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      代寫159.251 Software Design and Construction
      代寫159.251 Software Design and Construction

      時間:2024-09-18  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      Massey University
      159.251 - Software Design and Construction
      Assignment 1
      Deadline and Late Submission Penalties
      You must submit your final work using the stream submission system no later than 9 October
      2024 at 11.59 pm. The penalty is 20% deducted from the total possible mark for every day
      delay in submission (one day late – out of 80%, two days late then out of 60% … etc.).
      You are expected to manage your source code and other deliverables using version control.
      “The Cat Ate My Source Code” is not a valid excuse for a late submission.
      Contribution to Final Grade of the Course: 22%
      Please read carefully, as there are many parts that you should be aware of.
      You are to work in self-selected pairs (i.e., select your teammate) to create the program
      defined below. You will need to use git to manage source code contribution and integration
      between the two members. All project issues and changes should be tracked using an issue
      tracker (set up within your repository).
      Note: Both group members will receive the same mark unless it is clear that the work is
      predominantly that of a single person. These will be sorted out on a case-by-case basis. The
      partition of the work is entirely up to you and your project partner.
      Part of this assignment is to become familiar with using git for version control. You must use
      GitHub for this assignment, and the repository must be private.
      IMPORTANT: use the following conventional name for your repository: 25**Assignment**
      2024-FirstName**FirstName2. For example, if the first student is Sarah and the second
      student is Li, then the repository name should be (25**Assignment**2024-Sarah-Li).After submitting your assignment on Stream, you must send an invitation to your GitHub
      repository to one of our markers. After the submission is completed, one of the markers
      will contact you to request access to your repository.
      Tools Required
      ● IDE independent: You may develop this in any IDE or code editor you like! The tools
      included here are available for major IDEs and Maven dependencies.
      ● Git and GitHub(for version control)
      ● GitHub Issue Tracker (for log changes and bugs)
      ● Maven (for dependency management and process automation)
      ● A code metrics tool
      ● Docker for packaging
      ● PMD (for code quality check)
      ● other libraries to perform the different functionalities (you are free to search and use
      any library that will help in implementing any of the functionalities).
      1) Developing a text editor program using Java – see details below.
      2) Source code and version control:
      a) create and maintain a git repository on your local machine for your source code
      and on a remote repository to provide a central server accessible to both
      members and also accessible for marking.
      b) keep an audit trail of commits in the git repository. These will inform part of
      the marking.
      c) make sure that you actively (almost daily) use git features such as branching
      and merging (not only on the last day before submission!).
      d) write your configurations in YAML file. You must submit at least one
      configuration file that works with the text editor. This could be a file with the
      default parameters for the text editor, such as the default text format or default
      font colour.
      3) Log changes and bugs: keep track of changes and issues – use an issue tracker as
      part of your version control. Please use the same issue tracker that is provided by your
      Git project hosting site (i.e., the “issues” feature in GitHub). This has to be actively
      4) Automation: automate your process so it is easier to load files and generate reports.
      Use Maven to declare all dependencies. If you are using any external libraries, do not
      include any jar files with your submission but add them as Maven dependencies! Also,
      don’t try to change your Maven files into a different format. The pom file should be an
      XML file.
      Build those Maven build tasks in your Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline using GitHub
      Actions. Make sure that the configuration (YAML) file is correctly added.
      5) Readability: ensure you write clean code, correctly handle exceptions, and add
      comments to explain your code. Make your code “human-readable!”.
      6) Quality: check the quality of your code and outputs
      2a) use code quality tools to report metrics data of your program. The metrics report
      generated from your code should be submitted. The process should be
      automated and included in your Maven dependencies (see Section 2 below).
      b) (Bonus) Write unit tests using JUnit to test (at least) the following functionalities:
      open, save and search (see details below).
      7) Deployment: package your project and deploy it into a Docket container (a Windows
      or Linux container). This must allow the markers to run the Maven project from the
      Docker container (without the need to install or configure the environment). Make sure
