CP414: Foundations of Computing
Course Outline
Course Summary
This course is an introduction to the theory of computation. Topics include deterministic and nondeterministic finite
automata (DFAs and NFAs), regular expressions, context-free grammars, relationship of push-down automata and
context-free grammars, definition of the classes P and NP, NP-completeness (Cook's Theorem), standard NP complete problems, reduction techniques, Turing machines, the halting problem.
Prerequisite: CP312 and (CP214 or MA238)
Lectures and Instructors info:
Section B:
Lectures: MW 2:30 - 3:50 pm in SB 106
Lilatul Ferdouse
Office: N2079
Office Hours: M W 1:00-2:00 pm, or by appointment
Email: lferdouse [aT] wlu [DoT] ca
Section C:
Lectures: MWF 9:30-10:20 am in LH1009
Eugene Zima
Office: N2087
Office Hours: M W 10:30-11:20 m, or by appointment
Email: ezima [aT] wlu [DoT] ca
Textbook: Introduction to the theory of computation, by Michael Sipser, PWS Publishing Company, 3rd edition.
Text is required. Price of E DTA: $73.43
Further details on DTA program can be found on third page of this outline.
Topics outline:
Module 0: Introduction
Module 1: Regular languages
Module 2: Context-free languages
Module 3: Undecidability and intrackability
Weekly schedule of topics covered along with text reading sections and recommended exercises can be found in
course entry on MyLS under TEXT_READING_INFO.
Students must pass ALL tests to pass the course (weighted average of 2 tests and the final exam needs to be
greater than 49%).
If you pass the tests, then the following evaluation will be applied
Participation (Piazza registration, Piazza and MyLS polls participation): 2%
Assignments (4 assignments): 24%
Quizzes (3 on-line quizzes): 9%
Test 1: 15%
Test 2: 15%
Final exam: 35%
Important Dates:
Assignment 1: January 29
Quiz 1: February 5 (MyLS)
Test 1: February 10 (in class, 50 minutes)
Assignment 2: February 24
Quiz 2: March 10 (MyLS)
Test 2: March 12 (in class, 50 minutes)
Assignment 3: March 17
Quiz 3: April 2 (MyLS)
Assignment 4: April 4
• No late assignment will be accepted (i.e. late submissions receive grade 0).
• Students may request a reassessment of their assignments in writing and specify the reasons for such
requests. Their entire assignment will be reassessed, and the reassessment may result in raising or lowering
of the original marks. Request for reassessment is to be submitted by e-mail to the instructor no later than
14 days after posting assignment grade on MyLearningSpace.
• Assignments submission will be via MyLearningSpace.
• All assignments are to be your own work and collaboration is not permitted.
• More detail will be given in the course entry at MyLearningSpace.
This term we will be using Piazza for class discussion. The system is highly catered to getting you help fast and
efficiently from classmates and instructor. Rather than emailing questions to the teaching staff, you are encouraged
to post your questions on Piazza. If you have any problems or feedback for the developers, email
Find our class signup link at https://piazza.com/wlu.ca/winter2025/cp414bc
Please note, that the forum is moderated by your instructors and all inappropriate posts (for example, post
disclosing part of assignment solution to whole class) will be removed without a notice.
For regulations see http://bohr.wlu.ca/courses/regulations.php
Accessibility: Contact Accessible Learning if you require academic accommodations because of a disability. Review
the Registration page for information about intake and documentation requirements. Deadlines: Students are
responsible for meeting posted deadlines for registering with Accessible Learning and booking accommodated
exams. Accessible Learning cannot guarantee accommodations for requests received after posted deadlines.
Academic Integrity: Laurier is committed to a culture of integrity within and beyond the classroom. This culture
values trustworthiness (e.g., honesty, integrity, reliability), fairness, caring, respect, responsibility and citizenship.
Together, we have a shared responsibility to uphold this culture in our academic and nonacademic behavior. The
University has a defined policy with respect to academic misconduct. As a Laurier student you are responsible for
familiarizing yourself with this policy and the accompanying penalty guidelines, some of which may appear on your
transcript if there is a finding of misconduct. The relevant policy can be found at Laurier's academic integrity
website along with resources to educate and support you in upholding a culture of integrity. Ignorance is not a
defense. The relevant policy can be found at Laurier's Academic Integrity website along with resources to educate
and support you in upholding a culture of integrity.
Unauthorized Collaboration/Academic Integrity Statement
Assessments in this course are to be completed individually. Failure to follow the expectations for assessment
completion may result in an allegation of academic misconduct.
The use of generative AI is not permitted in this course.
Using generative AI to aid in or fully complete your coursework will be considered academic misconduct
and Senate Policy 12.2 “Student Code of Conduct: Academic Misconduct” will be applied.
