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      時間:2025-02-08  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      CCBS4020 Integrated Project Teaching Plan and Syllabus


      HKU SPACE Community College
      Integrated Project (CCBS 4020)

      2024-25 Semester 2

      Teaching Plan and Syllabus

      I. Aims and Objectives

      This course aims to provide students with an opportunity to associate real world business

      environment with their business knowledge. With the supervision of the project advisor,

      students are required to integrate and apply the key accounting, economics, finance,

      management, and marketing theories learnt in the programme to analyse a business case

      and develop workable plans to optimise their operations. These problem-solving skills

      can help students to build a good foundation for further studies and their future careers.

      The course provides valuable experiences in self-directed learning. Students can enhance

      their communication and presentation skills as well.

      II. Intended Learning Outcomes

      On completion of the course, students should be able to:

      1. apply the core accounting, economics, finance, marketing and management theories

      and concepts to identify and analyse the real-world problems of the business case

      being studied.

      2. collect, analyse, and interpret data and information to examine complex business


      3. integrate the core knowledge learnt in the programme with the data/findings

      collected during the research process to develop business strategies or tactics.

      4. write a viable business plan to convey effective communication and presentation


      5. evaluate the ethical implications of various business decisions in real world scenarios.

      III. Teaching Syllabus and Lectures


       External and internal environmental analysis and business proposal
       Marketing Plan and Business Objectives setting

       Human Resource Plan and Financial Plan

      Integrated Project consists of the following activities:

       A business case will be given to students.

       Project advisors (lecturers) are assigned to help and supervise students which are

      divided into groups (no more than six students in a group). There is a group leader

      CCBS4020 Integrated Project Teaching Plan and Syllabus

      to act as a contact point amongst group members and advisor.

       While working on the integrated project, student groups are required to meet with

      their project advisors to report work progress and share drafts with all group

      members in the weekly workshop.

      Phase I  CAnalyse a Business Case

       Analyse the current situation and problems encountered in the business case.

       Suggest an outline of actions plans to optimise its operations (Actions plans include

      but not limited to operation details, budget and business forecasts and manpower


       Submit an initial report to the project advisor in accordance with the time schedule.

       Meet with project advisors for feedback.

      Phase II  C Final Report

      Propose recommendations on measures and long-term solutions on:

      - Financial projections

      - Manpower Planning

      - Marketing planning

       Submit a final report based on the comments of the project advisor in accordance

      with the agreed schedule.

      Phase III  C PowerPoint and Oral Presentation

       Submit PowerPoint slides for presentation and a hardcopy of the presentation slides

      before the presentation.

       Group oral presentation.

       Submit a self-reflection report and a peer evaluation form after the presentation.

      IV. Assessment Scheme

      To pass this unit, students must complete the following tasks. If any members are not

      contributing professionally, the group leader must inform the supervisor as soon as

      possible so that the problem can be resolved promptly.

      During the semester, students are required to meet with their group members and project

      supervisor to report their work progress and receive feedback. Attendance at all lectures

      and workshops is mandatory.

      Project Assessment Weighting

      Submission Due

      Date (HKT)

      Environmental Analysis Report:

      Between 3,000- and 4,000-words excluding

      table of contents, appendices, and


      20% 23 February 2025

      at 23:59 (Sunday)

      Outline of the Marketing Plan:

       No more than 2,000 words excluding table

      of contents

      10% 9 March 2025

      at 23:59 (Sunday)

      CCBS4020 Integrated Project Teaching Plan and Syllabus

      PowerPoint of the Finalised Marketing Plan:

       Not more than 20 slides.
      Oral Presentation on the Finalised Marketing


      No more than 20 mins including 5 mins

      Q&A session.

      10% 30 March 2025

      at 23:59 (Sunday)

      Lecture 11

      Final Business Plan:

       Between 6,000- and 10,000-words

      excluding table of contents, appendices, and

      27 April 2025

      at 23:59 (Sunday)

      PowerPoint of the Final Business Plan:

       Not more than 35 slides.

       No oral presentation required.

      10% 27 April 2025

      at 23:59 (Sunday)

      Individual Self-Reflection Report:

       Individual report of 800 words

      10% 28 April 2025

      at 23:59 (Monday)

      Total 100%
      Details of assessment are subject to changes.

      Environmental Analysis Report (including Environmental Analysis Peer Evaluation if

      necessary)  C 20%

       Each group must submit the Environmental Analysis Report by the specified

      deadline of 23 February 2025 at 23:59 HKT.

