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      時間:2024-03-15  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      COMP26020 - Lab exercise for Part III (Compilers)
      Register Allocation using Graph Colouring
      Computer programs, regardless of the programming language, often use many more variables
      than the number of variables that can fit in all CPU registers. When a program is compiled for
      execution on a given processor, the compiler needs to consider what variables will stay in
      registers and for how long. If we think that moving data from the memory takes several cycles,
      there is a performance benefit if the compiler can minimise such transfers. How to do this? By
      doing some ‘clever’ register allocation, for example, by making sure that the most frequently used
      variables are placed in registers.
      To understand the problem, consider the following piece of code:
      1. r1=x
      2. r2=y
      3. r3=r1*r2
      4. r4=z
      5. r5=r4+r2
      6. r6=w
      7. r7=r5+r6
      8. r8=r7*r3
      9. r9=r8+r1
      In this piece of code, the programmer has used 9 variables. However, does this mean that 9
      registers are needed? To find the answer, let us define the notion of a live range. For any given
      variable, there is a live range that starts from the point where a value is assigned to this variable
      and lasts until the last time this particular value is used. Note that if a new value is assigned to
      the same variable, a new live range starts. For example, a value for r2 is defined in instruction 2.
      The last time it is used is in instruction 5, hence, the live range is between 2 and 5. However, if
      instruction 4 was r2=z, the live range would be from 2 to 3 and another live range would start at
      instruction 4 and end at instruction 5.
      To practice, you may want to find all live ranges of the code above. The answer is given: r1:[1,9],
      r2:[2,5], r3:[3,8], r4:[4,5], r5:[5,7], r6:[6,7], r7:[7,8], r8:[8,9], r9:[9,9].
      Live ranges are important because they indicate how many values need to be live at any given
      instruction. For example, the live ranges above tell us that at instruction 6 four values need to be
      live. Clearly, the maximum number of values that need to be live at any instruction indicates how
      many registers we need to have so that all values (live ranges) can be placed in registers.
      However, most importantly, live ranges can guide register allocation: two live ranges that do not
      overlap or interfere can use the same register. For example, with the live ranges above, r2 and r6
      can share the same register as the corresponding values are needed (or are ‘live’) at different
      parts of the code.
      Different algorithms have been developed to find how to allocate different live ranges to registers.
      This problem is known as register allocation. It is an NP-complete problem, which means that
      most of the different solutions proposed over the years are based on heuristics. For additional
      information you can refer to Chapter 13 of the ‘Engineering a Compiler’ recommended textbook:
      Among the different approaches, register allocation using graph colouring is a common
      approach. In register allocation using graph colouring, live ranges are used to create an
      interference graph. In this graph, every live range corresponds to a node. There is an edge
      between two nodes if the live ranges overlap. Then, register allocation becomes equivalent to the
      problem of graph colouring. This is a well-known graph theory problem where the aim is to colour
      all nodes of the graph so that two adjacent nodes do not share the same colour. Typically the
      goal is to find the smallest number of colours. Every colour corresponds to a register and the
      colour of a node corresponds to the register that should be used for a particular live range. There
      are various algorithms to colour a graph. Here, we are going to focus on a simple (heuristic)
      algorithm, which is known as top-down colouring. The algorithm works as follows:
      1. Assume an ordered list of colours (eg, red, black, blue, etc, here denoted by A, B, C, …)
      2. Assume an interference graph, where nodes are numbered: 1, 2, 3, …
      3. Rank nodes (that is, live ranges) of the interference graph according to the number of
      neighbours in descending order. In case of a tie (that is, nodes with the same number of
      neighbours) the node with the lowest id takes priority.
      4. Follow the ranking to assign colours from the list of colours. For each node, select the first
      colour from the list that is not used by the node’s neighbours.
      5. Keep following the ranking and repeating step 4 until all nodes are coloured.
      Your task
      Use a programming language of your choice to write a program that implements graph colouring
      as illustrated by the algorithm above, which:
       reads a file that lists an interference graph (input).
       writes a file that lists colours for every node of the graph (output).
      The ordered list of colours is given by the upper-case letters of the alphabet: A, B, C, …, Z. There
      is a total of 26 colours (or registers).
      Input file specification:
      A number of lines equal to the number of nodes of the interference graph. Every line contains the
      number of a node (consecutive integers in ascending order, starting with 1) and the numbers of
      all nodes with which there is interference (not necessarily in ascending order), separated by a
      comma. Example test case:
      This means that node 1 interferes with nodes 2, 3, and 4. Node 2 interferes with nodes 1 (we
      knew this already) and 4. Node 3 interferes with nodes 1 and 4 interferes with nodes 1 and 2.
      You can assume that there are no more than 50 nodes, every node has at least one neighbour
      and all interferences are correct. Input files that contain characters other than digits, comma, endof-line or do not adhere to the specification above should be rejected with a simple message.
      Output file specification:
      For every node (in ascending order), write node number and colour. For the example above:
      (other test cases may be posted on BB – you are encouraged to create and post your own too)
      Your program should take two command line arguments, which indicate the name of the input file
      and the name of the output file. E.g.: % <myprogram> input.txt output.txt
      Your program should display a simple message if the input does not meet the specifications
      above or the algorithm cannot produce a result with 26 colours or less.
      You should be able to complete this task after two weeks of scheduled lab sessions when you
      can drop in for any questions. The deadline for submission is Friday 15 March, 6pm. You
      should submit through gitlab (and the repository 26020-lab4-s-compilers_<your
      username>). Your submission should include all source file(s) and a readme file with instructions
      on how to compile and run your code and the tag lab4-submission. You should make sure
      that you push to the correct repository in line with UG handbook guidelines, tag the
      submission properly and all the files for your code to compile, run and work as intended
      are included; failure to do so may result in a mark of 0.
      Marking (out of 10) will take place according to the following scheme:
       2 marks for producing the output of the example above correctly.
       3 marks for handling input correctly, code readability and sensible comments.
       5 marks for finding the output of additional test cases correctly.
      請加QQ:99515681  郵箱:99515681@qq.com   WX:codehelp 

    1. 上一篇:代寫CSCI 4176、SQL程序語言代做
    2. 下一篇:CEG5301代做、MATLAB編程語言代寫
    3. 無相關信息

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