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      時間:2023-12-08  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      University of Nottingham
      School of Mathematical Sciences
      MATH**3 Scientific Computation and C++
      Submission Date: Monday 8th January 2024, 15:00 (GMT) Assessed Coursework 2
      The following questions are to be used for the coursework assessment in the module MATH**3.
      A single zip file containing your answers to the questions below and the code you used to obtain these
      answers should be submitted electronically via the MATH**3 Moodle page before the deadline at
      the top of this page. You should follow the instructions on the accompanying Coursework Submission
      template which is also provided on Moodle. Since this work is assessed, your submission must be
      entirely your own work (see the University’s policy on Academic Misconduct).
      The style and efficiency of your programs is important. A barely-passing solution will include attempts
      to write programs which include some of the correct elements of a solution. A borderline distinction
      solution will include working code that neatly and efficiently implements the relevant algorithms, and
      that shows evidence of testing.
      An indication is given of the weighting of each question by means of a figure enclosed by square
      brackets, e.g. [12]. All non-integer calculations should be done in double precision.
      Background Material
      If you have further questions about this background material, please ask for clarification.
      Approximating Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations
      Cauchy problems, also known as Initial Value Problems (IVPs), consist of finding solutions to a system
      of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs), given suitable initial conditions. We will be concerned
      with the numerical approximation of the solution to the IVP
      = f(t,u(t)) for t ∈ [t
      , T] with u(t
      ) = u
      , (1)
      where f is a sufficiently well-behaved function that maps [t
      , T) × R
      to R
      , the initial condition
      0 ∈ R
      is a given vector, and the integer d ≥ 1 is the dimension of the problem. We assume that
      f satisfies the Lipschitz condition
      kf(t, w) − f(t,u)k ≤ λkw − uk for all w,u ∈ R
      where λ > 0 is a real constant independent of w and u. This condition guarantees that the problem
      (1) possesses a unique solution.
      We seek an approximation to the solution u(t) of (1) at Nt + 1 evenly spaced time points in the
      interval [t
      , T], so we set
      n = t
      0 + n ∆t for 0 < n ≤ Nt where ∆t = (T − t
      The scalar ∆t is referred to as the time-step. We use a superscript n to denote an approximation to
      u(t) at the time points {t
      n ≈ u(t
      ), for 0 ≤ n ≤ Nt
      and we are interested in the behaviour of the error e
      n = u
      ). We expect this error to decrease
      as the step size ∆t tends to 0: the sequence of approximations {u
      n} will be generated by a numerical
      method, which will be said to be convergent if
      Nt max
      k = 0 ,
      where k · k is a generic norm on R
      Forward Euler Method
      The simplest numerical scheme for the solution of first-order ODEs is the forward Euler method:
      n+1 = u
      n + ∆t f(t
      ) for 0 ≤ n < Nt
      , (2)
      with initial condition u
      0 = u(t
      ). If f is analytic, it can be shown that the forward Euler method is
      convergent and
      E(∆t) := Nt max
      k = O(∆t).
      Since the error behaves as O((∆t)
      ) where p = 1, the forward Euler method is said to be an order
      1 method. This method may suffer from numerical instabilities, hence the step size ∆t must be set
      to a sufficiently small value during computations.
      Trapezoidal Method
      Numerical instabilities can be reduced (and sometimes removed completely) by using an implicit
      numerical scheme. One such scheme is the trapezoidal method:
      n+1 = u
      n +

      ) + f(t

      for 0 ≤ n < Nt
      , (3)
      with initial condition u
      0 = u(t
      ). This method is implicit because it involves f(t
      n+1), which
      generates a system of equations which must be solved to compute u
      Approximating Partial Differential Equations
      In this coursework you will use the finite difference method to approximate the solution of a range
      of time-dependent partial differential equations (PDEs), of the form
      ∂t = Lu for (x, t) ∈ [xmin, xmax] × [t
      , T] , (4)
      with u(x, t0
      ) = u
      (x) for x ∈ [xmin, xmax] ,
      where u = u(x, t) is a real function of one spatial coordinate x and a time coordinate t, L is a linear
      differential operator involving only derivatives with respect to x, xmin < xmax and T > t0
      are all real
      numbers, and u
      is a given real function of x. Throughout these exercises, only Dirichlet boundary
      conditions will be considered, imposed at x = xmin and/or x = xmax (as appropriate to the PDE
      being approximated).
