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      時間:2024-04-12  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      Disclaimer: The information provided in this assessment brief is correct at time of publication. In the unlikely event that any changes
      are deemed necessary, they will be communicated clearly via e-mail and a new version of this assessment brief will be circulated.
      Academic Year: 2023/24
      Assessment Introduction:
      BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering
      Module Code: EL1205
      Module Title: Electronic Engineering
      Title of the Brief:
      Design & Build: RS2** Character Generator
      Type of assessment: Coursework
      This Assessment Pack consists of a detailed assignment brief, guidance on what you need to prepare, and
      information on how class sessions support your ability to complete successfully. You’ll also find information on this
      page to guide you on how, where, and when to submit. If you need additional support, please make a note of the
      services detailed in this document.
      How, when, and where to submit:
      The deadline for this assessment is 12
      th April 2024 at 23.59 via the submission zone found the EL1205 Blackboard
      area - Please note that this is the final time you can submit – not the time to submit!
      If your work is submitted via the Turnitin link on Blackboard, the link will be visible to you on: 8
      th March 2024
      Feedback will be provided by: 24
      th May 2024
      You should aim to submit your assessment in advance of the deadline.
      Note: If you have any valid mitigating circumstances that mean you cannot meet an assessment submission deadline
      and you wish to request an extension, you will need to apply online, via MyUCLan with your evidence prior to the
      deadline. Further information on Mitigating Circumstances via this link.
      We wish you all success in completing your assessment. Read this guidance carefully, and any questions, please
      discuss with your Module Leader or module team.
      Additional Support available:
      All links are available through the online Student Hub
      1. Academic support for this assessment will be provided by contacting Wei Quan
      2. Our Library resources link can be found in the library area of the Student Hub or via your subject librarian
      at SubjectLibrarians@uclan.ac.uk.
      3. Support with your academic skills development (academic writing, critical thinking and referencing) is
      available through WISER on the Study Skills section of the Student Hub.
      4. For help with Turnitin, see Blackboard and Turnitin Support on the Student Hub
      5. If you have a disability, specific learning difficulty, long-term health or mental health condition, and not yet
      advised us, or would like to review your support, Inclusive Support can assist with reasonable adjustments
      and support. To find out more, you can visit the Inclusive Support page of the Student Hub.
      6. For mental health and wellbeing support, please complete our online referral form, or email
      wellbeing@uclan.ac.uk. You can also call 01772 893020, attend a drop-in, or visit our UCLan Wellbeing
      Service Student Hub pages for more information.
      7. For any other support query, please contact Student Support via studentsupport@uclan.ac.uk.
      8. For consideration of Academic Integrity, please refer to detailed guidelines in our policy document . All
      assessed work should be genuinely your own work, and all resources fully cited.
      9. For this assignment, you are not permitted to use any category of AI tools.
      Preparing for your assignment.
      Ensure that you fully understand the requirements for the assessment and what you are expected to complete. The
      assignment will be introduced in the lecture session where you can ask any questions, you can also ask for
      clarification by contacting the module team.
      The following module learning outcomes will be assessed in this assignment:
      • Demonstrate an understanding and application of basic electrical and electronic principles.
      • Describe the theory of operation and principal characteristics of simple analogue electronic devices and
      • Relate the results of experiments on simple analogue electronic circuits to theory.
      Please read over the guide to writing a technical document https://www.theiet.org/media/5182/technical-reportwriting.pdf and ensure that you fully understand the requirements of the assessment. There will be a lecture session
      on the assignment and writing a technical document.
      Ensure that you research and read into the subject area before writing the report so that you have a good
      background understanding to the subject area.
      Assignment Brief
      One of the oldest communications protocol is RS2**, or ‘serial’. Up until recently, all PCs had a 9-pin ‘D-type’ serial
      port for connecting serial devices like a mouse. RS2** was used on the old ‘teletype’ terminals as a means of
      communicating with a host computer. Embedded systems use serial communications to exchange data with other
      embedded systems or ‘host’ computers.
