+1

      4'h5: Out <= IN_A + 1'b1;

      //Increment B+1

      4'h6: Out <= IN_B + 1'b1;

      //Decrement A-1

      4'h7: Out <= IN_A - 1'b1;

      //Decrement B-1

      4'h8: Out <= IN_B - 1'b1;

      // In/Equality Operations

      //A == B

      4'h9: Out <= (IN_A == IN_B) ? 8'h01 : 8'h00;

      //A > B

      4'hA: Out <= (IN_A > IN_B) ? 8'h01 : 8'h00;

      //A < B

      4'hB: Out <= (IN_A < IN_B) ? 8'h01 : 8'h00;

      //Default A

      default: Out <= IN_A;




      assign OUT_RESULT = Out;



      The microprocessor has 6 types of instructions overall:

      1. Read from memory to Register A or B

      2. Write to memory from Register A or B

      3. Do an ALU operation and save the result in register A or B

      4. Jump operations: conditional jump depending on whether register A’s content is

      equal, greater than or less than register B’s content, or unconditional jump to a

      particular address.

      5. Function call and return

      6. Dereference Register A or B

      Different instructions have different word lengths, but they are always issued in consecutive

      bytes. The following table presents the instruction set architecture in more detail.


      Table 3. Microprocessor’s Instruction Set

      Such a small instruction set with direct hardware support for its implementation is referred to

      as a RISC architecture (RISC = Reduced Instruction Set Computing), as opposed to CISC

      architecture (CISC = Complex Instruction Set Computing) whereby the instruction set is large

      and complex with further microcode translation needed for complex instruction execution.

      RISC architectures are dominant nowadays as they are simpler and faster in hardware.

      The proposed microprocessor’s behaviour is essentially a state machine, with one sequential

      pipeline of states for each operation as shown in the following figure.




      Operation Code GOTO_IDLE

      Read_From Read_From_ Do_Maths_Op_ Do_Maths_Op_ Dereference Dereference

      _Mem_To_A Mem_To_B Save_In_A Save_In_B _A _B

      Figure 11. Microprocessor’s state machine


      Based on the above, the following shows suggested Verilog code fragments for the

      microprocessor’s behaviour:

      module Processor(

      //Standard Signals

      input CLK,

      input RESET,

      //BUS Signals

      inout [7:0] BUS_DATA,

      output [7:0] BUS_ADDR,

      output BUS_WE,

      // ROM signals

      output [7:0] ROM_ADDRESS,

      input [7:0] ROM_DATA,

      // INTERRUPT signals

      input [1:0] BUS_INTERRUPTS_RAISE,

      output [1:0] BUS_INTERRUPTS_ACK


      //The main data bus is treated as tristate, so we need a mechanism to handle this.

      //Tristate signals that interface with the main state machine

      wire [7:0] BusDataIn;

      reg [7:0] CurrBusDataOut, NextBusDataOut;

      reg CurrBusDataOutWE, NextBusDataOutWE;

      //Tristate Mechanism

      assign BusDataIn = BUS_DATA;

      assign BUS_DATA = CurrBusDataOutWE ? CurrBusDataOut : 8'hZZ;

      assign BUS_WE = CurrBusDataOutWE;

      //Address of the bus

      reg [7:0] CurrBusAddr, NextBusAddr;

      assign BUS_ADDR = CurrBusAddr;

      //The processor has two internal registers to hold data between operations, and a third to hold

      //the current program context when using function calls.

      reg [7:0] CurrRegA, NextRegA;

      reg [7:0] CurrRegB, NextRegB;

      reg CurrRegSelect, NextRegSelect;

      reg [7:0] CurrProgContext, NextProgContext;

      //Dedicated Interrupt output lines - one for each interrupt line

      reg [1:0] CurrInterruptAck, NextInterruptAck;

      assign BUS_INTERRUPTS_ACK = CurrInterruptAck;

      //Instantiate program memory here

      //There is a program counter which points to the current operation. The program counter

      //has an offset that is used to reference information that is part of the current operation

      reg [7:0] CurrProgCounter, NextProgCounter;

      reg [1:0] CurrProgCounterOffset, NextProgCounterOffset;

      wire [7:0] ProgMemoryOut;

      wire [7:0] ActualAddress;

      assign ActualAddress = CurrProgCounter + CurrProgCounterOffset;

      // ROM signals

      assign ROM_ADDRESS = ActualAddress;

      assign ProgMemoryOut = ROM_DATA;


      //Instantiate the ALU

      //The processor has an integrated ALU that can do several different operations

      wire [7:0] AluOut;

      ALU ALU0(

      //standard signals









      //The microprocessor is essentially a state machine, with one sequential pipeline

      //of states for each operation.

