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      COMP 627代寫、代做Python設計程序
      COMP 627代寫、代做Python設計程序

      時間:2024-08-25  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      COMP 627 – Assignment 1 
      Note: Refer to Eq. 2.11 in the textbook for weight update. Both weights, w1 and b, need to be adjusted. 
      According to Eq. 2.11, for input x1, error E = t-y and learning rate β: 
      w1_new=w1_old+ β E x1; 
      bnew= bold+ β E 
      COMP 627 Neural Networks and Applications 
      Assignment 1 
      Perceptron and Linear neuron: Manual training and real-life case 
      Part 1: Perceptron 
      [08 marks] 
       Download Fish_data.csv file from LEARN page. Use this dataset to answer the two questions (i) and (ii) 
      below on Perceptron. The dataset consists of 3 columns. The first two columns are inputs (ring 
      diameter of scales of fish grown in sea water and fresh water, respectively). The third column is the 
      output which states whether the category of the fish is Canadian or Alaskan (the value is 0 for Canadian 
      and 1 for Alaskan). Perceptron model classifies fish into Canadian or Alaskan depending on these two 
      measures of ring diameter of scales. 
      (i) Extract the first AND last row of data and label these rows 1 and 2. Use an initial weight 
      vector of [w1= 102, w2= -28, b= 5.0] and learning rate β of 0.5 for training a perceptron 
      model manually as below: 
      Adjust the weights in example-by-example mode of learning using the two input vectors. 
      Present the input data in the order of rows 1 and 2 to the perceptron. After presentation 
      of each input vector and corresponding weight adjustment, show the resulting 
      classification boundary on the two data points as in Fig. 2.15 in the book. For each round 
      of weight adjustment, there will be a new classification boundary line. You can do the 
      plots on Excel, by hand, python or any other plotting software. Repeat this for 2 epochs 
      (i.e., pass the two input vectors twice through the perceptron). 
      (4 marks) 
      (ii) Write python code to create a perceptron model to use the whole dataset in fish.csv to 
      classify fish into Canadian or Alaskan depending on the two input measures of ring 
      diameter of scales. Use 200 epochs for accurate models. 
      Modify your python code to show the final classification boundary on the data. 
      Write the equation of this boundary line. 
      Compare with the classification boundary in the book. 
      (4 marks) 2 
      COMP 627 – Assignment 1 
      Note: For adjusting weights, follow the batch learning example for linear neuron on page 57 of the 
      textbook that follows Eq. 2.36. After each epoch, adjust the weights as follows: 
       w1_new=w1_old + β (E1 x1 + E2 x2)/2 
      bnew= bold + β (E1 + E2)/2 
      where E1 and E2 are the errors for the two inputs. 
      Part 2: Single Linear Neuron 
      [12 marks] 
      Download heat_influx_north_south.csv file from LEARN page. Use this dataset to develop a single 
      linear neuron model to answer the questions (i) to (v) below. This is the dataset that we learned about 
      in the text book and lectures where a linear neuron model had been trained to predict heat influx in 
      to a house from the north and south elevations of the house. Note that the dataset has been 
      normalised (between 0 and 1) to increase the accuracy of the models. When data (inputs and outputs) 
      have very different ranges, normalisation helps balance this issue. 
      (i) Use two rows of data (rows 1 and 2 (0.319, 0.929) and (0.302, 0.49)), respectively, to train 
      a linear neuron manually to predict heat influx into a home based on the north elevation 
      (angle of exposure to the sun) of the home (value in ‘North’ column is the input for the 
      single neuron where output is the value in ‘HeatFlux’ column). Use an initial weight vector 
      of [b (bias) = 2.1, w1= -0.2] and learning rate of 0.5. Bias input =1. You need to adjust 
      both weights, b and w1. 
      (3 marks) 
      a) Train the linear neuron manually in batch mode. Repeat this for 2 epochs. 
      Try to separate the dataset into two datasets based on the value in ‘Canadian_0_Alaskan_1’ column. 
      Example code is given below. 
      #create dataframe X1 with input columns of the rows with the value 0 in 'Canadian_0_Alaskan_1' column 
      X1 = df.loc[df["Canadian_0_Alaskan_1"] == 0].iloc[:, 0:2] 
      Plot the data of two datasets with different markers ‘o’ and ‘x’. 
      Plot the decision boundary line using the equation used in Laboratory Tutorial 2 – Part 2 (Please note 
      that there is a correction in the equation and the updated assignment is available on LEARN). 
      Final plot should be like this. 3 
      COMP 627 – Assignment 1 
      1 2 
      Note: To retrieve the mean squared error, you can use the following code 
      from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error 
      print(mean_squared_error(Y, predicted_y)) 
      b) After the training with the 2 epochs is over, use your final weights to test how the 
      neuron is now performing by passing the same two data points again into the neuron 
      and computing error for each input (E1 and E2). Compute Mean Square Error (MSE) 
      for the 2 inputs using the formula below. 
      MSE = 

      (ii) Write a python program to train a single linear neuron model using all data to predict heat 
      influx from north elevation (value in ‘North’ column is the input for the single neuron 
      where output is the value in ‘HeatFlux’ column) using all data. Train the model with 3000 
      epochs for high accuracy. 
      Extract the weights of the model and write the equation for the neuron function (linear 
      equation showing input-output relationship as in Eq. 2.44) and plot the neuron function 
      on data as in Figure 2.34 in the textbook. 
      Modify the code to retrieve the mean square error (MSE) and R
       score for the trained 
      neuron model. 
      (3 marks) 
      (iii) Write a python program to train a linear neuron on the whole data set to predict heat 
      influx from north and south elevations (using the two inputs from the two columns 
      ‘South’ and ‘North’). Train the model with 3000 epochs for high accuracy. 
      Extract the weights of the model and write the equation for the network function. 
      Modify your program to find the Mean Square Error (MSE) and R
       score of the model. 
      Compare the error difference between the previous one-input case (in part (ii)) and the 
      current two-input case. 
      (4 marks) 
      (iv) Modify the program to plot the data and the network function on the same plot (Refer to 
      the Laboratory Tutorial 4). Plot the network function on the data (3D plot of predicted 
      heat influx as a function plotted against north and south elevations.(1 marks) 
      Note: Neural Network develops a function (plane/surface) that goes through the data as closely as 
      possible. Here, we want to see how close this surface is to the data. Since we have 2 inputs, we need a 
      3-D plot to see this. We plot the network function against the two inputs. 
      Your final output should look like this: 4 
      COMP 627 – Assignment 1 
      Note: In the plot in part (iv) above, the network function was shown as a surface plotted against the 2 
      inputs. However, you can also calculate the NN predicted heat influx for those exact input values for north 
      and south elevations in the dataset (as opposed to showing the function) and then plot the predicted heat 
      influx and target heat influx on the same 3D plot against the 2 inputs. 
      Your final output should look like this: 
      (v) Plot the network predicted heat influx values and target heat influx values against the two 
      inputs (3D data plot). 
      (1 marks) 

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    1. 上一篇:地下偶像有聲版35分鐘/地下偶像有聲譯百度網盤/紅毛和藍毛地下偶像劇
    2. 下一篇:代做QBUS3330、c++,Python編程設計代寫
    3. 無相關信息

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