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      CSE 3430代寫、c/c++語言編程代做

      時間:2023-11-03  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      CSE 3430代寫、c/c++語言編程代做
      CSE 3430 AU 23 LAB 1
      Due: Friday, October 27, 2023 by 11:30 p.m. on Carmen
      (If submitted before midnight, the lab will be counted as on time, but submissions
      midnight or later will be counted as one day late. No one should wait until close to 11:30
      pm to submit, or you risk submitting late. Plan to finish so that you can submit NO
      LATER THAN 6:00 or 7:00 pm on October 27!)
      · Pointers
      · Statically allocated arrays (Part 1)
      · Dynamic memory allocation (Dynamically allocated arrays) (Part 2)
      · Deallocation of dynamically allocated memory (Part 2)
      · Switch-case statements
      · Functions: pass-by-reference, pass-by-value, parameters, return values and

       This is an individual lab. You should make a lab1 folder/directory in your cse3430
      folder/directory on stdlinux (assuming you followed the instructions for the earlier
      homework assignment); if you did not make a cse3430 directory before, you should do that
      now). After logging in to stdlinux using FastX v3, from your home directory, run these
      commands (assuming you created a cse3430 directory earlier; otherwise, run the first
      command below also):
      $ mkdir cse3430
      [The command above is only necessary if you did not make this directory before]
      $ cd cse3430
      $ mkdir lab1
      $ cd lab1
       This lab has two parts, which need to be submitted separately. Please see the description
       VERY IMPORTANT: I understand that the lab description seems long, but it is meant to
      be very clear. Please read and follow the instructions carefully. When software is written in
      the outside world, written specifications are always used, so getting used to following written
      specifications is a very useful (and marketable!) skill! By doing this lab, you will acquire
      some useful knowledge, and a number of skills which are both useful and marketable.
       Grading:
      Comments and code formatting: 10%
      Part 1 output: 70%
      Part 2 output: 20%

       Note that the lab is due at 11:30 pm. You should aim to always hand an assignment in on
      time or much better, early. If you are late (submitting at midnight or after), you will receive
      75% of your earned points for the designated grade, as long as the assignment is submitted
      by 11:30 pm the following day, based on the due date given above. If you are more than 24
      hours late, you will receive a zero for the assignment and your assignment will not be graded
      at all.
       You have 11 days to do the lab, which is plenty of time if you start early and ask questions
      early if you need help. Do not wait more than one or two days to start the lab! Part 1 involves
      more code, but the code is easier to write. You should be finished with Part 1 in 2 to 3 days
      after starting, at most. That leaves 5 to 6 days to do Part 2, which involves less code, but the
      code is more challenging to write. Asking questions about Part 1 of the lab 4 or 5 days before
      the lab is due means you are behind, and it may be difficult to finish on time!

       Any lab submitted that does not compile – without errors - and run without crashing (meaning
      no segmentation faults or other run time errors, such as infinite loops) WILL RECEIVE
      AN AUTOMATIC GRADE OF ZERO. If your code generates warnings, you will lose
      credit for each warning generated, depending on the warning (1 point per warning usually).
      No exceptions are made for this rule - to achieve even a single point on a lab, your code must
      minimally build (compile to an executable without errors) on stdlinux and execute on
      stdlinux without crashing (that also means no segmentation faults, which is an example of
      “crashing”), using the following compilation commands for each part:

      For Part 1: $ gcc -std=c18 -pedantic lab1p1.c -o lab1p1
      For Part 2: $ gcc -std=c18 -pedantic lab1p2.c -o lab1p2
      To run Part 1 with redirection: $ lab1p1 < lab1p1in
      To run Part 2 with redirection: $ lab1p2 < lab1p2in
       NOTE VERY CAREFULLY: It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to make sure that your
      code compiles (using the compilation command shown above) before submitting it. If you modify
      your code in any way after it compiles successfully, you must compile AGAIN after making any
      changes to make sure there are no errors. We have had students in the past who added comments
      or made what they thought was a “minor” change, but did not recompile and retest before
      submitting. This can result in disaster, and must not be done! This is often the result of waiting
      too late to start and/or not working steadily enough on the lab assignment. Be sure you do not do
      things this way; do yourself a favor and be careful and be thorough! Although the requirements
      may seem harsh to some students, your manager in a work environment will have requirements at
      least this strict; if they do not, the business loses customers and/or loses money or closes, and not
      only does your manager lose their job, everyone else may as well.

