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      時間:2024-11-14  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      Assessment Brief
      Title Assessment 1 – Programming tasks - a simple appointment system for a 
      health service
      Type Programming
      Due Date Monday 11 November 2024 11:59 pm AEST (Start of Week 3)
      Length NA
      Weighting 20%
      Academic Integrity
      (See below for limits 
      of use where GenAI 
      is permitted)
      You may use GenAI tools to get some ideas or insight about particular
      problems in code. However, you MUST NOT generate a complete solution 
      Please refer to the Academic Integrity section below to see what 
      you can and cannot do with the GenAI tools.
      Submission You will need to submit the following to the submission link provided for 
      this assignment on the MySCU site:
      • The JAVA project with all your source code files.
      • The link to your GitHub repository.
      • A video explaining your code.
      Unit Learning 
      This assessment maps to the following ULOs:
      • ULO1: explain, compare, and apply advanced class design 
      • ULO2: apply object-oriented programming principles to solve 
      intermediate problems
      This assessment aims to assess students’ ability to understand and apply object-oriented 
      programming concepts and principles to solve intermediate problems. It addresses unit learning 
      outcomes 1 and 2 and relates to modules 1 and 2.
      Task Description 
      In this assignment, your task is to write JAVA codes that manage a simple appointment system for a 
      health service. A patient may make an appointment with different types of health professionals. 
      Health professional is a common term used to describe health workers (e.g., general practitioners, 
      specialists, surgeons, dietitians, nurses, etc). 
      To limit the complexity, this assessment focuses on two types of health professionals and the 
      booking is only for the current day. Your solution must apply the inheritance concept and utilise a 
      suitable collection to handle the bookings. 
      In this assessment, you MUST: 
      • Use JAVA language to develop the solution. 
      • Submit JAVA project with all your source code files to MySCU link. 
      • Demonstrate your work progress by regularly uploading your code to your GitHub 
      repository over the last two weeks. 
      • Record a video to explain your code and demonstrate your understanding. 
      If you fail to do any of the above, you will lose marks and be required to attend an interview to 
      explain your code. If you cannot explain your code, you will be submitted for academic 
      Task Instructions
      To get started: 
      • Create a new Java project called username-A1. 
      • In the src directory, create a new class called AssignmentOne. 
      • In the AssignmentOne class, create the main method. 
      For this assessment, find a website of any health service near your place (e.g., Southport Method 
      Medical Centre - https://southportmetromedicalcentre.com.au ) to explore all the different types of 
      health professionals with that patients can make appointments. While you are doing this, have a 
      look at the different health professional types as they go from more general to more specific. At the 
      top level of the Inheritance hierarchy, you need a generic health professional.
      Note that this assessment does not endorse any health services. The reference was only used to 
      give students an understanding of the case study.
      Part 1 – Base class 
      This part is to create a base class that will be extended to create different types of health 
      In your Java project, create a class named HealthProfessional.
      The class must have the following at a minimum: 
      • Required instance variables: ID (numbers only) and name. 
      • Another instance variable that is relevant to describe the basic information regardless of the 
      doctor type. 
      • A default constructor. 
      • A second constructor that initialises all the instance variables. 
      • A method that prints all instance variables. 
      Part 2 – Child classes 
      This part is to create two child classes representing different types of health professionals. To limit 
      the complexity, this assessment focuses on two types: general practitioner and any other type that 
      Assessment Brief
      you prefer. Therefore, in the inheritance hierarchy, under class HealthProfessional, you would need 
      to handle general practitioners and the other type of health professional.
      In your Java project, create one child class named GeneralPractitioner that extends the base class
      and another child class for the other type of health professional that also extends the base class.
      The child class must have the following at a minimum: 
      • At least another instance variable that is relevant and suitable to differentiate between a 
      general practitioner and another health professional type 
      • A default constructor 
      • A second constructor that initialises all the instance variables (including the instance 
      variables in the base class) 
      • A method that prints the health professional details, including the health professional type 
      (if it is a general practitioner or other health professional type) E.g., "The health professional
      details are:" followed by all instance variables formatted for readability (including the 
      instance variables in the base class)
      • Any other methods or variables that you feel are necessary for the class to be usable in the 
      Part 3 – Using classes and objects 
      This part uses the classes created above to create objects for different types of health professionals. 
      You are not required to use a collection to store the general practitioners and the other type of 
      health professionals, but you may use it if you want to.
      In the main method: 
      • Add the following comment - // Part 3 – Using classes and objects 
      • Write the code to create three objects of General Practitioners and two objects of the 
      other health professional type. 
