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      Shirt work

      時間:2012-11-15  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

        Shirt work

        XuFeng and precious little edge xu flying to Madrid. This is XuFeng and make precious little edge first came to Madrid, sitting in real Madrid salon organization's ride, and make XuFeng precious little edge like didn't enter a city bumpkin, east to see, west Chou Chou.

        No way, also don't blame XuFeng and make precious little margin not knowledge, it is Madrid the city is really beautiful. The street on both sides, can be seen everywhere full ofcheap nfl jerseys flowers and trees. The sidewalk, art we are here to show you my art seek. Unique to restore ancient ways built, around the scent of the food, Madrid is not the kui is one of Europe's most sophisticated travel city.

        Come to real Madrid is located on the outskirts of Madrid new practice base, real Madrid President ramon calderon and team new coach bernd schuster has been standing at the door waiting for himself. Practice base on the gate, many reporters hold the snake short spear gun waiting for XuFeng present.

        Follow car slow stop, the reporter Russia but become riots up, make originally also appear very orderly situation it becomes disorder up.

        See such situation, real Madrid President ramon calderon heart is very happy. In his view, have such media effect, the introduction of XuFeng is a very successful move. Even for the fee to be negotiated and salary is higher, but also in the real Madrid within acceptable scale.

        And XuFeng handsome face is made up for David Beckham from leave behind the vacancy, can think real Madrid fans in women the plate rob a big shopping mall air. Whether the football field, face handsome, skills and good player but less and less. See pepe ferocious attitude, see robinho strange face, also no wonder they cannot attract women fans.

        "Hello, front, sendoff came to real Madrid, the world's most great salon." As a real Madrid President, ramon calderon left first to XuFeng stretched out his right hand. Face filled with pride, habitual pride, as if the world only real Madrid this a salon is same, other salon, sorry, not on his eyes.

        "Thank you, I am also very lucky can become a member of the real Madrid."

        Brevity is the soul of wit, XuFeng words made calderon very satisfy. Not only reflects I very happy to join recheap jerseysal Madrid, also use a "lucky" compliment the calderon, satisfy his champion proud heart.

        "" how do you do, Mr. Ender, appreciate your comments in the future."

        And calderon hold the hand, XuFeng and he turned to the real Madrid coach bernd schuster has become very said. The modest words together is good, give bernd schuster has left a very good first impression.

        "Well, to reflect, just need your condition is good, have to, you can't play short time."

        About XuFeng modesty, schuster very satisfy. Especially as an old man, and is still a no the chamcheap nfl jerseyspionship manager old man, XuFeng modesty increasingly lets him feel have dignity. A happy heart, immediately XuFeng promise to guarantee.

        However, real Madrid what is real Madrid, schuster though as a team coach, all work also can't I family, for example some players starting approach, is not he can make decision. His words were, also want to XuFeng to clarify, you will first do a period of time waiting, and the team results came out, and he in the salon have bottom spirit talk, XuFeng that time condition good, can is strong, natural to be able to obtain more time.

        "What is advanced giants, water true enough deep!!"

        Chinese cultural Renaissance, schuster this sentence are endowed with profound words, XuFeng natural can read. Hard to avoid heart is some heart feel born.

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