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      代寫Shared Memory Particle Simulation

      時間:2024-02-18  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

       HW2: Shared Memory Particle Simulation (Extra Credit)
      HW2: Shared Memory Particle Simulation (Extra Credit)

      Attempt 1 Add Comment
      Extra Credit Target
      Extra Credit (5 points) Target:
      LSC [1e3, 1e6] <= 1.20 where LSC = Linear Scaling Coefficient between 1e3 and 1e6 particles.
      Due February 15 at 11:59 PM ET no slip day, no late policy.
      This assignment is an introduction to parallel programming using a shared memory model. In this assignment, we will be
      parallelizing a toy particle simulation (similar simulations are used in mechanics (http://www.google.com/url?
      particles interact by repelling one another. A run of our simulation is shown here:
      The particles repel one another, but only when closer than a cutoff distance highlighted around one particle in grey.
      Asymptotic Complexity
      Serial Solution Time Complexity
      If we were to naively compute the forces on the particles by iterating through every pair of particles, then we would expect
      the asymptotic complexity of our simulation to be O(n^2).
      However, in our simulation, we have chosen a density of particles sufficiently low so that with n particles, we expect only O(n)
      interactions. An efficient implementation can reach this time complexity. The first part of your assignment will be to
      implement this linear time solution in a serial code, given a naive O(n^2) implementation. Submit Assignment
       HW2: Shared Memory Particle Simulation (Extra Credit)
      Parallel Speedup
      Suppose we have a code that runs in time T = O(n) on a single processor. Then we'd hope to run close to time T/p when
      using p processors. After implementing an efficient serial O(n) solution, you will attempt to reach this speedup using OpenMP.
      Due Date: Friday, February 24th 2023 at 11:59 PM
      Note that you will work individually for this assignment.

      Getting Set Up
      The starter code is available in the course Github repo and should work out
      of the box. To get started, we recommend you log in to Perlmutter and download the first part of the assignment. This will
      look something like the following:

      CMakeLists.txt common.h job-openmp job-serial main.cpp openmp.cpp serial.cpp
      There are five files in the base repository. Their purposes are as follows:
      The build system that manages compiling your code.
      A driver program that runs your code.
      A header file with shared declarations
      A sample job script to run the OpenMP executable
      A sample job script to run the serial executable
      serial.cpp - - - You may modify this file.
      A simple O(n^2) particle simulation algorithm. It is your job to write an O(n) serial algorithm within the simulate_one_step
      openmp.cpp - - - You may modify this file.
      A skeleton file where you will implement your openmp simulation algorithm. It is your job to write an algorithm within the
      simulate_one_step function.
      Please do not modify any of the files besides serial.cpp and openmp.cpp.
      Building our Code Submit Assignment
       HW2: Shared Memory Particle Simulation (Extra Credit)
      First, we need to make sure that the CMake module is loaded.
      student@login04:~/hw2> module load cmake
      You should put the above command in your ~/.bash_profile file to avoid typing them every time you log in.
      Next, let's build the code. CMake prefers out of tree builds, so we start by creating a build directory.
      student@login04:~/hw2> mkdir build
      student@login04:~/hw2> cd build
      Next, we have to configure our build. We can either build our code in Debug mode or Release mode. In debug mode,
      optimizations are disabled and debug symbols are embedded in the binary for easier debugging with GDB. In release mode,
      optimizations are enabled, and debug symbols are omitted. For example:
      student@login04:~/hw2/build> cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
      -- The C compiler identification is GNU 11.2.0
      -- Configuring done
      -- Generating done
      -- Build files have been written to: /global/homes/s/student/hw2/build
      Once our build is configured, we may actually execute the build:
      student@login04:~/hw2/build> make
      Scanning dependencies of target serial
      [ 16%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/serial.dir/main.cpp.o
      [ 33%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/serial.dir/serial.cpp.o
      [ 50%] Linking CXX executable serial
      [ 50%] Built target serial
      Scanning dependencies of target openmp
      [ 66%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/openmp.dir/main.cpp.o
      [ 83%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/openmp.dir/openmp.cpp.o
      [100%] Linking CXX executable openmp
      [100%] Built target openmp
      student@login04:~/hw2/build> ls
      CMakeCache.txt CMakeFiles cmake_install.cmake Makefile openmp serial job-openmp job-serial
      We now have two binaries (openmp and serial) and two job scripts (job-openmp and job-serial).
      For info on running jobs and editing the code, refer to the HW1 page.
      Running the Program
      Both executables have the same command line interface. Without losing generality, we discuss how to operate the serial
      program here. Here's how to allocate an interactive node and run your program (warning: do not run on the login nodes.
      The benchmark will yield an incorrect result, and you will slow system performance for all users).
      student@login04:~/hw2> salloc -N 1 -q interactive -t 01:00:00 --constraint cpu --account=m4341
      salloc: Granted job allocation 53**46**
      salloc: Waiting for resource configuration
      salloc: Nodes nid02346 are ready for job
      :~/hw2> cd build Submit Assignment
       HW2: Shared Memory Particle Simulation (Extra Credit)
      :~/hw2/build> ./serial
      Simulation Time = 1.4**77 seconds for 1000 particles.
      You can also run the program using the batch scripts that you provide. By default, the program runs with 1000 particles. The
      number of particles can be changed with the "-n" command line parameter:
      :~/hw2/build> ./serial -n 10000
      Simulation Time = 195.029 seconds for 10000 particles.
      If we rerun the program, the initial positions and velocities of the particles will be randomized because the particle seed is
      unspecified. By default, the particle seed will be unspecified; this can be changed with the "-s" command line parameter:
      :~/hw2/build> ./serial -s 150
      Simulation Time = 1.45459 seconds for 1000 particles.
      This will set the particle seed to 150 which initializes the particles in a reproducible way. We will test the correctness of your
      code by randomly selecting several particle seeds and ensuring the particle positions are correct when printed with the "-o"
      command line parameter. You can print the particle positions to a file specified with the "-o" parameter:
      :~/hw2/build> ./serial -o serial.parts.out
      Simulation Time = 1.78357 seconds for 1000 particles.
      This will create a serial.parts.out file with the particle positions after each step listed. You can use the hw2-rendering tool to
      convert this into a .gif file of your particles. See the below section on Rendering Output for more information.
      You can use the "-h" command line parameter to print the help menu summarizing the parameter options:
      :~/hw2/build> ./serial -h
      -h: see this help
      -n <int>: set number of particles
      -o <filename>: set the output file name
      -s <int>: set particle initialization seed
      Important notes for Performance:
      There will be two types of scaling that are tested for your parallel codes:
      In strong scaling we keep the problem size constant but increase the number of processors
      In weak scaling we increase the problem size proportionally to the number of processors so the work/processor stays the
      same (Note that for the purposes of this assignment we will assume a linear scaling between work and processors)
      While the scripts we are providing have small numbers of particles 1000 to allow for the O(n ) algorithm to finish execution,
      the final codes should be tested with values much larger (50000-1000000) to better see their performance.
      We will grade your assignment by reviewing your assignment write-up, measuring the scaling of both the openmp and serial
      implementations, and benchmarking your code's raw performance. To benchmark your code, we will compile it with the
      exact process detailed above, with the GNU compiler. We will run your submissions on Perlmutter's CPU processors.