      • Use the methods you created in the base and child classes to print the details of all the 
      health professionals you created in the above step (including the information from the base 
      • Add the following code - System.out.println("------------------------------"); 
      Part 4 – Class Appointment 
      This part is to create a class to accommodate an appointment made by a patient. When a patient 
      wants to make an appointment, we need to store basic patient details, preferred time slot, and 
      which doctor the patient wants to meet.
      In your Java project, create a new class named Appointment. The class must have the following at a 
      • Instance variables for patient details: name and mobile phone. You are not required to 
      create a Patient class, but you may create it if you want to. 
      • Instance variable for the preferred time slot (e.g., 08:00, 10:00, 14:30). 
      • The selected doctor (general practitioner or another health professional type). This should 
      be an object of the child class. 
      • A default constructor. 
      • A second constructor that initialises all the instance variables. 
      Assessment Brief
      • A method that prints all instance variables. 
      Part 5 – Collection of Appointments 
      This part is to create a collection of appointments using ArrayList and demonstrate how the 
      appointments work. We may add a new appointment, print existing appointments and cancel an 
      In the main method, write the code to: 
      • Add the following comment - // Part 5 – Collection of appointments 
      • Declare an ArrayList that can store instances (objects) of Appointment class. 
      • Create a method named createAppointment to create a new booking and add it to the 
      ArrayList. Since inheritance is applied, the method should be able to handle if the 
      appointment is to meet any different health professional types (think carefully). Also, make 
      sure all required information is supplied when creating a new appointment. Otherwise, the 
      appointment can not be created. 
      • Create a method named printExistingAppointments to display existing appointments in the 
      ArrayList. If there are no existing appointments, print a message to indicate this. 
      • Create a method named cancelBooking to cancel a booking using a patient’s mobile phone. 
      If the mobile phone is not found in the existing appointment, print a message to indicate this 
      • Add the following code - System.out.println("------------------------------"); 
      Lastly, demonstrate the collection and methods created above by doing these: 
      • Make 2 appointments with general practitioners. 
      • Make another 2 appointments with the other type of health professional. 
      • Print existing appointments.
      • Cancel one of the existing appointments.
      • Print again existing appointments to demonstrate the updated collection of appointments.
      Your main JAVA method should have the following information: 
      // Part 3 – Using classes and objects 
      Code demonstrating part 3 
      // Part 5 – Collection of appointments 
      Code demonstrating part 5 
      NOTE: Make sure that none of the code demonstrating each part of the assignment is commented 
      out. Your marker will run your main method and will be expecting to see the output for all parts of 
      the assignment. If the output for any part is missing, you WILL lose marks for that part. You can 
      comment it out when you are developing; however, when you submit your assignment, the main 
      method must contain all the code required for all parts of the assignment.
      Use GitHub 
      You must create a repository on GitHub to store your project work with all files and documents. You 
      must show your work progress in this assignment by regularly committing your project to the 
      GitHub repository. In each commit, you need to provide a clear explanation of what changes you 
      have made in this commit. Failing to show the correct work progress will fail the assignment.
      Assessment Brief
      Create a video 
      In your video, ensure you explain:
      • how you implemented inheritance in Parts **3,
      • how you demonstrated polymorphism in Part 3, and
      • how you worked with ArrayList and Class to handle the appointments. 
      Your video does not need to be long or go into much detail. You should be able to do all the above in 
      <= 5 minutes; however, the video must demonstrate that you understand the code you are 
      submitting and you did not use ChatGPT or a similar GenAI tool to generate it. 
      Upload your video to your SCU OneDrive and create a sharable link to it.
      Use the following resources to support you when working on this assessment.
      • Study modules 1 and 2 materials and complete all learning activities.
      • Take an active role in the weekly tutorial and workshop. 
      • Java API documentation https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/22/docs/api/index.html
      Referencing Style Resource
      Task Submission
      You are required to submit the following items: 
      • The JAVA project with all your source code files. Zip your project into a file called username A1.zip and upload the file.
      • The link to your GitHub repository. Add the link in the comments.
      • The link to your short video explaining your code part by part. Add the link in the 
      Resubmit policy: This assessment is not eligible for a re-submit.
      Assessment Criteria 
      Please refer to the marking rubric for more details. Marking criteria include: 
      • Java code compiles 
      • Use of correct coding style, including the use of comments 
      • Accuracy of coding 
      • Use of suitable coding structures 
      • Correct submission and naming conventions of assessment items as required 
      Academic Integrity
      At Southern Cross University, academic integrity means behaving with the values of honesty, 
      fairness, trustworthiness, courage, responsibility and respect in relation to academic work.