      An RS2** frame can be composed of a group of 10 bits, clocked out by a 555 timer-based ‘baud rate’ generator. The
      bits in this frame can be set low or high by an ‘RDL’ (resistor-diode logic) OR gate. These 5V logic signals can be
      converted to the correct RS2** voltage levels by a ‘MAX2**’ chip.
      A simple RS2** character generator can be made from a 555, a CMOS 4017 decade Johnson Counter (sometimes
      called a Ring Counter) and a set of diodes+resistor. A specification for your particular system is given in Appendix A.
      You must design and construct a character generator to meet the specification. You must also simulate and measure
      its performance and deliver your device and a report for assessment.
      In addition to the specification at Appendix A, you should refer to the following documentation:
      1. LM555 Timer data sheet. See http://www.national.com/ds/LM/LM555.pdf
      2. 4017 data sheet: http://w3.id.tue.nl/fileadmin/id/objects/E-Atelier/doc/Datasheets/40XX/hef4017b.pdf
      3. Serial Communication: http://developer.apple.com/documentation/mac/Devices/Devices-313.html
      You need to do the following things:
      1. Design a circuit to meet the attached specification.
      2. Illustrate your circuit design using a schematic diagram created in ISIS.
      3. Simulate your circuit design from ISIS using Proteus VSM, to confirm correct operation.
      4. Create a PCB layout for your circuit using ARES,
      5. Have the PCB made for you by the electronics technicians or create a veroboard layout according to PCB
      6. Construct your circuit on PCB/veroboard, using components available from electronics stores.
      7. Test your circuit in the laboratory, making appropriate measurements on an oscilloscope and then a PC to
      demonstrate that the specification has been met.
      8. Document your results in a report, and submit your report and your circuit as described at section 3,
      Word limit: A maximum of 1500 words (see notes below for further information).
      Technical Report Writing
      Your report must have the following contents:
      1. A circuit design description including references to source material and incorporating design calculations
      where required and a schematic diagram generated from ISIS.
      2. Simulation results, generated using Proteus VSM from ISIS, confirming that the design should meet the
      3. A PCB layout for the circuit, generated from ARES.
      4. A description of the testing undertaken to show that the circuit meets the specification, matching (within
      component value and measurement uncertainties) design calculations and simulation results.
      To complete the report, you will have to thoroughly research the area using reliable sources and thoroughly
      reference where your information and statements are coming from. The aim of the report is to be clear, concise and
      convey technical information to the reader, note that the reader is familiar and experienced in the area. Ensure that
      you aim your report for this audience.
      A guide on writing a technical document can be found at the following (this will also be uploaded to blackboard):
      Please read over the above document to ensure that you are clear on what a technical report is and know what you
      are required to complete, note the above is a guide not an explicit standard you will be required to ensure that your
      technical report contains the relevant information presented correctly for the reader.
      Ensure that you research and read into the subject area before writing the report so that you have a good
      background understanding to the subject area. You will need to provide a short report, which shows the calculation
      of each tasks in Marking Criteria and Weighting section below with an appropriate assumption, description and
      comments, no longer than 1,500 words. You should use the guideline below to structure your report. For the final
      reporting submission, make sure that each page is marked with the date of completion, the page number, and the
      total number of pages submitted. Make sure that the front page of your submission has this information displayed
      prominently along with the module name and number and assignment title. Your work must be referenced using
      Harvard Referencing system available here:
      Further information to support your development will be available to view on assignment briefing session and
      Notes on Wordcount and Referencing
      For good marks and given the limited wordcount you should produce work that is: accurate; thorough; well-argued;
      clear; accurately referenced; relevant and written in correct (UK) English grammar and spelling. You may include
      figures and tables with short captions (25 words each) and a list of references without affecting the overall word
      count. Remember that you have limited words so ensure that you “stick to the point” and do not get into detail on
      superficial elements.