      to include your Docker file with your project, and to include details on how to load and
      run your container in the README file.
      Make your own text editor!
      1. The Text Editor
      Your program is basically a standard text editor (or text processor) – something similar to
      Notepad, Atom, or Geany. The editor should allow you to write text on it using standard text
      encoding formats (i.e., ASCII/UTF-8). You should develop this program in Java. Note: a
      standard text file (mostly) does not need any additional metadata files to assist the reader in
      The main functionalities of the text editor are:
      - Full GUI access to the application
      - Create a menu of options at the top of the editor, similar to the following
      The menu should (at least) include the following sub-menus: File, Search, View, and Help
      - Implement the following functionalities:
      o New function: to create a new (fresh) window.
      o Open function: to read other text files (just standard .txt files). This should
      allow users to navigate the file system to select\search for a file.
      o The ability to read OpenDocument Text (.odt) files. This is part of the Open
      o Save function: save text output into .txt file format. This should allow users to
      navigate the file system to save the file in a selected drive/location.
      o Search: search for text within the screen (this will be tested based on a single
      o Exit: to quit the program – close all windows.
      o Select text, Copy, Paste, and Cut (SCPC) capabilities.
      o Time and Date (T&D): retrieve the current time and data from the OS and
      place it at the top of the editor's page.
      o About: display the names of both team members and a brief message in a
      popup message box.
      o Print function: allow your editor to print text by connecting it to the local printer
      in your machine (similar to any other text editor you have used).
      3Harder functions
      ● ability to read source code files such as .java, .py, .cpp or similar. different
      syntax should be shown in different colours. For example:
      ● reading and displaying other file formats beyond txt and source code files:
      mainly, Rich Text Format (RTF) and OpenDocument Text (ODT) format.
      Hint: you can use an external library to do so.
      ● include a PDF conversion function in your editor, so the file can be saved in
      PDF format (for standard text files). Use an external library for this, such as
      Apache PDFBox.
      Note: There is no specific requirement regarding which GUI library you should use, but try to
      make your program as cool as possible!
      2. Code Quality and Management
      Once development is done, you must report metrics data using a metrics tool. You may use
      a software metrics tool (see some examples above). Code quality report from PMD should
      also be submitted with your assignment.
      a) generate a metrics data report from any software metrics tool (see below for the
      specific metrics) and add the report file (.txt or html) to $project$/reports/metrics
      b) create a new maven goal called “pmd” that should generate a metrics report using
      PMD (see below for the specific metrics) and add the report files to
      ● Code Size (per class): Lines of Code (LOC) and Number of Methods (NOM)
      ● Code Complexity: Cyclomatic Complexity and code coupling metrics
      (Coupling Between Objects (CBO) OR Efferent Coupling).
      ● Code Quality Report from PMD. Use only Java Basic rules such as Naming
      Convention for classes and variables (extract the full report and include it with
      your submission).
      Submitting your assignment
      Submission must be completed on Stream using the Assignment submission site.
      Share your program on your private GitHub repository with us by sending a share
      invitation to the user. This is to track commits on your Git repository.
      Include a README file in the top level of the project
      The Readme.md is a file with a Markdown syntax (this should be correctly formatted
      as a markdown) that contains:
      1. the names & IDs of BOTH MEMBERS of the group.
      2. clear instructions on how to run your program and if there are any other
      directories, what they contain.
      3. for each student, a couple of the most significant git commit IDs show the
      work of each individual member of the group.
      4. a link to your private GitHub repository. A marker will contact you after
      submission to request access to the repository. Note: there will be a penalty if
      the repository is found to be public.
      Who submits what?
      Only one member of a group should submit a complete project, the other just submit
      the Readme.md file:
      ● member A: submit (through Stream) a single compressed (e.g., zip or tar) file
      that contains the assignment (Maven project files and other configuration
      filess without the /target directory)
      o name the compressed file with both members’
      FirstName_LastName and ID numbers (e.g. Xiaofeng_Liu-87878787-
      ● member B: submit just the README.md file containing your name and that of
      the partner who is submitting the zip/tar file. This is so Stream knows that
      you've submitted something.
      Markdown Quick guide

      請加QQ:99515681  郵箱:99515681@qq.com   WX:codinghelp

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