       You should not add features to your program that are not required; this makes it more difficult
      for the grader to test whether the program meets the requirements, and that is what your score
      depends on.
       To create a C source code file, you can use any of the text editors available on stdlinux. I
      recommend you use either emacs or gedit. Here is how to create a source file for Part 1 with
      $ gedit lab1p1.c
      Or if you want to use emacs:
      $ emacs lab1p1.c
      There are other text editors also available on stdlinux (the two above are quite adequate for
      the code we write for this course), but if you decide to explore them, you will need to figure
      out how they work.
      [We will tell you below how you can copy the source file for Part 1 to a new source file for
      The first time you use one of the above commands to start a text editor, the file will be created
      by the operating system, and the file will be empty. You can type your source code into the
      file and save it. After the first time you run the command, save the file, and close it, every
      time you run the command after that will just reopen the file that was already created (make
      sure you run the command from the directory/folder where the file is saved), and you will be
      able to edit it and resave it.
      Emacs has some nice features which many students like. PLEASE NOTE: When you save
      files created with gedit, you will get an error related to saving metadata for the file from
      stdlinux, but you can ignore it. This will not normally cause any problems.

      This lab has two parts, Part 1 and Part 2. For Part 1, we will write code to do calculations on
      data in a single statically allocated array (as described in slide set B-5), and we will read input
      for the program from a file using redirection of the input as described in class slide set B-3 on
      Input and Output in C. In Part 2, the data will consist of a data set of an unknown size, so we
      will need to use dynamic allocation of memory for the array (as described in slide set B-6).
      For Part 2, again, we will read input for the program from a file using redirection of the input as
      described in slide set B-3. A great deal of the code (almost all of the code) that you write for Part
      1, you will be able to reuse for Part 2, but you will also need to write some new code for Part 2
      (see the description below). See the instructions below on how to make a copy of your source
      code file for Part 1 to a source code for Part 2 (BUT DO NOT DO THIS UNTIL YOU HAVE
      COMMENTS for Part 1), so that you can then modify the code for Part 2.
      Part 1.
      DATA SET CALCULATOR Mandatory filename: lab1p1.c
      The user of your program will use it to do some elementary calculations for a single
      floating point data set of size 6; the user will enter the data for the data set as input to the
      program (we will read it from a file using redirection of input; see below). Since the
      number of data sets is known (one) and the size of the data set is also known (8), you can
      use a static array to store the values. As we have seen in lecture, a static array in C to
      handle this problem can be declared as follows:
      float dataSet[6];
      int dataSetSize = 6;
      You should declare this array and the dataSetSize variable in main, as shown above. When
      you call any function in the program that will need to access the array or that will call another
      function which needs to access the array, YOU WILL HAVE TO PASS BOTH dataSet (which
      is the address of the first element; we will learn later that this is a pointer to the element) and
      dataSetSize to the function as parameters.

       In writing your code, you should remember the principle of reusability. In general, each
      of your functions should do a single thing. If there are several tasks that are clearly steps in
      doing a single thing, they can be put into the same function, as long as we would ALWAYS
      want to do all of them when we do any of them, but if you have any doubt, separate the tasks
      into different functions. By writing code in this way, functions are more reusable, and this is a
      very important property. See the class slide set B-7 C Software Design Principles.
       Related to reusability is the principle that IN main, ONLY VARIABLE
       You should first call a function to print a single prompt to the user to enter the data for the
      data set (DO NOT PRINT THE PROMPT IN MAIN). Your program needs to read the user
      input and store the float values in the data set in the array that you declared in main, as
      shown above. The user will enter each of the 6 floating point values on separate lines (but
      remember that scanf will skip white space characters (such as new lines) when you call it to
      read numeric values such as floats). If you do not completely understand this description
      jump to the bottom of this file and check out the example data for Part 1. You will be given a
      file on Carmen called lab1p1in to test and debug your program code, so after writing and
      compiling your code as shown above, you should run it as follows using redirection:
      $ lab1p1 < lab1p1in
       After reading the values in the data set into the array, you should call another function
      which should repeatedly do the following (put this in a loop inside a function):

