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      Comp 2322代寫、Python/Java程序代做

      時間:2024-04-20  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      Comp 2**2 Computer Networking
      Project: Multi-thread Web Server
      Due time: 11:59pm, April 21, 2024, Sunday
      Total marks: 100 marks
      Project objectives
      This project aims to develop a socket program to implement a Web service using the
      HTTP protocol.
      Design requirements
      In this project, you are required to develop a multi-threaded Web server in Python that is
      capable of processing HTTP requests sent from browsers or some other client programs.
      This multi-threaded program will be able to handle multiple requests at the same time.
      Specifically, your Web server will
      (i) create a connection socket when contacted by a client (browser);
      (ii) receive the HTTP request from this connection;
      (iii) parse the request to determine the specific file being requested;
      (iv) get the requested file from the server’s file system;
      (v) create an HTTP response message consisting of the requested file preceded by
      header lines;
      (vi) send the response over the TCP connection to the requesting client. If the client
      requests a file that is not present in your server, your server should return a “404
      Not Found” error message.
      Your task is to implement the server program, run your server program, and then test
      your server program by sending requests from the client programs running on different
      hosts. You may run the server on your own computer, using the IP address of If
      you run your server on a host that already has a Web server running on it, then you should
      use a different port than port 80 for your Web server.
      You can develop your code in two stages. In the first stage, you can simply implement the
      server program to receive the HTTP request messages and display the contents. After this
      is running properly, you can add the code to generate appropriate responses in the second
      stage. The Web server needs a log file to record statistics of the client requests. Each
      request corresponds to one line of record in the log. Write down client hostname/IP
      address, access time, requested file name and response type for each record. Your Web
      server also needs to handle some simple errors, such as web-page not found.
      You can use either Python, Java or C/C++ languages for the project. When implementing
      the Web server, you are required to use basic socket programming classes to build the
      Web server from scratch instead of using the HTTPServer class directly.
      Submission requirements
      Each student needs to submit a project package to Learn@PolyU, containing the
      following documents:
      x A project report that contains
      o A cover page includes your name and student number;
      o A summary of your design and implementation of the server program;
      o A demonstration of executing your program and screen capturing of results of
      all functions;
      o A log file that records the historical information about the client requests and
      server responses.
      x Complete source code
      o Your code should be commented appropriately.
      x A README text file of how to compile and run your program.
      The due time of the project is 11:59pm, April 21, 2024, Sunday, determined by
      Learn@PolyU. Do not challenge this time and submit your project package a little
      earlier. Late submission will cause the marks deducted 25% per day.
      Assessment rubrics
      The following rubrics will be used to evaluate your project quality and to determine
      your grade (100 marks):
      YNNNMM一 一一一一 一一一一 一一
      x Design and implement the Web server program to support the following functions
      (70 marks)
      o Multi-threaded Web server (5 marks)
      o Proper request and response message exchanges (5 marks)
      o GET command for both text files and image files (10 marks, 5 marks each)
      o HEAD command (10 marks)
      o Four types of response statuses ONLY, including 200 OK, 400 Bad Request,
      404 File Not Found, 304 Not Modified (20 marks, 5 marks each)
      o Handle Last-Modified and If-Modified-Since header fields (10 marks)
      o Handle Connection header field for both HTTP persistent connection
      (keep-alive) and non-persistent connection (close) (10 marks, 5 marks each)
      x Quality of your project’s report (25 marks)
      o A good summary of your design and implementation of the server program
      (10 marks)
      o A full demonstration of executing your program and screen capturing of
      results of all functions (5 marks)
      o A complete log file (5 marks)
      o A clear README text file (5 marks)
      x Quality of your project’s source code (5 marks)
      o Complete source code for the project
      o Good naming and coding conventions used in your source code
      o Compile the source code successfully
      o Execute the program without runtime errors
      Comp 2**2 Computer Networking
      Project Marking Sheet
      Student Information Name Student ID
      TA Information
      Check List Marks
      Design and implement the Web server program (70 marks)
      o Multi-threaded Web server (5 marks)
      o Proper request and response message exchanges (5 marks)
      o GET command for both text files and image files (10 marks)
      o HEAD command (10 marks)
      o Four types of response statuses ONLY (20 marks)
      o Handle Last-Modified and If-Modified-Since header fields (10 marks)
      o Handle Connection header field (10 marks)
      Quality of your project’s report (25 marks)
      o A good summary of your design and implementation (10 marks)
      o A full demonstration of executing your program and screen capturing of
      results of all functions (5 marks)
      o A complete log file (5 marks)
      o A clear README text file (5 marks)
      Quality of your project’s source code (5 marks)
      o Complete source code for the project
      o Good naming and coding conventions used in your source code
      o Compile the source code successfully
      o Execute the program without runtime errors

      請加QQ:99515681  郵箱:99515681@qq.com   WX:codinghelp


    1. 上一篇:代寫IMSE2113、Java,c/c++編程設計代做
    2. 下一篇:菲律賓學生簽辦理要求(學生簽辦理材料匯總)
    3. 無相關信息

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