時間:2024-04-18 來源:合肥網hfw.cc 作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯
CS 2820 Introduction to Software Development
Spring 2024
Steve Goddard
Project, March 26
(Total of 300 points)
Due: April 8, 19, and May 3 (Three Sprints)
Team Assignment (teams of 4).
300 points: Create code to analyze and visualize the channel allocation to nodes (coordinators) in a WARP
1) One of you will be the Maintainer and invite the other team members to be a developer on your
project, with an expiration date of Friday, May 17. All team members will work with this repo.
2) The project requires you to work in a team of 4, using a modified Agile Scrum process to complete
the Channel Analysis component of the WARP system using the tools we have learned this
semester. There will be 3 sprints, each approximately 1.5-2 weeks in length.
a. Sprint 1 due: April 8
b. Sprint 2 due: April 19
c. Sprint 3 due: May 3
Unlike a normal Scrum process, you will have defined deliverables that will be graded. You may
deliver more than the minimum required, for which credit will be given in the next Sprint. Delivering
less than the minimum results in a loss of points for that Sprint, AND you will need to make up the
progress in the next Sprint. For each Sprint, you will evaluate your partners and provide the repo
URL in the online Project assignment. Only one URL per team will be required.
3) Each Sprint will require a separate git branch and contain the following artifacts:
a. UML diagram(s) of new or updated classes (if any) in that Spring.
b. JUnit tests for all ChannelVisualization and ChannelAnalysis methods delivered in that
Sprint, except the constructors (think about how to accomplish this), and JUnit tests for any
new methods you might create in other classes, if any are created. To accomplish this
requirement, make all new methods public for testing purposes, but comment whether it
should be public or private in the JavaDoc comments.
c. JavaDoc updates for all code, and JavaDoc files for the entire package of code.
d. Source code (compliant with the style guide)
e. Updated README.md to document each team member’s completed tasks and tasks left to
be done (and by whom).
4) Be sure to merge your Sprint {1,2,3} branch with the main branch so that you continue to build on
prior ‘releases’, but maintain the branches so that the TA can evaluate progress.
5) PROGRAM SPECIFICATION: complete the ChannelAnalysis and ChannelVisualization
classes such that they create the *.ch files available from ICON and evaluate the channel allocation
of WARP flows, as requested in the Warp main program when the runtime configuration option -ca
is used. Be sure to complete all methods declared in the class. Your output will look like the following
for an ExampleX graph with periods of 5 and 10 for flows F0 and F1 respectively:
Channel Analysis for graph ExampleX
Scheduler Name: Priority
numFaults: 1
Channel/Time Slot 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 - - - - - - - - - -
1 [A]::F0:(A:B) - - [C]::F1:(C:B) - - - - - -
2 - [B]::F0:(B:C), F0:(A:B) - - - - - - - -
3 - - [B]::F0:(B:C) - - [A]::F0:(A:B) - - - -
4 - - - - - - [B]::F0:(B:C), F0:(A:B) - - -
5 - - - - - - - [B]::F0:(B:C) - -
6 - - - - [B]::F1:(B:A), F1:(C:B) - - - - -
7 - - - - - - - - [B]::F1:(B:A) -
8 - - - - - - - - - -
9 - - - - - - - - - -
10 - - - - - - - - - -
11 - - - - - - - - - -
12 - - - - - - - - - -
13 - - - - - - - - - -
14 - - - - - - - - - -
15 - - - - - - - - - -
After the header information, the top row of the visualization is a row of time slots. Each subsequent row
consists of a channel name, and a visualization of its allocation, wherein each time slot entry has one or
more of the following entries:
[NodeName]:: if the channel is allocated to a node (aka coordinator of the communication) for
push or pull instructions.
FlowName(Src,Snk) follows the coordinator information and represents the flow name, source
node, and sink node involved in the communication (these parameters come from the instruction).
Multiple instructions in the same time slot for the same coordinator are separated by a comma.
- if the channel was idle in that slot (i.e., there was no push or pull instructions using that channel at
that time slot).
If more than one coordinator is allocated the same channel in the same time slot, a channel conflict
exists. This conflict must be recorded by setting the conflictExist flag to true, and adding a semi-colon (‘;’)
to the existing entry, followed by the additional coordinator communication notation. For example:
[A]::F0:(A:B); [C]::F1:(C:B)
Entries in the visualization are separated by tab characters, just as the program visualization (.dsl) file
does. Additional example output is available in the ICON Project module.
Your TA will evaluate your assignment by pulling your files from your Sprint branch repository. The
assignment will be scored at follows:
Sprint 1
Artifacts: 50 pts.
1. (10 pts) High level plans and status in the README.md file. Clearly document who will do what
tasks. Identify and explain any artifacts (diagrams and design documents) that should be
considered in this Sprint delivery.
2. (25 pts) UML Sequence Diagram showing program flow starting with Warp processing the ‘ca’
option. Consider using https://sequencediagram.org to create your diagram, but you can use
PowerPoint, or any other tool if you want.
3. (15 pts) Design and project plan documents (e.g., UML class diagram, pdf file, pptx file, etc.) that
capture what you are planning to do. For example, what are the tasks to be done? In what order
will tasks be done? Who will do them? How will you test? How will you document? You should
also have identified some of the methods you will need in the Visualization class at least.
Sprint 2
Artifacts: 50 pts.
Completed or nearly completed Visualization class, including documentation.
1. (5 pts) High level plans and status in the README.md file. Clearly document who will do what
tasks. Identify and explain any artifacts (diagrams and design documents) that should be
considered in this Sprint delivery.
2. (5 pts) Updates to the UML diagrams (Class and Sequence) with the new methods, even if
helper methods are stubbed out.
3. (10 pts) Code in the ChannelVisualization class file that follows the style guide, shows
good design, and flows correctly (doesn’t crash and creates some sort of output that indicates
progress). If the class is not fully implemented, high-level helper methods documented with
JavaDoc and comments explaining what will be done. Use step-wise refinement, with stubbed
out helper methods so that the program flow exists, if the method is not yet finished.
4. (5 pts) JavaDoc comments and updated documentation files.
5. (20 pts) JUnit tests for the ChannelVisualization class.
6. (5 pts) Plan for Sprint 3, including tasks assigned to each person. Feel free to have part of this
plan already completed. It is OK to finish early!
Sprint 3
Artifacts and Correctness: 200 pts
Completed, working project
1. (10 pts) High level plans and status in the README.md file. Clearly document who will do what
tasks. Identify and explain any artifacts (diagrams and design documents) that should be
considered in this Sprint delivery.
2. (25 pts) Updates to the UML diagrams (Class and Sequence).
3. (80 pts) Design and code correctness. All helper methods should be public, so they can be
tested, but comments indicating which should normally be considered private or protected.
4. (25 pts) JavaDoc comments and updated documentation files.
5. (60 pts) JUnit tests for the ChannelVisualization and ChannelAnalysis classes.
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