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      時間:2024-05-29  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      BUSS6002 - Individual Assignment
      Semester 1, 2024
      Due Date
      • Due: before 23:59
      1 on Wednesday 22 May 2024 (week 13).
      • A late penalty of 5% per day applies if you submit your assignment late without a successful
       special consideration or simple extension.
      Rubric Overview
      This assignment is worth 30% of the unit’s marks. The assessment is designed to test your
      technical ability and statistical knowledge in modelling a real-world dataset, as well as your
      communication skills in writing a concise and coherent report presenting your approach and
      results. Refer to the Rubric later in this document for speciffc details.
      Submission Instructions
      You must submit:
      • a written report (.PDF) with the following fflename format, replacing 1234134 with your
      own student ID: BUSS6002 Report SID1234134.pdf.
      • a Jupyter Notebook (.ipynb) ffle with the following fflename format, replacing 1234134
      with your own student ID: BUSS6002 Notebook SID12341234.ipynb.
      You may submit multiple times before the due date. Your latest submission before the due
      date will be marked
      . If you wish to re-submit after the due date please send an email to
      buss6002.admin@sydney.edu.au so that markers are notiffed of your new submission.
      1You may submit up to 30 minutes late without penalty.
      2The fflename on Canvas will change to include “-n” where n is the submission number. You can ignore this.
      On September 19, 2023 twitter user @purplepingers (Jordan van den Berg) launched shitrentals.org.
      The site allows tenants to submit testimonies about landlords, property managers and rental
      properties. The reviews are then publicly viewable and searchable with the address of the
      property and the name of the agency visible. You have been given access to the data from
      As a data-scientist-in-training, your task is to create a publishable research
      report that investigates and reports on the factors that drive the perceived quality
      of a rental property. The effect of each factor must be captured in a Generalized
      Linear Model (GLM) of your choice. All analysis and model building must be performed
      using Python and collated into a single Jupyter Notebook, which is to be submitted at the same
      time as your report.
      A template for the report is provided in the assignment pack. Your report must contain:
      • Abstract
      • Introduction
      • Methods
      • Results and Discussion
      • Conclusion and Limitations
      • Bibliography
      You may also include Appendices with additional details, ffgures and tables.
      • There is a limit of 2500 words for the report excluding tables, captions, bibliography and
      • Assume the reader of your report is a competent and trained data scientist or analyst.
      They are familiar with the content of BUSS6002.
      • All plots, computational tasks, and results must be completed using Python.
      • Do not include any Python code as part of your report.
      • All ffgures must be appropriately sized and have readable axis labels and legends (where
      Using LaTeX is highly recommended, though not required for this assignment. If you do not
      have LaTeX installed locally we recommend that you use overleaf.com. All students can sign
      up for an Overleaf Pro+ account via resource portal. If you’re new to Overleaf and LaTeX, help
      is available via their free introductory course and tutorial video.
      3The context for this assignment is real but the data is fake.
      The submitted .ipynb ffle must
      • contain all the code used in the development of your report,
      • be runnable on an Ed environment, and
      • must be free of any errors.
      Data Description
      The dataset contains 1000 property reviews collected between 1/1/2023 and 31/12/2023. To
      simplify analysis the properties have been restricted to:
      • Flats and Units
      • 1 and 2 bedroom properties
      • 3 suburbs close to the university (Camperdown, Redfern and Newtown).
      Refer to the data dictionary for descriptions of the variables.