      Prompt the user to choose one of the following options for a calculation to perform on the
      data set (ask the user to enter one of the six numbers, followed by enter):

      Enter a number to choose one of the following options:
      1) Find the minimum value.
      2) Find the maximum value.
      3) Calculate the sum of all the values.
      4) Calculate the average of all the values.
      5) Print the values in the data set.
      6) Exit the program.
      Your code should print a blank line both before, and at the end of the menu (to separate it from
      the preceding and following output). You can put code to print this menu of choices in the same
      function with a function that has a switch-case statement, and also put a call to scanf before the
      switch-case to get the user’s choice of option. After the user selects one of the six options, your
      program should use a switch-case statement to call a function to perform the necessary calculation,
      or terminate the program. The calculation function which is called should not also be used to
      print the result; the result should be printed out by a call to printf which is not in the calculation
      function (but you can call printf to print the result of the calculation inside the code for
      operation 5, since the purpose of this function is to print the values in the data set); for the first
      four calculations, though, there should be a call to printf to print the result after returning from the
      call to the calculation function in the switch-case code (that is, call printf in the code for the case
      that calls the calculation function). The program should output the result with an appropriate
      message which specifies the calculation which was performed, for example:

      The maximum value is: 569.45
      NOTE that there will be a deduction for unlabeled output! The results for options 1, 2, 3,
      and 4 should be printed out as floating point values with 2 digits of precision, preceded and
      followed by a blank line to separate the output from preceding and following output, and
      the result for option 5 should be to output a label, such as Data set: on one line, followed
      by the values in the data set in the order in which they were input, each on a separate line
      starting on the line after the label, with 2 digits of precision for each value. Also print a
      blank line after all of the values, to separate the output for this operation from any
      following output.

      ➢ After your program outputs the result of the operation, it should prompt the user again
      to select an option for a calculation (by returning back to the top of the loop in which
      the switch-case statement is contained), until the user selects option 6 to exit the program.
      Therefore, the function with the switch-case statement which gets the user’s choice of
      calculation should put the switch-case statement inside a loop, which will terminate when
      the user chooses option 6. Also, when the user chooses option 6 to exit, the function should
      return to main (but no return statement should be used in the function; use a variable for the
      condition in the while loop which can be set to a value which will terminate the loop when
      option 6 is entered by the user), and main should then return 0, and the program will

