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      時間:2023-11-13  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      When accessing the logical address at <segment # = 2, offset = 400>, the results after 
      address translation is: 
      A) No such segment 
      B) Return address 4400 
      C) Invalid permission 
      D) Address out of range 
      9) In a system with **-bit address, given the logical address 0x0000F1AE (in 
      hexadecimal) with a page size of 256 bytes, what is the page offset? 
      A) 0xAE 
      B) 0xF1 
      C) 0xA 
      D) 0xF100 
      10) A computer based on dynamic storage memory allocation has a main memory with 
      the capacity of 55MB (initially empty). A sequence of operations including main 
      memory allocation and release is as follows: 1. allocate 15MB; 2. allocate 30MB; 3. 
      release 15MB; 4. allocate 8MB; 5. allocate 6MB. Using the best-fit algorithm, what is the 
      size of the largest leftover hole in the main memory after the above five operations? 
      A) 7MB 
      B) 9MB 
      C) 10MB 
      D) 15MB 
      2. [20 points] Synchronization 

      You are asked to implement the second reader-writer solution, in which once a writer 
      is ready, it needs to perform update as soon as possible. There are two classes of 
      processes accessing shared data, readers and writers. Readers never modify data, thus 
      multiple readers can access the shared data simultaneously. Writers modify shared 
      data, so at most one writer can access data (no other writers or readers). This solution 
      gives priority to writers in the following manner: when a reader tries to access shared 
      data, if there is a writer accessing the data or if there are any writer(s) waiting to access 
      shared data, the reader must wait. In another word, readers must wait for all writer(s), 
      if any, to update shared data, or a reader can access shared data, only when there is no 
      writer either accessing or waiting. 
      The following variables will be used: 
      semaphore mutex =1; /* lock for accessing shared variables */ 
      semaphore readerlock=0; /* readers waiting queue */ 
      semaphore writerlock=0; /* writers waiting queue */ 
      int R_count = 0; /* number of readers accessing data */ 
      int W_count = 0; /* number of writer accessing data */ 
      int WR_count = 0; /* number of readers waiting */ 
      int WW_count = 0; /* number of writers waiting*/ 
      TA Yixin YANG ( yyangfe@cse.ust.hk ) is responsible for questions before the deadline 
      TA Peng YE ( pyeac@cse.ust.hk ) is responsible for grading and appeal handling after the deadline 

      Please fill in the blanks to design Writer  s and Reader  s code. 

      Writer() { 
      // Writer tries to enter 
      while (BLANK1) { // Is it safe to write? 



      W_count++; // Writer inside 
      // Perform actual read/write access 
      // Writer finishes update 


      W_count--; // No longer active 
      if (BLANK4){ // Give priority to writers 
      signal(writerlock); // Wake up one writer 
      } else if (WR_count > 0) { // Otherwise, wake reader 



      Reader() { 
      // Reader tries to enter 
      while (BLANK6) { // writer inside or waiting? 

      wait(readerlock); // reader waits on readerlock 


      Rcount++; // Reader inside! 
      // Perform actual read-only access 
      // Reader finishes accessing 
      R_count--; // No longer active 
      if (BLANK9) // No other active readers 




      3. [30 points] Deadlocks 

      Consider the following snapshot of a system: 
      TA Yixin YANG ( yyangfe@cse.ust.hk ) is responsible for questions before the deadline 
      TA Peng YE ( pyeac@cse.ust.hk ) is responsible for grading and appeal handling after the deadline 

       Allocation Max Available 
       A B C D A B C D A B C D 
      P0 2 0 0 1 4 2 3 4 3 3 2 1 

      P1 3 1 2 1 5 2 3 2 

      P2 2 1 0 3 2 3 1 6 

      P3 1 3 1 2 1 4 2 4 

      P4 1 4 3 2 3 6 6 5 
      Please answer the following questions using the banker  s algorithm: 
      1) (5 points) What is the content of the matrix Need denoting the number of resources 
      needed by each process? 

      2) (10 points) Is the system in a safe state? Why? 

      3) (5 points) If a request from process P1 arrives for (1, 1, 0, 0), can the request be 

       4) (10 points) If a request from process P4 arrives for (0, 0, 2, 0), can the request be 
      granted immediately? Why? 

      TA Yixin YANG ( yyangfe@cse.ust.hk ) is responsible for questions before the deadline 
      TA Peng YE ( pyeac@cse.ust.hk ) is responsible for grading and appeal handling after the deadline 

      4. [30 points] Memory Management 

      1) (15 points) Consider the segment table shown in Table A. Translate each of the 
      virtual addresses in Table B into physical addresses. Indicate errors (out of range, no 
      such segment) if an address cannot be translated. 

      Table A 

      Segment number Starting address Segment length 
      0 260 ** 
      1 1466 160 
      2 2656 130 
      3 146 50 
      4 2064 370 

      Table B 

      Segment number Offset 
      0 420 
      1 144 
      2 198 
      3 296 
      4 50 
      5 ** 

      2) (15 points) Consider a virtual memory system providing 128 pages for each user 
      program; the size of each page is 8KB. The size of main memory is 256KB. Consider 
      one user program occupied 4 pages, and the page table of this program is shown as 
      Logical page number Physical block number 
      TA Yixin YANG ( yyangfe@cse.ust.hk ) is responsible for questions before the deadline 
      TA Peng YE ( pyeac@cse.ust.hk ) is responsible for grading and appeal handling after the deadline 

      Assume there are three requests on logical address 040AFH, 140AFH, 240AFH. First 
      please describe the format of the logical address and the physical address. Then please 
      illustrate how the virtual memory system will deal with these requests. 
      請加QQ:99515681 或郵箱:99515681@qq.com   WX:codehelp

    1. 上一篇:COMP3173代做、代寫C/C++程序設計
    2. 下一篇:代做CEG3136、代寫C/C++程序語言
    3. 無相關信息

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