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      COMP 636 代寫、Python 程序設計代做
      COMP 636 代寫、Python 程序設計代做

      時間:2025-01-28  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      COMP 636: Web App Assessment – Summer School 2024
      Milestone submission due: 5pm Friday 24 January 2025 via Learn
      Final submission due: 5pm Monday 10 February 2025 via Learn
      Worth: 50% of COMP636 grade
      Submit via Akoraka | Learn, with files set up and available on GitHub and PythonAnywhere.
      Aotearoa Tours Ltd (ATL) is a New Zealand based tourism company that runs international tours for customers from all over the world.
      ATL would like to keep a record of Customers, Tours and Tour Groups (groups of Customers that have been on a particular Tour). Some Tours have age restrictions on them (i.e., adults only).
      Information is stored about each Customer, and they are assigned a unique ID number.
      Tours have a name and an itinerary which is a list of Destinations that a Tour visits.
      A Tour Group is a group of Customers that goes on a particular Tour starting on a specified date.
      You have been asked to help develop this system for ATL by undertaking the tasks described below.
      Note: The requirements presented here are not exhaustive, you are expected to apply critical thought to them, and best practices taught in the course, as a key part of the software development process. Ask clarifying questions in the in-person or online support sessions.
      Download the web application files from the Assessment block on Learn. These will get you started, including for the Milestone. You will add more routes and templates as you develop your app.
      This is an individual assessment. You may not collaborate or confer with others. You may help others by verbally explaining concepts and making suggestions in general terms, but without directly showing or sharing your own code. You must develop the logical structure and the detail of your code on your own. No use of generative AI is permitted for any part of this assessment.
      Code or content that is copied, shares a similar logic to others or is produced by generative AI will receive zero marks for all parties involved.
      The university guidelines and policy on academic integrity can be found here.

      Milestone Submission (5 marks, due 24 January)
      This milestone is to ensure that your app is correctly configured, and any set-up issues are resolved early. The milestone does not require any changes to the code and templates provided.
      By this date you only need to sync and share the provided files on GitHub, provide us teacher access to your PythonAnywhere, and host the provided code on PythonAnywhere so that the web app and provided routes run correctly.
      Milestone Requirements
      1) 2)
      For this
      • • • • • • •
      Create a private GitHub repository called atl.
      a. Your web application (app.py, etc.) must be in the main folder of your repository
      (not in a subfolder)
      Host your web app on PythonAnywhere.
      a. Use files cloned/pulled from your GitHub repository – don’t manually upload files (except connect.py).
      b. Your atl web app folder must be in your PythonAnywhere home directory (which should happen automatically when cloning the files from GitHub).
      c. Your MySQL database must be called atl and contain the required tables and data.
      The provided web application pages must load correctly in PythonAnywhere:
      a. Home page: / route; home.html template page.
      b. Tours page: /tours route; tours.html template page.
      c. These pages require no modification of app.py or their HTML files to work.
      submission you must have:
      Your GitHub repository set up correctly.
      The provided files loaded in GitHub and in PythonAnywhere.
      Your database set up on PythonAnywhere.
      Your app hosted successfully on PythonAnywhere.
      The / and /tours routes working (as provided in the files).
      Granted access to your PythonAnywhere account (set lincolnmac as teacher).
      Granted access to your GitHub repository (invite lincolnmac or computing@lincoln.ac.nz as collaborator).
      Submit the following via the link on the Learn COMP636 page:
      • Your PythonAnywhere URL (e.g., yourname1234567.PythonAnywhere.com/ )
      • Your GitHub username and repository name (e.g., yourname1234567/atl)
      • Just copy the link text and the repository name. Don’t add any other text.
        Set-up Requirement
      GitHub Repository set up and shared
      PythonAnywhere web app hosting correctly configured, including home URL and database setup, and teacher access granted
      / and /tours routes and pages (as provided) running on PythonAnywhere
      Marks Available
      1 mark 3 marks
      1 mark
      5 marks
                IMPORTANT: Do not pull further changes to your PythonAnywhere files until after you have received your Milestone marks. You may continue to work in the local copy on your computer in the meantime and you should also commit and push to your GitHub repository, but do not pull changes to PythonAnywhere or make any other changes there until the Milestone is marked.

