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      時間:2024-02-21  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      Department of Engineering
      Higher Diploma in Computer and Electronic Engineering
      Object-oriented and Mobile Device Programming (EEE3457)
      PBL Assignment and Mini-Project Brief:
      Object-oriented and Mobile Device Programming Assignment and Mini-Project
      AY2021/2022 Engineering Discipline
      Object-oriented and Mobile Device Programming Assignment
      and Mini-Project
      The project is designed to let students to design and develop a mobile apps by integrating
      techniques learnt in the module.
      In this project, the students can use Android Studio to design and build an Andriod mobile
      apps which can be used by the users to help solve problem(s) met in their daily lives.
      How do we design an Andriod apps whch can be beneficial to our daily lives and suit the
      needs of the user in the area such as utilities, education, commercial application (e-catalog),
      multimedia application and etc.
      The owners of the Andriod smart phone who need tailor made apps for their uses in daily
      lives or to solve problem(s),
      Each team should involve 2 students participating in this PBL project. The distinguishable
      responsibilities for each of the students should be clearly specified in the Final Report of
      this project. Your team is recommended to work with the following framework to design and
      build an Andriod apps corresponding to the driving question:
      • Search for interested application area of apps – Carry out searching for interested
      application area among categories such as utilities, education, commercial application
      (e-catalog), multimedia application, or any others as supported by teacher. Confirm the
      one in that all members are interested.
      • Design the topic and function(s) of the apps – Based on the interested application area
      confirmed by all members, design a appropriate and feasible topic and the
      corresponding function(s) of the apps by peer discussion in the group, feedback from
      teacher, internet and reference book(s).
      1 This project brief should comprise 5 concepts to facilitate students’ learning in the PBL project or module.
      The 5 concepts include i) Real-world Problem-solving, i.e.: the Driving Question; ii) Interdisciplinary Learning,
      iii) Professional Ethics, iv) Safety Precaution and v) Assessment on the Student-led Learning. As regards the
      Essential Project Design Elements of PBL, please also refer to the Gold Standard PBL at
      2 Components of driving question include ‘Open challenge’, ‘Who or what role’, ‘What they will have to do’,
      and ‘Who or what it is for’. <PBL training by CLT 16/04/2021>
      3 This part should include the learning contents and / or the relevant MILO(s) when appropriate.
      • Design the interface layout and components of the apps – Based on the confirmed
      topic and the function(s) of the apps, design at least three components that should be
      included in the interface layout such as graphical and textual data, multimedia, web
      services, location based services and etc.
      • Apps build-up, test and debug – Review the technique already learnt in Andriod Studio
      and learn new technique in apps development by self-study, if required, to build up, test
      and debug the apps. If problem(s) is/are found, solve it/them by peer discussion,
      feedback from teacher, self learning and searching from different resources such as
      internet, reference books and etc.
      • Research for proposal and report writing – Resarch for the general proposal and report
      format and what should be included in the proposal and report from peer discussion,
      feedback from teacher, internet and reference books.
      • Check feedback from various parties and adjust.
      This project comprises intended learning outcomes of the following modules:
      Name of
      Mapping of Modules’ Intended
      Learning Outcomes (MILOs) Deliverable(s) from each
      module for the Project MILO 1 MILO 2 MILO 3 MILO 4 MILO 5
      13 EEE3457 Object-oriented
      and Mobile
         
      Students have to acquire Andriod
      apps build-up skills with Andriod
      Studio from classes to work for
      the mini-project by using Andriod
      9 LAN4107 English and
      Reports     
      Students have to formally present
      their work and demonstrate their
      communication skills through
      writing a report.
      Students as active learners managing this student-led project, unlike traditional projects,
      students are expected to take greater responsibilities to initiate and develop a solution
      corresponding to the driving question.
      In doing this project, the role of students is the software engineer to develop a tailor-made
      Andriod apps that is beneficial to our daily lives.
      4 SDD, LC and IT are the major partners for inter-disciplinary. Project modules and IBSP may involve other
      VTC disciplines.
