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      代寫CMSC 323、代做Java/Python編程

      時間:2024-03-07  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      CMSC **3: Design and Implementation of Programming Languages
      HW 3: Functions that accept multiple arguments.
      Due Date: 03-07-24
      Total Points: 100
      1. Functions that Accept Multiple Arguments
      Start with the F1WAE interpreter (the version that uses subst. See starter code.), and extend
      the implementation to support any number of parameters to a function (including zero), and any
      number of arguments (including zero) in a function application:
       <FunDef> = {deffun {<id> <id>*} <FnWAE>}
       <FnWAE> = <num>
       | {+ <FnWAE> <FnWAE>}
       | {- <FnWAE> <FnWAE>}
       | {with {<id> <FnWAE>} <FnWAE>}
       | <id>
       | {<id> <FnWAE>*}
      Since you must change the F1WAE datatype, and since different people may change it in
      different ways, you must provide a parse function this time, which accepts a quoted expression
      and produces an FnWAE value. For parsing, assume that any symbol other than '+, '-, or 'with can
      be a function name for a function call. Also, you must provide a parse-defn function that takes one
      (quoted) deffun and produces a FunDef value.
      Some examples:
      (test (interp (parse `{f 1 2})
       (list (parse-defn `{deffun {f x y} {+ x y}})))
      (test (interp (parse `{+ {f} {f}})
       (list (parse-defn `{deffun {f} 5})))
      Hint: remember that the PLAIT language provides the following useful functions:
      map: takes a function and a list and applies the function to each element in the list, returning a list
      of results. For example, if sexps is a list of S-expressions to parse, (map parse sexps) produces a
      list of fnWAEs by parsing each S-expression.
      foldl: applies a function to an initial accumulated value and elements in a list, each time
      obtaining a new accumulated value.
      pair: creates a tuple. Use fst and snd to access items in the pair.
      map2: applies a function, in order, to each pair of elements from two lists in “parallel,” forming a
      new list with the results.
      2. Errors
      At run-time, a new error is now possible: a function application with the wrong number of
      arguments. Your interp function should detect this mismatch and report an error that includes the
      words “wrong arity”.
      As with the interpreter from class, the free variable error is still also possible and must be
      detected. Your interp function should detect free variables and report an error that includes the
      words “free identifier”.
      A function will be ill-defined if two of its arguments <id>s were the same. To prevent this
      problem, your parse-defn function should detect this problem and report a “bad syntax” error. For
      example, (parse-defn `{deffun {f x x } x}) should report a “bad syntax” error, while (parse-defn
      `{deffun {f x y} x}) should produce a FunDef value.
      Similarly, your interpreter must check to see if the function in an application is defined before
      evaluating the arguments. If not, an “undefined function” error should be raised.
      Some examples:
      (test/exn (interp (parse `{with {x y} 1}) '()) "free identifier")
      (test/exn (interp (parse `{f 1 2}) (list (parse-defn `{deffun {f x x} {+ x x}}))) "bad syntax")
      (test/exn (interp (parse `{f x}) (list (parse-defn `{deffun {g a b c} c}))) "undefined function")
      (test/exn (interp (parse `{f 1}) (list (parse-defn `{deffun {f x y} {+ x y}}))) "wrong arity")
      Your interpreter must evaluate all the argument expressions in an application expression before
      signaling any arity errors. For example:
      (test/exn (interp (parse `{f x}) (list (parse-defn `{deffun {f a b c} c})))"free identifier")
      So overall, the order in which errors should be raised for a given function call is:
      • First, “bad syntax”
      • Second, “undefined function”
      • Third, any errors that are raised while evaluating arguments.
      • Fourth, “wrong arity”
      • Last, any errors that are raised while evaluating the function body.
      If the list of definitions contains multiple definitions with the same name, use just the first one
      (ignoring the others). In particular, there is no overload in this language: if there are two
      definitions with the same name and different arities, the first definition is always used regardless.
      For example, if you have the following definitions and program:
      (test/exn (interp (parse `{f 3 4})
       (list (parse-defn `{deffun {f a} 5})
       (parse-defn `{deffun {f a b} {+ a b}})))
       "wrong arity")
      Since the first definition of f takes a single argument, this program should raise a “wrong arity”
      error. The fact that another definition for f that takes two argument exists doesn’t matter.
      Your interpreter and parser will not be given any other kinds of erroneous programs besides the
      ones described in this section.
      3. Handin Instructions
      • Provide definitions for parse, parse-defn, and interp, as above.
      • Include a contract and comments before each function.
      • Your submission must include your test cases. They should not be commented out.
      • Include your name as a comment in your submission file.
      • Save your homework file in the following format hw3<first_name><last_name>.
      請加QQ:99515681  郵箱:99515681@qq.com   WX:codehelp

    1. 上一篇:AERO20542代做、代寫Python/Java編程
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