       The report should provide a thorough analysis of the internal and external factors

      that will affect a new business operating in Hong Kong. For more details, please

      refer to the environmental analysis report guidelines.

       Students are encouraged to apply theories from previous courses.

      Outline of the Marketing Plan  C 10%

       Each group must submit an Outline of the Marketing Plan by the specified deadline

      of 9 March 2025 at 23:59 HKT.

       The outline should offer a structured overview of the key components of a

      marketing plan. For more details, please refer to the outline of the marketing plan


       Students are encouraged to apply theories from previous courses.

      Oral Presentation on the Finalised Marketing Plan & PowerPoint for the Finalised

      Marketing Plan (including Marketing Plan Peer Evaluation if necessary)  C 10%

      Each group must submit a PowerPoint presentation of their finalised marketing plan

      by the specified deadline of 30 March 2025 at 23:59 HKT.

       Students must deliver an oral presentation on the key components of their finalized

      marketing plan during Lecture 11.

       The finalised marketing plan PowerPoint should effectively communicate the

      marketing strategies, target audience, positioning, promotion strategies, and other

      CCBS4020 Integrated Project Teaching Plan and Syllabus
      essential elements of the plan. For more details, please refer to the finalised

      marketing plan guidelines.

       The oral presentation should be well-prepared, engaging, and clearly convey the

      team's understanding and application of the finalised marketing plan. Adherence to

      the submission deadline and presentation schedule is essential.

      Final Business Plan (including Final Peer Evaluation if necessary)  C 40%

       Groups must adhere to the guidelines of the group project and submit their final

      report by the designated deadline of 27 April 2025 at 23:59 HKT.

       The final report should encompass all the necessary components, such as the

      marketing plan, human resources plan, financial plan for the new business, and

      essential elements covered in this course. For more details, please refer to the final

      business plan structure and guidelines.

       Students are encouraged to apply theories from previous courses.

       It is crucial to ensure that the final report is comprehensive, well-structured, and in

      line with the provided guidelines. Adherence to the given deadline is essential to

      avoid any late submission penalties.

      PowerPoint of the Final Business Plan  C 10%

       Each group is required to create and submit a PowerPoint presentation of their

      business plan.

       The PowerPoint should highlight the key components of the business plan.

       All groups must submit their PowerPoint presentations on or before 27 April 2025

      at 23:59 HKT.

      Individual Self-reflective Report  C 10%

       The self-reflection report is an individual writing task that requires each student to

      summarise and reflect on their experience while working on the group project and

      collaborating with group members.

       In the report, you should discuss your personal learning and growth in terms of

      understanding and applying relevant concepts, theories, and knowledge during the

      completion of the group project in this course.

       Each student must submit their report individually on or before 28 April 2025 at

      23:59 HKT.

      V. Recommended Reading

      Reference Texts

      1. Bailey, Stephen (2015), Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students,

      4th edition. London: Routledge.

      2. Garrison, R. H., Noreen, E. W., & Brewer, P. C (2021), Managerial Accounting, 17th

      edition, Mc Graw Hill

      3. Bruce R. Barringer (2021), Preparing Effective Business Plans: An Entrepreneurial

      Approach, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education.

      4. Evans, Vaughan (2022), Financial Times Essential Guide to Writing a Business Plan:

      How To Win Backing To Start Up Or Grow Your Business, FT Publishing


      5. Soloman, Michael G. & Russell, Cristel A. (2023), Consumer Behaviour: Buying,

      Having, and Being, 14th Edition, Pearson Education.

      CCBS4020 Integrated Project Teaching Plan and Syllabus

      6. Charles W. L. Hill, Melissa A. Schilling, and Gareth R. Jones (2020), Strategic

      Management: Theory: An Integrated Approach, 13th Edition, Cengage Learning.

      7. Ledden, Emma (2017), The Presentation Book: How To Create It, Shape It and

      Deliver It! Improve Your Presentation Skills Now, 2nd edition. Pearson Business.

      8. Kotler, P. & Armstrong, G. (2021), Principles of Marketing, 18th edition, Pearson


      9. Malhotra, Naresh K. (2019), Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation, Global

      Edition, 7th Edition, Pearson.

      10. Robbins S.P. & Coulter M (2021), Management, 15th edition, Pearson Education.

      VI. Teaching Schedule

      All groups must report their progress to their supervisor during the weekly workshop.