      5 Make reference to PBL Handbook Clause 5.1 for responsibilities. In the PBL training by CLT, roles can
      include ‘Professional Role’ and ‘Project Role’
      Students’ responsibilities include but not limited to:
      • Set work schedule and work allocation among group members.
      • Find interested application area of the Android apps.
      • Design the topic and function(s) of the Android apps.
      • Design the interface layout and components of the apps with Andriod Studio.
      • Research for proposal writing format and requirements.
      • Write project proposal.
      • Make the interface and operation of the Android apps user friendly.
      • Build up, test and debug the Android apps.
      • Research for general report writing format and requirements.
      • Write project report.
      • Demonstrate the Android apps to show your engineering competence and professional
      • Present your deliverable in a logical and easy understanding format and prepare to
      show it by poster publicly.
      • Apply 21st Century skills6, particularly critical thinking, communication, literacy skills,
      flexibility, initiative, productivity, and social skills for this project.
      • Keep your classroom behavior so that the classroom norms can maximize the
      productivity of every student.
      • Collaborate with internal and external members of the project team.
      • Regularly self-assess your progress and the progress of your group.
      • Proactively seek for and apply feedback from self-assessment, peer and teacher, etc..
      Instructional supports are available but these supports are removed when no longer
      needed. Note that teachers will not “front-load” too much information at the start of the
      project, but waits until it is needed or requested by students.
      • Keep enthusiasm and sense of ownership of the project, commit to the project calendar
      and make improvements on the products of the project.
      • Communicate thoroughly with teachers and stakeholders using digital communication
      The mini-project will be carried out in semester-2 for the module, Object-oriented and
      Mobile Device Programming (EEE3457).The mini-project development is divided into four
      stages as shown below:
      6 21st Century skills include, critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, information literacy,
      media literacy, technology literacy, flexibility, leadership, initiative, productivity, and social skills
      7 Teaching and assessment schedule should be included in this part. It is similar to the main table of the
      Engineering Discipline teaching plan.
      Project Path for PBL (PBLWorks (n.d.))
      Week No. Stage No. Learning activities8 Submission
      25 OR
      At the time
      start the topic
      Stage 1:
      • Initiate the inquiry process through participating in a project
      • Preliminary study the the driving question in a group of 2
      students. Search for the interested area of apps application.
      Then, design the topic and function(s) that should be
      involved in the apps. Outline of the proposed solution, initial
      project plan, and responsibilities of each member.
      • Plan the sources; resources include but not limited to the
      key knowledge, available time, available knowledge and
      skill sources such as websites, books, ebooks in library.
      A mini-project
      proposal by two
      or three weeks
      after the project
      27 – 30
      Stage 2: Build
      • Students carry out the design and buld up the Andriod apps
      by applying skills learnt in Andriod Studio.
      • Solve problems if any through peer discussion, feeback
      from teacher, internet, books and etc.
      Viva by week
      29 to 30
      31 – 33
      Stage 3:
      Develop and
      • Test and debug the apps to prepare for demonstration.
      • If necessary, modify the interface layout and/or enhance the
      function(s) of the apps.
      34 – 35
      Stage 4:
      • Conduct a demonstration of apps to teacher.
      • Submit a final report to present and demonstrate the works
      to teacher.
      • Submit a poster to present the apps publicly.
      • Conduct self-evaluation of the work and performance, and
      reflection on what have learned in the project.
      by week 34 to
      A poster and a
      final report by
      week 35
      Non-disclosure Agreement/ Confidentiality
      8 The activities shall be student centered.
      9 A product may be a constructed object, proposal, presentation, solution to a problem, service, system, work
      of art or piece of writing, an invention, event, an improvement to an existing product, etc. <Appendix 6, PBL
      10 There are some universal ethical principles such as Confidentiality, Intellectual Property, and Plagiarism,
      thoughethicalprinciplesmaysometimesdifferdependingontheprofessionsinvolved in theProject. General
      description of the said 3 ethical principles can be found from the handbook.
