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      COMP2400 代做、代寫 SQL 語言程序
      COMP2400 代做、代寫 SQL 語言程序

      時間:2024-08-31  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      COMP2400/6240 - Relational Databases
      Assignment 1 (SQL)
      Due date: 5:00pm, Friday, August 30, 2024
       This assignment must be done individually.
      Do not share your solutions, or partial solutions, with anyone. Do no post
      any idea/partial solution/result related to the assignment on the course
      discussion forum, or anywhere else where it can be read by other students.
      You may of course ask clarification questions, but make sure you phrase your questions
      so that they do not give away what you think the answer or solution is. If you have
      technical problems with accessing the moviedb database then you should ask for help.
      If you are not sure if a question is ok to post to the forum then ask your tutor during
      a lab or come to a drop-in session instead.
      You must not use generative tools (ChatGPT or similar) to create your answers to the
      assignment. Your answers should be your answers. You can (and indeed should) use
      documentation, tutorials and other resources you can find on the web to learn SQL, and
      use what you learn to answer the assignment questions. Reference all resources that
      you have used in completing this assignment (by writing comments in your submitted
      SQL file).
      You must submit your solutions through Wattle before the assignment
      deadline. There will be an Assignment activity on the course Wattle page where you
      should upload your solution file. You can submit more than once, but we can only see,
      and will only mark, the last file that you submit.
      Late submissions will not be accepted. Submissions made outside the Assignment
      activity on Wattle (for example, files sent by email) will not be accepted under any
      circumstance. You will be marked on what you have submitted at the time of the
       This assignment will count for 18% of the final course mark. There are 9 questions
      and each contributes to 2% of the final course mark.
      A copy of the moviedb database is available in the PostgreSQL DBMS in the CSIT
      lab environment (including via partch). You can connect to the moviedb database by
      entering the following in a Terminal:
      psql moviedb
       You must submit one file: myqueries.sql containing your solutions to all the ques-
      tions. The file must be submitted through Wattle before the due date. Please down-
      load the template file from the folder “Assignment 1 (SQL)” on Wattle.
      You must enter your queries into the template file, and your submitted file
      myqueries.sql must be executable in the given database moviedb.
      moviedb=> \i myqueries.sql
      You can also test your queries against the moviedb database one by one following
      previous lab instructions.
      Please write each of your answers below the comment indicating the cor-
      responding question (-- Q1 through -- Q9), and leave these comments un-
       The correctness of queries should not depend on the database state, i.e., the content of
      the tables in the database. The current content in moviedb is provided to help you to
      get familiar with the database schema. To be fully correct, your SQL queries should
      produce the correct answer when tested against other databases that have the same
      schema, but different content. Partial marks may be given if a query only has minor
       Please write your SQL queries in a clear, well-formatted style, and use SQL comments
      (lines starting with --) to explain your thinking behind the crafting of a complex query.
      We will inspect queries that are not fully correct to determine if the flaw is minor (i.e.,
      the question is mostly correct, or on the right track) or significant. If your queries
      are well documented and easy to read and understand, this increases the chances that
      we will be able to find them partially correct. A well-documented and well-reasoned
      comments for each question you provide will also increase the chances of partial marks.
      Plagiarism, collusion, and the use of disallowed tools will attract academic
      penalties in accordance with the ANU guidelines. Every student in this
      course is expected to be able to explain and defend any submitted assess-
      ment item. The course conveners can conduct or initiate an additional
      interview about any submitted assessment item for any student. If there
      is a significant discrepancy between the two forms of assessment, this will
      be seen as a case of potential academic misconduct.
      The Movie Database
      The schema of the relational database moviedb is shown in Figure 1.
      There are five different categories of awards: movie awards, crew awards, director awards,
      writer awards and actor awards. A movie can only win an award after being nominated for
      the award.
      Figure 1: The moviedb schema.
      Your task is to write SQL queries that answer the following questions. For each question,
      your answer must be a single SQL query (that may contain subqueries). Remember that
      your answers should not depend on the example database state. (For example, the answer to
      Question 2 below is not “2”; it is an SQL query that evaluates to 2 on the example database,
      but may evaluate to different number if the database state is different.)
      You must write all your answers into the template file myqueries.sql.
      1. How many movies were categorised in the ‘R’ restriction in the USA? List that number.
      2. How many writers were born after 1960 (inclusive)? List that number.
      3. How many restriction categories each country has? List the countries and the corre-
      sponding numbers of restriction categories. Order your result in the ascending order
      of the number of restriction categories.
      4. How many directors have never directed any action movies (i.e., the major genre of
      the movie is action)? List that number.
      5. What is the percentage of Australian action movies (i.e., action movies produced in
      Australia) among all Australian movies in this database? List the percentage as a
      decimal (round to two decimal places).
      6. Which movie(s) won the largest number of crew awards in a single year? List their
      title(s) and production year(s).
      7. How many movies have won at least one award (any award in the databases)? List
      that number.
      8. Which writers always wrote a movie with other writer(s), i.e., every movie written by
      such a writer has at least two writers? List their ids, first and last names. Order your
      results in the descending order of their last names.
      9. List all the pairs of movies which have won any award in the same year. List the pairs
      of their title and production year. Note that the result should not contain duplicated
      pairs of title and production year, e.g., (title1, production year1), (title2, produc-
      tion year2) and (title2, production year2), (title1, production year1) are considered as
      duplicated pairs and your query should only produce one of them in the result. Hint:
      in PostgreSQL, the function CONCAT(A1,A2,...,An) can be used to combine selected
      All done? Well done! Before you submit:
       Check that your myqueries.sql file is syntatically correct SQL, by running it in psql:
      moviedb=> \i myqueries.sql
      Check that your solution (query) for each question is written below the comment line
      indicating the corresponding question (“-- Qi”) in your myqueries.sql file.

      請加QQ:99515681  郵箱:99515681@qq.com   WX:codinghelp


    1. 上一篇:代寫 CYBR7001、代做 C++,Python 程序設計
    2. 下一篇:代做 COMP3506、代寫 Python 編程設計
    3. 無相關信息

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