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      時間:2024-05-06  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      CT60A9600 [Lahti] Spring 2024
      Renewable Energy Plant System (REPS)
      General Overview
      A Renewable Energy Plant (REP) is a multigeneration energy system plant that manages the
      production of renewable energy for cities, industries and so on.
      Renewable energy sources are usually accessible at any location in the world, depending on
      the type. Also, using renewable energy resources has several advantages and benefits
      compared to conventional energy sources.
      The REP is equipped with software that controls everything in the plant, e.g., from energy
      production to site surveillance. In order to do that, it collects information from sensors and
      cameras. Sensors collect, elaborate, and send to a server control room data about the health
      of the production system, such as the production of energy/hour, while cameras register and
      send videos to the Server staff room of what is happening in the plant, such as the circulation
      of people and transportation means (for surveillance activity) or the exchange of stuff by truck
      Not necessarily everything has to be sent to the server and remotely processed. A local
      subsystem (e.g. embedded processing in cameras) can be considered, for example, as based
      on a framework for embedded image processing.
      The REP software is also aimed at improving energy production by, for example, moving the
      solar panels to accurately follow the sun, or moving the wind turbines to follow the wind
      direction. Also, REP can suggest changing production stuff for any reason, e.g., due to less
      energy production for ageing.
      CT60A9600 [Lahti] Spring 2024
      Implementation Goals
      Your group has been hired by a renewable energy company to design and build a renewable
      energy plant system. The goal of the project is to create a functional and efficient power plant
      that harnesses renewable energy sources to generate electricity for local communities. The
      power plant must be reliable, sustainable, and cost-effective. You are required to implement
      the following use cases:
      1. The system should be designed to monitor and control the power plant's renewable
      energy sources, including solar panels, wind turbines, and hydropower.
      2. The system should be capable of collecting data related to the energy generated by
      renewable sources and storing it in a file.
      3. The system should provide a view of the power plant's energy generation and storage
      capacity, allowing operators to adjust the power plant's operation as needed. This
      view should show the data stored in the file.
      4. The system should be able to analyse the data collected from renewable sources. It
      should be possible to filter the data on an hourly, daily, weekly and monthly basis. It
      should be possible to sort the data where possible. It must allow a user to search for
      required data stored in the system.
      Data Analysis should include:
      • Mean: the average, which is found by adding up all the values in a set of data
      and dividing it by the total number of values you added together.
      • Median: the middle number in the set of values. You find it by putting the
      numbers in order from the smallest to largest and covering up one number on
      each end until you get to the middle.
      • Mode: the number or value most often in the set. To find the mode, you need
      to count how many times each value appears.
      • Range: the difference between the lowest and the highest value. To work it
      out, simply subtract the lowest value from the highest.
      • Midrange: the number that is exactly halfway between the minimum and
      maximum numbers in a set of data. To work out the midrange, you must find
      the sum of both the smallest and largest, and divide it by 2.
      5. The system should be able to detect and handle issues with renewable energy sources,
      such as low energy output, and equipment malfunction, generating alerts for the
      operators accordingly.
      Make sure to follow the Scala style guide and use appropriate naming conventions for
      variables, functions, and classes. Your code should be well-organized, welldocumented, and easy to read. All the functionality and code structure must follow
      the Functional Programming paradigm where:
      • Data immutability is ensured.
      • Iterative works are done with the help of recursion.
      • Higher-order functions are used to accomplish tasks.
      CT60A9600 [Lahti] Spring 2024
      • Error handling in a functional way. Do this as much as you can. We don’t expect
      perfectionism at this point.
      • Demonstrate the other learned concepts as much as you can, e.g., type
      parameterization, currying, etc.
      Implement the file I/O in a non-functional way in Scala – the usual way of imperative
      languages. Better to do I/O either with .xls or .csv files; it is relatively easier.

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    1. 上一篇:EECS 3221代做、代寫c/c++設計編程
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