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      時間:2024-09-05  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      Assignment One
      Due: Week 9 (27 September
      2024, 2359hrs)
      The University of Sydney Business School
      INFS6071: Individual Assignment 1, S2-2024


      Background .................................................................................................................. 2
      Task ............................................................................................................................. 2
      The Deliverable ............................................................................................................ 4
      Submission Requirements ............................................................................................ 4
      Assessment Criteria ..................................................................................................... 5
      Marking criteria: Individual Assignment One ................................................................ 6

      INFS6071: Individual Assignment 1, S2-2024

      (Assesses: LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4)

        The top reason for project failure is the project itself. Wrong
      projects are ones that defy conventional business rationale,
      creating outputs that either few people want, that add little to no
      real value, or that undershoot the desired benefits because they
      are so difficult to achieve. In short, they fail in rationale and
      objective reasoning. They are sometimes called   white elephants.    
      (Wu & Misra, 2023)
      Part A: Critical Path Analysis
      Description of Requirements: You are employed as a Project Manager at
      Comarda, and you have been awarded a contract to develop a new automated
      inventory control system for Assum Pullum Express, a new fast-food chicken chain
      opening several stores across New South Wales. The project's scope and work
      breakdown structure have already been decided upon. Tasks and their contents,
      durations, and resource requirements are shown in Table 1. Predecessors of tasks
      imply which tasks must be conducted before the current task can be started.

      Task/Activity Duration
      in days
      A Start-up planning and design 5 -
      B Equipment determination and planning 8 A
      C Specific software determination 9 A
      D Production line planning and determination 4 B
      E Equipment planning 7 B
      F Software planning 17 C
      G Equipment documentation 10 E
      H Documentation of operational system 13 F
      I Detailed hardware blueprints 7 E
      J Hardware component orders 1 I
      K Hardware component delivery 6 J
      L Integration of phase 1 12 D, G, H, K
      M Prototype development 10 L
      N Prototype introduction 6 M
      O System evaluation and improvement 9 N
      P Hardware assembly 18 N
      Q Computer system installation 7 P
      R Project documentation 4 O, P
      S Integration of phase 2 12 Q, R
      INFS6071: Individual Assignment 1, S2-2024


      a. Create a network diagram using the activity on node (AON) notation
      representing the project, as presented in the unit. (2 marks)
       Identify the Critical Path: Use the table to determine the task
      sequence that forms the critical path.
       Calculate Start and Finish Times: For each task, calculate the
      earliest start (ES), earliest finish (EF), latest start (LS), and latest finish
      (LF) times.
       Calculate Slack Time: Determine the slack time for each task.
       You may use PowerPoint to draw and copy the diagram into your
      assignment document. You should not use Microsoft Project or
      any other project management software for this part of the

      b. In the context of the above project with Assum Pullum Express, explain
      possible key challenges in managing projects using its critical path. Please
      use appropriate references to support your explanation. (3 marks)

      Part B: Project Analysis
      Project management is a critical discipline in business. It aims to ensure that projects
      are within scope, completed on time, within budget, and to the desired quality
      standards. However, not all projects succeed. Understanding why projects fail is
      essential for future project managers to learn from past mistakes and improve their
      skills. This assessment aims to provide students with a comprehensive
      understanding of the complexities and challenges in project management by
      analysing real-world examples of failed projects.

      Importance of Analysing Failed Projects
       Learning from Mistakes: Analysing failed projects helps identify common
      pitfalls and mistakes, providing valuable lessons for future projects.
       Risk Management: Understanding the risks that led to project failures can
      improve risk management strategies.
       Improving Processes: Insights from failed projects can improve project
      management processes and methodologies.
       Stakeholder Communication: Failed projects often highlight stakeholder
      communication and management issues, offering lessons on how to handle
      these aspects better.
       Innovation and Adaptation: Learning from failures encourages innovation
      and adaptation, helping project managers to be more flexible and responsive
      to changes.

      You are to conduct independent research and select a recent project (in the last 5
      years) that can be considered a failure (from a project management perspective  C time,
      cost, budget).

      To accomplish this,
      1. Students are required to select one of the following recent failed projects,
      conduct a detailed analysis, and present their findings in a report. The report
      should cover the following aspects:
      INFS6071: Individual Assignment 1, S2-2024

       Project Overview: Brief description of the context (country, industry,
      markets, company, products/services), the project, its objectives, and key
       Potential Reasons for Failure: Detailed analysis of the key factors that
      potentially led to the project's failure. There could be contradictory
      indicators or varied ideas presented in the literature. These reasons
      should be linked back to the Project Management Performance Domains
      and Project Principles.
       Impact: Examination of the impact of the failure on the organisation and
       Lessons Learned and Recommendations: Key lessons that can be
      learned from the project failure. Suggestions for how the project could
      have been managed differently to avoid failure.

