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      代做 MGMT5800、Python/java 設計編程代寫

      時間:2024-07-28  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation
      General Feedback and Comments on Draft CSA
      Assessment –T2 2024
      Case 10 – Beyond Meat Inc.
      UNSW Business School
      School of Management
      AssessmentFeedback-CSA Draft-T2 2024
      CSA Draft Feedback
      The Challenge and the MoS set up your work, and my assessment – the Alternatives and the Solution are
      assessed on how well they will deliver the challenge and the MoS.
      Challenge (including MoS) – the foundation for the CSA and the assessment
       Minimise ‘case summaries’ – be clear and precise about the actual Challenge – strive to have a single most
      important Challenge, maximum of two (2) parts.
      MoS resist using an increase (sales/profit/share) over the whole three/five year periods, as it becomes too
      small - use Year-on-Year (YoY) or ‘annually’. Nominate the time period, with dates (sets up the Execution).
      Nominate a client – See the Case for potential clients.
      The Title is a big hint.
      Alternatives – WHAT is the action/s recommended
      More clarity is required, avoid ‘catch all’, high level, generic, superficial statements – WHAT is it?
      Simply doing more of what the company is currently doing is not an Alternative – you must add some
      form of new/novel activity - Innovation. If not, it is simply BAU and not realistic or practical. If you use some
      part of current activities, make sure there is a clear difference in where and how take place compared to
      current activities.
       Make sure your Alternatives relate to the Challenge and deliver the nominated MoS, each Alternative.
      A summary of what is currently happening is not an Alternative.
      Make sure you have a section on Business As Usual (BAU).
      Porter’s Five Forces, SWOT and PESTEL, VRIN analyses and KSF’s are better in the Solution than the
      Terminology – use the correct terminology – Course material and Cases
       Course material – analysis tools (eg Porter’s 5) or concepts (eg first mover, competencies)
      Cases - facts, technical and financial terms as presented in the actual case – plant based meat industry
      AssessmentFeedback-Draft CSA- T2 2024 Prepared by Peter Donnan – July 2024
      CSA Draft Feedback
      The Challenge and the MoS set up your work, and my assessment – the Alternatives and the Solution are assessed on
      how well they will deliver the challenge and the MoS.
      Solution – WHY
      Stay with the information in the case. Your knowledge of local markets or extra research is not useful, it creates
      confusion rather than helping your argument
      Porter’s Five Forces: focus on 2 – 3 strongest or weakest, and WHY your Solution works, BUT note all five (5)…’this
      Force is  (strength) BUT does not need action.’ Stay (make Profit and Grow) OR Exit?
      SWOT – deal with the major S or W or O or T, BUT if Nil S or W or O or T, say that
      VRIN needs all four to be analysed
      KSF’s are industry not company measures, can help SWOT but not a strong stand alone analysis
      You can use Course concepts as well as the analyses - competencies or blue ocean – Value Innovation or Porter’s
      Five Strategies….
      Execution – HOW
       Do not introduce new concepts or actions in Execution, if they are not in the Solution (if briefly), they should not be in
      the Execution.
      Consider what has to be done both internally and externally to implement the solution Contingency Plan – this
      needs a date, that is critical to a CP, if no ‘When’, it has Nil power. Nominate a ‘What’s Next’ or Plan B
      Did you consider any ‘Reviews’?
       Why wait until 2024 to commence? Start at the end of the Case.
      Do not use reference materials/sources from outside the Case – your ideas are what is
      Add your name and page numbers to each page for the Major CSA.
      AssessmentFeedback-CSA Draft-T2 2024
      Summary of C.A.S.E. applied to a CSA
      define the most critical, biggest problem/issue AND
      how you will measure success over the next 3/5 years – MoS (size and either ‘pa’ or YoY)
      ? three (3) actions/strategies that clearly show WHAT you are suggesting, make sure it is
      different from current activities or at least uses those activities in a different way (you can
      use current competencies to do different things)
      Clear, Realistic and Practical
      Use the outputs of your analyses (Course materials) to help explain WHY your chosen
      alternative is the best way to solve the Challenge and deliver the MoS – only use the key
      parts of your analyses i.e NOT all of Porter’s Five Forces will be relevant, note that
      Consider the value of current competencies to deliver the new/innovative ideas
       Build a strong case for your preferred idea
      a plan that nominates the actions, the Order in which they will be done, a Timeframe to
      complete, and WHO will do each action
      this must identify the critical actions, it cannot be fully detailed, as there is not enough space,
      this is not a PMO course and
       a Contingency Plan, with a date for the decision to pivot, what you will pivot to
      Prepared by Peter Donnan – July 2024AssessmentFeedback-CSA Draft-T2 2024
      Case for Weeks 9 & 10 - Case 24 –
      Uber Technologies Inc
       Case 24 – Uber Technologies Inc: Is the Gig Economy
      Labor Force working for Uber?
      Week 9
      Read the Case BEFORE the Seminar.
      Think about and Prepare full C.A.S.E. analysis :
       The Challenge - MoS (dates and pa/YoY target; and
      Alternatives Three (3) Realistic & Practical + BAU
       The Solution – including two (2) analyses; and
       Execution – including a Contingency Plan
      Draft CSA – Marks & Feedback
       Marks & Feedback for Draft CSA will be published before
      Friday 26 July 2023
      An Announcement will be published on Moodle when the
      Marks & Feedback are published
      Queries on the Marks & Feedback will only be answered in
      the Seminars in Week 10
      6AssessmentFeedback-CSA Draft-T2 2024
      Requirements for Major CSA
      Word count
      The maximum Word count is 1,400 words, less than 1,260 words will not be
      Please revise the published requirements for the C.A.S.E. methodology (Seminar in
      Week 1) and the Feedback from the Draft CSA and use those for the Major CSA.
      Also review the Exemplar documents.
      Put your name, the Assessment name and page numbers on each page in the footer
      or the header.
      Put your name in the filename of the submission you upload to Turnitin/Moodle –
      make sure you press ‘Submit’ if Turnitin/Moodle offers you that choice.
      Submit a Word document only.
      Try to submit well before the deadline as Turnitin can become overwhelmed and lock
      you out.
      Prepared by Peter Donnan – July 2024AssessmentFeedback-CSA Draft-T2 2024
      Preparing for Major CSA
      I recommend that you review the following BEFORE submitting your Major CSA report.
      General Feedback and Comments on Draft CSA Assessment –T2 2024 on Moodle
      The two (2) Exemplar documents – Good CSA and Weak CSA – if you did not download
      these, ask a friend for a copy of each
       The personal feedback on Moodle for your DRAFT CSA.
      Remaining Assessments @ Week 9
      There are two (2) assessment tasks left to complete in this
       an Individual assessment; plus
       your Participation in seminars.
      Major Case Study Analysis (CSA) - 35% Submit via TurnitIn
      Individual Written Report to be delivered by 3pm, Sydney
      time, Friday 4 August (end of Week 10): a full C.A.S.E.
      analysis on the nominated Case (in your Textbook)
      (Max. 4 pages, 1,400 words, Min. 1,260 words)
      Opens: Wednesday 31 July 2024, 1:00 AM
      Due: Friday, 2 August 2024, 3:00 PM
      2. Participation & Contribution – 15% in Lectures and
      Seminars, expected minimum one good contribution per
      week. Weeks 1 – 10 (excluding Week 6).
      Term 2 – 2024 – Live

      請加QQ:99515681  郵箱:99515681@qq.com   WX:codinghelp


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