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      代寫SWD604 Program Design and Construction
      代寫SWD604 Program Design and Construction

      時間:2024-09-11  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      SWD604 Program Design and Construction Assessment 1 v1
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      School of Information Technology
      New Zealand Diploma in Software Development (Level 6)
      Course Code & Title:
      SWD604 Program Design and Construction
      Assignment Title
      Assignment 1
      Assessment Type
      Term & Cohort:
      Due date:
      13 September 2024
      Overall Weighting:
      Total marks available
      Nelson TSANG
      Course aim
      This course aims to provide students with an intermediate knowledge of program implementation
      using object-oriented programming. Principles such as inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation
      constructors etc. will be used to write basic and intermediate level programs and GUI applications.
      The purpose of the assessment is to assess students’ ability to discuss the fundamental issues,
      concepts and practices associated with software design and construction. Students will develop user
      interface applying principles of effective user interface design and apply appropriate design techniques
      to the development of object-oriented software to produce desired outcome.
      Assessment Information
      1. This is an individual open-book assessment which is worth 50% of your total assessment
      weighting of the entire course.
      2. Resources and/or equipment which may be used for this activity:
      • NZSE issued material;
      • your own course notes; and
      • other resources (referenced and cited). SWD604 Program Design and Construction Assessment 1 v1
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      3. You have 5 weeks to complete this assignment
      Learning Outcomes
      This assessment is mapped to the following learning outcomes for this course:
      LO 1
      Discuss the fundamental issues, concepts and practices associated with software
      design and construction.
      LO 2
      Apply appropriate design techniques to the development of object-oriented software
      to produce desired outcome.
      LO 3
      Apply the principles of effective user interface design to the development of a user
      interface for a software.
      Graduate Profile Outcomes (this course is mapped to)
      GPO 1: Analyse requirements, apply appropriate modelling tools, SDLC and HCI principles, to design and
      document software solutions for a range of problems in an organizational context, including creating accurate
      and clear technical and user documentation/resources
      GPO 3: Write and maintain complex programs using design patterns, data structures and algorithms to meet
      specifications and software development standards.
      GPO 6: Select, justify and apply architecture, patterns, services, technologies, and tools, to implement the
      software solution/s using current and emerging technologies.
      • Any submitted assessment or part of an assessment which has plagiarised content will not be
      • All cases of plagiarism and/or cheating will be investigated and dealt with according to A08:
      Misconduct in Assessment Policy.
      Submission Instructions
      You are required to ensure you have carried out the following before submitting your assessment:
      • Signed assignment coversheet
      • Place your Name, Student ID number, Assessment and Task Number on all loose documents
      you are submitting with the assessment.
      • All answers must be written in your own words.
      • Proofread and spell check all written assessment work carefully.
      • DO NOT email your document to your tutor, it must be uploaded to the NZSE LMS
      Evidence Submission
      You are required to submit the below documents as the evidence of the work done towards the
      assessment on Canvas SWD604 Program Design and Construction Assessment 1 v1
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      • Visual Studio projects (.sln) file containing all the relevant project files and folders using
      appropriate naming convention for Task and subtasks wherever applicable(For ex: Task 2_Part
      A, Task 2_Part B etc) - as a zipped folder
      • Documentation that contains screenshots of your output screen and code with properly
      labelled ( .pdf or .docx file) - should not be zipped
      • Every document submitted online on Canvas should follow the naming convention as below:
      • Course Code_ Assessment Number_ Assessment Name_ Student Number_Document
      • For example, SWD604_A1_Practical_76**XXXXX_1.SWD604 Program Design and Construction Assessment 1 v1
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      Consider the following scenario:
      You have been hired as an intern at Ahera Taera and have been designated to the software developer
      team. As a team member you are required to create a customer management system for Ahera
      Taera, a new retail outlet focusing on a varied range of customers from senior citizens to kids. The
      customer management system should help to main customer data, products bought by customers,
      discounts, and delivery mechanism.
      There are a few requirements stated by the product manager which are as follows:
      1. System should be able to maintain customer data which includes name, age, phone number, email
      address, house address and products bought.
      2. System should record data of all types of customers:
      • New customer
      • Registered customer
      • Registered customer who have bought products.
      3. System can have different discount calculation as per customer:
      • Normal customer will not have any discounts.
      • If age is above 60, you get 10% senior discount.
      • If products are brought on weekends, you get 2% discount.
      • Customers from Auckland and Wellington will get 1% discount.
      4. There are different delivery mechanisms of products to customer:
      • Home delivery through Courier (Needs to be billed $10 extra to the total).
      • Pickup from shop.
      Assumption: Product details are entered into the database (Product Name, Product price, Product
      stock, Product description) which are visible in the Customer Dashboard.
      TASK 1:
      24 marks
      LO 1: Discuss the fundamental issues, concepts and practices associated with software design and construction.
      a. Discuss 3 software design issues and 3 software design practices with respect to the given
      b. Discuss 3 software construction issues and 3 software construction practices with respect to the
      given scenario SWD604 Program Design and Construction Assessment 1 v1
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      TASK 2:
      10 marks
      LO 3: Apply the principles of effective user interface design to the development of a user interface for a software.
      Create a software application which has the following 5 Forms with necessary information:
      a. Login/ Register
      b. Product view/ add
      c. Add to cart and apply discount
      d. Payment
      e. Customer dashboard
      TASK 3:
      10 marks
      LO 3: Apply the principles of effective user interface design to the development of a user interface for a software.
      Identify at least five Design Principles that has been applied while creating the software interface.
      Provide necessary evidence.
      TASK 4:
      20 marks
      LO 2: Apply appropriate design techniques to the development of object-oriented software to produce desired outcome.
      As part of the software development create a backend database which stores appropriate data for the
      given scenario as described below:
      a. Create tables with appropriate attributes/ columns (For ex: Cust., Product, Order, Discount,
      b. Make sure the following is maintained while creating the database:
      • Normalized database
      • Auto increment
      • Primary key
      • Foreign key
      • Appropriate data types
      TASK 5:
      26 marks
      LO 2: Apply appropriate design techniques to the development of object-oriented software to produce desired outcome.
      Apply at least ONE Design Pattern technique in developing each of the following part of the software:
      a. Validation
      b. Customer Dashboard view
      c. Add to Cart
      d. Apply Discount
      e. Payment modes and bill generation
      TASK 6:
      10 marks
      LO 2: Apply appropriate design techniques to the development of object-oriented software to produce desired outcome.
      To ensure the quality of the software you need to create at least 5 Unit test cases and execute themSWD604
      Assessment 1 v1

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