      //The current list of operations is:

      // 0: Read from memory to A

      // 1: Read from memory to B

      // 2: Write to memory from A

      // 3: Write to memory from B

      // 4: Do maths with the ALU, and save result in reg A

      // 5: Do maths with the ALU, and save result in reg B

      // 6: if A (== or < or > B) GoTo ADDR

      // 7: Goto ADDR

      // 8: Go to IDLE

      // 9: End thread, goto idle state and wait for interrupt.

      // 10: Function call

      // 11: Return from function call

      // 12: Dereference A

      //13: Dereference B

      parameter [7:0] //Program thread selection

      IDLE = 8'hF0, //Waits here until an interrupt wakes up the processor.

      GET_THREAD_START_ADDR_0 = 8'hF1, //Wait.

      GET_THREAD_START_ADDR_1 = 8'hF2, //Apply the new address to the program counter.

      GET_THREAD_START_ADDR_2 = 8'hF3, //Wait. Goto ChooseOp.

      //Operation selection


      //Depending on the value of ProgMemOut, goto one of the instruction start states.

      CHOOSE_OPP = 8'h00,

      //Data Flow

      READ_FROM_MEM_TO_A = 8'h10, //Wait to find what address to read, save reg select.

      READ_FROM_MEM_TO_B = 8'h11, //Wait to find what address to read, save reg select.

      READ_FROM_MEM_0 = 8'h12, //Set BUS_ADDR to designated address.

      READ_FROM_MEM_1 = 8'h13, //wait - Increments program counter by 2. Reset offset.

      READ_FROM_MEM_2 = 8'h14, //Writes memory output to chosen register, end op.

      WRITE_TO_MEM_FROM_A = 8'h20, //Reads Op+1 to find what address to Write to.

      WRITE_TO_MEM_FROM_B = 8'h21, //Reads Op+1 to find what address to Write to.

      WRITE_TO_MEM_0 = 8'h22, //wait - Increments program counter by 2. Reset offset.

      //Data Manipulation

      DO_MATHS_OPP_SAVE_IN_A = 8'h30, //The result of maths op. is available, save it to Reg A.

      DO_MATHS_OPP_SAVE_IN_B = 8'h31, //The result of maths op. is available, save it to Reg B.

      DO_MATHS_OPP_0 = 8'h32, //wait for new op address to settle. end op.


      Complete the above parameter list for In/Equality, Goto Address, Goto Idle, function start, Return from

      function, and Dereference operations.





      //Sequential part of the State Machine.

      reg [7:0] CurrState, NextState;

      always@(posedge CLK) begin

      if(RESET) begin

      CurrState = 8'h00;

      CurrProgCounter = 8'h00;

      CurrProgCounterOffset = 2'h0;

      CurrBusAddr = 8'hFF; //Initial instruction after reset.

      CurrBusDataOut = 8'h00;

      CurrBusDataOutWE = 1'b0;

      CurrRegA = 8'h00;

      CurrRegB = 8'h00;

      CurrRegSelect = 1'b0;

      CurrProgContext = 8'h00;


      CurrInterruptAck = 2'b00;

      end else begin

      CurrState = NextState;

      CurrProgCounter = NextProgCounter;

      CurrProgCounterOffset = NextProgCounterOffset;

      CurrBusAddr = NextBusAddr;

      CurrBusDataOut = NextBusDataOut;

      CurrBusDataOutWE = NextBusDataOutWE;

      CurrRegA = NextRegA;

      CurrRegB = NextRegB;

