時間:2012-12-11 來源:合肥網hfw.cc 作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯
accuracy class 精確度級別
actual scale interval 實踐分度值
analogue indication 模仿示值
ancillary devices 輔助安裝
aplication of load 施加地載荷
apportionment factor 調配系數
aprons 過渡帶
associative (selective combination) weigher 集合(抉擇綜合)衡器
automatic instruments for weighing road vehicles in motion 動態汽車衡
automatic gravimetric filling instrument(quantitative automatic weighing instrument) 重力式自動裝料衡器(定量自動衡器)
automatic weighing instrument 自動衡器
automatic zero-setting device 主動置零裝置
average number of load 勻稱載荷數
balancing by weights 砝碼平衡
balancing by weightion 砝碼均衡
belt conveyor 皮帶保送機
belt speed 帶速
belt weigher 皮帶秤
buffer channel 緩衡器通道
calculated net values 盤算凈重值
carrying rollers 保送托輥
compression loading 壓向載荷
Construction 構造
construction of an instrument 秤地結構
Continuous Totalizing Automatic Weighing instruments(Belt Weigher) 連續累計自動衡器(皮帶秤)
control devices 控制安裝
Control indicating device 控制用指示安裝
control instrument 治理衡器/把持衡器
control method 控制方法
control of measring instrument 計量器具控制
control value 控制值
correction device 修改安裝/校準安裝
Counterpoise 天衡器,砝碼/配重
Counterweight 砝碼
creep 蠕變
cumulative weigher 累加衡器
cycling chain weights 輪回鏈碼
digital indication 數字示值
digital indicating weighing instrument 數字指示秤
digital weighing indicator 數字稱重浮現器
discontinuous Totalizing Automatic Weighing Instruments(Totalizing Hopper Weighers) 非持續累計自動衡器
discrimination 鑒別力
discrimination threshold 辨別力閾
displacement sensing device 位移檢測安裝
displacement simulating device 位移模仿安裝
displacement transducer 位移傳感器
Disturbance 煩擾
Durability 持久性
durability error 耐久性誤差
durability test 耐久性實驗
electronic component 電子元件
electronic device 電子安裝
electronic instrument 電子衡器
electronic parts 電子部件
electronic sub-assembly 電子組件
errors 誤差
error of indication 示值誤差
expanded uncertainty 擴大不確定度
extended indicating devices 細分唆使安裝
fault 干擾誤差/漲差
fault detection output 干擾誤差檢測輸出
feed control device 給料節制安裝
feeding device 給料安裝
feeding flowrate 給料ip
Fill 裝料
fill setting device 裝料設定安裝
final feed cut-off device 最后斷科安裝
final feed time (final time) 最后給料時間
flowrate indicating device ip顯現器
flowrate regulating device ip調理安裝
Flowrate ip
full draught weighing 整車稱量
general definitions 普通定義
general totalization indicating device 總累計顯現器
gross value 毛重值
humidity symbol 濕度符號
hysteresis error 滯后誤差
inclusive of conveyer load recepter 輸送機式承載器
indicating component 指示器件
indicating device 指示安裝
indication error 指示誤差
indication stabilizing device 示值穩定安裝
indications and errors 示值與誤差
indicating device 指示安裝
influence and reference conditions 影響與參考條件
influence factor 影響因子
influence quantity 影響量
initial intrinsic error 初始固有誤差
initial verification 首次檢定
initial zero-setting device 初始置零安裝
instantaneous load indicating device 剎時載荷顯現器
Integral verification method 集成檢定辦法
intrinsic error 固有誤差
in-motion test 動態實驗
in-service inspection (inspection in use) 應用中檢修
levelling device 水平指示安裝
load cell 稱重傳感器
load cell equipped with electronics 裝有電子線路地傳感器
load cell error 傳感器誤差
load cell family 傳感器家族
load cell group 傳感器組
load cell interval 傳感器分度值
load cell intrinsic error 傳感器固有誤差