      Final Submission (95 marks, due 10 February)
      Web application requirements
      1) Page header: On every page, include a page header which includes: the name of the app and a navigation bar with links to the pages.
      2) Image and text: Add an appropriate picture with some (brief) introductory text to the home page.
      3) Customer list: Complete the tourlist.html template to display a list of customers who are in a particular tour group.
      a. The tour name and start date must be shown clearly at the top of the list
      b. A list of customers on the tour must be shown in alphabetical order by family name
      c. Customers with the same family name should be ordered by date of birth (youngest
      d. A customer must be clickable to display a customer booking overview (see 8 below)
      4) Add booking: Complete the /booking/add route to insert a customer booking for a future tour into the database. Age restrictions must be enforced. (You do not need to edit any bookings for this assessment.)
      5) Customer search: Create templates and routes to allow customers to be searched for and for the results to be displayed.
      a. Search results must show customer family name and first name along with contact details.
      b. Results must be clickable to display a customer booking overview (see 8 below)
      6) Add customer: Create templates and routes to allow customers to be added to the system,
      and ensure appropriate validation is in place.
      7) Edit customer: Create or modify templates and routes to allow customer information to be
      8) Customer booking overview: Create templates and routes to display a customer booking
      overview page that shows all the bookings that a customer has made.
      a. The page must show the name of the customer and the total number of tour
      destinations that customer has booked overall (any destination visited multiple times should be counted multiple times). Include all tour groups (past, present and future) in the tour destination total.
      b. For each booking display the tour name, departure date and number of tour destinations.
      c. The overview must show past, current and future bookings.
      9) Project Report: Create a report as described in the Report section below in the README.md
      file in your GitHub repository.
      General requirements
      1) The application should follow the best practices mentioned in class, even where not specifically requested.
      2) Data that is entered should be validated and errors from inappropriate data handled without crashing the web application.
      3) Information should be presented in a manner appropriate for a professional web application, such as appropriate headings, labels, and date and number formatting.
      4) General presentation and user interface should be tidy and professional making use of Bootstrap CSS for formatting, but it does not need to be ‘fancy’. Clean and functional is sufficient.

      Your report must be created using GitHub Markdown format and saved in the README.md file of your GitHub repository. It does not need to be a formal report – a tidy document using the following headings will be sufficient. Write a brief project report that includes:
      • Design decisions:
      Discuss the design decisions you made when designing and developing your app: why you created one set of pages, routes and functions to connect and interact in this way, and not in some other way. Discuss the structural and logical options you considered.
      For example, , does the edit open a different template for editing or does it use the same template with IF statements to enable the editing? What GET or POST choices to request and send data did you make and why? (These are just examples; you do not have to include them in your own discussion.) You will have considered many design possibilities; write personally in plain language about your development decisions.
      Make notes about your decisions as you work, so you do not forget them!
      • Image sources: Reference external image sources in your report.
      • Database questions: Refer to the supplied atl-local.sql file to answer the following questions. Do not implement these changes in your app, just write your answers in your report:
      1. What SQL statement creates the tours table and defines its fields/columns? (Copy and paste only the relevant lines of SQL.)
      2. Which lines of SQL script set up the relationship between the tours and tourgroups tables?
      3. The current ATL only works for individual travellers. Write SQL script to create a new table called families, which includes a unique family ID, the family name, an optional short description. The ID must be added automatically by the database. (Relationships to other tables not required.)
      4. Write an SQL statement that adds a row for a new family to your new families table. Make up some values for a fictional family.
      5. What changes would you need to make to other tables in the database to fully incorporate the new families table into the data model below? (Describe the changes. SQL script not required.)

      Data Model
       Model Notes:
      intineraries.tourid intineraries.destinationid tourgroups.tourid tourbookings.tourgroupid tourbookings.customerid * the ‘Foreign Key’
      tours.tourid destinations.destinationid tours.tourid tourgroups.tourgroupid customers.customerid
        Child table.field *
         (refers to)
         Parent table.field

      Project Constraints
      You must:
      • Use only the COMP636 technologies (Python & Flask, Bootstrap CSS, MySQL). Do not use SQLAlchemy or ReactJS (or other similar technologies or libraries) in your solution.
      o Do not use any scripts, including JavaScript and do not write your own CSS (use Bootstrap). o Exceptions: You may use:
      ▪ The Bootstrap <script> at the bottom of base.html.
      ▪ The supplied form validation javascript.
      • Use the provided SQL files to create a database within your local MySQL and in
      PythonAnywhere. Each script also populates the database with initial data.
      o You can re-run the appropriate SQL script at any time to reset your data back to the original version and remove any changes you made to it (if it starts to get messy during testing).
      o You may modify data in your database for testing purposes and may add new data, but you must not modify the schema – do not add any new tables or columns.
      o When marking, we will not change the structure of the data, but we will modify or add alternative data to your database as part of the marking process. You can rely on table names and columns staying the same, but the data in the rows in the tables may change.
      • Use the provided files to develop a Flask web app that:
      o Must be in a top-level folder called ‘atl’ (locally and on PythonAnywhere). o Meets the functional requirements.
      o Is appropriately commented.
      o Connects to your database.
      o Uses %s to insert values into SQL statements.
      o Provides appropriate routes for the different functions.
      o Provides templates and incorporates HTML forms to take input data.
      o Uses Bootstrap CSS to provide styling and formatting.
      • Include your report in your GitHub README.md file as outlined earlier.
      o This report must be created using GitHub Markdown and saved in the README.md file of
      your GitHub repository.
      • Create a private GitHub repository called atl that contains:
      o All Python, HTML, images and any other required files for the web app.
      o Your repository must have a .gitignore file and therefore not have a copy of your virtual
      o A requirements.txt file showing the required pip packages.
      o Your project report as the README.md document.
      o Add lincolnmac (computing@lincoln.ac.nz) as a collaborator to your GitHub repository.
      o Your repository must show a minimum of two commits per week after the milestone submission (but do not pull to PythonAnywhere until after your Milestone has been marked).
      • Host your system (including database) using PythonAnywhere.
      o Add lincolnmac as your “teacher” via Account > Education.
      o The webapp must be in a directory called ‘atl’ in the home directory.

