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      時間:2024-12-11  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      Assignment 2: Blockchain and Mining with Proof-of-work for Bitcoin 
      CE235 Computer Security 
      University of Essex 
      1. Introduction 
      1.1 Bitcoin Mining 
      Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency. In the Bitcoin system Bitcoins are mined through proof-of-work mechanism. 
      Bitcoin miners are given technical puzzles to solve. There is only one puzzle at any time with a given difficulty 
      level, which is set by the system administrator. New puzzles are created after the current one is solved. 
      The first miner who solves the puzzle is awarded a specified number of bitcoins. The winner creates and sign a 
      new block with digital signature technology and broadcast to other Bitcoin users. The signed block is linked to 
      the previous signed blocks. These blocks form a chain of blocks (called blockchain) as shown in the following 
      figure. The new signed blocks are verified by others and could become mature after being confirmed by a given 
      number of miners, which is measured by length of blocks linked to the new blocks. 
      1.2 Technical puzzle 
      The puzzle set in the proof-of-work is to find a specific integer number (called nonce), which together with a 
      few other numbers (such as hash value of the previous block, the transactions to be included to the new block) 
      are hashed with SHA-256 algorithm and the hashed value satisfies a given condition. 
      The puzzle can be formulated as follows: 
      where preHash is the hash value of the previous block, Tx is transaction of bitcoins. levelHard is a given number, 
      usually controlled by requiring a consecutive number of most significant bits (MSB) being zeros, for example 
      the first 30 MSBs being zero. The more MSB zeros required on levelHard, the more difficult to solve the puzzle 
      (finding the nonce satisfying the condition). Below gives a binary number with the 15 MSB being zeros and 5 
      least significant bits (LSB). 
      (MSB) 00000000000000011100000101111110011010101100000 (LSB) 
      1.3 Signing and verifying a new block 
      The first miner solving the puzzle will create a new block, which includes a block header (storing the digital 
      signature of this new block, which will include the hash value of the block body) and a block body. The block 
      body includes the hash value of the previous block, the found nonce and transactions included in this block. The 
      digital signature is created by encrypting the hash value of this new block with private key. The block is linked 
      to the last block of the existing blockchain and broadcast. The new block will then be verified by others using 
      the winning miner’s public key and checking the hash values of this and previous blocks. 
      2. Specification 
      Block header (signature)
      Prev Hash
      Block header (signature)
      Prev Hash
      Block header (signature)
      Prev Hash
      Block n-2 Block n-1 Block n
      find nonce, subject to: hash(preHash, nonce, Tx) < levelHard This assignment takes 18% of the marks (18 marks) of this module. The aim of the assignment is to write a 
      Python program, which will implement a simplified version of Bitcoin mining and digital signature schemes as 
      shown in the following figure, with additional task of protecting the confidentiality of the signed message (from 
      by encrypting/decrypting the signed message (such as with an extra RSA key pair for the validator). 
      2.1 Task1: Create a RSA public/private key pair with 1024 bits key length [1 mark] 
      o The RSA key pairs will be used in Task3 and Task4 of this assignment. 
      o The created RSA public {n,e} and private keys {n,d} need to be displayed with the following 
      2.2 Task2: Find a nonce with hash algorithm SHA-256, which is a hash value satisfying requirement 
      of the 6 least significant bits (LSB) being zero [4 marks]. Produce a figure (or a table) which shows 
      the computation time (denoted by T) used to find a valid nonce by your own computer against the 
      number of required LSB being zero (denoted by N) changing from 1 to 8 [3 marks]. 
      o Hint: you can extend Example 4 in the provided sample program to complete this task. Example 4 
      generates only one nonce and check if the nonce is valid. 
      o You should try many random integers as nonce (with a loop) until you successfully find a nonce 
      that meets the requirement. The only output from this task is the nonce, which needs to be displayed 
      with the following format (suppose the found nonce is 12345): 
      o You can use your program to produce the figure/table automatically, or you can record the 
      computation times and create the figure/table using other software, then present it to the teaching 
      staff members during your demonstration. Not to submit the figure/table to Faser. 
      2.3 Task3: Digitally sign the nonce and your student number with the RSA private key [3 marks] 
      o The message to be signed is a string consisting of the nonce (found with 6 LSB being zero) and 
      your student number, which are separated by a space. For example, if the found nonce is 12345 and 
      your student number is 54**1, then the message to be signed needs to be a string “12345 54**1” 
      o You need to sign the message with RSA key pair generated in Task 1. 
      o The outputs of this Task3 include the hashed value of the message and the signature, which need to 
      be displayed with the following format. 
      Find a valid 
      Sign message
      (nonce, student #)
      Verify the digital 
      Generate RSA 
      computation time
      Required # of 
      LSB zeros
      Encrypted message 
      & signature
      Table or figure Keys
      Public key: 
      85df5a29fc265fc217dbbb91065b35, e=0x10001) 
      Private key: 
      Valid Nonce: 12345  
      2.4 Task4: Verify the signature [3 marks] 
      o The signature verification is to be achieved by decrypting the digital signature with public key 
      {n,e} generated in Task 1 to get the hash value from the signature and compare it to the one 
      obtained from hashing the signed message. 
      o The process of signature verification needs to output yes or no depending on the verification 
      2.5 Task5: Protect the confidentiality of the signed message from Task 3 by encrypting/decrypting 
      the signed message [4 marks] 
      o You should generate another RSA key pair for the validator. 
      o The signed message should be encrypted with a key of the validator by the user who signs the 
      o The encrypted signed message should be decrypted with another key of the validator before the 
      signature validation by the validator. 
      3. Sample Program 
      We provide a sample python program miningBitcoin_sample.py, which includes most of the needed 
      RSA encryption and digital signature functions to complete the above tasks. It can be run from integrated 
      development environments (IDLE). It can also be run from the command line like this: 
      python mingingBitcoin_sample.py 
      You should modify the sample python program to complete the tasks. Your own program should have a name 
      like cs_bitcoin_registrationnumber.py (replace registrationnumber by your own registration number). For 
      example, if your registration number is 1234567, your filename will be: 
       Your program must run from the command line like this: 
      python cs_bitcoin_1234567.py 
      The outputs of your program are required to be displayed, following the specified format for marking purposes. 
      4. How to submit 
      Submit your python .py file to Faser by the submission deadline Friday, 13/12/2024. 
      5. Marking Scheme 
      You will be asked by the Professor He or teaching assistants at NWU to demonstrate your work and answer questions 
      to ensure it is your own work. Your marks for this assignment will be dependent on the complement and output 
      results of your program, and your answers to the questions asked by the teachers. If you are asked to but you don’t 
      demonstrate your work, no mark will be given to your assignment work. 
      Apart from demonstration of your work to the teaching staff members, it is mandatory for you to submit your program 
      file to Faser on time. Otherwise, you may not get any mark for your work on the assignment. 
      Your submitted program may be checked and tested by Professor He. If problems such as plagiarism are found from 
      the testing, your marks will be reduced. 
       請加QQ:99515681  郵箱:99515681@qq.com   WX:codinghelp


    1. 上一篇:代寫ENGR1010J、代做C/C++設計編程
    2. 下一篇:福建人去菲律賓做生意多嗎(手續有哪些)
    3. 無相關信息

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