      There are usually some groups every year who come up with faster methods to compute the particle repulsion force function
      (i.e. rearranging the arithmetic, changing the formula, or using some fancy instructions). This is great, but small differences in
      the floating point position values begin to add up until the simulation output diverges from our ground truth (even though your
      Submit Assignment
       HW2: Shared Memory Particle Simulation (Extra Credit)
      method of computation might be more accurate than ours). Since (a) the point of the assignment is to explore OpenMP
      parallelism, and (b) we can't anticipate every possible way to compute this force function, here is the rule: if it doesn't pass
      the correctness check we provide you reliably, then it's not allowed.
      Submission Details (Similar to HW1)
      1. Make sure you have our most updated source code on your Permultter machine. We have updated the CMake file for this
      2. Make sure you have only modified the file serial.cpp and openmp.cpp, and it compiles and runs as desired.
      3. Get your groupd ID, same as HW1. On Cavas, under the "People" section, there is a hw1 tab. Click on the tab and you'll
      see canvas has assigned a group id to each of you individually. Use the search bar to enter your name and find your group id.
      Treat it as a two digit number. (If you are group 4, your group id is "04").
      4. Ensure that your write-up pdf is located in your source directory, next to serial.cpp It should be
      named CS5220Group04_hw2.pdf.
      5. From your build directory, run:
      student@perlmutter:~/hw2/build> cmake -DGROUP_NO=04 ..
      student@perlmutter:~/hw2/build> make package
      This second command will fail if the PDF is not present.
      6. Confirm that it worked using the following command. You should see output like:
      student@perlmutter:~/hw2/build> tar tfz CS5220Group04_hw2.tar.gz
      7. Download and submit your .tar.gz through canvas.
      Writeup Details
      Your write-up should contain:
      your name, cornell id (NetID), and perlmutter username,
      A plot in log-log scale that shows that your serial and parallel codes run in O(n) time and a description of the data
      structures that you used to achieve it.
      A description of the synchronization you used in the shared memory implementation.
      A description of the design choices that you tried and how did they affect the performance.
      Speedup plots that show how closely your OpenMP code approaches the idealized p-times speedup and a discussion on
      whether it is possible to do better.
      Where does the time go? Consider breaking down the runtime into computation time, synchronization time and/or
      communication time. How do they scale with p?
      Your grade will mostly depend on three factors:
      Scaling sustained by your codes on the Perlmutter supercomputer (varying n).
      Performance sustained by your codes on the Perlmutter supercomputer.
      Submit Assignment
       HW2: Shared Memory Particle Simulation (Extra Credit)
      Explanations of your methodologies and the performance features you observed (including what didn't work).
      You must use the GNU C Compiler for this assignment. If your code does not compile and run with GCC, it will not be
      If your code produces incorrect results, it will not be graded.
      Rendering Output
      The output files that are produced from running the program with the "-o" command line parameter can be fed into the hw2-
      rendering tool made available to convert them into .gif files. These animations will be a useful tool in debugging. To get
      started clone the hw2-rendering repo:
      student@login04:~> git clone git@github.com:CS5220-SP23/HW2_rendering.git
      This tool uses python. This can be loaded on Perlmutter with the following command:
      student@login04:~> module load python
      We can then convert the output files to gifs with the following command: make sure to allocate an interactive node first!
      student@login04:~/hw2/build> ~/HW2_rendering/render.py serial.parts.out particles.gif 0.01
      Here serial.parts.out is an output file from the "-o" command line parameter. You should find a particles.gif file in your
      directory. The number 0.01 is the cutoff distance (will be drawn around each particle).
      Output Correctness
      The output files that are produced from running the program with the "-o" command line parameter can be fed into the hw2-
      correctness tool made available to perform a correctness check. This is the same correctness check we will be performing
      when grading the homework, however, we will randomly select the particle seeds. To get started clone the hw2-correctness
      student@login04:~> git clone git@github.com:CS5220-SP23/HW2_correctness.git
      This tool uses python. This can be loaded on Perlmutter with the following command:
      student@login04:~> module load python
      We can then test the output files for correctness with the following command: make sure to allocate an interactive node
      :~/hw2/build> ~/HW2_correctness/correctness-check.py serial.parts.out correct.parts.out
      If the program prints an error, then your output is incorrect. Here serial.parts.out is an output file from the "-o" command line
      parameter from your code. This can be substituted for any output you wish to test the correctness for. The correct.parts.out
      can be generated from the provided O(n^2) serial implementation. Remember to specify a particle seed with "-s" to ensure
      the same problem is solved between the two output files. The hw2-correctness repo provides the "verf.out" file which is the
      correct output with particle seed set to 1 "-s 1".
      Programming in shared and distributed memory models are introduced in Lectures.
      Shared memory implementations may require using locks that are available as omp_lock_t (http://www.google.com/url?
      q=http%3A%2F%2Fmsdn.microsoft.com%2Fen?Submit Assignment
       HW2: Shared Memory Particle Simulation (Extra Credit)

      If you are using TAU or HPCToolkit you should run in your $SCRATCH directory which has faster disk access to the
      compute nodes (profilers can generate big profile files).
      Upload More
      Submit Assignment
       HW2: Shared Memory Particle Simulation (Extra Credit)
      請加QQ:99515681  郵箱:99515681@qq.com   WX:codehelp 

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