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      時間:2024-04-07  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      TERM 1 2024
      Due: Sunday 15 April 2024 5pm
      This is an individual assignment. The total mark is 100 and is 20% of total
      course mark.
      Assignment Tasks
      As a life actuary you are tasked with the following two tasks.
      Task I (25 marks)
      Create life tables that list the values for Ax, ¨ax,
      2Ax, (IA)x, and (Ia¨)x assuming an
      annual interest rate of 5% for the population in the excel file “A-population-2020”.
      (Instructions: You’ll need to use software, like Excel, for the calculations. However, you’re not limited to any specific software choice.)
      Please arrange the values into columns, following the same order and structure as
      AM92 in the Formulae book (pages 96-98). Please provide only the final numerical
      values here, without including the calculation process and Excel spreadsheets in the
      main document. If you choose to include calculation methods and Excel spreadsheets, add them to an appendix, which won’t be evaluated. There are no specific
      guidelines for the appendix.
      Page limit: 4 A4 pages maximum.
      Task II (75 marks)
      Consider unit-linked endowment policies that offer a guaranteed minimum death
      benefit with the following key features:
      • The policies has a term of 30 years.
      • There is a guaranteed minimum death benefit of $100, 000.
      • On death of the policyholder, there is a benefit payable at the end of the policy
      year of death of the basic sum insured or the bid value of the units allocated
      to the policy, whichever is greater.
      • The policyholder may surrender the policy only at the end of a policy year.
      The surrender benefit is the same as the bid value of the units.
      • Level annual premiums are payable in advance until maturity or earlier death,
      and 85% of each year’s premium is invested in units at the offer price.
      • The units are subject to a bid-offer spread of 5%.
      • The units are subject to an annual management charge of $30 plus 1% of the
      bid value of the units. The management charge will be deducted at the end
      of each policy year and before the death and surrender benefits are paid.
      There are four options for the maturity benefit:
      • Policy A: At maturity, 100% of the full bid value of the units is payable to the
      policyholder if the policyholder is still alive.
      • Policy B: At maturity, 105% of the full bid value of the units is payable to the
      policyholder if the policyholder is still alive.
      • Policy C: At maturity, 110% of the full bid value of the units is payable to the
      policyholder if the policyholder is still alive.
      • Policy D: At maturity, 120% of the full bid value of the units is payable to the
      policyholder if the policyholder is still alive.
      Calculate the premiums for the mentioned policies for a 30-year-old, based on
      the following information:
      • Initial Expenses: $300;
      • Renewal Expenses: $100 at the start of each year starting from the second
      • Initial Commission: 20% of the first premium at the start of the first year;
      • Renewal Commission: 2% of the premium at the start of each year starting
      from the second year; No-renewal commission will be incurred to the company
      during the years of suspension.
      • Risk discount rate: 8% per annum;
      • The company holds unit provisions/reserves equal to the full bid value of the
      units. It sets up non-unit provisions (reserves) to zeroise any negative non-unit
      fund cashflows.
      • The company is targeting a profit margin of 12%.
      To determine the premiums, you further make the following assumptions on the
      following variables: morality, rate of surrender, unit fund growth rate, and non-unit
      fund interest rate.
      • Mortality: “A-population-2020” (posted on the course website);
      • Independent rate of surrender: 5% pa for the standard policy;
      • Unit fund growth rate: 7% per annum;
      • Non-unit fund interest rate: 3% per annum;
      • Since surrender is only allowed to happen at the end of the year, it is generally not worthwhile for a policyholder to surrender in the final year. So you
      assumes that there are no surrenders in the last year of the term (that is, the
      independent rate of surrender in final year is 0).
      (i) Provide the final numerical results for the annual premiums for the above policies. The premiums should be rounded to the nearest integer.
      (Instructions: You’ll need to use software, like Excel, for the calculations. However, you’re not limited to any specific software choice.)
      Page limit: 1/2 A4 pages maximum.
      Font size: greater than Time New Roman font 12pt.
      (ii) Outline the algorithm of your calculation in (a).
      (This part is for the marker to decide whether the procedure you used in determining the premiums is reasonable. You should include all the steps involved in
      your calculation while describing the algorithm, but try to avoid paragraphs and
      long sentences. Use bullet points and/or numbers to list the steps. You can use the
      standard notations used in lecture notes and formulas. )
      Page limit: 2 A4 pages maximum.
      Font size: greater than Time New Roman font 12pt.
      (iii) Given the volatile economic environment where investment growth rates can
      vary significantly, analyze the sensitivity of the profit margin to changes in the
      unit fund’s growth rate. You should recalculate the profit margin for each policy,
      using the (integer) premium initially determined in (i) and adjusting the unit fund’s
      growth rate by +1% and −1%, and then by +2% and −2%, while maintaining all
      other factors constant, and provide a brief discussion of the outcomes.
      Only the numerical results for the profit margin adjustments and a discussion
      should be provided here. Detailed calculations and methodologies should not be
      included here.
      • The font size of the main body of your assignment must be at least 12pt.
      • The assignment you submit must have a title, your name and zID.
      • Assignments must be submitted via the Turnitin Submission Inbox that is
      available on the course website (in the Assignment section). As long as the
      due date has not been reached, you can resubmit your work: the previous
      version of your assignment will be replaced by the new version.
      • All parts of your assignment must be uploaded as a unique pdf document.
      • Please check Course Outlines for the School policy on late assignments.
      • Students are reminded of the risk that technical issues may delay or even
      prevent their submission (such as internet connection and/or computer breakdowns). Students should then allow enough time (at least 24 hours is recommended) between their submission and the due time. The Turnitin module
      will not let you submit a late report. No paper copy will be either accepted
      or graded.
      • Programming code or spreadsheets should not appear in the main body. They
      must be provided as appendices at the end of your assignment.
      • The font size requirement does not apply to the appendices.

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    1. 上一篇:菲律賓駕照是國際駕照嗎 如何申請國際駕照
    2. 下一篇:代做ELEC 292、代寫Python/c++編程設計
    3. 無相關信息

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