      We seek an approximation to the spatial differential operator Lu of (4) at Nx + 1 evenly spaced
      points in the interval [xmin, xmax], so we set
      xi = xmin + i ∆x for 0 ≤ i ≤ Nx where ∆x = (xmax − xmin)/Nx .
      The scalar ∆x is referred to as the space step. At time t the approximate solution to the PDE is
      a vector of values u(t) ∈ R
      Nx+1, in which ui(t) ≈ u(xi
      , t). In this coursework, the error in this
      approximation will be measured only at the final time, t = T, by the discrete norm
      E(∆x, ∆t) :=
      Nx + 1
      i − u(xi
      , T))2
      , (5)
      in which we have used the notation u
      to indicate the approximation to u(xi
      , tn
      ). This can be used
      to estimate the order of the approximation.
      The approach which will be used is known as the method of lines, in which the differential operator
      Lu is approximated at each spatial point xi to generate a vector of right-hand side functions f(t,u(t))
      for a system of ODEs of the form (1). To illustrate this we consider two standard PDEs.
      A Parabolic PDE for Diffusion
      The one-dimensional diffusion equation is given by
      ∂t = D

      for (x, t) ∈ [xmin, xmax] × [t
      , T] , (6)
      with the initial condition u(x, t0
      ) = u
      (x) for x ∈ [xmin, xmax] and Dirichlet boundary conditions
      u(xmin, t) = u−(t) and u(xmax, t) = u+(t), where D > 0 is a given real constant and u− and u+ are
      given real functions, which may depend on time. One standard finite difference approximation of the
      spatial derivative leads to the semi-discretisation
      = D
      ui+1(t) − 2ui(t) + ui−1(t)
      =: fi(t,u(t)), (7)
      for i = 1, . . . , Nx−1. The application of Dirichlet boundary conditions involves overwriting the values
      of u0(t) and uNx
      (t) with, respectively, u−(t) and u+(t), at appropriate times so, for the purposes of
      implementation, it can be assumed that fi(t,u(t)) = 0 when i = 1, Nx, for t ∈ [t
      , T]. This fully
      defines the vector f(t,u(t)) in (1), which is combined with the chosen time-stepping method.
      For the forward Euler method (2), the fully discrete equations for i = 1, . . . , Nx − 1, i.e. the interior
      points, are given by
      i = u
      i + ∆t D
      i+1 − 2u
      i + u
      , (8)
      in which u
      i ≈ u(xi
      , tn
      ). For the trapezoidal rule (3), the PDE is approximated at the interior points
      by the discrete equations
      i = u
      i +
      ∆t D
      i+1 − 2u
      i + u
      ∆t D
      i+1 − 2u
      i + u
      . (9)
      The values of u
      are provided by the initial conditions and, for Dirichlet boundary conditions, the
      equations (8) and (9) are replaced by u
      0 = u−(t
      n+1) and u
      Nx = u+(t
      n+1) for n = 0, . . . , Nt − 1.
      A Hyperbolic Equation for Advection
      The one-dimensional constant advection equation is given by
      ∂t + v
      ∂x = 0 for (x, t) ∈ [xmin, xmax] × [t
      , T] , (10)
      with the initial condition u(x, t0
      ) = u
      (x) for x ∈ [xmin, xmax] and Dirichlet boundary conditions
      u(xmin, t) = u−(t) if v ≥ 0 or u(xmax, t) = u+(t) if v < 0, where v is a given real constant and
      u− and u+ are given real functions, which may depend on time. One standard finite difference
      approximation of the spatial derivative leads to the semi-discretisation
      = −v
      ui(t) − ui−1(t)
      =: fi(t,u(t)), (11)
      for i = 1, . . . , Nx−1. The application of Dirichlet boundary conditions involves overwriting the values
      of u0(t) or uNx
      (t) (depending on the sign of v) with, respectively, u−(t) or u+(t), at appropriate
      times. As with the diffusion equation, for the purposes of implementation, it can be assumed that
      fi(t,u(t)) = 0 when i = 1 (for v ≥ 0) or i = Nx (for v < 0) for t ∈ [t
      , T]. A set of fully discrete
      equations, analogous to (8) and (9) can be derived in exactly the same way as they were for the
      diffusion equation.
