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      時間:2023-12-03  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      COMP639 Studio Project – Summer School
      Individual Assignment
      Worth: 40%
      Due: Wed, 6
      th December 2023 @ 5:00pm
      Late Penalty: Work not received by due time attracts an immediate penalty of up to 25% of the
      marks available. No work will be accepted after Fri, 8
      th December 2023 5:00pm.
      A Simple Holiday House Rental System
      Develop a Flask Python Web App for a Holiday House Rental System. The application should include a
      login system and separate dashboards for three user roles: customer, staff and admin. Users should
      be able to login to the system and access their respective dashboards as well as to perform specific
      actions related to holiday house rental operations. This is a simplified version without the booking
      and rental functionalities as the focus is on providing different level of access for different user roles.
      User Login
      You will need to:
      • Create a login page where users can enter using a username and password.
      • Implement a password hashing and salting techniques to ensure secure storage of user
      • Provide a new user registration functionality that allows new customer users to register and
      create a customer account themselves. In this process they will provide their details and set
      a unique username and password.
      User Roles and Access Control
      • Define three user roles: customer, staff and admin.
      • Implement a role-base access control system that restricts access to certain pages or features
      based on the user’s role.
      • Customers should be able to manage their own profile (update personal information and
      change password) and view all the holiday houses available for rent. When viewing holiday
      houses, customers should be able to click on each holiday house to get detailed information.
      • Staff members should be able to manage their own profile (update personal information and
      change password), view customer profiles and manage holiday houses (add, update and
      delete holiday houses).
      • Admin should have full access to the system and the ability to manage customers (add,
      update and delete customers), staff (add, update and delete staff) and holiday houses (add,
      update and delete holiday houses) and view the list of all holiday houses.
      Data Requirements
      • Customer profile (name, customer number, address, email, phone number)
      • Staff profile (name, staff number, email, phone number, date joined)
      • Holiday Houses (house id, house address, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms,
      maximum occupancy, rental per night, house image)
      • The database should contain at least 5 customers, 3 staff, one admin and 20 different holiday
      • Design and implement a database schema and populate it with data to meet these
      Dashboard Pages
      • Create separate dashboard pages for each user role.
      • Design and implement a visually appealing user interface for each dashboard.
      • Customise the functionality and features available on each dashboard based on the
      associated user role.
      • A fully functional Flask Python web application for a holiday house rental system with a login
      system and a role-based dashboards.
      Project Requirements
      You must
      • Use only Python & Flask, Bootstrap CSS, JavaScript, MySQL. Do not use SQLAlchemy or
      ReactJS (or other similar technologies) in your solution.
      • Create a private GitHub repository that contains:
      o All Python, HTML, images and any other required files for the web app
      o A requirements.txt file showing the required pip packages.
      o MySQL scripts for creating and populating the database.
      o README file with comments.
      o Your repository must have a .gitignore file and therefore not have a copy of your
      virtual environment.
      o Add lincolnmac (computing@lincoln.ac.nz) as a collaborator to your private GitHub
      • Host your system (including database) using pythonAnywhere
      o Add lincolnmac as your “teacher” via the site configuration.
      • Submit via the link on LEARN COMP639 Page the COMP639 Web App Hand-In Sheet. This
      includes details of:
      o Your PythonAnywhere URL.
      o Your GitHub repository URL.
      o Usernames and Passwords for Customers, Staff and Admin for testing purposes.
      o Confirmation that certain files have been saved in you GitHub repository.
      請加QQ:99515681 或郵箱:99515681@qq.com   WX:codehelp

    1. 上一篇:CS-665程序代做、代寫Designs and Patterns
    2. 下一篇:代寫CSCN73000、C++設計編程代做
    3. 無相關信息

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