      · Program structure (typical for C programs) should be:
      -Any necessary #include directives for library header files (stdio.h and stdlib.h)
      -Declarations of all functions in the program (except main) (ALL FUNCTIONS OTHER
      -Definition of main
      -Definitions of all other functions (the order does not matter)
      ·Requirements for main:
      -main should only do the following:
      -Declare variables that are needed by other functions in the program. You will need
      the following variables in main for the code for Part 1:
      float dataSet[6];
      int dataSetSize = 6;
      -Call other necessary functions
      -NOTE: Reading of input, getting user choice of calculation to perform, and
      calculations should NOT be done in main (THERE WILL BE A DEDUCTION
      IF THE CODE IS WRITTEN TO DO THESE THINGS IN main); all of these
      should be done in functions separate from main.
      · You can use a statically declared array for Part 1 (this means the memory for the array is
      allocated by the compiler), as explained above, because the size of the array is known when the
      code is written.
      · Remember that C programs should exhibit the Unix/Linux feature of reusability of
      functions; each function should do only one well-defined thing (or perhaps two things
      that are so closely related that they would ALWAYS be done together).
      · Use a separate function to do each type of calculation (some of these functions might call other
      ones; for example, the code for average option might call the function for sum option).
      · Use a function to get the input from the user about the float values in the data set.
      · Also use a separate function to get the user's choice of the calculation to perform. Use a different
      function for each of the 5 calculation options, other than option 6, which will just terminate the
      loop, and return to main.
      · Be sure to document with a brief comment what each function does. Documentation is a
      necessary part of software for organizations. You should put a brief comment before each
      function definition explaining what the function does (not how it does it), and a brief
      comment for each block of code documenting what the code in the block does (not how it
      does it).
      · Even though you will have a number of functions, all code must be in a single file named
      · Your program should be able to work if it receives input by redirection of stdin to a file (use
      the test input file provided to verify this, and when testing your program). The grader will
      grade your lab using redirection of input, so you should make sure your lab works when it is
      executed this way. NOTE: Please do not test your code by typing input from the keyboard! C
      code in industry is NEVER, EVER tested this way, for many reasons, but one very practical
      reason is that it is MUCH MORE WORK, and you cannot be sure that the input is the same
      each time you test the program!
      · Be sure to follow the software design principles in C identified in the class slide set B-7 C
      Software Design Principles posted on Carmen.
       You should pay attention to the order in which you write code for the functions in the
      program. This is a critical part of writing, testing, and debugging software. We always want
      to write and test functions on which other functions depend before writing and testing
      the functions which depend on them. For the program for Part 1, main, and the function
      which reads input from the input file into the array should be written first, along with the
      function to print out the elements of the array (see the description of that function above),
      and the function with the switch-case statement embedded in a loop. DO NOT WRITE the
      code for any other functions before you write, test, and debug these first four functions. For
      other functions, until you are ready to write them, you can use “stub” functions. This is
      always done by writers of C code in the outside world. A stub function is a function
      definition with a return type and parameter names and types, but A CODE BLOCK
      WHICH IS EMPTY – with no statements. Here is an example:
      int sumArray (float *array, int size) {
       /* no code, because it is a stub function */
      If this function is called in the program, IT WILL IMMEDIATELY RETURN, and it will
      DO NOTHING. Thus, any calls to the stub function will not interfere with testing and
      debugging any other functions that this sumArray function depends on. Of course, as
      mentioned above, you also need to have a declaration of this function at the top of your code
      file after your #include directives, as mentioned above under “Constraints” related to
      program structure.

      Part 2.
      DATA SET CALCULATOR - MODIFIED Mandatory filename: lab1p2.c
      VERY IMPORTANT: DO NOT work in any way on Part 2 until you have completed your
      code for Part 1 and tested and debugged it thoroughly! Failing to follow this advice will make
      the work MUCH harder, and will make it much more likely that you will not be able to complete
      Part 2 correctly!
      After you finish, test, and debug Part 1 thoroughly (you have verified all code works correctly,
      and added all comments), you should copy your C source code file for Part 1 to a source file for
      Part 2, using the following command in your cse3430 lab1 directory on stdlinux:
      $ cp lab1p1.c lab1p2.c
      This will copy the source code file lab1p1.c to a new file named lab1p2.c, but you will still have
      lab1p1.c in your files (it will not be deleted, only copied). The code for Part 1 will work correctly
      for Part 2, except for the modifications described below.
      ALSO IMPORTANT: Do not start writing code for Part 2 till you have watched the Zoom video
      on Part 2, which is linked in the Zoom video links.pdf file on Carmen, and is labeled Lab 1 Part
      The user of your program will use it to do some elementary floating point calculations for a
      single data set of AN UNKNOWN SIZE. The data set consists of a list of floating point
      values, but the number of values in the data set will also be specified by the user in the
      input to the program, so you do not know in advance how many values there will be in the
      data set. THEREFORE, YOU CANNOT USE A STATIC ARRAY, as you did in Part
      1, to store these values. As we will see in lecture, a static array in C is one declared as
      float array[6];
      This kind of array can only be used in C when the length or size of the array, 6 in this
      example, IS KNOWN when writing the code. If the size of the array is not known while
      writing the code, the kind of array declared above, a static array, CANNOT be used
      (There are sometimes students who doubt this, and think there is some trick that can be
      used to make this work, but PLEASE BELIEVE ME, this kind of array CANNOT be
      used when the size of the array is unknown at coding time!); instead, A DYNAMIC
      ARRAY must be used, and the space to store the elements of the array must be
      allocated at run time (after the program starts running). This must be done by calling a
      library function, malloc or calloc, to allocate the space. These functions and their use are
      covered in the class slides (B-6 C Pointers Part 2.pptx). The variables we will declare
      instead in main for the modified problem are these:
      float *dataSetPtr = NULL; /* Replace declaration in lab1p1.c with this one */
      int dataSetSize = 0;
      We will discuss in class why, in Lab 1 Part 2, these variables are declared this way in main.