Plagiarism: Wilfrid Laurier University uses software that can check for plagiarism. If requested to do so by course
instructors, students are required to submit their written work in electronic form and have it checked for
Intellectual Property
The educational materials developed for this course, including, but not limited to, lecture notes and slides, handout
materials, examinations and assignments, and any materials posted to MyLearningSpace, are the intellectual
property of the course instructor. These materials have been developed for student use only and they are not
intended for wider dissemination and/or communication outside of a given course. Posting or providing
unauthorized audio, video, or textual material of lecture content to third-party websites violates an instructor’s
intellectual property rights, and the Canadian Copyright Act. Recording lectures in any way is prohibited in this
course unless specific permission has been granted by the instructor. Failure to follow these instructions may be in
contravention of the university’s Code of Student Conduct and/or Code of Academic Conduct and will result in
appropriate penalties. Participation in this course constitutes an agreement by all parties to abide by the relevant
University Policies, and to respect the intellectual property of others during and after their association with Wilfrid
Laurier University.
Final Examinations: “Students are strongly urged not to make any commitments (e.g., vacation) during the
examination period. Students are required to be available for examinations during the examination periods of all
terms in which they register
Disconnecting from Work
As mandated by the Province of Ontario’s Employment Standards Act, Wilfrid Laurier University has instituted Policy
8.15 (8.15 Disconnecting from Work Policy | Wilfrid Laurier University (wlu.ca). This policy aims “To support
University Employees in balancing their working and personal lives – whether working in the workplace or remotely,
or whether working traditional hours or flexible hours – the Disconnecting from Work Policy (the “Policy”)
encourages Employees to disconnect from work outside of their regular working hours in accordance with and
subject to this Policy.”
To align with Policy 8.15, please note the following considerations for communication and contact outside of
scheduled class hours and office hours for this course:
1) emails will be read from 8 am to 6 pm with breaks for classes and lunch;
2) Expected time for response to emails – between 1 and 4 business days; Expected time for response on Piazza
between 0.5 and 4 hours.
3) Appropriate modes and channels of electronic contact (Laurier email and Piazza entry if this course)
Winter 2025 Digital Textbook
▪ The DTA program uses an OPT-OUT model and you will receive emails to your @mylaurier.ca account with an
opt out link and instructions prior to the opt out deadline.
▪ Please OPT-OUT of the program if you do not wish to access the e-text or choose to source the materials
▪ If you opt out of the Digital Textbook Access you lose access to BOTH the eText and the online learning
platform (MyLab, Mindtap, Mastering) etc.) via MyLearningSpace.
▪ If you do not opt out of the program, the charges will be billed to your student account (LORIS) approximately 4
weeks after the opt-out deadline.
▪ THE OPT OUT DEADLINE FOR WINTER 2025 (12 week courses) is JANUARY 20, 2025.
▪ If you have questions about your student account, or fees, please contact Service Laurier directly at Service Laurier
• PLEASE NOTE: On or after January 25th students who remain opted in will have to convert the license for their
digital resources from temporary to permanent by clicking on the link in their course on MyLS.
Wellness and safety services and supports.
• Waterloo Student Wellness Centre: 548-889-3239. The Centre supports the physical, emotional, and
mental health needs of students. Located on the 2nd floor of the Student Services Building. Waterloo
campus hours are Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:00 am to 7:30 pm, and Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
from 9:00 am to 4:15 pm. Closed from 12-1 for lunch. A limited number of same-day appointments are available each day for students
with acute illness and unpredictable concerns. Offer online booking to registered Laurier students for
non-urgent/routine appointments only.
• The Student Wellness Centre also offers hours in the Academic Advising Office, as well as other
locations around campus (International Student Support Office, The Athletic Complex). Appointments
around campus can be booked thought the Student Wellness Centre online booking.
• Waterloo Student Food Bank: All students are eligible to use this service to ensure they’re eating
healthy when overwhelmed, stressed or financially strained. Anonymously request a package online 24-
7. All dietary restrictions accommodated.
• Waterloo Foot Patrol: 519.886.FOOT (3668). A volunteer operated safe-walk program, available Fall and
Winter daily from 6:30 pm to 3 am. Teams of two are assigned to escort students to and from campus
by foot or by van.
Some examples of violations of Laurier’s Academic Code of Conduct:
1. Accessing unauthorized resources (Google, chat rooms, Chegg, Reddit, etc.) for assessments.
2. Using technological aids beyond what is listed as permitted in an assessment.
3. Posting test, assignment, lab or exam questions to message boards, social media, or other unauthorized
websites (ex. Chegg or CourseHero). While these third parties claim to be tutoring resources, for a fee they
take your work and share it with other students; an act that constitutes an action of academic misconduct.
4. Copying the work of others by way of file or image sharing.
5. Posting test, assignment, lab or exam questions and answers in virtual "course groups" (ex. Facebook,
Discord or WhatsApp).
6. Copying the work that is shared or posted in virtual "course groups" (ex. Facebook, Discord or WhatsApp).
7. Working collaboratively with others on assessments that are expected to be completed individually.
8. Copying the work of others by writing down answers that they tell you, but that you did not independently
9. Backdating emails to gain more time to complete assessments.
10. …
As a Laurier student, you are responsible for familiarizing yourself with this policy and the accompanying penalty
guidelines, some of which may appear on your transcript if there is a finding of misconduct.
Ignorance of Laurier’s academic misconduct policy is not a defense.
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