load cell measuring range 傳感器測量范疇
load cell output 傳感器輸出
load cell verification interval 傳感器檢定分度值
load receptor 承載器
load-transmitting device 載荷傳遞安裝
machinery & electronic fill weighing instrument 機電裝料衡器
material test 物料實驗
maximum capacity(Max) 最大秤量(Max)
maximum flowrate(Qmax) 最大ip(Qmax)
maximum load of the measuring range 丈量范圍地最大載荷
maximum load per unit length of the belt 皮帶地單位長度最大載荷量
maximum number of load cell verification intervals 傳感器最大檢定分度數
Maximum operating speed 最高運行速度
maximum permissible error 最大容許誤差(mpe)
maximum safe load 最大安全載荷
maximum span stability error 最大批程穩固度誤差
maximum tare effect 最大除皮量
maximum transit speed 最高經過速度
methods of indication 示值方式
metrological characteritics 計量特征
Metrological controls 計量掌握
metrological management 計量管理
metrological properties 計量性能
minimum capacity(Min) 最小秤量(Min)
minimun dead load 最小靜載荷
minimum dead load output return 最小靜載荷輸出恢復
minimum discharge 最小出料
minimum flowrate(Qmin) 最小ip(Qmin)
minimum load cell verification interval 傳感器最小檢定分度值
minimum load of the measuring range 測量范圍地最小載荷
Minimum operating speed 最低運轉速度
minimum test load 最小實驗載荷
minimum totalized load 最小累計載荷
module 模塊
multi-interval instrument 多分度值秤
multiple load receptors 多個載荷承載器
net value 凈重值
Nonautomatic Weighing Instrument 非自動秤
non-automatic zero-setting device 非自動置零安裝
non-linearity 非線性
non-self-indicating instrument 非自行指示秤
number of load cell verification intervals 傳感器檢定分度數
number of verification scale interval 檢定分度數(單分度值秤)
operation checking device 運轉測驗安裝
other weight values 其余重量值
overall inaccuracy of reading 讀數地總不精確度
partial totalization indicating device 部分累計顯現器
partial weighing 局部稱量
pattern eva luation 型式評估(定型鑒定)
performance test 機能試驗
preset tare device 預置皮重安裝
preset tare values 預設皮重值
preset value 預設值
pre-selection device 預設安裝
price-computing instrument 計價秤
price-labelling instrument 價錢標簽秤
primary indications 重要指示
principal parts 主要部件
Principal totalization indicating device 主要累計指示安裝
printing device 打印安裝
prototype testing 樣機實驗
range of operating speeds 運轉速度規模
rated minimum fill 額定最小裝料
rated operating conditions 額外操作條件
reading 讀數
reading by simple juxtaposition 簡略并列讀數
reduction ratio R 減少比R
reference conditions 參考條件/標準前提
reference position 規范地位
reference particle mass 參考顆粒質量
reference particle mass of a product 物料參考顆粒品質
reference value for accuracy class 準確度等級地參考值
reference vehicle 參考車輛
relative DR or Z 相對于最小靜載荷輸出恢復(DR)或Z
relative vmin or Y 絕對vmin或Y
repeatability 反復性
repeatability error 重復性誤差
rounding error 化整誤差
safe load limit 安然極限載荷
scale base 標尺基線
scale divisions 標尺分度
scale interval(d) 分度值(d)
scale interval of numbering 數碼分度值
scale intervals 分度值
scale interval 實戰經驗分度值
scale interval for testing 實驗分度值
scale mark 標尺標志
scale spacing 分度間距
secondary indications 次要指示
self-indicating instrument 自行指示秤
self-indication capacity 自行指導秤量
semi-automatic zero-setting device 半自動置零安裝
sensitivity 機動度
significant durability error 顯著耐久性誤差
significant fault 明顯干擾誤差
single speed belt weigher 單速皮帶秤
separate verification method 獨破檢定措施
significant fault 顯著漲差
simulation load test 模擬載荷實驗
simulation test 模仿實驗
span 量程
span stability 量程穩定度
span stability test 量程穩定度實驗
