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      時間:2024-06-21  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      The University of New South Wales - COMP9312 - 24T2 - Data
      Analytics for Graphs
      Assignment 1
      Graph Storage and Graph Traversal
      Submission Submit an electronic copy of all answers on Moodle
      (only the last submission will be used).
      A .pdf file is required. The file name should be
      Deadline 9pm Friday 21 June (Sydney Time)
      Marks 30 marks (15% toward your total mark for this
      Late penalty. 5% of max mark will be deducted for each additional day
      (24hr) after the specified submission time and date. No submission is
      accepted 5 days (120hr) after the deadline.
      2024/6/5 15:03 COMP9312 24T2 Assignment 1
      https://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs9312/24T2/assignment/ass1/ 1/5
      Figure 1
      Figure 2
      Figure 3
      Q1. Required knowledge covered by Topic 1.1 (4 marks)
      Please determine whether the following statements for the graph in
      Figure 1 are TRUE or FALSE.
      a. In some correct BFS traversal starting from H, M can be traversed
      before N.
      2024/6/5 15:03 COMP9312 24T2 Assignment 1
      https://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs9312/24T2/assignment/ass1/ 2/5
      b. In some correct DFS traversal starting from I, E can be traversed
      before A.
      c. In any correct DFS traversal starting from E, G must be traversed
      after F.
      d. In any correct BFS traversal starting from K, L must be traversed
      after H.
      e. In any correct BFS traversal starting from A, N must be traversed
      before G.
      f. In any correct DFS traversal starting from P, A must be traversed
      before Q.
      g. In some correct DFS traversal starting from M, Q can be traversed
      after K.
      h. In some correct BFS traversal starting from J, A can be traversed
      after E.
      Marking for Q1: 0.5 mark is given for each correct TRUE/FALSE
      Q2. Required knowledge covered by Topic 1.1 (5 marks)
      Consider the undirected graph in Figure 2 stored by the adjacency list.
      For each vertex, the neighbors are arranged alphabetically (e.g., the
      neighbor list of A is [B,E,P]). Describe an algorithm to compute all
      connected components using the disjoint-set data structure. Show the
      tree structure after each union operation.
      Marking for Q2: Full marks are given if each intermediate disjoint-set
      tree structure is correct.
      Q3. Required knowledge covered by Topic 1.1 (5 marks)
      Consider the directed graph in Figure 3 stored by the adjacency list.
      The neighbors of each vertex are arranged alphabetically. Compute the
      topological order of vertices in the graph. Show intermediate steps.
      Marking for Q3: Full marks are given if the described process of each
      vertex is correct and the order of vertices are correct.
      Q4. Required knowledge covered by Topic 0 (6 marks)
      2024/6/5 15:03 COMP9312 24T2 Assignment 1
      https://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs9312/24T2/assignment/ass1/ 3/5
      We consider an undirected, unweighted graph with n vertices and m
      edges. Design a data structure to store the graph that can efficiently
      support the following three operations:
      1) Scanning all neighbours of a given vertex,
      2) Inserting a new edge that does not exist in the original graph
      3) Deleting a vertex from the graph, including all edges related to it.
      Justify the time complexity of each operation and the space complexity
      of the data structure.
      Marking for Q4: Two factors are evaluated in marking: (1) How good is
      your time complexity and space complexity; (2) Does your algorithm
      match your time complexity. (3) Does your data structure match your
      space complexity. Full marks are given if your time complexity is not
      larger than our expected one and your algorithm corresponds with your
      time complexity.
      Q5. Required knowledge covered by Topic 1.1 (5 marks)
      We consider an undirected, unweighted graph with n vertices and m
      edges organized using an adjacency list. Design an algorithm to
      determine whether there exists a cycle that contains the given query
      vertex (i.e., the input is a vertex ID, and the result should be TRUE or
      FALSE). Please write your code in pseudocode and justify the time
      complexity of each subpart, as well as the total time complexity of your
      Marking for Q5: Two factors are evaluated in marking: (1) How good is
      your time complexity; (2) Does your algorithm match your time
      complexity. Full marks are given if your time complexity is not larger
      than our expected one and your algorithm corresponds with your time
      Q6. Required knowledge covered by Topic 1.1 (5 marks)
      We consider a directed, unweighted graph stored by the adjacency list
      (an array of out-neighbors is stored for each vertex). Design an
      algorithm to compute the shortest distance between two query
      vertices (i.e., the input is two vertex IDs, and the output should be the
      shortest distance). The queue data structure is not allowed in your
      solution (e.g., the dequeue object in Python). Please write your
      pseudocode and justify the time complexity of each subpart, as well as
      the total time complexity of your algorithm.
      2024/6/5 15:03 COMP9312 24T2 Assignment 1
      https://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs9312/24T2/assignment/ass1/ 4/5
      Marking for Q6: Two factors are evaluated in marking: (1) How good is
      your time complexity; (2) Does your algorithm match your time
      complexity. Full marks are given if your time complexity is not larger
      than our expected one and your algorithm corresponds with your time
      2024/6/5 15:03 COMP9312 24T2 Assignment 1
      請加QQ:99515681  郵箱:99515681@qq.com   WX:codinghelp


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