      The Southern Cross University Academic Integrity Framework aims to develop a holistic, systematic 
      and consistent approach to addressing academic integrity across the entire University. For more 
      information, see: SCU Academic Integrity Framework
      Assessment Brief
      Assessment Brief
      NOTE: Academic Integrity breaches include unacceptable use of generative artificial intelligence 
      (GenAI) tools, the use of GenAI has not been appropriately acknowledged or is beyond the 
      acceptable limit as defined in the Assessment, poor referencing, not identifying direct quotations 
      correctly, close paraphrasing, plagiarism, recycling, misrepresentation, collusion, cheating, contract 
      cheating, fabricating information. 
      At SCU the use of GenAI tools is acceptable, unless it is beyond the acceptable limit as defined in the 
      Assessment Item by the Unit Assessor.
      GenAI May be Used
      Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools, such as ChatGPT, may be used for this assessment 
      task. If you use GenAI tools, you must use these ethically and acknowledge their use. To find out 
      how to reference GenAI in your work, consult the referencing style for your unit via the Library
      referencing guides. If you are not sure how to, or how much, you can use GenAI tools in your 
      studies, contact your Unit Assessor. If you use GenAI tools without acknowledgment, it may result in 
      an academic integrity breach against you, as described in the Student Academic and Non-Academic 
      Misconduct Rules, Section 3.
      You may use Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tools, such as ChatGPT or Copilot, for this 
      assessment task to get some ideas or insight about particular problems in code. It is similar when 
      you try to find a snippet of code for doing a particular task in Stack Overflow. For example, you must 
      make your own effort to modify, refine, or improve the code to solve the assessment problems. 
      Think of it as a tool – a quick way to access information – or a (free) tutor to answer your questions. 
      However, just as if you Googled something, you still need to evaluate the information to determine 
      its accuracy and relevance. If you have used a GenAI tool in this assessment, you must document 
      how you used it and how it assisted you in completing your assessment tasks. Failing to do that 
      will be subject to an academic integrity investigation.
      You cannot use AI to generate a complete solution code. You need to put your own effort into 
      building the solution code for the assessments to demonstrate the required skills. Refer to 
      assessment information in the Assessment Tasks and Submission area for details.
      Special Consideration
      Please refer to the Special Consideration section of Policy.
      Late Submissions & Penalties
      Please refer to the Late Submission & Penalties section of Policy.
      Grades & Feedback
      Assessments that have been submitted by the due date will receive an SCU grade. Grades and 
      feedback will be posted to the ‘Grades and Feedback’ section on the Blackboard unit site. Please 
      allow 7 days for marks to be posted.
      … continued on next page ...
      Assessment Brief
      Assessment Brief
      Assessment Rubric
      Marking Criteria and % 
      High Distinction
      Apply object-oriented 
      principles and develop 
      advanced class design 
      to solve health 
      professional scenario 
      (Parts **2) 
      (ULOs **2) 
      understanding and 
      application of object oriented principles 
      polymorphism, class) 
      to solve complex 
      health professional 
      Designs classes that are 
      highly cohesive and 
      effectively organised 
      using advanced class 
      Demonstrates a solid 
      understanding and 
      application of object oriented principles 
      with minor errors or 
      omissions in solving 
      health professional 
      Designs classes that 
      generally adhere to 
      principles of cohesion 
      and advanced class 
      design with occasional 
      errors or less effective 
      Demonstrates a basic 
      understanding of 
      principles but with 
      notable gaps or errors 
      in applying them to 
      health professional 
      Designs classes that 
      show basic cohesion 
      but lack sophistication 
      in advanced class 
      Demonstrates a 
      understanding of 
      principles with 
      substantial errors or 
      misunderstandings in 
      applying them to 
      health professional 
      Designs classes that 
      are poorly organised 
      or inefficient. 
      Fails to demonstrate a 
      basic understanding of 
      principles, with critical 
      errors or complete lack 
      of application to health 
      professional problems. 
      Designs classes that 
      are fundamentally 
      flawed and do not 
      meet basic 
      Implement advanced 
      class concept to 
      manage health 
      professional data 
      (Part 3) 
      (ULOs **2) 
      Implements advanced 
      class effectively and 
      efficiently without 
      errors to manage 
      health professional 
      Implements advanced 
      class with some errors 
      or oversights in 
      managing health 
      professional data. 
      creativity and 
      Implements advanced 
      class with significant 
      errors or oversights in 
      managing health 
      professional data. 
      Implements advanced 
      class with 
      fundamental errors or 
      lacks basic 
      understanding of 
      managing health 
      professional data. 
      Fails to implement 
      advanced class 
      effectively, with 
      critical errors in 
      managing health 
      professional data or no 
      Assessment Brief
      Apply object-oriented 
      principles and develop 
      advanced class design 
      to solve appointment 
      (Part 4) 
      (ULOs **2) 
      understanding and 
      application of object oriented principles 
      polymorphism, class) 
      to solve complex 
      appointment problem. 