      CurrRegSelect = NextRegSelect;

      CurrProgContext = NextProgContext;

      CurrInterruptAck = NextInterruptAck;



      //Combinatorial section – large!

      always@* begin

      //Generic assignment to reduce the complexity of the rest of the S/M

      NextState = CurrState;

      NextProgCounter = CurrProgCounter;

      NextProgCounterOffset = 2'h0;

      NextBusAddr = 8'hFF;

      NextBusDataOut = CurrBusDataOut;

      NextBusDataOutWE = 1'b0;

      NextRegA = CurrRegA;

      NextRegB = CurrRegB;

      NextRegSelect = CurrRegSelect;

      NextProgContext = CurrProgContext;

      NextInterruptAck = 2'b00;

      //Case statement to describe each state

      case (CurrState)


      //Thread states.

      IDLE: begin

      if(BUS_INTERRUPTS_RAISE[0]) begin // Interrupt Request A.

      NextState = GET_THREAD_START_ADDR_0;


      NextProgCounter = 8'hFF;

      NextInterruptAck = 2'b01;

      end else if(BUS_INTERRUPTS_RAISE[1]) begin //Interrupt Request B.

      NextState = GET_THREAD_START_ADDR_0;

      NextProgCounter = 8'hFE;

      NextInterruptAck = 2'b10;

      end else begin

      NextState = IDLE;

      NextProgCounter = 8'hFF; //Nothing has happened.

      NextInterruptAck = 2'b00;



      //Wait state - for new prog address to arrive.

      GET_THREAD_START_ADDR_0: begin

      NextState = GET_THREAD_START_ADDR_1;


      //Assign the new program counter value

      GET_THREAD_START_ADDR_1: begin

      NextState = GET_THREAD_START_ADDR_2;

      NextProgCounter = ProgMemoryOut;


      //Wait for the new program counter value to settle


      NextState = CHOOSE_OPP;


      //CHOOSE_OPP - Another case statement to choose which operation to perform

      CHOOSE_OPP: begin

      case (ProgMemoryOut[3:0])

      4'h0: NextState = READ_FROM_MEM_TO_A;

      4'h1: NextState = READ_FROM_MEM_TO_B;

      4'h2: NextState = WRITE_TO_MEM_FROM_A;

      4'h3: NextState = WRITE_TO_MEM_FROM_B;

      4'h4: NextState = DO_MATHS_OPP_SAVE_IN_A;

      4'h5:NextState = DO_MATHS_OPP_SAVE_IN_B;

      4'h6:NextState = IF_A_EQUALITY_B_GOTO;

      4'h7: NextState = GOTO;


      4'h8:NextState = IDLE;

      4'h9:NextState = FUNCTION_START;

      4'hA:NextState = RETURN;

      4'hB:NextState = DE_REFERENCE_A;

      4'hC:NextState = DE_REFERENCE_B;


      NextState = CurrState;


      NextProgCounterOffset = 2'h1;



      //READ_FROM_MEM_TO_A : here starts the memory read operational pipeline.

      //Wait state - to give time for the mem address to be read. Reg select is set to 0


      NextState = READ_FROM_MEM_0;

      NextRegSelect = 1'b0;


      //READ_FROM_MEM_TO_B : here starts the memory read operational pipeline.

      //Wait state - to give time for the mem address to be read. Reg select is set to 1


      NextState = READ_FROM_MEM_0;

      NextRegSelect = 1'b1;


      //The address will be valid during this state, so set the BUS_ADDR to this value.

      READ_FROM_MEM_0: begin

      NextState = READ_FROM_MEM_1;

      NextBusAddr = ProgMemoryOut;


      //Wait state - to give time for the mem data to be read

      //Increment the program counter here. This must be done 2 clock cycles ahead

      //so that it presents the right data when required.

      READ_FROM_MEM_1: begin

      NextState = READ_FROM_MEM_2;

      NextProgCounter = CurrProgCounter + 2;


      //The data will now have arrived from memory. Write it to the proper register.


      READ_FROM_MEM_2: begin

      NextState = CHOOSE_OPP;


      NextRegA = BusDataIn;


      NextRegB = BusDataIn;



      //WRITE_TO_MEM_FROM_A : here starts the memory write operational pipeline.