      - Course Introduction

      - Business Proposal


      - Environmental Analysis

      - Consultation Session /


      Group List & Business Proposal

      Submission Due: 9 February 2025

      at 23:59 HKT


      - Marketing Plan

      - Consultation Session /



      - Market Survey

      - Consultation Session /



      - Human Resources Plan

      - Consultation Session /



      - Consultation Session /



      - Financial Plan

      - Consultation Session /



      - Consultation Session /



      - Consultation Session /



      - Consultation Session /



      - Oral Presentation (Finalised

      Marketing Plan)

      Business attire is required for the

      oral presentation.

      CCBS4020 Integrated Project Teaching Plan and Syllabus



      Consultation Session /


      Remarks: The above schedule is subject to changes

      Grade Descriptors

      Grade descriptors show how a given level of performance will be reflected in a grade.

      They act as general guidelines for the student and coordinator.

      ~ END ~

      A Demonstrate an advanced level of understanding of the key concepts and

      theories in different business functions and a detailed account of the business

      planning and implementation process, as well as demonstrate strong ability to

      develop and present a good-quality business plan that shows evidence of

      original thought, analytical thinking, and presentation skills.

      B Demonstrate a good understanding of the key concepts and theories in

      different business functions with evidence on efforts to develop a business

      plan, and an acceptable level of competence in analytical thinking and
      CCBS4020 Integrated Project Project Guidelines



      HKU SPACE Community College

      Integrated Project (CCBS 4020)

      2024-25 Semester 2

      Project Guidelines

      1. Group Formation

      ? Students must form groups consisting of 5-6 members. If a group exceeds 6 members, final

      approval from the lecturer is required.

      ? Each group should designate a Group Leader who will serve as the main point of contact

      between the group and the lecturer.

      ? It is recommended that each group includes students from different academic disciplines,

      such as Accounting, Finance, Management, and Marketing.

      ? Group list must be submitted by the specified deadline of 9 February 2025 at 23:59 HKT.

      Save the group list as PDF file and upload it to the "Group List Collection Box".

      2. Project Guidelines

      a) Project Overview:

      ? Each group will develop a comprehensive business plan for a unique Learning and

      Development Centre or Skill Development Centre in Hong Kong. The centre will focus

      on teaching specific skills and fostering personal growth or wellness, with an emphasis on

      integrating cutting-edge technology and holistic approaches.

      ? The business plan should include progressive lessons that learners can advance through,

      ensuring a structured and continuous learning experience.

      ? The plan should incorporate innovative solutions that cater to the modern needs of

      learners, ensuring the business model is competitive and relevant to current trends and

      demands in Hong Kong's dynamic environment.

      ? It is essential to ensure that the business plan is practical and feasible within the context

      of Hong Kong's market.

      ? The centre will operate as a subsidiary of a Hong Kong-based corporation that is registered

      in Hong Kong, conducts local business operations, and is listed on the main board of the

      Hong Kong Stock Exchange, showcasing its strong local business presence.

      ? The selection of the Hong Kong-listed corporation for this venture must be approved by

      the lecturer. It is essential that the centre aligns with the corporation's strategic objectives

      and offers potential benefits to the corporation.

      ? The centre is scheduled to launch on 1 October 2025, operating under standard business


      ? The business proposal must be approved by the lecturer during Lecture 2.

      b) Funding and Budget:

      ? Each group should only consider developing the business using retained earnings from the

      Hong Kong-based corporation, without external financing through the issuance of new

      CCBS4020 Integrated Project Project Guidelines


      stock shares or bank loans. The budget for the centre should be between HK$5 million

      and HK$10 million, fully funded by the chosen Hong Kong-based corporation.

      c) Project Management and Communication:

      ? Throughout the duration of the project, each group must actively seek advice from the

      lecturer, report any significant issues that arise within the group, and attend the weekly

      lectures, consultation sessions and/or workshops. Please note that the schedule for

      consultation sessions may be subject to change.

      ? To ensure effective communication and record-keeping within the group, each team is

      required to utilise the provided Minutes of Group Meeting template. This template should

      be used to document detailed information regarding the topics discussed in each meeting.

      3. Project Assessment

      Project Assessment Weighting

      Environmental Analysis Report: between 3,000- and 4,000-words excluding table

      of contents, appendices, and references.


      Outline on the Marketing Plan: no more than 2,000 words excluding table of



      PowerPoint of the Finalised Marketing Plan: not more than 20 slides.

      Oral Presentation on the Finalised Marketing Plan: no more than 20 mins

      including 5 mins Q&A session.


      Final Report: between 6,000- and 10,000-words excluding table of contents,

      appendices, and references.