      Designs classes that are 
      highly cohesive and 
      effectively organised 
      using advanced class 
      Demonstrates a solid 
      understanding and 
      application of object oriented principles 
      with minor errors or 
      omissions in solving 
      Designs classes that 
      generally adhere to 
      principles of cohesion 
      and advanced class 
      design with occasional 
      errors or less effective 
      Demonstrates a basic 
      understanding of 
      principles but with 
      notable gaps or errors 
      in applying them to 
      Designs classes that 
      show basic cohesion 
      but lack sophistication 
      in advanced class 
      Demonstrates a 
      understanding of 
      principles with 
      substantial errors or 
      misunderstandings in 
      applying them to 
      Designs classes that 
      are poorly organised 
      or inefficient. 
      Fails to demonstrate a 
      basic understanding of 
      principles, with critical 
      errors or complete lack 
      of application to 
      Designs classes that 
      are fundamentally 
      flawed and do not 
      meet basic 
      Implement advanced 
      class concept to 
      manage appointment 
      (Part 5) 
      (ULOs **2) 
      Implements advanced 
      class effectively and 
      efficiently without 
      errors to manage 
      health professional 
      Implements advanced 
      class with some errors 
      or oversights in 
      managing health 
      professional data. 
      creativity and 
      Implements advanced 
      class with significant 
      errors or oversights in 
      managing health 
      professional data. 
      Implements advanced 
      class with 
      fundamental errors or 
      lacks basic 
      understanding of 
      managing health 
      professional data. 
      Fails to implement 
      advanced class 
      effectively, with 
      critical errors in 
      managing health 
      professional data or no 
      Accuracy, efficiency, 
      validations and 
      (ULOs **2) 
      exceptional accuracy, 
      efficiency, validations 
      to serve the objectives 
      and requirements. 
      Demonstrates a solid 
      accuracy, efficiency, 
      and validations with 
      minor errors or 
      omissions in serving 
      Demonstrates a basic 
      accuracy, efficiency, 
      and validations with 
      notable gaps of errors 
      in serving the 
      Demonstrates a basic 
      accuracy, efficiency, 
      and validations with 
      notable gaps of errors 
      in serving the 
      Fails to demonstrate a 
      basic accuracy, 
      efficiency, and 
      validations to serve the 
      objectives and 
      Assessment Brief
      10% JAVA code can be
      compiled and run
      without any issues.
      the objectives and 
      JAVA code can be 
      compiled and run
      without any issues.
      objectives and 
      JAVA code is compiled 
      and can be run with 
      some minor issues.
      objectives and 
      JAVA code is compiled 
      and can be run with 
      major issues.
      JAVA code is not 
      compiled and has 
      significant errors/fails 
      to be run. 
      (Comment, GitHub, 
      (ULOs **2) 
      Demonstrates a 
      understanding of 
      principles and 
      advanced class design 
      for the case study 
      through code 
      comments, work 
      progress in GitHub, 
      and video. 
      Demonstrates a 
      understanding of 
      principles and 
      advanced class design 
      for the case study 
      through code 
      comments, work 
      progress in GitHub, 
      and video. 
      Demonstrates a basic 
      understanding of 
      principles and 
      advanced class design 
      for the case study 
      through code 
      comments, work 
      progress in GitHub, 
      and video. 
      Demonstrates a 
      understanding of 
      principles and 
      advanced class design 
      for the case study 
      through code 
      comments, work 
      progress in GitHub, 
      and video. 
      Fails to demonstrate a 
      basic understanding of 
      principles and 
      advanced class design 
      for the case study 
      through code 
      comments, work 
      progress in GitHub, 
      and video. 
      Description of SCU Grades
      High Distinction:
      The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements, demonstrates distinctive insight and ability in researching, analysing and 
      applying relevant skills and concepts, and shows exceptional ability to synthesise, integrate and evaluate knowledge. The student’s performance could be described as 
      outstanding in relation to the learning requirements specified.
      The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements, demonstrates distinctive insight and ability in researching, analysing and 
      applying relevant skills and concepts, and shows a well-developed ability to synthesise, integrate and evaluate knowledge. The student’s performance could be described 
      as distinguished in relation to the learning requirements specified.
      The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements specified, demonstrates insight and ability in researching, analysing and applying 
      relevant skills and concepts. The student’s performance could be described as competent in relation to the learning requirements specified.
      The student’s performance satisfies all of the basic learning requirements specified and provides a sound basis for proceeding to higher-level studies in the subject area. 
      The student’s performance could be described as satisfactory in relation to the learning requirements specified.
      The student’s performance fails to satisfy the learning requirements specified.
      Assessment Brief

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    1. 上一篇:代寫COMP2011J、Java程序設計代做
    2. 下一篇:代寫CSC3150、Python/c++語言編程代做
    3. 無相關信息

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