Introduction to CS & Engineering (0CCS0CSE)
Due Friday Feb. 7
, 11am
Chess is a two-player board game, played on a chequered board where pieces are moved
according to precise rules (see Table 1). The object of the game is to attack the opponent’s
king in such a way that escape is impossible (checkmate). Each square on a chess board
can be described by a letter (file) and number (rank). For example, in Figure 1, square
b4 is on file b and rank 4.
Figure 1: Chess board positions. (
For this homework assignment you will design and implement two functions. The first
function, position(piece, loc), takes the name of a chess piece and its position, and
returns all the squares that piece can reach after a single move is made. The second
function, getTo(piece, loc1, loc2), takes the name of a chess piece, two positions,
and returns true if the piece can reach the second position in exactly two moves. Assume
there are no other pieces on the board.
1Chess Pieces
Piece Moves
King Moves one square in any direction.
Queen Any number of squares diagonally, horizontally, or vertically.
Rook Any number of squares horizontally or vertically.
Bishop Any number of squares diagonally.
Knight In an ‘L-shape,’ two squares in a straight direction, and
then one square perpendicular to that.
Pawn One square forward
Table 1: Valid piece names and a description of how they move.
1. The program should contain at least 3 functions. Furthermore, it should demonstrate
an understanding how and when to use functions.
2. The program must contain and use the functions position(piece, loc) and getTo(piece,
loc1, loc2)
3. The program should be written without using the chr() function, the ord() function,
tuples, list comprehension, or nested functions (i.e., closures & decorators)
4. All of your code should be within a function, i.e., no global variables
5. Follow all submission requirements
position(piece, loc)
1. The function accepts full piece names, e.g., King, Rook or Queen, as a string. The
function should be case insensitive, that is, King, king, and KING are treated the
2. The function should accept positions, as a string, in file-rank format, e.g., b5, h8 or
f3. The function should be case insensitive, that is, b3 and B3 are treated same.
3. The function should return a list; the order of the chess squares in the list does not
4. If an invalid piece is passed to the function, i.e., a piece not found in Table 1, the
function should return an empty list
5. If the position of the piece is invalid, the function should return an empty list
6. If the piece is in a position where it has no valid moves, the function should return
an empty list
2getTo(piece, loc1, loc2)
1. The function accepts full piece names, e.g., King, Rook or Queen, as a string. The
function should be case insensitive, that is, King, king, and KING are treated the
2. The function should accept positions, as a string, in file-rank format, e.g., b5, h8 or
f3. The function should be case insensitive, that is, b3 and B3 are treated same.
3. The function should return True or False. If the piece can get from position 1
to position 2 in exactly two moves, the function should return True, otherwise it
should return False.
4. If the piece can get from position 1 to position 2 in one move, return False
5. If the piece is already on position 2, return False
6. The function must use the position(piece, loc) function appropriately.
Sample Test Cases
For testing purposes, here are some of the test cases your submission must pass.
1 position ('King ', 'f3 ')
2 # Returns ['e4 ','f4 ','g4 ','e3 ','g3 ','e2 ','f2 ','g2 ']
4 position ('Rook ','i4 ')
5 # Returns []
7 position ('knight ','d4 ')
8 # Returns ['e6 ','f5 ','f3 ','e2 ','b3 ','c2 ','b5 ','c6 ']
10 getTo ('king ', 'e1 ', 'e3 ')
11 # Returns True
13 getTo ('pawn ', 'c2 ', 'c8 ')
14 # Returns False
16 getTo ('knight ', 'g1 ', 'e5 ')
17 # Returns True
3Submission Instructions
Failure to follow all submission instructions may result in a lower grade.
1. At the top of your program put the following comments:
# [Your Full Name]
# [Your K number]
# Homework 1
2. Name your solution —exactly as you see it here. One word all lowercase,
with the *.py extension.
3. Submit the Python file (*.py) on KEATS —You do not need to include a cover
4. If asked for a submission title, enter your full name.
The mark is split 60% functionality and 40% implementation. Meaning, if your program
works and passes all test cases you automatically get a 60. The remaining 40% will be
given based on how well you implemented your solution., e.g., appropriate use of functions,
use of descriptive variable names, following submission instructions, and meeting
program requirements.
• if your program crashes during testing, you will receive a 40 regardless
of the error that caused the crash
• if your program uses any of the following, chr() function, the ord() function,
tuples, list comprehension, or nested functions (i.e., closures & decorators),
you will receive a zero
• any submission that significantly deviates from the assignment will receive
a zero.
Rubric for Implementation
• Requirements. All specified requirements have been met (15 points)
• Functions. The solution demonstrates good use of functions; the code is reusable;
the code is efficient without sacrificing readability; and the solution is well organised
and easy to understand (15 points)
• Variable & function names. The solution uses meaningful identifier names, i.e.,
good function and variables names (5 points)
• Comments. The solution contains function level comments; few in-line comments
are used; and comments do not make code difficult to read/understand (5 points)
4Late Submission Policy
All coursework must be submitted on time. If you submit coursework late and have not
applied for an extension or have not had a mitigating circumstances claim upheld, you
will have an automatic penalty applied. If you submit late, but within 24 hours of the
stated deadline, the work will be marked, and 10 raw marks will be deducted. All work
submitted more than 24 hours late will receive a mark of zero.
• Any program submitted within 24 hours after the deadline will lose 10 points
• Any program submitted after the 24 hour grace period will receive a 0
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