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      Reform measures three-in-one succeeded prices risi

      時間:2013-12-29  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

      Reform measures three-in-one succeeded prices risi

      unified real property registration system, thvilla beijinge establishment of a unified construction land market, to speed up the real estate tax legislation and timely for the reform, which is an important part of the long-term mechanism of the regulation of real estate. All of these measures have a definite object in view is to start from the basis, and to be their three-in-one, forming the "throat" prices will be closely block.
      "CPC Central Committee on deepening reform of certain major issue decision" put forward, the establishment of credit, the whole community property, the basic data platform, promote the Department information sharing. In November 20th, the first time in the Third Plenary Session of the executive meeting of the State Council after, decided to establish the real property registration information management platform, to achieve real property transactions and registration approval, information in the relevant departments in accordance with the law and regulations sharing, eliminating the "information island".
      the establishment of the real property registration system unified, is seen abeijing real estates an important part of the long-term mechanism of the regulation of real estate. After the establishment of this system, the national property situation will stick out a mile, the regulation of real estate policy after the introduction of the twice the result with half the effort. At the same time, along with the gradual establishment of the system, some of the stock of housing will be activated, increase market supply, prices rise the pressure has been eased.
      "decision" proposed the building of the establishment of a unified land market. In accordance with the planning and use control premise, allow the management of rural collective construction land transfer, leasing, investment, implement and state-owned land equally into the city, the right price.
      the provisions pointed out the future direction of land circulation. Nature, the use of the land is defined clearly, is aimed at the management of rural collective construction land, even listed circulation will also be restrictions on its use. In addition, from the land side, before the rural collective construction land is not sold, transferred or leased for non-agricultural construction. Now let go and rationalization, the reform is also on this basis, the property attribute to further activate the land, building a unified construction land market of urban and rural.
      thabeijing villast CITIC Securities, the circulation of rural land is not a breakthrough in terms of ownership, but on the right on the basis of the capitalization of land, means that the land owners to have more channels of access to land revenue. On the distribution mode gain more benefit farmers, long-term gains more attention.
      another analysis, at the end of the central rural work conference and the 2014 No.1 document of central government in the land transfer or a breakthrough.
      "decision" proposed to speed up the real estate tax legislation and timely reform. Real estate tax is a comprehensive concept, has a direct relationship with the real estate operation process of all taxes are referred to as the real estate tax, which covers all the tax aspects of real estate market, the property tax real estate tax is a tax.
      to speed up the real estate tax legislation and timely to promote the reform of the overall deployment is related to the real estate tax system, is an important part of the real estate of the long-term regulation mechanism. On the one hand the real estate tax legislation provides a legal basis for the real estate tax to the country, on the other hand, the future policy is expected to point to the domestic real estate >

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