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      時間:2024-11-25  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      MATH38161 Multivariate Statistics and Machine Learning
      November 2024
      The coursework is a data analysis project with a written report. You will apply skills
      and techniques acquired from Week 1 to Week 8 to analyse a subset of the FMNIST
      In completing this coursework, you should primarily use the techniques and methods
      introduced during the course. The assessment will focus on your understanding and
      demonstration of these techniques in alignment with the learning outcomes, rather
      than the accuracy or exactness of the final results.
      The project report will be marked out of 30. The marking scheme is detailed below.
      You have twelve days to complete this coursework, with a total workload of approximately 10 hours (including preliminary coursework tasks).
      • Software: You should mainly use R to perform the data analysis. You may use
      built-in functions from R packages or implement the algorithms with your own
      • Report: You may use any document preparation system of your choice but the
      final document must be a single PDF in A4 format. Ensure that the text in the
      PDF is machine-readable.
      • Content: Your report must include the complete analysis in a reproducible format,
      integrating the computer code, figures, and text etc. in one document.
      • Title Page: Show your full name and your University ID on the title page of your
      • Length: Recommended length is 8 pages of content (single sided) plus title
      page. Maximum length is 10 pages of content plus the title page. Any content
      exceeding 10 pages will not be marked.
      Submission process and deadline
      • The deadline for submission is 11:59pm, Friday 29 November 2024.
      • Submission is online on Blackboard (through Grapescope).
      Academic Integrity and Use of AI Tools
      This is an individual coursework. Your analysis and report must be completed
      independently, including all computer code. Note that according to the University
      guidances, output generated by AI tools is considered work created by another person.
      • Citations: Acknowledge all sources, including AI tools used to support text and
      code writing.
      • Ethics: Use sources in an academically appropriate and ethical manner. Do not
      copy verbatim, and cite the original authors rather than second- or third-level
      • Accuracy: Be mindful that sources, including Wikipedia and AI tools, may contain
      non-obvious errors.
      Copying and plagiarism (=passing off someone else’s work as your own) is a very
      serious offence and will be strictly prosecuted. For more details see the “Guidance
      to students on plagiarism and other forms of academic malpractice” available at
      https://documents.manchester.ac.uk/display.aspx?DocID=2870 .
      Coursework tasks
      Analysis of the FMNIST data using principal component analysis
      (PCA) and Gaussian mixture models (GMMs)
      The Fashion MNIST dataset contains 70,000 grayscale images of fashion products
      categorised into 10 distinct classes. More information is available on Wikipedia and
      The data set to be analysed in this coursework is a subset of the full FMNIST data and
      contains 10,000 images, each with dimensions of 28 by 28 pixels, resulting in a total of
      784 pixels per image. Each pixel is represented by an integer value ranging from 0 to
      255. You can download this data subset as “fmnist.rda” (7.4 MB) from Blackboard.
      load("fmnist.rda") # load sampled FMNIST data set
      dim(fmnist$x) # dimension of features data matrix (10000, 784)
      ## [1] 10000 784
      range(fmnist$x) # range of feature values (0 to 255)
      ## [1] 0 255
      Here is a plot of the first 15 images:
      par(mfrow=c(3,5), mar=c(1,1,1,1))
      for (k in 1:15) # first 15 images
      m = matrix( fmnist$x[k,] , nrow=28, byrow=TRUE)
      image(t(apply(m, 2, rev)), col=grey(seq(1,0,length=256)), axes = FALSE)
      Each sample is assigned to one label represented by an integer from 0 to 9 (as R factor
      with 10 levels):
      fmnist$label[1:15] # first 15 labels
      ## [1] 7 1 4 8 1 ** 1 2 0 7 0 8 1 6
      ## Levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
      Task 1: Dimension reduction for FMNIST data using principal components analysis
      The following steps are suggested guidelines to help structure your analysis but are not
      meant as assignment-style questions. Integrate your work as part of a cohesive report
      with a logical narrative.
      • Do some research to learn more about the FMNIST data.
      • Compute the 784 principal components from the 784 original pixel variables.
      • Compute and plot the proportion of variation attributed to each principal component.
      • Create a scatter plot of the first two principal components. Use the known labels
      to colour the scatter plot.
      • Construct the correlation loadings plot.
      • Interpret and discuss the result.
      • Save the first 10 principal components of all 10,000 images to a data file for Task 2.
      Task 2: Analysis of the FMNIST data set using Gaussian mixture models (GMMs)
      Using all 784 pixel variables for cluster analysis is computationally impractical. In
      this task, use the 10 (or fewer) principal components instead of the original 784 pixel
      variables. Again, these steps serve as guidelines. Integrate this work into your report
      logically following from Task 1.
      • Cluster the data using Gaussian mixture models (GMMs).
      • Find out how many clusters can be identified.
      • Interpret and discuss the results.
      Structure of the report
      Your report should be structured into the following sections:
      1. Dataset
      2. Methods
      3. Results and Discussion
      4. References
      In Section 1 provide some background and describe the data set. In Section 2 briefly
      introduce the method(s) you are using to analyse the data. In Section 3 run the analyses
      and present and interpret the results. Show all your R code so that your results are
      fully reproducible. In Section 4 list all journal articles, books, wikipedia entries, github
      pages and other sources you refer to in your report.
      Marking scheme
      The project report will be assessed out of 30 points based on the following rubrics.
      Criteria Marks Rubrics
      Description of
      6 Excellent (5-6 marks): Provides a clear and thorough
      overview of the FMNIST dataset, detailing the image
      structure, pixel data, and its context within multivariate
      Good (3-4 marks): Provides a clear overview of the
      dataset with some context; minor details may be missing.
      Adequate (**2 marks): Basic description of the dataset
      with limited context; lacks important details.
      Insufficient (0 marks): Little to no description provided.
      Description of
      6 Excellent (5-6 marks): Clearly and thoroughly explains
      PCA and GMMs, their purposes, and how they apply to
      this dataset.
      Good (3-4 marks): Provides a clear explanation of PCA
      and GMMs, with minor gaps in clarity or relevance.
      Adequate (**2 marks): Basic explanation of methods with
      limited detail or relevance to the course techniques.
      Insufficient (0 marks): Lacks clear explanations of the
      Results and
      12 Excellent (10-12 marks): Correctly applies PCA and
      GMMs, presents clear and informative visualisations, and
      provides a coherent and insightful interpretation of the
      Good (7-9 marks): Accurately applies PCA and GMMs
      with mostly clear visuals and reasonable interpretation;
      minor improvements needed.
      Adequate (4-6 marks): Basic application of techniques,
      limited or unclear visuals, minimal interpretation.
      Insufficient (0-3 marks): Incorrect application of
      techniques, with little to no interpretation.
      Presentation of
      6 Excellent (5-6 marks): Report is well-organised, clear, and
      professionally formatted, with a logical narrative and
      adherence to page limits.
      Good (3-4 marks): Report is generally clear and
      organised, with minor structural or formatting issues.
      Adequate (**2 marks): Report lacks coherence or has
      significant formatting issues; may not meet all format
      Insufficient (0 marks): Report lacks structure and clarity,
      does not meet formatting requirements.

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    1. 上一篇:代寫ECE 36800、代做Java/Python語言編程
    2. 下一篇:ESTR1002代做、代寫C/C++設計編程
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