      Materials Provided
      You should familiarise yourself with the additional code which has been provided in the folder
      Templates/ to perform some of the tasks related to this coursework.
      • The abstract class ODEInterface encapsulates an interface to an ODE of the form (1), when
      the system consists of a single equation, i.e. d = 1.
      • The classes Vector and Matrix are slightly modifiied versions of the classes used in Unit 10
      on Iterative Linear Solvers.
      • The class UniformGrid1D encapsulates the information and methods needed for constructing,
      storing and extracting the spatial discretisation points xi (often referred to as the spatial grid)
      for a one-dimensional problem.
      • The method GaussianElimination implements the Gaussian elimination algorithm (without
      pivoting) for solving a system of linear equations. It uses the Vector and Matrix classes. The
      implementation provided is written for general matrices.
      • The files plotter.py are Python files provided to help create the plots requested. You do not
      have to use them: you may prefer to use alternative graphics tools.
      Coursework Questions
      In Templates/ you will find a set of folders, one for each question. The folders contain a small
      amount of code (.hpp, .cpp and .py files) as well as empty files, which you must edit for the
      coursework. You can use any software you want to produce the plots requested below.
      You must keep the folder structure and all file names as they are in the templates: the
      folder Q1 in your submission, for instance, should be self-contained, and should include all the code
      necessary to compile and reproduce your results for Question 1. The template folders may also serve
      as a checklist for your submission. As part of your submission, you may also add files to the folders
      (for example, new classes, output files, plotting routines, etc.). If you do so, then write a brief
      README.txt file, containing a short description of each new file. When you attempt Question 2, use
      a new folder and put all the files necessary to produce your results in it; if needed, copy some files
      from Q1 to Q2, etc.
      This coursework requires you to implement finite difference algorithms for approximating initial and
      initial-boundary value problems (IVPs and IBVPs) in an object-oriented manner, then use them to
      approximate a range of linear, time-dependent, ordinary and partial differential equations in one space
      dimension. Your design choices and your ability to implement classes according to the principles of
      object orientation will be assessed throughout this coursework.
      1. In this question you will use the forward Euler method to approximate the scalar IVP
      = a u + sin t for t ∈ [0, T] with u(0) = 0 , (12)
      where a is a given real constant. The exact solution to this problem is
      u(t) = e
      at − a sin t − cost
      2 + 1
      for t ∈ [0, T] .
      (a) Write an abstract class AbstractODESolver which contains the following members:
      • Protected variables for initial and final times
      double mFinalTime ;
      double mInitialTime ;
      • A protected pointer for the ODE system under consideration
      ODEInterface * mpODESystem ;
      • A protected variable for the current state u
      double mpState ;
      • A protected variable for the time-step size ∆t
      double mStepSize ;
      • A pure virtual public method
      virtual void Solve () = 0;
      • Any other member that you choose to implement.
      (b) Write a class LinearODE derived from ODEInterface which:
      • Overrides the pure virtual method ComputeF in order to evaluate the right-hand side
      of (12).
      • Overrides the virtual method ComputeAnalyticSolution in order to compute the
      exact solution of (12).
      (c) Write a class ForwardEulerSolver, derived from AbstractODESolver, with the following
      • A public constructor
      ForwardEulerSolver ( ODEInterface & anODESystem ,
      const double initialState ,
      const double initialTime ,
      const double finalTime ,
      const double stepSize ,
      const std :: string outputFileName =" output . dat ",
      const int saveGap = 1 ,
      const int printGap = 1) ;
      in which initialState provides the value of u(t
      • A public solution method
      void Solve () ;
      which computes {u
      n} using the forward Euler method for a generic first-order scalar
      IVP of the form (1), saves selected elements of the sequences {t
      n}, {u
      n} in a file, and
      prints on screen an initial header and selected elements of the sequences {t
      n}, {u
      The method should save to file every saveGap iterations and print on screen every
      printGap iterations.
      • Any other member that you choose to implement.
