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      時間:2024-06-13  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      FINS5510 Personal Financial Planning 
      Adviser Engagement Date*
      Assignment Due Date 1pm Friday Week 7 (12 Jul 2024)
      Release of Results 5pm Friday Week 9 (26 Jul 2024)
      *All times are based on Sydney time
      In future, you may be practicing as a financial adviser. Even if you don't end up working
      in the financial planning industry, you (or a member of your family) will likely need to
      engage with a professional financial adviser to give you feedback on your ideas and to
      help implement your financial plan. The purpose of this assessment is to assess your
      ability to identify some important best practices and skills when providing financial
      advice to clients. It is required that we assess this since this course is part of an
      Approved Degree Program for practising as a financial adviser in Australia. The
      assessment involves watching some videos of financial advisers interacting with clients
      and answering two questions. The videos are on Youtube, with the link provided under
      the ‘Adviser Engagement’ section of the course website. We have provided videos of
      two advisers (Jeremy and Tristan) but you are only required to watch the videos of one
      adviser. The questions are under the ‘Questions’ section of the Adviser Engagement
      Instructions document. There is no word limit for your answers to the questions, but
      the expected total number of words for this assessment is somewhere between 1,000
      and 3,000 words in total (with approximately half allocated to each question). You can
      write more than 3,000 words if you would like to do so. The answer to both questions
      should be submitted in Microsoft Word format using the Microsoft Word template
      The Adviser Engagement Assignment is worth 20% of your assessment for this course.
      Backup your work
      You should be writing your assignment gradually in the few weeks before the due date
      and not leaving it until ‘last minute’. You also need to plan for a situation in which the
      file may become corrupted or your device is damaged. Please create regular copies of
      your work and place them into a ‘Backups’ folder. Make sure this folder is synchronised
      onto a USB key or a cloud-based storage solution such as OneDrive or Dropbox (or
      an equivalent service in China for students who cannot access these services). Note
      that UNSW provides you with a free Onedrive account. Loss of data or a damaged
      device does not constitute grounds for Special Consideration.
      Note that if you have saved your file in your UNSW Onedrive account, you should be
      able to restore a backup from your file history. Here is a link on how to do this.
      Adviser Engagement Assignment 3
      ? UNSW Business School
      If you lose your file and are unable to restore from a backup, a standard late penalty
      of 5 marks (out of 100) per day will apply. Technical problems with your file or
      device does not represent grounds for a Special Consideration extension.
      Late Penalties
      Late submission will incur a penalty of 5 percentage points per day or part thereof
      (including weekends) from the due date and time. An assessment will not be accepted
      after 5 days (120 hours) of the original deadline unless special consideration has been
      approved. An assignment is considered late if the requested format, such as hard copy
      or electronic copy, has not been submitted on time or an incorrect document has been
      The late penalty applies to your score for the assignment (not the maximum possible
      score). For example, if your raw score is 70/100 and the assignment is submitted 2
      days late, a 10 mark penalty will apply and so your score would be reduced to 60/100.
      Note that there is a small ‘grace period’ of a few minutes after the submission time to
      allow for slow internet connections or slow website performance. No penalty will apply
      if the submission is within this ‘grace period’. Please do not email me asking if your
      submission falls within this grace period.
      Since this assignment can be submitted at any time during the term, the maximum
      period of special consideration that will be granted for this assessment (for any reason)
      is 7 days from the original due date. Also, the maximum extension that will be granted
      for Equitable Learning Plans will also be 7 days from the original due date. Any
      submissions received after this will automatically be awarded a score of zero.
      Special Consideration
      Special consideration will only be granted in exceptional cases. You should work on
      this assignment well before the due date. Being ill on the day before the assessment
      due date will not normally constitute grounds for special consideration.
      If special consideration is granted, the maximum extension that will be granted is
      7 days from the original due date. Any assignments received more than 7 days from
      the original due date will automatically be awarded a score of zero.