      Ensure that you include references when discussing technical facts and statements on the technology used. You
      must reference all your sources of information. These should be cited in the appropriate part of the report and fully
      identified to meet the Harvard referencing standard in a list at the end. Website articles must be properly referenced
      to be considered as legitimate references.
      Presentation of assignment work
      Except where specifically stated in the assignment brief, assignment work submissions should be word-processed, in
      Microsoft Word 2016 format, with a footer comprising: your module code; date; page number.
      The following module learning outcomes will be assessed in this assignment:
      • Demonstrate an understanding and application of basic electrical and electronic principles.
      • Describe the theory of operation and principal characteristics of simple analogue electronic devices
      and circuits.
      • Relate the results of experiments on simple analogue electronic circuits to theory
      Marking Criteria and Weighting
      Your submission will be marked in accordance with the following marking scheme:
      Item Weight (%) Model answer criteria
      1. Design process and
      10 Concise and accurate calculations and design
      decisions, appropriately referenced where
      2. ISIS schematic diagram 10 Clear, neat and correctly drawn circuit
      3. Simulation results 10 Appropriate simulation results, accurately
      described and annotated to show important
      4. ARES PCB layout 10 Properly laid out PCB, meeting general PCB
      requirements as well as specific specification.
      5. Test results 20 Accurate description of test procedure and
      results, suitably chosen to demonstrate
      performance against the specification.
      Conclusions on the success or otherwise of
      the design.
      6. Presentation 10 Presentation requirements met in full.
      Concise, complete and well-structured
      documentation with correct use of English
      throughout. Neat diagrams, clearly presented.
      Contents page and page numbers.
      7. Hardware 20 Neatly and accurately constructed board, with
      good solder joints throughout
      8. Demonstration 10 Successfully demonstrate all functionalities of
      the hardware implemented
      Total 100
      Feedback Guidance:
      Reflecting on Feedback: how to improve.
      From the feedback you receive, you should understand:
      • The grade you achieved.
      • The best features of your work.
      • Areas you may not have fully understood.
      • Areas you are doing well but could develop your understanding.
      • What you can do to improve in the future - feedforward.
      Use the WISER: Academic Skills Development service. WISER can review feedback
      and help you understand your feedback. You can also use the WISER Feedback
      Next Steps:
      • List the steps have you taken to respond to previous feedback.
      • Summarise your achievements
      • Evaluate where you need to improve here (keep handy for future work):
      Appendix A - Specification
      A.1 General
      On the press of a button, the device shall output a stream composed of a single, repeated 7 bit ASCII
      character at a given Baud rate to an RS2** interface via a 3.5mm jack plug.
      A.2 Construction
      The device shall be constructed on a single-sided printed-circuit board (PCB). If additional
      connections are required these shall be provided by 0Ω links.
      The dimensions of the PCB should be no greater than 60 mm × 60 mm.
      10mm clearance should be provided around the pushbutton.
      5mm mounting holes should be located at each corner of the board.
      A.3 Function
      When electrical power is applied the circuit should remain in the reset state. When the pushbutton
      is pressed the circuit should deliver a stream composed of a single 7 bit ASCII character at the
      specified baud rate (characters and baud rates shown below).
      A.3.1 Power supply voltage range
      There shall be two electrical connections to the device, to provide electrical power. They shall be
      denoted GND (ground) and VS (supply). The supply voltage, measured with respect to ground, will
      be +5 V. Power supply connections (VS and GND) shall be by means of a 2-way connection terminal
      located at the edge of the board.