speed 速度
static set point 靜態設定點
static test 靜態實驗
static weighing 動態稱量
subtractive weigher 減量衡器
subsequent verification 后續檢定
supplementary devices 輔助安裝
supplementary totalization indicating device 幫助累計指示安裝/附加累計顯現器
tare-balancing devices 皮重均衡安裝
tare device 除皮安裝
tare value 皮重值
tare-weighing device 皮重稱量安裝
temperature effect on minimum dead load output 最小靜載荷輸出溫度影響
temperature effect on sensitivity 靈巧度溫度影響
tension loading 拉向載荷
tests 實驗
total vehicle weighing 車輛總重計量
totalization device 累計器
totalization indicating device 累計顯現器/累計指示安裝
totalization scale interval 累計分度值(d)
variable speed belt weigher 變速皮帶秤
vehicles 車輛
verification 檢定
verification marks 檢定標記
Verification Regulation for Continuous Totalizing Automatic Weighing instruments(Belt Weigher) 連續累計自動衡器(皮帶秤)檢定規程
Verification Regulation of Automatic Gravimetric Filling Instruments 重力式自動裝料衡器檢定規程
verification scale interval 檢定分度值
warm-up time 預熱時光
weigh 上秤/稱重,秤重
weigh-bridge 地磅;軌道衡
weigh length 稱量長度(L)
weigh over scale 衡器過重
weigh zone 稱重區
weighed by scale 衡器計重
weigher 計量機/過磅員磅秤/過磅員
weighing 過秤/過磅費;稱量,電子臺秤;起錨
weighing anchor 起錨中
weighing capacity 秤量
weighing charges 過磅費
weighing cycle 稱量周期
weighing house 過磅處
weighing instrument 衡器
weighing machine 磅秤
weighing range 稱量范圍
weighing results 稱量成果
weighing rollers 稱重托輥
weighing table load recepter稱量臺式承載器
weighing unit 稱重單元
weighshaft 搖臂軸
weight 重量加權/重量/重力/重/設計重量
weight account 重量明細表/重量報表
weight andor measurement 重量噸跟尺碼噸
weight in average 平均重量
weight basis 計重規范
weight belt 腰鉛/加重帶
weight brake 重力閘
weight break point 轉折點
weight calculation 重量計算
weight capacity 承重能力
weight cargo 計重貨物/按重量計費地貨物
weight carrying capacity 載重量起重量
weight certificate 重量證實書
weight chart 重量圖
weight component 分量因素
weight control 重量控制
weight curve 重量曲線/重量分布曲線
weight distribution curve 重量曲線
weight distribution 重量散布
weight enumerator 質量計數子
weight estimation 重量估算/重量估計
weight flow 重量消耗量
weight force 重力
weight guarantee 擔珍愛量
weight guaranteed 保障重量/擔保重量
weight handling equipment 起重運輸設備/起重裝備/起重樹立
weight house 過秤處
weight in average 平勻重量
weight increment 重量增添
weight indicating controller 重量指示控制器
weight indicator 重量指示器
weight lifting ability 起重才可以
weight list 重量單
weight loss 重量喪失
weight margin 重量蘊藏
weight & measurement 貨載衡量
weight memo 重量單
weight note 磅碼單
weight rate 重量ip/重量定額
weight ratio 重量比
weight report 重量記錄表
weight rope 支索
weight said to be 貨物據稱重量
weight scale 稱量臺;定秤
weight shaft 倒車軸
weight to-power ratio 重量功率比
weight ton method 按重量計算運費法
weight ton 重量噸(國際通例)
weight tonnage 重量噸位
weight tray 承載托盤
Weight Unknown Clause 貨物重量不知條款
weight unknown 重量不明
weight-carrying ability 載重性能 /載重才能
weight-carrying capacity 載重量
weight-carrying 載重地
weight-lifting ability 起重才能
weight-limit 重量限量
weight-limited design 限度重量設計
weight-loaded governor 載重調節器
weight-power ratio 重量功率比
weight-stability moment 重量-穩性力矩
weight-tonnage 重量噸位
weighted 受力地
weighted code 權碼
weighting material 加重料
weighted mean 加權平均
weighted valve 加重閥
weighting network 計權網絡
weighting note 磅碼單
weightless beam 無重梁
weightmeasurement ratio 重量體積比
weights and measures 度量衡
zero-setting device 置零安裝
zero-tracking device 零點跟蹤安裝