      //Wait state - to find the address of where we are writing

      //Increment the program counter here. This must be done 2 clock cycles ahead

      //so that it presents the right data when required.


      NextState = WRITE_TO_MEM_0;

      NextRegSelect = 1'b0;

      NextProgCounter = CurrProgCounter + 2;


      //WRITE_TO_MEM_FROM_B : here starts the memory write operational pipeline.

      //Wait state - to find the address of where we are writing

      //Increment the program counter here. This must be done 2 clock cycles ahead

      // so that it presents the right data when required.


      NextState = WRITE_TO_MEM_0;

      NextRegSelect = 1'b1;

      NextProgCounter = CurrProgCounter + 2;


      //The address will be valid during this state, so set the BUS_ADDR to this value,

      //and write the value to the memory location.

      WRITE_TO_MEM_0: begin

      NextState = CHOOSE_OPP;

      NextBusAddr = ProgMemoryOut;


      NextBusDataOut = CurrRegA;


      NextBusDataOut = CurrRegB;

      NextBusDataOutWE = 1'b1;




      //DO_MATHS_OPP_SAVE_IN_A : here starts the DoMaths operational pipeline.

      //Reg A and Reg B must already be set to the desired values. The MSBs of the

      // Operation type determines the maths operation type. At this stage the result is

      // ready to be collected from the ALU.

      DO_MATHS_OPP_SAVE_IN_A: begin

      NextState = DO_MATHS_OPP_0;

      NextRegA = AluOut;

      NextProgCounter = CurrProgCounter + 1;


      //DO_MATHS_OPP_SAVE_IN_B : here starts the DoMaths operational pipeline

      //when the result will go into reg B.

      DO_MATHS_OPP_SAVE_IN_B: begin

      NextState = DO_MATHS_OPP_0;

      NextRegB = AluOut;

      NextProgCounter = CurrProgCounter + 1;


      //Wait state for new prog address to settle.

      DO_MATHS_OPP_0: NextState = CHOOSE_OPP;


      Complete the above case statement for In/Equality, Goto Address, Goto Idle, function start, Return


      function, and Dereference operations.









      What you are required to do - Assessment

      Before you can design your microprocessor and write software for it, you will need to wrap up

      your existing peripheral codes (i.e. for Mouse, VGA) with a bus interface to connect them to

      the microprocessor bus. You will need to simulate and verify these new peripheral codes with

      test benches. Make sure they synthesise, before you can test on the BASYS 3 board. You are

      then required to code the above microprocessor behaviour in Verilog based on the specification

      and codes provided. Once your system is fully captured in Verilog, simulated with test benches

      and tested on the BASYS 3 board, you need to develop a demo software application for each

      microprocessor and peripheral combination (you will be tested individually on this task) and

      then go on to develop the full demo software application as outlined at the start of this document

      (you will be tested as a group on this task).


      Individual Demo Software Application

      The following will specify the individual demo software for each microprocessor and peripheral


      Microprocessor + Mouse Demo Application

      This task should be performed by the team member who developed the mouse peripheral

      interface. Here, you will need to complete a software demo application running on the

      microprocessor that the whole team developed, using only the mouse peripheral among the

      peripherals developed by the individual team members i.e. do not use the VGA or other

      interfaces here. The team member in charge of this task will be tested in Week 8. This individual

      assessment will account for 35% of your overall lab mark. During the test, you will need to

      demonstrate your program on the BASYS 3 board and explain your code.

      The application in question here consists in re-implementing the same original mouse demo

      which you developed earlier i.e. the demo which showed the mouse registers content on the

      LEDs and seven segment displays, but this time purely in software using the instruction set of

      the microprocessor developed by the whole team.

      Microprocessor + VGA Interface Demo Application

      This task should be performed by the team member who developed the VGA peripheral

      interface. Here, you will need to complete a software demo application running on the

      microprocessor that the whole team developed, using only the VGA peripheral among the

      peripherals developed by the individual team members. The team member in charge of this task

      will be tested in Week 8. This individual assessment will account for 35% of your overall lab

      mark. During the test, you will need to demonstrate your program on the BASYS 3 board and

      explain your code.