      (d) Write and execute a main Driver.cpp file which:
      i. Approximates the IVP (12) for a = −1, T = 10, using the forward Euler method with
      ∆t = 0.05, and outputs the solution to a file.
      Use your output to plot the approximate solution {u
      n} for t ∈ [0, 10], and provide the
      approximate value obtained for u(10).
      ii. Approximates the IVP (12) with a = −1, T = 1 using the forward Euler method with
      various values of ∆t of your choice, computes the corresponding errors E(∆t), and
      saves the sequences {∆tk}, {E(∆tk)} to a file.
      Use your output to plot log E(∆t) as a function of log ∆t. Include in your report the
      values of ∆t and E(∆t) that you used to produce the plot and a brief explanation of
      why your results demonstrate that E(∆t) = O(∆t).
      Your choices for computing these errors and presenting this evidence will be assessed.
      2. (a) Modify the class ForwardEulerSolver to create a new class TrapezoidalSolver, also
      derived from AbstractODESolver, which computes {u
      n} using the trapezoidal method
      for a generic linear, scalar, first-order IVP of the form (1).
      For the purposes of implementation, it is useful to consider the linear ODE in the form
      = a u + g(t),
      for which the two approximations can be written
      n+1 = u
      n + ∆t F(t
      , un
      ) Forward Euler (13)
      1 −
      n+1 = u
      n +
      , un
      ) + ∆t
      n+1) Trapezoidal (14)
      in which the constant a and the functions F and g depend only on the ODE, not the
      You should modify the classes ODEInterface and LinearODE to ensure that your code
      retains its encapsulation of the ODE system in this special case. You do not need to
      redesign the code to enable it to solve more general ODEs.
      (b) Write and execute a main Driver.cpp file which:
      i. Approximates the IVP (12) for a = −1, T = 10, using the trapezoidal method with
      ∆t = 0.05, and outputs the solution to a file.
      Use your output to plot the approximate solution {u
      n} for t ∈ [0, 10], and provide the
      approximate value obtained for u(10).
      ii. Approximates the IVP (12) with a = −1, T = 1 using the trapezoidal method with
      various values of ∆t of your choice, computes the corresponding errors E(∆t) and saves
      the sequences {∆tk}, {E(∆tk)} to a file.
      Use your output to plot log E(∆t) as a function of log ∆t and determine the order of
      the method, i.e. the value of p for which E(∆t) = O((∆t)
      ). Include in your report
      the values of ∆t and E(∆t) that you used to produce the plot and a brief explanation
      of how you determined the value of p.
      Is the trapezoidal method better or worse than the forward Euler method for approximating the ODE (12)? Provide a brief justification for your answer.
      3. This question concerns the approximation of the one-dimensional diffusion equation using the
      methods described in the background material. From the discrete forms (8) and (9), it can be
      seen that, for this PDE, the approximations can be written as
      n+1 = u
      n + ∆t F(u
      ) Forward Euler (15)
      I −
      n+1 = u
      n +
      ) Trapezoidal (16)
      in which the matrix A and the vector F depend only on the discrete form of the spatial operator
      Lu. The boundary equations are treated differently from the interior equations because the
      Dirichlet boundary conditions are used to overwrite the values of u
      and u
      , so the first
      and last rows of A and F need to be defined accordingly.
      Note: A good first step for this question would be to copy the relevant code from Q1 and Q2
      in to a new folder, convert all double variables used to store values of the approximate solution
      u and right-hand side F to Vector variables of length 1, and check that your code still gives
      the same answers.
      (a) Modify the abstract class AbstractODESolver and the derived classes for the methods
      ForwardEulerSolver and TrapezoidalSolver so that the state u(t
      ) is stored in an
      object of type Vector. For example, the constructor of the class ForwardEulerSolver
      will now take the form
      ForwardEulerSolver ( ODEInterface & anODESystem ,
      const Vector & initialState ,
      const double initialTime ,
      const double finalTime ,
      const double stepSize ,
      const std :: string outputFileName =" output . dat ",
      const int saveGap = 1 ,
      const int printGap = 1) ;
      and the Solve method will have to compute, save and print values of u
      n+1 ∈ R
      • Modify your code so that it computes the discrete norm of the error in the approximation
      at the end of the simulation, when t = T, as defined by (5).