      A.3.2 Characters and Baud Rates
      You are each assigned a combination of Baud Rate and ASCII character – see the table overleaf:
      Appendix B – Baud Rate and Character Allocation
      Surname First Name Baud Rate ASCII Character
      AO Bowen 1200 A
      BAI Hao 2400 B
      BI Sizhou 4800 C
      CHEN Siyuan 9600 D
      CHEN Zihan 14400 E
      CHEN Haoliang 1200 F
      CHEN Yanheng 2400 G
      CHEN Tianyu 4800 H
      DA Yixuan 9600 I
      10 DENG Ruigang 14400 J
      11 DIAO Zike 1200 K
      12 DONG Mingrui 2400 L
      13 FANG Xinyue 4800 M
      14 FANG Peijun 9600 N
      15 FENG Chuyue 14400 O
      16 FU Haoen 1200 P
      17 GAO Yuyang 2400 Q
      18 GAO Xiaoli 4800 R
      19 GAO Jilin 9600 S
      20 GE Binkai 14400 T
      21 GU Junchao 1200 U
      22 GUO Jinhang 2400 V
      23 GUO Chaolu 4800 X
      24 HOU Jiaqi 9600 Y
      25 HU Kaiyu 14400 Z
      26 JI Yuxuan 1200 a
      27 JIANG Rui 2400 b
      28 KE Mengde 4800 c
      29 KONG Lingzhe 9600 d
      30 LI Tianchen 14400
      31 LI Jiatong 1200
      ** LI Mingzi 2400
      33 LI Chong 4800
      34 LI Yuxin 9600
      35 LI Pinge 14400
      36 LI Yufeng 1200
      37 LI Xinye 2400
      38 LIU Hanbing 4800
      39 LIU Xili 9600
      40 LIU Duoduo 14400
      41 LIU Junyu 1200
      42 LIU Yichen 2400
      43 LIU Jiayi 4800
      44 LIU Xuan 9600
      45 LIU Jinhao 14400
      46 LU Jiawei 1200
      ** NIU Chengzhi 2400
      48 OU Jincheng 4800
      49 QIANG Yuxuan 9600
      50 SHEN Jingyi 14400
      51 SONG Jiayi 1200
      52 SUN Xitong 2400
      53 SUN Rui 4800
      54 TAN Bowen 9600
      55 WANG Jiaqin 14400
      56 WANG Jiachen 1200
      57 WANG Yuhan 2400
      58 WANG Dacheng 4800
      59 WANG Qinyi 9600
      60 WANG Zheng 14400
      61 WEI Yuchen 1200 NUL
      62 WEN Jiayu 2400 SOH
      63 WU Changyi 4800 STX
      64 XIA Yang 9600 ETX
      65 XIAO Tianjian 14400 EOT
      66 XIAO Shenjian 1200 ENQ
      67 XU Kuanghao 2400 ACK
      68 XU Yinchuan 4800 BEL
      69 XU Wenle 9600 BS
      70 XU Xuanyue 14400 TAB
      71 XU Xinyuan 1200 LF
      72 XU Zilin 2400 VT
      ** XU Jie 4800 FF
      74 XUE Wenhao 9600 CR
      75 YAN Yuxin 14400 SO
      76 YAN Xinyi 1200 SI
      77 YANG Hongyu 2400 DLE
      78 YANG Haoyu 4800 DC1
      79 YANG Jiahao 9600 DC2
      80 YANG Jiahao 14400 DC3
      81 YU Siyu 1200 DC4
      82 YU Wenbo 2400 NAK
      83 ZHANG Xiyue 4800 SYN
      84 ZHANG Keke 9600 ETB
      85 ZHANG Zuping 14400 CAN
      86 ZHANG Jingcheng 1200 EM
      87 ZHANG Ziran 2400 SUB
      88 ZHAO Baiwen 4800 ESC
      89 ZHAO Taicheng 9600 FS
      ** ZHAO Linye 14400 GS
      91 ZHAO Haomiao 1200 RS
      92 ZHAO Hanbin 2400
      93 ZHOU Shuye 4800
      94 AO Bowen 9600
      95 BAI Hao 14400
      96 BI Sizhou 1200
      Appendix C: Serial Communication
      Asynchronous Serial Communication Protocol
      Taken from: http://developer.apple.com/documentation/mac/Devices/Devices-313.html
      This section provides an overview of the protocol that governs the lowest level of data
      transmission--how serialized bits are sent over a single electrical line. This standard rests
      on more than a century of evolution in teleprinter technology.
