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      時間:2024-11-20  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      24LLP109 – Digital Application Development
      Coursework Report (100%)
      The coursework report for this module consists of two parts:
      • Part 1. Software development (60%): develop a car rental system using 
      Object-Oriented Programming principles.
      • Part 2. Report (40%): write a 2000-word report about your
      software development.
      This assessment asks you to apply the skills and tools you’ve learned throughout 
      the module on a selection of different tasks. General guidelines are as follows:
      Deadline: 3:00 pm (UK time) on 22 November 2024 (Friday) in Week 8.
      • Requirements: You must not share your code with anyone. You are welcome 
      to discuss questions with other students, but don't share the answers. Applying 
      logical thinking to solve problems algorithmically is the core aim of the module, 
      and your solution must make sense to you. If someone asks you for the 
      answer, resist – just say no!
      • Plagiarism: Your work must not be plagiarized. You are NOT allowed to use 
      ChatGPT or similar AI tools to generate any part of your code or your written
      report. Rather than being an easy solution, remember that it is likely that these tools
      will not produce working code on their own and you will need to fix the output. It is 
      easier if you write code that you understand than to decode/debug ChatGPT 
      • Advice: Develop your answers incrementally. To perform a complicated task, 
      break it up into steps, perform each step on a different line, and check that each 
      intermediate result is what you expect.
      • Remember your rubber duck – explain the code out loud or to someone
      else and you will find the missing pieces.
      • Remember that we do assignments to test our knowledge and get
      feedback; it is ok if things are not perfect. If something does not work,
      reflect on it through your comments and in your report. Do the best you can.
      • It is better to receive a lower mark on your own work and use this 
      assignment to reflect on your knowledge than to copy or plagiarise, get a 
      good mark, and inevitably show up to a job interview or your first day of 
      work with no idea of your own skills. Be honest, value your own time, and 
      set yourself up for the best possible long-term outcome of this course.
      Part 1: Software Development (60%)
      This part is to build a car rental system using Object-Oriented Programming.
      • Your rental shop has a stock of cars available for rent. These rules apply for 
      • When a car is not rented, it is available to the customer to rent.
      • Once a car is rented, the car is assigned to the customer and 
      removed from the rental pool.
      • When the car is returned by the customer, it is assigned back into the 
      rental pool.
      • Three types of cars are available: hatchback, sedan, and SUV. Prices are 
      dependent on the length of rent as follows:
      • Less than a week (< 7 days): Hatchback £30, sedan £50, SUV
      £100 per day.
      • A week or longer (≥ 7 days): Hatchback £25, sedan £40, SUV for
      £** per day.
      • When renting a car: 
      • Prompt the customer for 1) the type of car, and 2) the no. of days 
      they would like to borrow the car.
      • Check stock for availability. If available, display the following 
      message (or something similar) to the customer: “You have rented a
      { } car for { } days. You will be charged { } per day, We hope that you
      enjoy our service." Update the stock accordingly.
      • If unavailable, inform the customer that the car is out of stock.
      • Upon returning a rented car:
      • Update the stock accordingly,
      • Issue a bill with more details including the type of vehicle rented, 
      rental period, rate per day, and total cost.
      Step 1: Create your classes
      Your program should have at least two main classes as follows (you can use further 
      subclasses as you deem appropriate):
      • Customer(s) who can:
      • Inquire about available stock and prices,
      • Rent a car, 
      • Return a car they have previously rented.
      • The Rental Shop(s) can:
      • Issue a bill when the customer returns their car,
      • Display available inventory and prices when a customer enquires, 
      • Process rent requests from customers after verifying stock availability.
      Since classes are used, various numbers of customers/shops can be instantiated 
      as needed. 
      For simplicity, we assume that any one customer requests a rental of only 
      one type (hatchback, sedan, SUV) for a given number of days.
      Step 2: Run your code
      Create the main script (main.py) to run the classes you implemented. Import your 
      classes into your main script. When run, main.py should output a series of prompts 
      to the console, which allows a customer to interact with your classes via the 
      command line. Your implementation should include the following:
      • Create instances of your classes. Initiate the car stock with, for
      instance, 10 cars (4 hatchbacks, 3 sedans, 3 SUVs).
      Via the command line, a customer should be able to perform different
      transactions to rent and return (according to the rules on the previous page):
      (1) Rent a specific car for a given number of days.