       As in Part 1, in writing your code, you should remember the principle of reusability. In
      general, each of your functions should do a single thing. If there are several tasks clearly
      relating to doing a single thing, they can be put into the same function, but if you have any
      doubt, separate the tasks into different functions (most of this was dealt with in the code for
      Part 1, but it will also come up in the code you add for this part). By writing code in this way,
      functions are more reusable, and this is a very important property. See the class slide set B-7
      C Software Design Principles.
       Related to reusability is the principle that in main, only variable declarations and calls
      to other functions should appear (see the discussion above in Pat 1). The main function
      should have no code other than this (declaration of variables and calls to other functions).
       First, you should call a function from main which will prompt the user to enter the size of
      the data set, and then call scanf to read the size entered by the user. You will need a new
      function (not needed in Part 1) to do this (REMEMBER to also add a declaration of this new
      function where other functions are declared before main). The user will enter an integer greater
      than or equal to 1 to indicate the size of the data set. Your program should have a separate
      function to get the size of the data set (that is, you cannot put code to do this in main; you
      should call the function you write to do this from main). This function must be declared to
      return void (it cannot return an int, a pointer, or any other type of value). Remember the
      principle that the main function in a C program should only have declarations of variables and
      calls to other functions; no other code should appear in main (no loops, no if or if-else or elseif, no switch-case, etc., but only variable declarations, function calls and return (0)).
       After calling the function to get the size of the data set, your program should call a separate
      function to dynamically allocate an array with the right amount of memory to hold the elements
      of the array. This is a second function which was not needed for Part 1, but must be added for
      Part 2 (REMEMBER to also add a declaration of this new function where other functions are
      declared before main). This function also must return void (it cannot return a pointer or any
      other type of value).
       You should then call a function to print a single prompt for the user to enter values for
      the data set; you should be able to reuse the same function you wrote for Part 1 to get the
      float input for the data set, and pass it the same types of parameters (a float pointer and an
      int) that you passed in Part 1, and it should work correctly. You can assume that the user will
      enter the input as described in Part 1, so you do not need to do error checking for this.
      HERE: Once the user enters the size of the data set and malloc or calloc is called to allocate
      space for the float data set, the function which you wrote for Part 1 to read the float data into
      the float array can be called to read the float values from input and store them in the data set.
      You do not need to, and YOU SHOULD NOT, write new code to do this again; instead,
      reuse the function you wrote to do this before for Part 1 by calling it!

       After getting the values in the data set from the user input, you should call another function
      which should repeatedly do the following two things (put this in a loop in a function):

      Prompt the user to choose one of the following options for a calculation to perform on
      the data set chosen by the user (ask the user to enter one of the six options, followed by
       Enter a number to choose one of the following options:
      1) Find the minimum value.
      2) Find the maximum value.
      3) Calculate the sum of all the values.
      4) Calculate the average of all the values.
      5) Print the values in the data set.
      6) Exit the program.
      You can reuse the code you wrote for Part 1 for this function. Each of the calculation functions
      should work the same way as for Part 1 (so you can and should reuse the calculation functions
      you wrote for Part 1), for example:

      The maximum value in data set 1 is: 569.45

      The results for all options should be output in the same way which was described for Part 1,
      above (reuse the code you wrote before).