      File Pack
      A link to download the BUSS6002 Assignment Pack.zip is provided on canvas. The pack
      • report/
      – BUSS6002 Report SID1234134.tex (LATEXtemplate)
      – IEEEtran.cls (LATEXstyle ffle)
      – references.bib (BibTeX ffle)
      • analysis/
      – shitrentals.csv
      – shitrentals dictionary.csv
      – BUSS6002 Notebook SID12341234.ipynb (Jupyter Notebook Template)
      The following resources may be useful:
      • https://www.statsmodels.org/stable/examples/notebooks/generated/ordinal regression.html
      • https://stats.oarc.ucla.edu/r/dae/ordinal-logistic-regression/
      Criteria FA PS CR DI HD
      Abstract and
      The abstract is uninformative
      and does not give readers a
      clear understanding of the
      paper’s content. It is missing
      one or more of the following:
      clear summary of purpose,
      methods and results. The introduction does not
      expand on the abstract by
      providing a description of the
      context of the paper or
      motivation. The abstract is informative, giving readers some understanding of the paper’s content. It contains a mostly clear summary of the purpose, description of methods and results. The introduction expands on the abstract by providing a brief or vague description of the context
      of the paper and
      motivation. The abstract is informative, giving readers a clear understanding of the paper’s content. It contains a mostly clear summary of purpose, methods and results. The introduction expands on the abstract by providing a brief description of the context of the paper and motivation. The abstract is concise, informative, giving readers a clear understanding of the paper’s content. It contains a summary of topics, purpose, description of methods and results. The introduction expands on the abstract by providing a description of the context of the paper and motivation. The abstract is concise, informative, and engaging, giving readers a clear understanding of the paper’s content and significance. It contains a summary of topics, purpose, description of methods and results. The introduction expands on the abstract by providing a thorough description of the context of the paper and convincing motivation. Both of which are supported by
      evidence from literature.Methods
      The description of the model
      is either absent or severely
      lacking, making it difficult to
      understand its
      implementation or rationale. Decision making lacks any
      meaningful support from
      evidence, with little to no
      reference to data-based
      exploration (EDA) or
      established best practices. External resources are either
      not cited or improperly
      integrated into the discussion. The presented model, if any,
      demonstrates a significant
      mismatch with the problem
      context: - the choice of the model is
      inappropriate or irrelevant to
      the problem context - variables are either poorly
      selected or not utilized at all - there is no effort to control
      for variables not of direct
      interest to the study - overfitting is not addressed
      A rudimentary description
      of the model is provided. Decision making attempts
      to be supported by
      evidence, but the
      justification is minimal and
      may rely more on intuition
      than on data-based
      exploration (EDA) or
      established best practices. External resources are
      cited sporadically, with
      limited integration into the
      discussion. The presented model: - is appropriate for the
      problem context but lacks
      explanation and
      justification - uses only a few variables
      to enhance predictive
      performance, with
      significant missed
      opportunities or variables
      not adequately leveraged - displays limited effort is
      made to control for
      variables not of direct
      interest to the study - gives minimal attention
      to overfitting, with little
      validation or discussion
      A description of the model is
      provided, though it may lack
      depth or thoroughness. Decision making is
      attempted to be supported
      by evidence, but the
      justification may be limited or
      not fully grounded in
      data-based exploration
      (EDA) or established best
      practices. External resources
      are cited, but the integration
      may be less seamless or
      comprehensive. The presented model: - appropriate for the problem
      context - generally plausible for the
      problem context, but there
      may be some gaps in
      explanation or justification. - uses some but variables to
      enhance predictive
      performance, but there may
      be missed opportunities or
      variables not fully leveraged. - attempts to control for
      variables not of direct
      interest to the study, though
      some could be more
      rigorously addressed - attempts to not overfit to
      the data, but lacks
      A detailed description of the
      model is provided. Decision
      making is supported by
      evidence, through data-based
      exploration (EDA) or
      reference to course materials
      or external resources,
      although some areas may
      lack thorough justification. External resources are cited
      appropriately. The presented model: - is appropriate for the
      problem context - is plausible based on the
      problem context, though
      some aspects may require
      further justification - uses of most variables to
      enhance predictive
      performance, though there
      may be some missed
      opportunities or oversights
      (model selection) - controls for variables not of
      direct interest to the study,
      though some could be more
      rigorously addressed - is shown to not overfit to the
      data (validation)
      A comprehensive and
      detailed description of the
      model is provided. Decision
      making is thoroughly justified
      through data based evidence
      (EDA) or established best
      practice provided by course
      material or external
      resources. External
      resources are cited
      appropriately. The presented model: - is appropriate for the
      problem context - is plausible based on
      problem context - makes full use of all
      variables to maximise
      predictive performance
      (model selection) - controls for variables, which
      are not of interest to the
      study - is shown to not overfit to the
      data (validation)Results
      The results section
      inadequately presents
      findings from the research,
      with minimal to no discussion
      of model outputs. The
      interpretation demonstrates a
      lack of understanding of the
      implications within the
      problem context, with little to
      no attempt to relate findings
      to the context.
      The results section
      presents basic findings
      from the research, with
      limited discussion of
      model outputs. The
      demonstrates a
      understanding of the
      implications within the
      problem context, but lacks
      depth or thorough
      The results section presents
      an analysis of the research
      findings, accompanied by a
      discussion of model outputs.
      The interpretation
      demonstrates a basic
      understanding of the
      implications within the
      problem context, though
      there may be limitations in
      depth or clarity.
