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      時間:2024-10-24  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      SD6502 Programming II 
      Assignment II 
      Due Date: 23rd October 2024, 11:59 pm 
      Topics (LOs): 
      1. Apply prototyping techniques 
      2. Apply effective problem-solving strategies to foster programming skills. 
      Weighting = 25% of the Final Mark. 
      Total Marks = 100. 
      Group Project 
      You may do anything of your choice for this assessment. ‘Anything’ includes 
      modifying or enhancing an existing project. You are free to use any public domain 
      code, as long as, you acknowledge the source AND clearly identify what your 
      original contributions are. Your project must: 
      (a) include some analysis and design work. 
      (b) have Graphical User Interface (at least two forms). 
      (c) demonstrate your understanding of class’s, objects, OOP and other C# 
      features taught in this course. 
      You could do project in a group (a team of two). You will need to discuss the 
      chosen topic with your lecturer in order to get it approved. 
      What to hand in? 
      • The project solution file, source code and executable in electronic format. 
      • All design documentation. (Requirement specification, CRC cards and/or 
      Class diagram). 
      • A Readme file: Outlining how your program should be used (Compile and 
      Run). Limitations if any. 
       SD6502 Programming II 
      Project Topics 
      You may select ONE of the options from the following: 
      • A game or widget of your choice. You will get introduced to many topics at 
      lecture classes. 
      • Extend Assign 1 with GUI and more features. 
      • A simple management system such as: School Management System, Flight 
      Reservation System, Appointment Booking System, Inventory management 
      System, Supply Chain Management System. 
      Please note: In the real world, a bigger team builds these projects. You should 
      only attempt to build a part of the whole system for this assignment. 
      • Anything that you wish to work on! Please discuss it with the Lecturer first. 

      Grade Criteria 
      • A professional application is not required! 
      • To pass the assessment the application must provide core functionality and 
      reflect a genuine effort. 
      • An ‘A’ grade requires a non-trivial application that accurately and elegantly 
      implements the design and meet the project specifications. 
      A Note on Plagiarism 
      • Be aware that dishonest practices will not be tolerated and will be dealt in 
      accordance with WelTec policy. 
      • Code that is not original is usually very easy to identify. 
       SD6502 Programming II 
      Indicative Marking Schedule 
      Criteria Max. Marks 
      Problem decomposition and design of classes, thereby 
      code (OO) 
      • Requirement specification/ Problem definition 
      • CRC cards 
      • Class diagram 
      15 Marks 
      Where feasible, use of C# features taught in this course 
      • Classes, Objects 
      • Inheritance, Polymorphism 
      • Generics, Collections 
      • LINQ 
      • Delegates/Events 
      35 Marks 
      GUI (Graphical user Interface) 
      • At-least two forms • Uses multiple/different GUI 
      • Use of colours and images 
      35 Marks 
      Impression (coding style, workload, presentation) 15 Marks 
      請加QQ:99515681  郵箱:99515681@qq.com   WX:codinghelp


    1. 上一篇:代寫COP3502、Python程序設計代做
    2. 下一篇:&#160;COMP338代做、python編程語言代寫
    3. 無相關信息

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