      1. Have a proposed project management case study to present to your tutor in
      your week 6 tutorial.
      2. All requirements about the case under investigation should be clearly
      addressed (Support your argument using appropriate references  Ce.g. news,
      trade press and academic).
      3. You may investigate a problem that occurred anywhere in the world, but all
      references, including the incident's source of information, must be available in
      The Deliverable
      Total written report: 2000   10% words (excluding in-text references and reference

      Part A: Critical Path Analysis ? 400 words

      Part B: Case Study Analysis ? 1600 words

      Note: Please use tables, diagrams, and charts to prepare a
      concise response.
      Submission Requirements
      Submit your report (Individual Assignment 1) by the due date shown on Canvas.

      You will find the link to submit the report in the Assignment section of Canvas.

      The report should be formatted using A4 paper size, 1.5 line spacing, 2.5cm margins,
      and a sans-serif font size of at least 12pt (e.g., Arial, Helvetica, Calibri, Aptos).

      INFS6071: Individual Assignment 1, S2-2024

      Late submissions will be penalised in accordance with the University and Business
      School Policy as set out in the UoS outline.
      Artificial Intelligence
      This assignment is considered a   Lane 2  C Examples of human-AI collaboration in
        assessment as learning     assessment type.

      You are permitted to use generative AI to help you; this use must be
      acknowledged. For example, you may use AI tools such as (ChatGPT, Google
      Gemini, and Microsoft CoPilot) to brainstorm ideas for your assignment. You may
      use AI tools such as (Grammarly, Notion AI, ChatGPT, etc.) to directly suggest
      readability improvements to your text in terms of grammar and expression.

      Do not post confidential, private, personal, or otherwise sensitive information into
      these tools. If you use these tools, you must be aware of their limitations, biases, and
      propensity for fabrication. Your use of AI tools must adhere to the Student Charter
      2020, including upholding honesty, ethics, professionalism, and academic integrity.

      Acknowledgement of AI
      If you use any AI tools, you need the following:

      1. An acknowledgement:
      I acknowledge using [insert tool name] to [what the tool did] on <>. With the
      <>. What then happened?

      For example, I acknowledge using ChatGPT (https://chat.openai.com/) to refine the
      academic language of my own work. On 1 July 2024, I submitted my entire essay to
      refine the academic language of my own work. The original essay can be found here
      [link]. With the prompt:   For the following essay, can you improve the academic tone
      and accuracy of language, including grammatical structures, punctuation and
      vocabulary?  . The output [link] was then modified further to better represent my tone
      and style of writing.

      2. Copies of the work before and after using the AI tools  C see above for links in
      the acknowledgement.

      3. The output produced by AI tools is non-deterministic (i.e., another person
      cannot obtain the same information as you did); thus, citing AI tools is not a
      source and is inappropriate for an assignment.

      Assessment Criteria
      The individual assignment weighting equals 25% of your final grade.

      General explanation of standards: Please refer to the grade descriptors located on
      Canvas. These grade descriptors are used to construct marking schemes for all
      assessment items.
      INFS6071: Individual Assignment 1, S2-2024

      Marking criteria:
      Individual Assignment One

      Criteria Marks allocated
      Part A: Critical Path Analysis
      Marks for (a) of the assignment are awarded for the diagram's
      design and the answer's correctness.
      Marks for (b) are awarded in the context of the project, how you
      explain key challenges in managing a project using its critical path.

      Part B: Case Study
      Content, knowledge, and originality of analysis
      Demonstrates detailed knowledge of the topic and awareness of a
      variety of ideas/contexts based on a wide range of sources that
      have been thoroughly analysed, applied, and discussed.
      Application and integration of appropriate project management
      knowledge, innovative, and insightful, with an appreciation of
      disciplinary gaps, limitations, and inconsistencies shown in key
      areas of the discussion. The analysis is original and can develop
      and justify students' ideas.

      Critical thinking and reasoning
      Analytical and clear conclusion provided that is well-grounded in
      project management theory and the literature. A critical review of
      evidence supports the development of the recommendations and
      their significance from a project management perspective,
      including contradictory information/gaps identified and reasons for

      Information literacy/Use of Literature
      Relevant and innovative choices of information sources,
      demonstrating well-designed search strategies.
      An upper limit of ten (10) references (both industry [grey] and
      academic) is recommended.

      Communication and professional presentation (written)
      Communicates meaning competently; in own words, structuring and
      organising ideas logically, clearly, concisely, and cohesively. The
      purpose of the assignment is addressed comprehensively and
      imaginatively. Appropriate referencing and referencing style used
      (APA 7th). Fluent writing style appropriate to report. Grammar and
      spelling are accurate.

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