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      代寫EECS 113、Python/Java程序代做

      時間:2024-05-02  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      Processor Hardware/Software Interface
      EECS 113
      Assignment 2
      University of California, Irvine
      Assigned: April, 21, 2024
      Due: April, 30, 2024 by 11:59PM
      1 8051 Microcontroller Programming using Edsim51
      If you have not already installed Edsim51 simulator, follow these instructions:
      To see a list of all assembly commands, visit the following link:
      To see a list of all characters, visit the following link:
      where each element is an 8-bit number, you are required to write a program
      that computes the sum of products of the elements in each row, i.e. find (a*b)+(c*d) and store the result
      in the memory. The matrix should be added in code memory starting from location 30H as strings
      in ASCII format. To make the computations easier, the elements of the 2x2 matrix 
      a b
      c d
      should be
      stored in a single array as follows: a,b,c,d. Use the following template to put the individual test cases
      in your code memory:
      ORG 0
      ORG 30H
      N1: DB ”10,04,20,01” ;a=10, b=04, c=20, d=01
      DB 0
      ORG 50H
      MAIN: ...
      To run arithmetic operations on numbers in string format, you have to convert the strings to decimal
      numbers. For instance, the {0x36H,0x34H,0x39H,0x30H} sequence represents the number 64**. Check
      the ASCII table for full details on ASCII representation. Each character in this string (including the
      commas) will be stored in an 8-bit memory location, so for the example given above, the code memory
      starting address 30H will look as follows:
      (30H)=0x31H, (31H)=0x30H, (**H)=0x2cH, (33H)=0x30H, (34H)=0x34H, (35H)=0x2cH,
      (36H)=0x**H, (37H)=0x30H, (38H)=0x2cH, (39H)=0x30H, (3AH)=0x31H.
      You can use the DPTR to point to data in your code memory. The steps that your program needs to
      go through are:
      1. Initialize the DPTR to N1 and initialize any registers that you might need.
      2. loop over the digits one-by-one by increasing DPTR until you reach a comma to find the value of
      the first element a and store it in the register R2.
      3. go through another round of loading the digits one-by-one until you reach a comma to find the
      second element b and store it in register R3.
      4. multiply a and b and save the 16-bit output in locations 50H (MSB) 51H (LSB) in data memory.
      5. repeat the previous process for c and d, and add the result from a*b and store it back in memory
      locations 50H and 51H. Keep in mind that this addition operation should be computed on 16-bit
      values, so you can use what you learned in Assignment 1!
      You can use the comma and null characters, along with conditional jumps to determine if you have
      reached the end of the ASCII representation of an element and jump to the next step in your program.
      Store the 16-bit output result on location 50H(MSB) and 51H(LSB) on the data memory as regular
      hexadecimal numbers. You do not need to convert the output to string! The input numbers are 8 bits
      or less than 256.
      Test your code for the following cases:
      Case1: a=02, b=12, c=15, d=03
      EXPECTED OUTPUT: 50H=00H , 51H=45H (2*12+15*3 = 69 which is 45H in hex system)
      Case2: a=40, b=07, c=36, d=10
      EXPECTED OUTPUT: 50H=02H, 51H=80H (40*07+36*10 = 640 which is 280H in hex system)
      2 Bonus point (10%)
      Save the output in decimal system and in ASCII format, i.e. convert each digit to ASCII representation
      and save them on data memory, starting from 60H. The most significant digit should be stored in 60H.
      You can assume the output is always less than 256 (8 bits).
      Case1: a=02, b=12, c=15, d=03,
      EXPECTED OUTPUT: (50H)=00H, (51H)=45H, (60H)=30H, (61H)=30H, (62H)=34H, (63H)=35H
      (0045 in ASCII is 00003435H)
      Case2: a=40, b=07, c=36, d=10
      EXPECTED OUTPUT: (50H)=02H, (51H)=80H (60H)=30H, (61H)=**H, (62H)=38H, (63H)=30H
      (0280 in ASCII is 00**3830H)
      3 Assignment Deliverable
      - To facilitate the grading process, submit a .txt file for the code and a .pdf file for the report.
      - Your code should be commented and easy to read.
      - Your report should contain brief details on how the code works, plus the screenshots showing the final
      memory and register values for each test case.
      - Submit the assignment before the deadline through Canvas.


      請加QQ:99515681  郵箱:99515681@qq.com   WX:codinghelp


    1. 上一篇:哪個國家簽證能免簽菲律賓 免簽條件有哪些
    2. 下一篇:COMP1117B代做、代寫Python編程設計
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