      Students should observe absolute confidentiality in all matters concerning a proprietary
      technology and/or any other matter which is defined as confidential unless permitted to
      disclose such information by the owner, particularly the code, information and technical
      data in the product catalogue or service manual.
      Intellectual Property
      Whilst a student will maintain ownership of the Intellectual Property in the materials he/she
      created, each student irrevocably grants VTC a perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide, and
      non-exclusive right to reproduce or use any Intellectual Property materials created by the
      student during his / her course of study. Such right to use will include but not limited to i)
      sub-license the Intellectual Property, ii) showcase the award-winning works for publicity or
      display purpose; and iii) refer to and use the works created by the student in seminars,
      symposia, lectures, and professional meetings while VTC will acknowledge the materials as
      the student’s Intellectual Property.
      Plagiarism is strictly prohibited in this PBL project. It is broadly defined as intentionally or
      unintentionally failing to acknowledge the source of ideas or quoted text in creative work. It
      can take many forms, from deliberate cheating to accidentally copying from a source
      without proper acknowledgment. Plagiarism is an academic offense, but also being
      recognized as a violation of copyright law when the act of plagiarism involves others’
      Intellectual Property.
      Professional Rules of Conduct
      Engineering students shall order his conduct so as to uphold the dignity, standing, and
      reputation of the Profession; shall not maliciously or recklessly injure nor attempt to injure
      whether directly or indirectly the professional reputation of another engineer, and shall
      foster the mutual advancement of the profession; shall discharge his duties to his employer
      or client with integrity and in accordance with the highest standards of business ethics; shall
      at all times be governed by the overriding interest of the general public, in particular their
      environment, health, and safety.
      Cyber Ethics
      The law governs the Internet and you may attract legal liabilities if you perform the following
      • posting obscene and indecent content on the Internet;
      • obtaining property or services online by deception;
      • spreading viruses or malicious codes;
      • gaining unauthorized access to computers, etc.;
      • Emails shall not be forwarded to personal email accounts;
      • Students shall take note of the “Terms of Use”, “Cookie Policy” and “Privacy Policy”;
      • Other references: GovHK, March, 2021. Cyber Ethics. Available at:
      Communication through Digital Technology
      • You are advised to pay attention when this project (assignment) brief is introduced.
      For any further questions, you may send your question to your module lecturer
      through email before the next class meeting.
      Information and Digital Literacy
      • E-learning resources are available on Moodle and the e-databases of the VTC
      library website <https://library.vtc.edu.hk/web/>. You are advised to visit the
      Problem-solving in Digital World
      • You may use digital resources online but you have to verify the correctness and
      appropriateness of the online resources. The verification has been included in the
      Psychological and Emotional:
      • Be conscious as to what others are doing around you.
      • Always keep the communication with your lecturer and team members if you
      encountered any problems with the project.
      • Be alert and awake on the job and ensure to aware of the emergency exits and
      Physical and Environmental:
      • Everyone has a role to play in creating a safe and healthy workplace.
      12. ASSESSMENT
      Three assessment components and respective weightings as below:
      Assessment Components Weighting
      1. Proposal
      The proposal should be in max. 10 pages excluding appendices. The following
      contents are suggested for the proposal (but not exhaustive):
      a. A cover page including the module name, module code, project title, group
      no., stduent name, student ID and submission date
      b. Table of content
      c. Project description
      d. User interface design and proposed apps operation flow (to illustrate the
      user interaction)
      e. Works Schedule
      f. Works Distribution (use table to present the duties of each member)
      (15% of total
      module mark)
      11 Safety Precaution may differ depending on the skills and learning activities involved in the Project. The
      following areas of safety precaution can be considered: Physical, Psychological, Emotional, Equipment,
      Environmental, and Financial.
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    1. 上一篇:代寫COMP1721、代做java程序設計
    2. 下一篇: Make a Website程序代做、代寫Python語言編程
    3. 無相關信息

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