      A detailed analysis of the
      research findings is provided,
      accompanied by a
      substantive discussion of
      model outputs. The
      interpretation demonstrates a
      solid understanding of the
      implications within the
      problem context, though there
      may be areas where further
      depth or clarity could enhance
      the analysis.
      A comprehensive and
      insightful analysis of the
      research findings is provided,
      including a thorough
      discussion of model outputs.
      The interpretation shows a
      good understanding of
      implications within the
      problem context.
      Conclusion and
      Fails to effectively summarise
      the key findings of the study,
      providing readers with a
      vague or incomplete overview
      of the research outcomes.
      Limitations, if acknowledged,
      are addressed inadequately
      or may be entirely omitted,
      demonstrating a lack of
      awareness or understanding
      of the study's constraints.
      Suggestions for future
      research directions are
      absent or poorly articulated.
       A rudimentary summary of
      the key findings of the
      study is provided, offering
      readers a basic overview
      of the research outcomes.
      Limited acknowledgments
      of limitations may be
      included, indicating some
      recognition of the study's
      constraints, though they
      may lack thorough
      exploration. Suggestions
      for addressing these
      limitations in future
      research, if present, are
      brief and may lack
      A basic summary of the key
      findings of the study is
      provided, offering readers a
      general overview of the
      research outcomes. Some
      acknowledgments of
      limitations are included,
      indicating a basic awareness
      of the study's constraints.
      Suggestions for addressing
      these limitations in future
      research are briefly
      mentioned, but they may
      lack depth or specificity.
      An effective summary of the
      key findings of the study is
      presented, providing readers
      with a clear overview of the
      research outcomes.
      Limitations are
      acknowledged, indicating an
      understanding of the study's
      constraints and challenges.
      Suggestions for addressing
      these limitations in future
      research are presented,
      although they may lack
      in-depth exploration or
      An effective summary of the
      key findings of the study is
      presented, providing readers
      with a clear overview of the
      research outcomes.
      Limitations are
      acknowledged, indicating an
      understanding of the study's
      constraints and challenges.
      Suggestions for addressing
      these limitations in future
      research are provided.Report Presentation
      Formatting is unclear, illogical
      or inconsistent.
      The figures produced are of
      sub standard quality.
      Grammar and spelling pose
      significant barriers to the
      reader’s comprehension.
      References do not follow a
      consistent format e.g. APA
      6th or 7th.
      Formatting is mostly clear,
      logical and consistent.
      Writing presents a small
      barrier to the reader’s
      Visuals produced are of
      poor visual quality.
      References mostly follow
      a consistent format e.g.
      APA 6th or 7th.
      Formatting is clear, logical
      and consistent.
      Writing contains some
      grammatical or spelling
      errors, but none that pose
      any significant barrier to
      reader comprehension.
      Visuals produced are of
      average visual quality.
      References mostly follow a
      consistent format e.g. APA
      6th or 7th.
      Formatting mostly follows
      best practice of a research
      paper i.e. uses LaTeX or
      similar professional
      Writing demonstrates
      outstanding precision, clarity,
      and concision.
      Visuals produced are of good
      visual quality and easy to
      References follow a
      consistent format e.g. APA
      6th or 7th.
      Formatting follows best
      practice of a research paper
      i.e. uses LaTeX or similar
      professional typesetting.
      Writing demonstrates
      outstanding precision, clarity,
      and concision.
      Visuals are of high quality
      and increase the reader’s
      References follow a
      consistent format e.g. APA
      6th or 7th.
      Features of the Jupyter
      Notebook are not used
      appropriately. The notebook
      is incoherent. Code is hard to
      read, poorly or inconsistently
      formatted and no attempt has
      been made at
      Features of the Jupyter
      Notebook are used mostly
      appropriately. The
      notebook is formatted
      poorly. Code is reasonably
      clear with inconsistencies
      in places.
      Features of the Jupyter
      Notebook have been used
      appropriately. The notebook
      is formatted acceptably.
      Code is clear with some
      evidence of best practices.
      Jupyter Notebook is
      runnable without error.
      Features of the Jupyter
      Notebook have been used
      appropriately. The notebook is
      well laid out and formatted.
      Code is clear, consistent and
      follows the majority of best
      Features of the Jupyter
      Notebook have been used to
      pleasing effect. The notebook
      is well laid out and formatted.
      Code is clear, consistent,
      follows best practices,
      descriptions and comments
      are excellent.
      請加QQ:99515681  郵箱:99515681@qq.com   WX:codinghelp


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