      When a sender is connected to a receiver over an electrical connecting line, there is an initial
      state in which communication has not yet begun, called the idle or mark state. Because older
      electromechanical devices operate more reliably with current continually passing through
      them, the mark state employs a positive voltage level. Changing the state of the line by shifting
      the voltage to a negative value is called a space. Once this change has occurred, the receiver
      interprets a negative voltage level as a 0 bit, and a positive voltage level as a 1 bit. These
      transitions are shown in Figure 7-1.
      The change from mark to space is known as the start bit, and this triggers the synchronization
      necessary for asynchronous serial transmission. The start bit delineates the beginning of the
      transmission unit defined as a character frame. The receiver then samples the voltage level at
      periodic intervals known as the bit time, to determine whether a 0-bit or a **bit is present on
      the line.
      Figure 7-1 The format of serialized bits
      The bit time is expressed in samples per second, known as baud (in honour of
      telecommunication pioneer Emile Baudot). This sampling rate must be agreed upon by sender
      and receiver prior to start of transmission in order for a successful transfer to occur. Common
      values for the sampling rate are 1200 baud and 2400 baud. In the case where one sampling
      interval can signal a single bit, a baud rate of 1200 results in a transfer rate of 1200 bits per
      second (bps). Note that because modern protocols can express more than one bit value within
      the sampling interval, the baud rate and the data rate (bps) are not always identical.
      Prior to transmission, the sender and receiver agree on a serial data format; that is, how many
      bits of data constitute a character frame, and what happens after those bits are sent. The Serial
      Driver supports frames of 5, 6, 7, or 8 bits in length. Character frames of 7 or 8 data bits are
      commonly used for transmitting ASCII characters.
      LSB MSB
      After the data bits in the frame are sent, the sender can optionally transmit a parity bit for errorchecking. There are various parity schemes, which the sender and receiver must agree upon
      prior to transmission. In odd parity, a bit is sent so that the entire frame always contains an odd
      number of 1 bits. Conversely, in even parity, the parity bit results in an even number of 1 bits.
      No parity means that no additional bit is sent. Other less-used parity schemes include mark
      parity, in which the extra bit is always 1, and space parity, in which its value is always 0. Using
      parity bits for error checking, regardless of the scheme, is now considered a rudimentary
      approach to error detection. Most communication systems employ more reliable techniques for
      error detection and correction.
      To signify the end of the character frame, the sender places the line back to the mark state
      (positive voltage) for a minimum specified time interval. This interval has one of several
      possible values: 1 bit time, 2 bit times, or **1/2 bit times. This signal is known as the stop bit,
      and returns the transmission line back to idle status.
      Electrical lines are always subject to environmental perturbations known as noise. This noise
      can cause errors in transmission, by altering voltage levels so that a bit is reversed (flipped),
      shortened (dropped), or lengthened (added). When this occurs, the ability of the receiver to
      distinguish a character frame may be affected, resulting in a framing error.
      Appendix D: 4017 Johnson Counter
      The CMOS 4017 integrated circuit contains 5 flip-flops and 27 logic gates arranged to produce
      a Johnson Counter. CMOS is a very flexible logic circuit technology which allows a range of
      power supply voltages from 5V to 15V; the same CMOS logic technology is used in
      microprocessors (although their power supply voltages are reduced to conserve power).
      A Johnson Counter takes a clock (pulse) input, and outputs a single pulse on each of its 10
      output pins in turn – the timing diagram is given as part of the data sheet below.
      Controlling the timer
      The Function table shown below indicates that a rising input on CP0 or a falling input on CP1
      causes the counter to advance. The device can be reset using a high (logic 1) on the Master
      Reset (MR) input; this rests the 4017 so that it outputs a 1 on the first output pin (O0).

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