      An application for Special Consideration together with supporting documentation must
      be submitted online within 3 working days of the due date. The process for applying
      for special consideration is here: https://student.unsw.edu.au/special-consideration
      Individual Assessment
      This is an individual assessment. All written work must be your own work. Seeking
      assistance with your written work or research constitutes academic misconduct.
      Seeking assistance from Artificial Intelligence computer programs also constitutes
      Adviser Engagement Assignment 4
       UNSW Business School
      academic misconduct. Providing assistance to any other student also constitutes
      academic misconduct. Copying or paraphrasing the work of any other student (from
      current or previous terms) constitutes academic misconduct. Basing your answer on
      an assignment submitted by another student is academic misconduct. Providing a copy
      of your assignment to another student is academic misconduct. Posting a copy of your
      assignment on a website is academic misconduct (except for submitting your
      assignment on the course website under the appropriate submission link).
      If another student approaches you for assistance, please note the time, date and
      details of the incident and email the details to me at a.hingston@unsw.edu.au .
      For some students, English is not your first language and so you may not feel confident
      with your English grammar. In this course, obtaining assistance from someone else to
      help correct spelling or grammar is not considered academic misconduct.
      UNSW has no tolerance for students who are dishonest. Academic misconduct is a
      serious offence. It can result in zero being awarded for this assessment, a failure grade
      for the course and/or removal from the University.
      No Artificial Intelligence
      Using Artificial Intelligence programs or services is not permitted in this assessment.
      There are two exceptions to the above ‘no use of Artificial Intelligence’ rule. Students
      for whom English is their second language are allowed to use Artificial Intelligence
      programs (such as Google Translate) to translate from their native language into
      English or to translate from English to their native language. Students with writing
      difficulties are allowed to use Artificial Intelligence programs (such as Grammarly) to
      help correct their spelling and grammar.
      You should use the Microsoft Word Template document provided under the ‘Adviser
      Engagement’ section of the course website. Note that as a student at UNSW, you have
      access to the full suite of Microsoft Office 365 applications. More information about
      accessing this software is on page 4.
      Your Learning Community Report should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document.
      All students at UNSW have access to the full suite of Microsoft Office 365 products
      for free (on both Windows and Mac). This includes downloadable versions of the entire
      Microsoft Office suite to 15 devices (5 desktops, 5 tablets and 5 mobiles).
      The steps for downloading the latest version of MS Office are as follows:
      1. Go to https://login.microsoftonline.com
      Adviser Engagement Assignment 5
      ? UNSW Business School
      2. Login with the same zPass that you use for Moodle using the
      ‘zID@ad.unsw.edu.au’ version of your UNSW student email. For example:
      3. Click the ‘Install apps’ button
      4. Choose ‘Office 365 apps’.

      For students who use the Linux operating system, you should either use one of the
      university labs to write the assignment, use a word processor that will export to a
      Microsoft Word file format or use a Google Doc and export to Microsoft Word format.
      Fonts: Please only use either Arial (PC) or Helvetica (Mac) fonts. Students with
      dyslexia who find these fonts difficult to read may use Times New Roman.
      Font sizes: Please use font size 11 pt for your body text.
      Line spacing: Use the default in the Microsoft Word Template provided (1.08 lines).
      Styles: Use the styles provided in the Microsoft Word Template provided.
      File format: You should submit your file in Microsoft Word format.
      Filename: Please use the filename following the format ‘zID Adviser
      Engagement.docx’. If your zID is z999999, you should name your document
      ‘z999999 Adviser Engagement.docx’.
      The videos for this assignment are on Youtube under the ‘Adviser Engagement’
      playlist. The link to this playlist is provided under the ‘Adviser Engagement’ section of
      the course website.