      • Modify the classes ForwardEulerSolver and TrapezoidalSolver so that they approximate the system of ODEs obtained from the semi-discretisation of a PDE of the
      form (4), including the application of Dirichlet boundary conditions.
      The trapezoidal method requires the solution of a linear system of equations at each
      time-step. You should do this using the method GaussianElimination, which has
      been provided. When you are confident that your code is working correctly, you should
      modify this method so that it takes full advantage of the tridiagonal structure which the
      matrix A has in these cases. Include in your report a brief description of the changes
      you have made and the reasons for them.
      (b) Write a class Diffusion, derived from ODEInterface, with the following members:
      • A method overriding the method ComputeF of ODEInterface
      void ComputeF ( const double t , const Vector & u ,
      Vector & f ) const ;
      which computes and stores in f the Nx + 1 values of F.
      • A method overriding the method ComputeAnalyticSolution of ODEInterface
      void ComputeAnalyticSolution ( const double t ,
      Vector & u ) const ;
      which computes the vector of exact solution values u(t) at the points xi
      • A new method
      void ApplyDirichlet ( const double t , Vector & u ) ;
      which overwrites the boundary values u0(t) and uNmax (t) of the vector u(t) using the
      Dirichlet boundary conditions at the appropriate time level.
      • A new method
      void ComputeMatrix ( Matrix & A ) const ;
      which computes the matrix A.
      • Any other method that you choose to implement.
      You will need to modify the abstract class ODEInterface to ensure that its design is
      consistent with that of the class Diffusion.
      (c) A simple exact solution to the one-dimensional diffusion equation (6) on the interval
      [xmin, xmax] = [0, 1], with Dirichlet boundary conditions u+(t) = u−(t) = 0, is
      u(x, t) = e−Dπ2
      sin(πx). (17)
      Write and execute a main Driver.cpp file which:
      i. Approximates the diffusion equation (6) with D = 0.01 on the interval t ∈ [0, 10] with
      initial conditions generated from (17) when t
      0 = 0, using the forward Euler method
      with Nt = 1000 time-steps and Nx = 100 space steps.
      Use your output to plot the initial and final approximate solutions, u
      and u
      , on the
      same graph, and provide the value of the error (5) at the end of the simulation, when
      t = 10.
      ii. Approximates the diffusion equation (6) with D = 0.01 on the interval t ∈ [0, 10] with
      initial conditions generated from (17) when t
      0 = 0, using the forward Euler method
      with Nx = 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, space steps. You should use Nt = 1000 with
      Nx = 100 and then produce two different sets of results:
      • As Nx is increased, increase Nt so that Nt ∝ Nx.
      • As Nx is increased, increase Nt so that Nt ∝ Nx
      Use your output to plot log E(∆x, ∆t) as a function of log ∆x in both cases. Use
      your results to try to determine the order of the method, p. Include in your report
      the values of E(∆x, ∆t) that you used to produce the plots, with a brief explanation
      of the behaviour of the errors as Nx and Nt are increased and how you used them to
      determine a value for p. Compare this value of p with that observed for the forward
      Euler method in Q1(d) and explain any difference between them.
      iii. Repeats exercises i. and ii. using the trapezoidal method.
      In addition to the plots, output and discussion requested in these exercises, include
      in your report a brief explanation of any significant differences between the results
      obtained for the two time-stepping methods. Which time-stepping method would you
      advise a user to choose for this application? You should consider both stability and
      accuracy when determining your answer and briefly justify your choice. You might
      consider simulations with other values of Nt and Nx for supporting evidence.
      4. This question concerns the approximation of the one-dimensional advection equation using the
      methods described in the background material. As with the diffusion equation it is possible to
      write the approximations in the forms (15) and (16), though the details are different for the
      matrix A, the vector F and the Dirichlet boundary conditions.
      (a) Modify the class Diffusion to create a new class Advection, also derived from the abstract class ODEInterface, which encapsulates the system of ODEs which is derived from
      the approximation of the one-dimensional advection equation given by (11).