      PowerPoint of the Business Plan: not more than 35 slides. No oral presentation



      Individual Self-reflective Report: no more than 800 words excluding table of



      Total 100%

      4. Report and Presentation Guidelines

      a) General Report Requirements:

       All written reports must include a standard cover page.

       Use appropriate headings and subheadings to divide the report into sections and


      b) Formatting:

       The Environmental Analysis Report, Outline of the Marketing Plan, and Final Business

      Plan should be typed and printed on A4 size paper with the following margins: left: 40mm,

      right: 30mm, top: 25mm, bottom: 25mm.

       Use Times New Roman 12pt font with 1.5 line spacing.

      Page numbers should be centred at the bottom of each page.

      c) Word Counts:

      CCBS4020 Integrated Project Project Guidelines

       The Environmental Analysis Report should be between 3,000 and 4,000 words (excluding

      the table of contents, appendices, and references).

       The Outline of the Marketing Plan should not exceed 2,000 words.

       The Final Business Plan should be between 6,000 and 10,000 words (excluding the table

      of contents, appendices, and references).

      d) Presentations:

       The finalised marketing plan PowerPoint should not exceed 20 slides, excluding the last

      slide, which includes the slide numbers completed by each group member. It should

      include appropriate visual illustrations, such as pictures, diagrams, or charts, in addition

      to text.

       The allotted time for the Oral Presentation of the Finalised Marketing Plan should not

      exceed 20 minutes, including a 5-minute Question and Answer (Q&A) session.

       The final business plan PowerPoint should not exceed 35 slides, excluding the last slide,

      which includes the slide numbers completed by each group member. It should include

      both text and visual illustrations, such as pictures, diagrams, or charts.

      e) Group Assignments:

       In group assignments, all members of the group will generally receive the same marks.

       Peer evaluation forms will be provided to assess each member's contribution to the

      Environmental Analysis Report, Outline of the Marketing Plan, Finalised Marketing Plan

      PowerPoint presentation, Final Business Plan, and PowerPoint presentation of the

      Business Plan.

       Each group member will rate the contributions of other group members. If a member

      receives a poor rating, their mark for the assessed assignment will be deducted

      accordingly. It is important for all students to contribute fairly to the project.

      5. Resolution of Conflicts within the Group

      A group is formed by individuals working together towards a common goal. However,

      differences in communication and working styles among group members may lead to conflicts

      that can impede progress.

      When conflicts arise, students should:

       address problems as they arise instead of ignoring them;

       discuss any issues in the presence of all group members;

       avoid blaming each other for past failures and instead focus on identifying necessary changes;

       strive to reach a mutual understanding that all group members agree upon.

      Each group has one opportunity to remove a non-contributing member after the submission of

      the Environmental Analysis Report, using the peer evaluation system. Each member can submit

      the Environmental Analysis Peer Evaluation Form, along with valid supporting documents such

      as the Minutes of Group Meeting and group conversation records, to demonstrate that the

      concerned member has not made any contribution to the group project. The deadline for

      submitting these documents is 23 February 2025 at 23:59 HKT. The lecturer will make the final

      decision on whether the concerned member will be allowed to continue working in the group or

      will be asked to work on the remaining parts of the project alone. This decision will be

      communicated on or before 1 March 2025. It is important to note that no group member can

      CCBS4020 Integrated Project Project Guidelines

      be removed after 1 March 2025. For any subsequent issues with group members, the peer

      evaluation system can be used to report non-contributing members.

      If conflicts persist or further assistance is needed, students should seek help and advice from their


      6. Attitude of the Group

      Each group is responsible for taking the initiative to seek advice from the supervisor and keeping

      the supervisor informed of their progress. It is important to actively engage with the supervisor

      and maintain open lines of communication throughout the project.

      Please note that the project supervisor may provide feedback, both positive and negative, on your

      work. Embrace this feedback as an opportunity for growth and improvement.

      presentation with few errors.

      C Demonstrate a satisfactory understanding of the key concepts and theories in

      different business functions, and ability to develop a business plan with

      limited use of analytical and critique techniques. Also, the presentation is not


      D Demonstrate limited understanding of the key concepts and theories in

      different business functions, and limited ability to develop a business plan.

      There is limited evidence of analytical thinking as well as the presentation is

      not well-structured and organised.

      F Show no or little knowledge of the key concepts and theories in different

      business functions, and lack of ability in developing a business plan. The

      presentation is incoherent and unstructured.

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