      Tristan Scifo (Purpose Advisory) and Jeremy Chiel (Stonehouse Group) have provided
      some roleplays that demonstrate some ‘good’ and ‘bad’ examples of interactions with
      clients. You are only required to watch the videos from one adviser, but better
      submissions will draw examples from the videos of both advisers. To make it clear
      which roleplays are ‘bad’ and ‘good’, I have included ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ in the titles
      before each section of the video. The bad examples are pretty funny at times, so sit
      Adviser Engagement Assignment 6
      ? UNSW Business School
      back and have a good laugh. Note that there are both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ versions of
      Jeremy’s videos but some of Tristan’s roleplays only have ‘good’ versions.
      There are some additional videos of Alexander Pan, who is a compliance officer in the
      financial planning industry. These may be useful to watch as you attempt to formulate
      your answer to Questions 1 and 2.
      These videos work best when you watch them on your large-screen TV in your media
      room. Sit back, grab the popcorn and enjoy watching them (taking notes as you go)!
      There are two questions that you must answer. Please use headings for ‘Question 1’
      and ‘Question 2’ and answer them separately. Parts (a) and (b) within a question do
      not need separate headings and can be answered holistically or as two separate parts
      (the choice is up to you). Each question is marked separately and so it is okay for you
      to repeat arguments or examples that you used in Question 1 for your answer to
      Question 2.
      Question 1 (50 marks)
      a) Provide specific examples of situations in which Tristan and/or Jeremy attempted
      to evaluate, analyse and communicate a deep understanding of the client’s
      situation, financial resources, financial goals, budget, risk perceptions, investment,
      insurance and other financial planning needs. Provide specific examples of
      situations in which they failed to do so.
      b) Explain why it is an important part of the financial planning process for a financial
      adviser to have a deep understanding of the client’s situation, financial resources,
      financial goals, budget, risk perceptions, investment, insurance and other financial
      planning needs before preparing a Statement of Advice (financial plan) for the
      Question 2 (50 marks)
      a) Provide specific examples of steps or actions that Tristan and/or Jeremy undertook
      to apply ethical principles, professional standards and/or comply with legislation
      and regulations as they interacted with their clients. Provide specific examples of
      situations in which they failed to do so.
      b) Explain why it is an important for financial advisers to apply ethical principles,
      professional standards and to conform with legislation and regulations when they
      interact with their clients.
      Adviser Engagement Assignment 7
      ? UNSW Business School
      Word Limit
      There is no word limit to this assignment. The expected total number of words for this
      assessment is somewhere between 1,000 and 3,000 words in total (with approximately
      half allocated to each question). If you would like to write more than 3,000 words, you
      are welcome to do so. Each question has two parts (a and b). There is no specific mark
      allocation provided to each part of the question since each question is graded
      holistically (based on both parts). The ‘a’ and ‘b’ parts are provided to make each part
      of the question clear. In the past, students normally write a roughly similar number of
      words on parts a) and b) for each question.
      Writing Style
      You should adopt a ‘report’ writing style for this assignment. This means that you can
      use headings and make selective use of bullet-points, tables or diagrams (if
      Please use headings for ‘Question 1’ and ‘Question 2’ and answer them separately,
      since I mark each question separately. You may also include ‘a’ and ‘b’ labels for each
      question part, but this is not required. You can choose to answer a question holistically
      (covering both part a and b) in one integrated answer or you can answer each part
      separately. However, remember that Questions 1 and 2 must be answered separately
      and you should use separate headings for them.
      References and citations
      When citing specific videos in your answer, please just use the adviser name and the
      timecode reference (mm:ss) in brackets. Full references and citations to the adviser
      videos are not required since they are the focus of this assessment. For example, if
      you are referring to the video with Jeremy Chiel to a timecode reference of 10 minutes
      15 seconds, use the following in-text reference (Jeremy Chiel 10:15). There is no need
      to include the adviser videos in your list of references.
      If you would like to reference my lecture slides, an informal approach is acceptable.
      Please just reference the title of the Unit and the slide number. There is no need to cite
      my name or treat it as a published work. There is no need to include my lecture slides
      in your list of references.
