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      時間:2024-11-24  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      Coursework 2: Neural networks 
      ENG4200 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 4 
      1. Key Information 
      • Worth 30% of overall grade 
      • Submission 1 (/2): Report submission 
      • Deadline uploaded on Moodle 
      • Submission 2 (/2): Code submission to CodeGrade 
      • Deadline uploaded on Moodle (the same as for report) 
      2. Training data 
      The training dataset has been generated by maximum flow analysis between nodes 12 and 2. The 
      feature dataset has 19 fields, which of each represents the maximum flow capacity of each of the 
      19 edges, taking the values of 0, 1, and 2. The output dataset has 20 fields, where the first 19 
      fields refer to the actual flow taking place on each of the 19 edges, and the last one refers to the 
      maximum flow possible between nodes 12 and 2. 
      Figure 1 The network used to generate training dataset. This information is just to help you understand the training 
      dataset; you must not generate additional training dataset to train your neural network. 
       3. What you will do 
      You have to create and train a neural network with the following requirement/note: 
      • Only the provided training dataset should be used, i.e. furthur traning dataset must NOT be 
      created by performing maximum flow analysis over the network in Figure 1. 
      • The accuracy on a hidden test dataset will be evaluated by a customised function as 
      follows, where the accuracy on the maximum flow field is weighted by 50%, and other 19 
      fields share the rest 50% (you may design your loss function accordingly): 
       You should prepare two submissions, code submission and report submission. In blue colour are 
      assessment criteria. 
      • Code submission should include two files (example code uploaded on Moodle): 
      o A .py file with two functions 
      ▪ demo_train demonstrates the training process for a few epochs. It has three 
      inputs: (1) the file name of taining feature data (.csv), (2) the file name of 
      training output data (.csv), and (3) the number of epochs. It needs to do two 
      things: (1) it needs to print out a graph with two curves of training and 
      validation accuracy, respectively; and (2) save the model as .keras file. 
      ▪ predict_in_df makes predictions on a provided feature data. It has two 
      inputs: (1) the file name of a trained NN model (.keras) and (2) the file name 
      of the feature data (.csv). It needs to return the predictions by the NN model 
      as a dataframe that has the same format as ‘train_Y’. 
      o A .keras file of your trained model 
      ▪ This will be used to test the hidden test dataset on CodeGrade. 
      o You can test your files on CodeGrade. There is no limit in the number of 
      submissions on CodeGrade until the deadline. 
      o Assessment criteria 
      ▪ 5% for the code running properly addressing all requirements. 
      ▪ 10% for a third of the highest accuracy, 7% (out of 10%) for a third of the 
      second highest accuracy, and 5% (out of 10%) for the rest. 
      • Report submission should be at maximum 2 pages on the following three questions and 
      one optional question: 
      o Parametric studies of hyperparameters (e.g. structure, activators, optimiser, learning 
      rate, etc.): how did you test different values, what insights have you obtained, and 
      how did you decide the final setting of your model? 
      o How did you address overfitting and imbalanced datasets? 
      o How did you decide your loss function? 
      o [Optional] Any other aspects you’d like to highlight (e.g. using advanced methods 
      such as graphical neural network and/or transformer)? 
      o [Formatting] Neither cover page nor content list is required. Use a plain word 
      document with your name and student ID in the first line. 
      o Assessment criteria 
      ▪ 5% for each of the questions, evaluated by technical quality AND 
      ▪ Any brave attempts of methods (e.g. Graphical Neural Network, Transformer, 
      or Physics-Informed Neural Network using physical relationships e.g. that 
      the flows going in and out of a node should be balanced) that go beyond 
      what we learned in classroom will earn not only the top marks for report, but 
      also (unless the accuracy is terribly off) will earn a full 10% mark for 
      accuracy in the code submission part. If you have made such attempts, don’t 
      forget to highlight your efforts on the report. 
      請加QQ:99515681  郵箱:99515681@qq.com   WX:codinghelp


    1. 上一篇:CS1026A代做、Python設計程序代寫
    2. 下一篇:代寫ECE 36800、代做Java/Python語言編程
    3. 無相關信息

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