      ➢ After your program outputs the result of the operation, it should prompt the user again
      to select another option for a calculation, till the user selects operation 6, which should
      ALLOCATED MEMORY for the float array (or, if you prefer, the function can return
      to main, and main can call a function to free the dynamically allocated memory for the
      array). The function to free the dynamically allocated memory will be a third new
      function you will need to write for Part 2.
       The calculation functions for Part 1 should all be reused.
       As stated above, for Part 2, since memory was dynamically allocated, you need to write a
      function to deallocate, or free, this memory before the program terminates (see the description
      above). When the user chooses option 6 to exit, this function to free all dynamically allocated
      memory should be called (or the program can return to main and the function can be called
      from there).

      · Program structure should be (this is all essentially the same as Part 1, except what is printed in
      bold type below):
      -Any necessary #include directives for library header files (stdio.h and stdlib.h)
      -Declarations of all functions in the program (except main)
      -Definition of main
      -Definitions of all other functions (the order does not matter)
      ·Requirements for main:
      -main should only do the following:
      -Declare variables that are needed by other functions in the program. You will need
       following variables in main:
      float *dataSetPtr = NULL; /*pointer to data set */
      int dataSetSize = 0; /* variable to hold size of data set */
      -Call other functions
      -NOTE: Reading of input, dynamic allocation of memory, getting user choice of
      data set and calculation to perform, calculations, and freeing of dynamically
      allocated memory should NOT be done in main; all of these should be done in
      functions separate from main.
      · You cannot use a statically declared array for Part 2, as explained above, because the size of the
      array is unknown when the code is written.
      · Your code should work correctly for a data set of any size (including size 1),
      (including size just 1 and up to the limits of available memory, of course), and these
      numbers are not known in advance. If your code works for the test data shown
      below, you should be fine, but explicitly test data with a data set of size 1 (we may
      do this in grading the lab).
      -Make sure you are comfortable with the concepts in the two slides set on pointers (B-5 C Pointers
      Part 1 before writing Part 1, and B-6 C Pointers Part 2, before writing Part 2 of the lab) before you
      start writing code for each part of the lab! Also, before you start Part 2, be sure to watch the Zoom
      video on Lab 1 Part 2 linked in the Zoom video links.pdf on Carmen.
      You should submit the files for your lab assignment on Carmen, as follows:
      - First, make sure that you are in the stdlinux directory where your Lab 1 files are.
      - There are two separate assignments, and two separate drop boxes, on Carmen for Lab 1, called
      Lab 1 P1 and Lab 1 P2. Run firefox from stdlinux:
      $ firefox https://carmen.osu.edu/#
      - Log in to Carmen using your name.number and password, and select this course in Carmen.
      - Choose the Lab 1 P1 assignment on Carmen, and submit your lab1p1.c file.
      - Choose the Lab 1 P2 assignment on Carmen, and submit your lab1p2.c file.
      Be sure to submit the following files (see above):
      lab1p1.c for Lab 1 P1, and lab1p2.c for Lab 1 P2.
      lab1p1 or lab1p2 (WARNING: YOU WILL GET NO CREDIT); only submit C source
      code files, lab1p1.c and lab1p2.c!
      See below for a sample data set inputs to the programs for Part 1 and Part 2. You can download
      these from Carmen into your cse3430/lab1 directory, as follows:
      $ firefox https://carmen.osu.edu/#
      Log in to Carmen, and go to the class Carmen page, and then download the two input files to
      stdlinux. You can go to your cse3430 lab1 folder to copy them there:
      $ cp ~/Downloads/lab1p1in ./
      $ cp ~/Downloads/lab1p2in ./

      Then, run a list command (still in your lab1 directory) to see the files were copied:
      $ ls
      You should see the lab1p1in and lab1p2in files in the list of files.
      See sample input data on next page.
      Sample Data Set Input for Part 1: provided on Carmen as the file lab1p1in
      NOTE: First 6 lines are 6 values in the data set, and remaining lines are choice of
      calculation to perform:

      Sample Data Set Input for Part 2: provided on Carmen as the file lab1p2in (This
      includes user responses to the prompts to select an operation to perform)
      NOTE: 1st line is the size of the data set; 2nd through 7
      th lines are the 6 floating point
      values in the data set (in this case the size is 6, but it could be a different size for a
      different data set); remaining lines are choice of calculation to perform.
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    2. 下一篇:ACS130代做、代寫C++語言編程
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