      The application in question here consists in re-implementing the original VGA demo which

      showed the chequered image with changing colours on the VGA screen, but this time purely in

      software using the instruction set of the microprocessor developed by the whole team.

      Complete Demo Software Application

      This task should be performed by team members as a group. Here, you will develop the

      complete software demo application described at the beginning of this document using all

      required peripherals. You need to implement the complete system described in Figure 9 (IR

      Transmitter is Bonus) and program the microprocessor to implement the complete demo

      application. The team as a whole will be tested on this task in Week 11.

      This group assessment will account for the remaining 40% of your overall lab mark. During

      the test, you will need to demonstrate your program running on the BASYS 3 board and explain

      your code, especially the software code running on the microprocessor. There will be an element

      of peer assessment in this final group based assignment where individuals will be asked to

      evaluate the individual performance of colleagues within the group. More details of this process

      will be given nearer the time of assessment. Your code will have been uploaded to Learn prior

      to the start of the final laboratory session.


      4. IR Transmitter Driver (Bonus)

      This driver is considered a bonus and it targets controlling a real toy car through IR

      commands. The BASYS 3 board provides four 12-pin peripheral module connectors. Each is

      organised in two rows of 6-pins, with each row providing a power pin (Vdd @3.3V), a ground

      pin (GND), and four unique FPGA signals (see BASYS 3 reference manual, page 17). (Note

      that one of the connectors is designed for JXADC. Use any of the other three for this lab).

      Several 6-pin (or 12-pin) module boards that can attach to this connector are available from

      Digilent (see www.digilentinc.com for more information). For the purpose of this lab, we

      have developed our own 6-pin IR Transmitter module, which can be attached to any of the

      three peripheral module connectors. The following gives the circuit diagram of the IR

      Transmitter module.

      Figure 12. IR Transmitter circuit

      What you are required to do

      Your task is to generate the proper pulse codes to control the cars remotely using the Artix-7

      FPGA chip with the above IR Transmitter peripheral module. The following will present the

      pulse codes needed to control each car type: RED, BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW. In general,

      however, the pulse code for any car consists of the following generic packet, generated at

      10Hz frequency.

      Figure 13. Car Pulse Code: Generic Packet

      The following describes the packet details for each car type. These might vary from one car

      batch to another, so it is always wise to check the packet details using a logic analyser.


      Blue-coded Cars:

      In the case of blue-coded cars, the pulse frequency F = 1/T (see Figure 13 above) is equal to

      36KHz. The following gives the number of pulses in each packet region as labelled in Figure


      ? Start = 191

      ? Gap = 25

      ? CarSelect = 47 (NB. The number of pulses in this region identifies the car type i.e.

      REDcoded here)

      ? Right: If the right direction is to be asserted i.e. the car is to move to the right, the number

      of pulses here is set to 47, otherwise it is 22

      ? Left: If the left direction is to be asserted i.e. the car is to move to the left, the number of

      pulses here is set to 47, otherwise it is 22

      ? Backward: If the Backward direction is to be asserted i.e. the car is to move backwards,

      the number of pulses here is set to 47, otherwise it is 22

      ? Forward: If the Forward direction is to be asserted i.e. the car is to move forwards, the

      number of pulses here is set to 47, otherwise it is 22

      Yellow-coded Cars:

      In the case of yellow-coded cars, the pulse frequency F = 1/T (see figure 13 above) is equal

      to 40KHz. The following gives the number of pulses in each packet region as labelled in

      Figure 13:

      ? Start = 88

      ? Gap = 40

      ? CarSelect = 22

      ? Right: If the right direction is to be asserted i.e. the car is to move to the right, the number

      of pulses here is set to 44, otherwise it is 22

      ? Left: If the left direction is to be asserted i.e. the car is to move to the left, the number of

      pulses here is set to 44, otherwise it is 22

      ? Backward: If the Backward direction is to be asserted i.e. the car is to move backwards,

      the number of pulses here is set to 44, otherwise it is 22

      ? Forward: If the Forward direction is to be asserted i.e. the car is to move forwards, the

      number of pulses here is set to 44, otherwise it is 22

      Green-coded Cars:

