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      時間:2024-05-15  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      Case Study - Information Sheet
      Printed Circuit Board Assembly
      1 Background
      Philips Electronics produces printed circuit boards (PCBs) for use in consumer electronics (audio and video equipment, personal computers) and in professional industries
      (telecommunication systems, aircraft navigation, medical equipment). Special machines
      are used to mount components onto the boards. The problem to be considered is one
      of production preparation: for each type of PCB, it is necessary to specify the way in
      which the components should be mounted.
      This case study is based on work carried out for one of the major product divisions
      of Philips. Although some simplifications have been made to the original problem, this
      does not affect the main characteristics of the decisions that have to be taken.
      2 Assembly of PCBs
      PCBs are assembled by automated machines. A conveyor feeds each board into the first
      machine, and transports the boards between machines. Thus, a board passes into the
      first machine where a selected subset of components are mounted, then passes to the
      second machine where further component mountings are performed, and so on, until the
      last machine completes the PCB. The conveyor moves all partially assembled boards to
      the next machine simultaneously. Thus, the conveyor only moves when every machine
      has completed its work on a board. For example, if there are eleven components to be
      mounted by three machines, A, B and C, where machine A mounts components 1, 2,
      3 and 4 and takes 8 seconds, machine B mounts components 5, 6 and 7 and takes 12
      seconds, and machine C mounts components 8, 9, 10 and 11 and takes 9 seconds, then the
      conveyor moves the boards every 12 seconds. Consequently, the first PCB is completed
      after 36 seconds, and a further PCB is completed at the end of each subsequent 12-second
      The components to be mounted on the board are contained in feeders on one side of
      the conveyor. The components are classified into different types, and each feeder only
      contains components of a single type.
      Each machine has a robot arm with three heads. The heads are each fitted with a
      piece of equipment which can pick components from the feeders and subsequently place
      them on the board. At most one component at a time can be carried by a head. Note that
      each component type can only be handled by a subset of the set of head equipments. In
      other words, a head with a given piece of equipment can only pick and place components
      of a limited set of component types.
      The mounting process consists of a sequence of pick-and-place moves. In the picking
      phase, the heads pick a component from the relevant feeders in turn. The order is
      fixed: the first head picks first, then the second, and finally the third head. During
      the placing phase, the robot arm moves to appropriate points on the board so that
      the components can be sequentially mounted. In contrast to the picking, the order in
      which the components are mounted can be chosen. Note that it is possible to choose
      pick-and-place moves in which only one or two of the three heads are used.
      To illustrate the process, consider the following example in which a single machine is
      used to mount five components on a board. There are two components of type α, one of
      type β, and two of type γ. The feeders for these component types have coordinates (5,
      0), (10, 0), and (15, 0), respectively. Further, the two α components have to be mounted
      at locations with coordinates a1 = (10, 2) and a2 = (10, 12), the β component has to
      be mounted at a location with coordinates b1 = (6, 5), and the two γ components have
      to be mounted at locations with coordinates c1 = (15, 8) and c2 = (14, 16). Suppose
      that, on the first pick-and-place move, the second α component is assigned to head 1,
      the β component is assigned to head 2, and the first γ component is assigned to head
      3, and that these components are mounted in the order γ, α and β. Then, the robot
      arm moves successively between locations (5, 0), (10, 0), (15, 0), (15, 8), (10, 12) and
      (6, 5): a total distance of 5 + 5 + 8 + √
      41 + √
      65 = **.49. Suppose that on the second
      pick-and-place move, the first α component is assigned to head 1, and the second γ
      component is assigned to head 2, and that these components are mounted in the order
      α and γ. Starting at the location (6, 5) where the last component was mounted on the
      previous move, the robot arm moves successively between locations (5, 0), (15, 0), (10, 2)
      and (14, 16): a total distance of √
      26 + 10 + √
      29 + √
      212 = 35.04. These pick-and-place
      moves are illustrated in Figures 1a and 1b, respectively.
      Figure 1: (a) First pick and place move; (b) Second pick and place move (the solid line
      denotes the route travelled by the arm during this move)
      3 Throughput
      It is required to maximize the throughput of the assembly line, which is determined by
      the machine with the heaviest workload. The workload of a machine is proportional to
      the total distance travelled by the robot arm. In computing this distance, you should
      assume that, when the conveyor moves, the robot arm remains at the position where the
      last component was placed until the new board arrives. Increased throughput is achieved
      • avoiding large movements of the robot arm;
      • balancing the workload between machines.
      The scheme that is selected should minimize the time required for the busiest machine
      to complete all of its mounting operations.
      4 Data
      Relevant data for the problem are as follows. There are three machines, and 102 components to be mounted on the board. The components are of 10 different types, which are
      labelled as type A, type B, etc., up to type J. There are nine pieces of equipment which
      are to be fitted on the heads, and no piece of equipment is duplicated. The following
      table lists the equipment, giving the component types that each piece of equipment can
      Piece of equipment Types of components that can be mounted
      Figure 2 displays the feeder positions, and shows the positions of the component
      types on the board. The feeders for components of types A, . . . , J have coordinates (2,
      0), . . ., (11, 0), respectively. The board is depicted below the feeders. The components
      to be mounted at the top of the board have coordinates (1, 2), . . . , (12, 2), and the
      components to be mounted at the bottom of the board have coordinates (1, 13), . . . ,
      (12, 13). There are some locations on the board where no component is to be fitted.
      For example, no component is required at the position with coordinated (9, 5), while a
      component of type J is to be mounted at the position with coordinates (10, 5).
      Note that the times required to pick a component from a feeder, to mount a component on a board, and to move the board on the conveyor are neglibible.
      Figure 2: Layout of the PCB board
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    1. 上一篇:代做DTS204TC、代寫Java編程語言
    2. 下一篇:CSC4140代做、代寫Python/Java編程設計
    3. 無相關信息

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