      Project Hints
      Create your GitHub repository first then create all your required code and files in your local folder, then push to GitHub.com and clone/pull changes through to PythonAnywhere.
      IMPORTANT: We will mark the PythonAnywhere version of your app. Even if your web app works locally on your computer, it may not work on PythonAnywhere. PythonAnywhere is case sensitive in ways that your local web application is not and can have other small differences. So, frequently test your app in PythonAnywhere, as you develop it (pull to PythonAnywhere, reload, test). This makes it easier to debug issues as they arise and to ask for help. You won’t get marks if your local version works but your PythonAnywhere version doesn’t. So, test in PythonAnywhere well before the due date!
      Spend some time sketching and planning the structure of your application before you start developing. Think about which features could share the same (or nearly the same) templates. You can also nest templates (templates within templates).
      Make notes of your design decisions, compromises, workarounds, etc. as you develop your web app. Otherwise afterwards you may struggle to remember all of the issues you worked through, when it comes time to discuss those design decisions in your report. Do not include masses of insignificant decisions in your report though.
      The requirements in this project brief are not exhaustive, you are expected to apply critical thought and think about the user experience of the web application.

      Final Submission (95 marks, due 10 February)
      Submit your URLs again via the final submission link on the Learn COMP636 page:
      • Your PythonAnywhere URL (e.g., yourname1234567.PythonAnywhere.com/ )
      • Your GitHub username and repository name (e.g., yourname1234567/atl)
      • Just copy the link text and the repository name. Don’t add any other text.
      This confirms where your work is and tells us that your final submission is ready for marking.
      Report and General Project Aspects (25 marks):
        Project Element
      Marks Available
         Project Report – Part 1:
      • Discuss your design decisions (aim for
      discussion of 7-15 decisions). Also detail
      assumptions that you made, if any.
      • Report created using GitHub Markdown
      and saved in the README.md file of your GitHub repository.
      Project Report – Part 2:
      • Report Database Questions sufficiently
      answered. Spelling, presentation, etc.
            8 marks
      • 7 marks for appropriate personal
      discussion, in your own words.
      • 1 mark for .md being in the right place and
      a reasonable length. (Just a heading, or a couple of sentences, is not a reasonable length.)
      10 marks
      2 marks
      Spelling, punctuation, grammar, and presentation, and appropriate referencing of external images.
           Consistent ‘look and feel’ (interface, Bootstrap styling & templates, ease of use, etc). No additional CSS or scripts. COMP636 technologies only.
         5 marks
      25 marks

      Functional Project Aspects (70 marks):
      Within each of the functional areas (see table below with indicative marks) we are looking for:
      • Functionality working as specified in the requirements and demonstrating critical thought about the implementation and user experience.
      • Well commented and formatted HTML, SQL, and Python code throughout.
      • A user interface that looks and functions to a professional standard, including Bootstrap
      colour and styling choices, sensible navigation and appropriate sorting of lists.
      • ID numbers for table rows are mainly for internal system use only and should be made visible
      to system users when only mentioned in the requirements.
      • Data validation on forms. Wise choice of form elements.
      • Well-structured SQL queries.
      • Appropriate naming, both of variables and labels.
      An indication of marks (may be adjusted when marking) :
      Access Navigation Customer List Customer Search Add booking
      Add customer Edit customer
      Customer Booking overview
      Approx. marks
         Home page exists via ‘/’ route, with appropriate layout and no 3 broken links. Picture and text added to home page.
      Appropriate use of extending templates. Sensible, well laid-out 3 navigation throughout.
      Appropriate display of customer information, click through to 6 booking overview and sorting applied
      Appropriate routes created, search by first and/or last name with 7 appropriate display and linking of results
      Appropriate interface to select the customer, tour and tour 16 group. Only future tour groups are available to book. Age
      restrictions are enforced.
      Add Customer – a customer can be added with good validation 9 and error messages in place.
      Customer can easily be selected for editing with appropriate 11 validation and error messages in place.
      Customer name and summary information shown along with 15 breakdown of the details.

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