      In the case of green-coded cars, the pulse frequency F = 1/T (see figure 13 above) is equal to

      37.5 KHz. The following gives the number of pulses in each packet region as labelled in

      Figure 13:

      ? Start = 88

      ? Gap = 40

      ? CarSelect = 44

      ? Right: If the right direction is to be asserted i.e. the car is to move to the right, the number

      of pulses here is set to 44, otherwise it is 22


      ? Left: If the left direction is to be asserted i.e. the car is to move to the left, the number of

      pulses here is set to 44, otherwise it is 22

      ? Backward: If the Backward direction is to be asserted i.e. the car is to move backwards,

      the number of pulses here is set to 44, otherwise it is 22

      ? Forward: If the Forward direction is to be asserted i.e. the car is to move forwards, the

      number of pulses here is set to 44, otherwise it is 22

      Red-coded Cars:

      In the case of red-coded cars, the pulse frequency F = 1/T (see figure 13 above) is equal to 36

      KHz. The following gives the number of pulses in each packet region as labelled in Figure


      Start = 192

      Gap = 24

       CarSelect = 24

      Right: If the right direction is to be asserted i.e. the car is to move to the right, the number

      of pulses here is set to 48, otherwise it is 24

       Left: If the left direction is to be asserted i.e. the car is to move to the left, the number of

      pulses here is set to 48, otherwise it is 24

      Backward: If the Backward direction is to be asserted i.e. the car is to move backwards,

      the number of pulses here is set to 48, otherwise it is 24

      ? Forward: If the Forward direction is to be asserted i.e. the car is to move forwards, the

      number of pulses here is set to 48, otherwise it is 24

      Generating the necessary pulse codes for all of these variations requires a generic state

      machine with the following parameters:

      parameter StartBurstSize e.g. = 192;

      parameter CarSelectBurstSize e.g. = 24;

      parameter GapSize e.g. = 24;

      parameter AsserBurstSize e.g. = 48;

      parameter DeAssertBurstSize e.g. = 24;



      COMMAND IR_Transmi tter_SM IR_LED


      Figure 14. IR Transmitter State Machine

      The state machine is illustrated in Figure 14 where COMMAND consists of four bits: bit 0 to

      assert or de-assert the right direction, bit 1 to assert or de-assert the left direction, bit 2 to

      assert or de-assert the backward direction, and bit 3 to assert or de-assert the forward direction.


      Note that the state machine can be enabled by setting SEND_PACKET to ‘1’ for one clock

      cycle, which will result in the generation of one single packet of those shown Figure 13. This

      has to be done ten times per second for the car to respond to the command in question. A 10Hz

      counter is thus needed as illustrated in Figure 15 below.



      COMMAND IR_Transmitter_SM IR_LED

      10 Hz



      Figure 15. IR Transmitter Interface

      The following shows code fragments for the IR Transmitter State Machine:


      module IRTransmitterSM( //Standard


      input RESET,

      input CLK,

      // Bus Interface Signals

      input [3:0] COMMAND,

      input SEND_PACKET,

      // IF LED signal

      output IR_LED



      Generate the pulse signal here from the main clock running at 50MHz to generate the right frequency for

      the car in question e.g. 40KHz for BLUE coded cars






      Simple state machine to generate the states of the packet i.e. Start, Gaps, Right Assert or De-Assert, Left

      Assert or De-Assert, Backward Assert or De-Assert, and Forward Assert or De-Assert





      // Finally, tie the pulse generator with the packet state to generate IR_LED





      For Bonus Marks:

      The team will need to complete the code based on the above, synthesise and verify your code

      with test benches, generate an FPGA bitstream and test on the BASYS 3 board. The team

      should integrate this interface with the micro-processor and control the toy car through

      sending IR commands based on the mouse location on the screen. During the test, you will

      need to demonstrate a functioning car control interface on the BASYS 3 board through the

      mouse, which causes the remote car to move forward, backward, to the right and to the left.

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