      (b) A simple exact solution to the one-dimensional advection equation (10) on the interval
      [xmin, xmax] = [0, 4], with Dirichlet boundary condition u(xmin) = 0 (for v > 0), is
      u(x, t) = 
      (π(x − vt)) if x − vt ∈ [0.5, 1.5]
      0 otherwise.
      Write and execute a main Driver.cpp file which:
      i. Approximates the advection equation (10) with v = 2 on the interval t ∈ [0, 1] with
      initial conditions generated from (18) when t
      0 = 0, using both the forward Euler and
      trapezoidal methods with Nt = 1000 time-steps and Nx = 100 space steps.
      Use your output to plot the initial and final approximations, u
      and u
      , on the same
      graph (one graph for each method), and provide the value of the error (5) at the end
      of the simulation, when t = 1.
      ii. Repeats the remaining exercises of Q3(c)ii. and Q3(c)iii. using the same values of Nx
      and Nt as were used there.
      (c) The advection equation is generally considered to be more difficult to approximate than the
      diffusion equation.
      Investigate the behaviour of the methods you have already implemented in the case where
      v = −2 (for which the boundary condition is u(xmax) = 0). You do not have to carry out
      the same simulations as in part (b) but you should include a brief discussion of the stability
      and accuracy of the methods, with appropriate supporting evidence.
      Modify your code so that the semi-discretisation in Equation (11) is replaced by
      = −v
      ui+1(t) − ui−1(t)
      , (19)
      and investigate the behaviour of both time-stepping methods when v = 2. Note that you
      will need to use Equation (11) instead of Equation (19) when i = Nx. You do not have to
      carry out the same simulations as in part (b) but you should include a brief discussion of
      the stability and accuracy of the methods, with appropriate supporting evidence.
      5. This question concerns the approximation of the Black-Scholes equation,
      ∂t +

      + rx
      ∂x − ru = 0 for (x, t) ∈ [xmin, xmax] × [t
      , T] , (20)
      with the final condition u(T, x) = max(x − K, 0) for x ∈ [xmin, xmax] and Dirichlet boundary
      conditions u(xmin, t) = 0 and u(xmax, t) = x − Ke−r(T −t)
      , where t is time, x is stock price, σ
      is volatility, r is risk-free interest rate and K is strike price.
      This PDE is to be approximated using the semi-discretisation given by
      = −
      2 ui+1(t) − 2ui(t) + ui−1(t)
      − rxi
      ui+1(t) − ui−1(t)
      + rui(t), (21)
      for i = 1, . . . , Nx − 1. Note that the coefficients of the derivatives depend on x, and one of the
      Dirichlet boundary conditions is nonzero and time-dependent.
      (a) Modify the class Diffusion (or Advection) to create a new class BlackScholes, also
      derived from the abstract class ODEInterface, which encapsulates the system of ODEs
      which is derived from the semi-discretisation (21).
      This equation is solved backwards in time and you will need to work out how to do this
      within the framework you have implemented. In your report, you should briefly describe
      how you wrote your code so that the forward Euler and trapezoidal methods step backwards
      in time instead of forwards in time.
      (b) Write and execute a main Driver.cpp file which approximates the Black-Scholes equation
      (20) with K = 100, r = 0.15, σ = 0.05, on the interval (x, t) ∈ [50, 150] × [0, 1] with
      the final condition, given below Equation (20), when T = 1. Use both the forward Euler
      method and the trapezoidal method with Nt = 10000 time-steps and Nx = 500 space
      steps. You do not have to compute the approximation error in this question.
      Use your output to plot the initial and final approximate solutions, u
      and u
      , on the
      same graph (one graph for each method). Which time-stepping method would you advise
      a user to choose for this application? You should run additional numerical simulations,
      with different values of Nt and Nx, to help you to decide, and use them to justify your
      choice. You should also include a brief discussion of why it is appropriate to use the centred
      difference approximation for the first derivative in (21), using evidence from the numerical
      simulations carried out in previous questions to support your argument.
      The output requested in Questions 1d, 2b, 3c, 4b, 4c and 5b should be included in your submission,
      along with any other discussion requested, in the format provided by the solution template file.
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    1. 上一篇:CSC345編程代寫、代做Python語言程序
    2. 下一篇:代寫選股公式 代做公式指標 通達信選股
    3. 無相關信息

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