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      時間:2024-04-28  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      FINT2100 Computer Programming and Application Development
      (202**024 Semester 2)
      Programming Project
      Deadline: (Fri) 26 Apr 2024 (11:59pm)
      (Upload all the Java source code files and test plan to Moodle by the deadline)
      Design and implement a menu-driven Library Management System.
      Develop a Library Management System that allows librarians to manage books, readers,
      and borrowing/returning operations efficiently through a console-based interface. The
      system should provide functionality for adding and removing books, registering new
      readers, and borrowing and returning books.
      1. Book Management
      • Add new books to the library with details such as title, author, ISBN,
      publication year, and availability status.
      • Remove books from the library.
      • Update book information.
      • Display all books’ information.
      • Search for a book by its ISBN and display the book's details if found.
      2. Readers Management
      • Add a new reader to the library by providing the reader's details such
      as name, contact information, and a unique reader ID.
      • Remove a reader from the library using their reader ID.
      • Display the list of all registered readers.
      • Search for a reader by their ID and display the reader's details if found.
      3. Borrowing and Returning
      • Allow a reader to borrow a book by providing their reader ID and the
      book's ISBN.
      • Validate the reader and book existence in the library.
      • Check the availability of the book before allowing borrowing.
      • Mark the book as borrowed and associate it with the reader if available.
      • Allow a reader to return a borrowed book by providing their reader ID
      and the book's ISBN.
      • Update the book's availability status and remove the association with
      the reader upon return.
      Console-based User Interface
      1. Main Menu
      • Display options for book management, reader management,
      borrowing and returning, and exiting the system.
      • Prompt the user to enter their choice and navigate to the
      corresponding submenu or perform the selected action.
      2. Book Management
      • Add a new book to the library by entering the book's details (title,
      author, ISBN, publication year).
      • Remove a book from the library by providing the book's ISBN.
      • Display the list of all books in the library.
      • Search for a book by its ISBN and display the book's details if found.
      3. Reader Management
      • Add a new reader to the library by entering the reader's details (name,
      contact information, reader ID).
      • Remove a reader from the library by providing the reader's ID.
      • Display the list of all registered readers.
      • Search for a reader by their ID and display the reader's details if found.
      4. Borrowing and Returning
      • Allow a reader to borrow a book by entering the reader's ID and the
      book's ISBN.
       Check if the reader and book exist in the library.
       Check if the book is available for borrowing.
       If the book is available, mark it as borrowed and associate it
      with the reader.
       Display a success message or appropriate error messages for
      invalid input or unavailable books.
      • Allow a reader to return a borrowed book by entering the reader's ID
      and the book's ISBN.
       Check if the reader and book exist in the library.
       If the book is borrowed by the reader, mark it as returned
      and update its availability.
       Display a success message or appropriate error messages for
      invalid input.
      The menu should be displayed after each operation, allowing the librarian to perform
      multiple actions without restarting the program. The program should exit when the
      librarian chooses the "Exit" option from the main menu.
      Technical Requirements
      1. Use Java as the programming language.
      2. Implement a console-based user interface for interacting with the Library
      Management System.
      3. Use appropriate data structures like arrays, to store book and reader
      4. Implement unit tests to verify the functionality of critical components.
      5. Follow coding best practices, including proper naming conventions, code
      comments, and modular design.
      Project Deliverables
      1. Java source code files organized in a structured manner.
      2. Test cases and test data to demonstrate the functionality of the system.
      3. Documentation explaining the system design in terms of the class structure,
      methods, and key attributes.
      Grading Criteria
      • Correct implementation of the system functions
      • User-friendly design of the system
      • Good programming styles
      • Clear and detailed documentation and testing

      請加QQ:99515681  郵箱:99515681@qq.com   WX:codinghelp


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