      Citations and references for any other article or website should follow standard
      university assignment citation and referencing principles. You may use Harvard,
      Oxford or APA referencing (see below).
      For website references, I’m usually happy with just the author (or company), the date
      that it was accessed and a URL (preferably hyperlinked). For example:
      "Domain Property Group, accessed 26 April 2024, https://www.domain.com.au "
      Adviser Engagement Assignment 8
      ? UNSW Business School
      The following website provides some good examples for referencing for other
      When referring to other sources, the standard method for citations at UNSW is in-text
      (Harvard). However, in this course I don’t mind whether you use Harvard, Oxford or
      APA style referencing.
      More information on the in-text (Harvard) method is here:
      More information on the footnote (Oxford) method is here:
      More information on APA referencing method is here:
      References are not included in your word count.
      File Size
      The maximum file size permitted by Moodle is 40MB. If your file is larger than this, then
      it is most likely because you have used some high-resolution images (which are not
      expected to be used in this assessment). Please locate the super-high-res images in
      your document and downscale them. More on this here:
      Your Adviser Engagement Assignment should be submitted on the course website by
      the due date listed on page Error! Bookmark not defined.. The link for submitting
      your assignment is under the ‘Adviser Engagement’ section of the course website.
      The TurnItIn Originality Check will only be performed once at the due day and time.
      You will not receive an originality report when you submit your assignment. Your
      Originality Score (plagiarism detection) is usually not a problem if you have written your
      assignment yourself without assistance from others.
      The maximum file size of submissions is 40MB. If your file is too big, please decrease
      the size of your images. Instructions for how to do this are in the previous section.
      You can resubmit your assignment as many times as you like before the due date.
      However, the TurnItIn Originality check is only performed once on the due date. You
      can still submit your assignment on the link provided after the due date but a late
      penalty will apply. Note that resubmissions on the course website after the due-date
      are not possible. If you discover that you have submitted the incorrect file, you can
      email the correct file to me (note that late penalties may apply).
      Adviser Engagement Assignment 9
      ? UNSW Business School
      The required file format is in Microsoft Word format.
      The TurnItIn service has a ‘preview’ function for your uploaded document. This
      preview isn’t very good and often stuffs up the formatting of your document. I wouldn’t
      worry about this. I download the original file you submit and mark this directly and so
      formatting is rarely a problem (especially if you just use Arial/Helvetica fonts).
      If you are submitting your assignment within one week after the due date, you should
      just submit your assignment on the course website. There is no need to email me. The
      penalties for late submission are indicated under the section on ‘Late Penalties’.
      Assessment Criteria
      Your assignment will be assessed based on following criteria:
      Criteria Descriptor
      You did not use the MS Word Adviser Engagement template provided (5 marks)
      You did not use the file name format indicated in the assessment instructions (5 marks)
      You did not submit your file in MS Word format. (5 marks)
      The presentation of the content (document formatting etc.) does not follow the assessment instructions (5 marks)
      Your answer for each question has not been written under separate sections labelled ‘Question 1’ and ‘Question 2’
      (5 marks).
      ANALYSIS (40%) Sophistication of your answer to the report question(s) and the associated arguments.
      Application of the theory covered in the course lectures and resources to answer the report question(s).
      Use of your own research using external sources to answer the report question(s).
      EXAMPLES (40%) Appropriate selection of examples to support your analysis from the adviser videos.
      Breadth of examples across the videos of at least one adviser (Tristan or Jeremy) to support your arguments. Note
      that better submissions will draw examples from the videos of both advisers and/or the videos of Alexander Pan
      (Compliance Officer).
      You have provided a clear explanation of how the examples that you have provided support your analysis and
      CLARITY (20%) Ideas are clearly expressed.
      Use of clear and appropriate topic sentences at the beginning of paragraphs.
      A clear flow of ideas between sentences within each paragraph.
      A clear flow of ideas across different paragraphs.
      Logic of your arguments is easy to follow.
      Correct use of spelling, grammar and punctuation.

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