      (2) View a display of the stock to see available vehicles.
      (3) Return a previously rented car and receive a bill for the rental.
      (4) Exit the rental platform.
      Step 3: Extend your program
      Create a VIP class for customers with a loyalty card. VIP customers have a special 
      rate of:
      • VIP daily rate: Hatchback £20, sedan £35, SUV £80 per day.
      • Hint: VIP class will inherit from the general Customer class
      !! You must comment your code throughout !!
      Demonstrate your understanding of your code using in-line comments. They do not 
      need to be full/complete sentences but should outline functions, class definitions, 
      and input/output arguments.
      Part 2: Report (40%)
      Each report should contain the following five sections for your software development. 
      The overall report should include approximately 2000 words (10% more or less). 
      There is no word limit for each section in the report; you should address each of the 
      required points as clearly and concisely as possible. The word limit does not include 
      any addition of a front page, list of contents, references, appendix, and 
      sections/blocks from the software code itself, which can be any length.
      • Introduction
      You should (1) give a clear overview of what your programs are intended to do.
      Your introduction should also clearly explain (2) where the program might be
      used in an industrial application and (3) how it relates to the field of digital
      technologies in general.
      • Program structure
      (1) Explain in general how your program is structured. You can use a block diagram if 
      you wish or any appropriate method to show how the program you are submitting is
      constructed. It should be possible to fully understand how the program works at a basic
      level without necessarily reading your codes in detail: you should (2) explain how your 
      classes are organised, (3) how they work together (e.g., pass arguments), and (4) how 
      a customer interacts procedurally via the command line.
      • Application development
      (1) Define technical concepts that have been used generally (e.g., their basic function 
      and why they would be used) and (2) detail how they are used in your program 
      specifically. Choose three from: list, tuple, dictionary, control flows (while loops, if/else 
      statements, conditional statements), functions, and classes.
      • Program functionality
      Prove in this section that your codes do work by (1) showing the result of inputting test
      data and (2) showing the output in screenshots for each of the above four actions with 
      specified requirements (you must demonstrate all requirements). Although you should
      implement a working code, you should (3) note any parts that do not work, your
      intended function and your attempt to implement it, and reflect on why the code does
      not work as intended.
      • Conclusion and further work (in the end of the report)
      (1) Discuss critically the software you developed (e.g., what you have achieved, what
      are the current limitations, are there any parts that do not fully work and need further 
      development?). Think about the real-world context and what else might be needed to 
      make your implementation usable by an actual company or customer.
      !! You do not need to include references in your report !!; however, if you do
      include references, they will not be included in the word count, and they must be 
      referenced correctly in-text and in bibliography using Harvard style. Incorrect 
      referencing will receive mark deductions.
      Submitting your coursework
      To submit your work on Learn, you will need to include:
      1) your report in PDF version;
      2) your Python codes in .py files for software development. You must put your Python
      code files into one zipped folder and submit it.
      Please make sure that your PDF and Python codes are clear to read and run after
      opening your zip file!
      Your code should be able to be run from ONLY the resources included in this 
      folder. Your code should not require the use of external libraries or resources that 
      must be downloaded.
      !! REMEMBER: You must NOT include your name in your submission title or file, in 
      line with anonymous marking !!
      You can instead use your ID number and name your files as follows:
      <your_id_number>.pdf --- Report
      <your_id_number>.zip --- Code, including all Python files needed to run the program
      Your grade will be assessed on the overall quality of each part.
      The overall quality of Part 1 (software development, 60%) will be assessed on both 
      correctness and style.
      • Correctness: How well the program works according to specifications.
      • Style: The quality of the code and documentation (including in-line comments)
      Part 1 (Software Development, 60%) should be well-written and well-commented. You
      are encouraged to format your code in accordance with Python style guidelines. It should
      be clear enough for another programmer to understand it. For example, every function
      written is commented in text, in your own words, which should describe its behaviour, 
      parameters, and returns, and highlight any special cases.
      The overall quality of Part 2 (Report, 40%) will be assessed on the overall report and how
      well the five sections are answered according to specifications. 

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    1. 上一篇:CDS523編程代寫、代做Python程序語言
    2. 下一篇:網上比較靠譜的改名大師顏廷利師傅的聯系方式和地址最新消息
    3. 無相關信息

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